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What are Cognizable offences?

 Cognizable offences are those in which the investigating authority can arrest
the accused without an arrest warrant.
 Not required, investigation can be initiated as soon as an FIR is filed.
 Cognizable offences are serious crimes.
 Examples- Murder, theft, kidnapping, etc.
What are Non Cognizable Offences?
 Non-cognizable offences are those in which the investigating authority
cannot arrest an accused without an arrest warrant.
 Required, investigation can begin only after the court issues an order.
 Non-cognizable offences are less serious
 Examples- Assault, cheating, defamation, etc.
What are Compoundable Offences?
Compoundable offenses are those offenses where, the complainant (one who has
filed the case, i.e. the victim), enters into a compromise, and agrees to have the
charges dropped against the accused. However, such a compromise should be a
"Bonafide," and not for any consideration.
What are Non Compoundable Offenses?
Non-Compoundable offenses are some offenses, which cannot be compounded.
They can only be quashed. The reason for this is, because the nature of the offense
is so grave and criminal, that the Accused cannot be allowed to go scot-free. Here,
in these types of cases generally, it is the "state", i.e. police, who has filed the case,
and hence the question of the complainant entering into compromise does not arise.

What are Bailable Offenses?

 In bailable offences, the gravity of the offence is lower as compared to non-
bailable offences.
 In bailable offences generally, the quantum of sentence is below or up to
three years. Although there are exceptions in respect of this rule.
 In bailable offences, bail can be granted as a matter of right.
 In case of bailable offences, either the police officer or the court can grant
 Examples- Kidnapping (363 IPC), Stalking (354D), Dishonest
Misappropriation of Movable Property (404 IPC) and Cheating (417 IPC)
What are Non- Bailable Offenses?
 In non-bailable offences, the gravity of the offence is higher.
 Sentences are higher in the case of non-bailable offences as they are
punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment which may
exceed three years or seven years.
 In non-bailable offences, bail is not a matter of right, but rather it is a matter
of the discretion of the court of law.
 In the case of non-bailable offences, mostly the accused get bail through a
court of law.
 There is no offence committed if the officer or the court does not grant bail
to the accused.
 Examples- Criminal Breach of Trust(406 IPC), Theft(379 IPC), Snatching
(379A IPC), Rape (376 IPC), Murder(302 IPC) and Culpable Homicide(304
IPC) etc.

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