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I hereby declare that the internship report entitled “INTERNSHIP REPORT ON MAYA
MULTIPURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE LTD.” which is submitted to Lincoln International
College, Malaysia, is my original work done in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Business Administration under the supervision of Internship
Management Team of IIMS College. This report is my own original work and

I undertake the full responsibility.

Reeja Basukala
LUC Reg. No: LC00015001245

Basukala, i

This study has been prepared for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the master degree
in Business Administration. It is my privilege to complete this internship program on
Maya Multipurpose Co-Operatives Ltd, which has helped me gain valuable work experience.
The internship was carried out in the Customer Service Department of Maya Multipurpose
Co-Operatives Ltd, Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur.

I would like to thank our CEO, Mr. Sabindra Maharjan for providing me this golden
opportunity to explore my theoretical knowledge into practical. And our coordinator Mr.
Satyendra Uprety for letting us for such a learning opportunity through internship and my
parents for letting me study in such an educational motive college.

I express my deepest thanks to Ms. Jesica Duwal, Customer Experience Department, my

intern supervisor for giving necessary advice and guidance to perform my assigned job easily
and supporting me in performing the task. I choose this moment to acknowledge their
contribution gratefully. And my special thanks to all the staff of Customer Experience
Department and overall, Maya Multipurpose Co-operatives family for their kind support and
guidance during my internship period.

Lastly, I would like to thank the entire individual who has helped me directly and indirectly
to prepare this report.
Thank You

Basukala, ii

An internship is very important to students of every sector to get to know the practicality of
working while still studying. Internships also help us determine if we still have an interest in
that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used to create a
professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future
employment opportunities.

Maya Multipurpose Co-Operatives Ltd. Was established in 2078 B.S under Nepal
Government's co-operative act 2048 it aims to provide various financial services to the local
community where it is established .It is a company registered under laws of Nepal and its
registered address is at Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur. It has been continuously providing all the
necessary financial services to the needy people. It highly focuses on the low-income people
of the nation, which is very essential for overall economic development. Working in the
organization has helped me to get the proper knowledge about the trends and modern
practices of running organizations in Maya Multipurpose Co-Operatives.

In order to accomplish this course of internship Maya Multipurpose Co-Operatives Limited

has been selected. This project report is based on experience while working in the Co-
operative. It was a great opportunity to work at Maya Multipurpose Co-Operatives limited.
This experience gave me an opportunity to cope up with the working environment in an
organization and utilize conceptual knowledge in the specific area of the study. The main
objective of this internship is also to let the students know the real working environment and
prepare us for what comes forth.

During the internship period, working in the customer service department was quite fruitful.
It was a great opportunity to have practical knowledge of co-operatives activities in a real
environment of Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited. I will take this experience as my
growth of skills, knowledge and PR. I am confident that this will help me reach greater

Basukala, iii





1.1 Background of the Report 10
1.2 Objectives of Internship 11
1.3 Methodology 11
1.3.1 Organization Selection 12
1.3.2 Placement Details 12
1.3.2. Duration in the Organization 13
1.3.3 Activities Performed 13
1.4 Limitations of the Study 14


2.1 History of E-commerce Industry In Nepal 16
2.2 Present Situation of Ecommerce 16
2.3 Challenges and opportunities of Ecommerce 17
2.3.1 Overview of E-commerce Industry in Nepal 18
2.3.2 Major Players of E-Commerce 19


Basukala, iv
3.1 Introduction to Mukundo Nepal 21
3.1.1 Vision 21
3.1.1 Mission 22
3.1.3 Objectives: 22
3.2 Present Situation 22
3.3 Challenges and Opportunities 23

4.1 Introduction of Customer Experience Department 26
4.1.1 Activities in Customer Experience Department 27
4.2 Responsibilities 27
4.3 Experience in the internship including understanding of system processes and
rationale 27
4.4 Emergence/Occurrence of Issues, Problems or Challenges and how these problems
were solved. 28
4.4.1 Emergence/Occurrence of Issues, Problems 28
4.4.2 How Problems were solved 28
4.5 Observed Gaps 29

5.1 Inferences Drawn 31
5.2 Overall Experience, Learning and Knowledge Gained 31
5.2.1 Recommendation 34
References 35

Basukala, v

List of Tables Page No.

Table No.1.1: Placement Details…...............................................................................

Table No.1.2: Duration of Internship….......................................................................

Basukala, vi

List of Figures Page No.

Figure No.1.1: Study Process of the Report..................................................................
Figure No. 1.2: Customer Service Structure..................................................................

Basukala, vii
LUC : Lincoln University College
LIC : Lincoln International College of Management and IT
MBA : Masters of Business Administration
CSD : Customer Service Department
CD : Certificates of Deposit
CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility
B.S : Bikram Sambat
MIS: Monitoring information system
BOD: Board Of Director

Basukala, viii

1.1 Background of the Report

An internship is a structured experience that relates to a student's major and/or career goal,
enhances a student's academic, career, and personal development and is supervised by a
professional in the field.

An internship is very important to students of every sector to get to know the practicality of
working while still studying. Internships also help us determine if we still have an interest in
that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used to create a
professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future
employment opportunities.

In order to expose the students to the actual working environment, internship has been
included as a compulsory requirement for the successful completion of the two-year Master
of Business Administration (MBA) under universities around the world. This opportunity
provides students with a chance to work in various companies and to get real world
experience. It can be helpful for students to get job opportunities in that organization in future
days as well. This internship period provides students with an opportunity to apply the
theoretical knowledge they have gained through books in a real corporate world and to
analyze the several different cases the companies might have issues and problem solving
which a classroom cannot provide. After the completion of internship, the students are
required to prepare a project report on a topic relevant to the work they were assigned during
the internship.

This internship report is mainly focused on Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd. Located at
Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur. The internship program lasted for 2 months (8 weeks) starting
from 10th Jan 2022 to 07th March 2022 at Maya Multipurpose Co-operatives Ltd.

Basukala, 1
1.2 Objectives of Internship
Internship programs are an indispensable part of an MBA program. It links the students with
the real working environment situation and offers opportunities to gain practical knowledge.
Internships give a taste of what a profession is like, help to build a resume and let us meet
people who can help us in our career.
The main objectives of the study are to fulfill the partial requirement of the internship
program. Apart from this, the objectives of the study are as follows:
The general objectives of the report are as follows:
● To fulfill the partial requirements of MBA programs at Lincoln University College.
● To know the difference between theoretical knowledge with the actual working
● To build- up problem solving skills.
● To gain professional experience as an employee and develop managerial and
interpersonal skills.
● To develop professionalism and references for the future.

The specific objectives of this intern report are as follows:

● To learn the procedure for various co-operatives activities.

● To learn various skills in dealing with customers
● To understand how cooperatives work.
● To develop and improve business skills in communication, technology
and teamwork.
● To expand the network of professional relationships and contact.
● To enhance new knowledge regarding particular area through learning
by doing approach

1.3 Methodology
Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.
It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a
branch of knowledge.
This internship report is the in-depth study of a particular subject or topic backed by the
collection, presentation, and interpretation of data. To find out the various data and

Basukala, 2
information and present them in relation to this internship report. The internee has used both
primary and secondary sources for data collection.

i. Primary Data
Primary data is the data originally obtained through the direct efforts of the researcher for use
in research through surveys, interviews, and direct observation. The internee used the
following sources for primary data collection,
● Observation of the cooperative's activities.
● Personal communication with the customers.
● Answers to the queries made by the internee.
● Direct personal interview with the staff of the cooperative.

ii. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data that has previously been gathered already and can be accessed by
researchers. The internee used the following sources for secondary data collection.
• Publications and Journals.
• Website of Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd.
The methodologies used to gain the professional experience to prepare this report are:

Organizational Activities
Placement Duration
Selection Performed

Figure No. 1.1: Study Process of the Report

(Source: Based on activities performed)

1.3.1 Organization Selection

Selection of organization is the most important part for an internship. It is the place where we
can develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations. There were no
restrictions in organization selection. On the basis of personal interest and with the motive of
acquiring knowledge related to the Customer service sector, this particular organization was

Maya Multipurpose co-operative Ltd. is considered as one of the exponentially growing co-
operative company of today’s time with the increasing number of clients around the area.

Basukala, 3
Working at the organization was quite challenging but it helped me learn a lot. It also has
helped me to get the proper knowledge about the trends and modern practices of running
organizations in Maya Multipurpose Cooperatives.

1.3.2 Placement Details

Talking about the placement, I was placed in the customer service department throughout the
eight weeks period under the supervision of the respective department head. The placement in
this department helped me gain knowledge about the customer behaviors.

Table No. 1.1: Placement Details

Name of organization Maya Multipurpose Co-operatives Limited

Address Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur

Working hour 9am- 5pm

Staring Date 10th Jan 2022

Ending Date 7th March, 2022

Internship Duration 8 Weeks

Internship Supervisor Jesica Duwal, Customer Service Incharge

(Source: Based on activities performed)

1.3.3. Duration in the Organization

The duration of internship for MBA program as per the Faculty of Management, Lincoln
International College is two months long. The specific designated period for the internship
was from 10th Jan 2022 to 7th March, 2022. This internship provided a great opportunity to the
intern to implement the academic knowledge in a practical working environment.

Table No. 1.2: Duration of Internship

Department/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Customer Service

Basukala, 4

1.3.4 Activities Performed

Customer Service is the front desk of any organization. It provides all the necessary
information to the customers. For any organization, it is the main and most important
department which needs to deal with customers more than any department in the co-
operative. It is one of the busiest departments in the banks and it is the very place that makes
an early impression on the clients.
Excellent customer service can improve the cooperative’s ability to lure affluent prospects,
increase the cooperative’s profitability, lower the costs of operation, and create greater
customer loyalty. The internee performed various activities during her internship at Maya
Multipurpose Co-operatives Limited as mentioned below,
1) Handling customer queries:
The customers who came to Maya Multipurpose Co-operatives Limited for their service
would have various queries related to the Co-operative’s products, the services offered, and
the charges levied on those services. The customer also had questions about the various Co-
operatives processes. The internee tried her best to handle the queries and provide the needed
information and support.
2) Assisting the customers:
The internee assisted the customers in various tasks ranging from helping to fill forms such as
account opening form, fixed deposit form, etc. The internee also assisted the customers to
write customer request letters, provide assistance in writing a cheque, helped customers fill
out the cash/ cheque deposit receipt, etc.
3) Basic office tasks:
The internee did the basic office tasks such as using a photocopy machine and scanner. This
task may seem basic but it is very important in co-operative as there are many documents that
need to be copied for various purposes and a lot of documents need to be digitalized through
a scanner. The internee did the tasks that were necessary for the smooth operation of the
4) Record keeping:

Basukala, 5
The internee was assigned the task to keep a record of the various activities in a register. The
co-operative used the registers to keep a record of many activities i.e. withdrawal slips
register, Cheque book register, Statement register, Stop payment cheque register, etc.
5. Filing
Filing means keeping documents in a safe place and being able to find them easily and
quickly. Documents that are cared for will not easily tear or get lost or dirty. It helps us to be
organized, systematic, efficient, and transparent. It also helps all people who should be able
to access information to do so easily.
In the CSD department, there are a lot of documents that need to be stored in a systematic and
safe manner. There are various files for filing in the respective documents like cheque
requisition slips, statement request forms, balance certificate forms, withdrawal slips, etc. The
internee would collect all the documents and punch holes on the sides of the document and
then file them in their respective files. The files are labeled on the sides so it is easier to spot
them and find what we need.
6) Reconciliation:
Reconciliation is a process where two sets of records are compared to ensure that they are
accurate and consistent. At the end of every day, the internee would do the reconciliation of
cheque books, and the withdrawal slips. The cheque book reconciliation needs to be done to
know how many cheques were dispatched in a day with what serial numbers. The number on
the register must match the numbers on the system and the serial numbers left on the
remaining cheques.
The withdrawal slips reconciliation would be done to know how many withdrawals slips with
what slip numbers were dispatched in a day. The number on the register has to match the
number on the system.
7) Making cheque books:
A cheque or check is a document that orders a co-operative to pay a specific amount of
money from a person's account to the person in whose name the cheque has been issued. The
drawer writes the various details including the monetary amount, date, and a payee on the
cheque, and signs it, ordering their co-operatives to pay that person or company the amount
of money stated.
8) Follow-up:
The internee did the task of follow-up in the CSD department. The internee was given the list
of the customers and their contact numbers. The internee did follow-up for those customers

Basukala, 6
who had not given their documents such as photos, pan cards, needed letters, etc. Many
customers would also be late to take their cheque book so the internee would call them to
remind them to pick it up fast.
9) Assisting staff:
The internee also assisted the staff in their daily activities, the internee helped the staff to
cross-check all the entries, the amount and the beneficiary’s name, and also the calculations,
The internee also assisted the staff to organize various documents, move files to the storage
rooms, and handle customers when the CSD staff is not present for a while, etc.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

While an internship does provide various opportunities for an intern to grow and learn it is
not entirely possible to grasp everything in a short duration of the internship. Hence there are
certain limitations of this internship as stated below,
● The duration of the internship was short so the knowledge obtained and
learned are limited.
● It is based only on the customer service department of the Co-operative.
Certain information was not available due to the confidentiality of the
● It is based on the personal understanding of the internee regarding the
activities of the cooperative.
● The internee’s functions were limited, so the scope for learning was limited.
Nevertheless, the internee has tried her best to gain adequate knowledge of co-operative as
well as the corporate culture and perform the tasks assigned with enthusiasm and due

Basukala, 7


2.1 History of Cooperatives

Cooperatives also known as co-operatives, co-op, or coop is an autonomous association of
persons united voluntarily to meet their common social, economic and cultural needs and
aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. Cooperatives
frequently have social goals which they aim to accomplish by investing a proportion of
trading profits back into their communities.

The number of cooperatives must be reduced through acquisition or merger. But to encourage
more and more cooperatives to do so, attractive incentives like a reduction in corporate tax
need to be introduced. However, some of the major problems of cooperative development in
Nepal are dormant members, weak governance and management, inadequately trained human
resources, lack of business plans, weak monitoring information system (MIS) reporting and
performance standard, absence of targeting and weak portfolio management. However along
with some major problems there also comes some competitive advantages. Competitive
advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more
cheaply than its rivals, competitive advantage such as there are equal voting rights for
members, this structure encourages member contribution and shared responsibility, liability
for members is limited, there is no limit on the number of members.

2.2 Present Situation of Co-operatives

The cooperative movement in Nepal began with the establishment of the first cooperative -
Bakhan Multi-purpose Cooperative Institute - in Chitwan way back in 1957. With it, the first
Cooperative Act was enacted in 1960. The cooperatives’ contribution to the gross domestic
product (GDP) is around 4 per cent, whereas their contribution to the financial sector stands
at around 20 per cent. There are around 35,000 cooperatives in the country with 6.3 million
members, out of which women constitute 50 per cent. Over 60,000 people are directly
employed in cooperatives. Cooperatives are important players in the financial sector. They

Basukala, 8
can play a pivotal role in uplifting the economic conditions of the people, especially those
living in the rural areas. While it is important to drastically reduce their number, at the same
time they should also be minutely monitored so as to improve their management, beef up
their internal control and, more importantly, check irregularities for the growth of the
cooperative sector.

2.3 Challenges and opportunities of Co-operatives

2.3.1 Challenges of co-operatives in Nepal

The Nepalese cooperatives also have some severe problems which require exigent attention at
rural level. Major problems of cooperative development in Nepal are dormant members,
weak governance and management, inadequately trained human resources, lack of business
plans, weak monitoring information system (MIS) reporting and performance standard,
absence of targeting and weak portfolio management are major problems of cooperatives in
Nepal (Simkhada, 2013). The unbalanced situation between the investment and credit pattern
is also a prominent problem of Nepalese cooperatives.

2.3.2 Opportunities of cooperatives in Nepal

● Huge growing market as cooperative sector is still developing and still many to be
developed all around the country.
● Nepal is a developing country and has maximum portion of low-income level
● Increase in numbers of population in urban and rural area.

Basukala, 9

3.1 Introduction to Maya Multipurpose Co-operatives Limited.

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited. is a company which was established under Nepal
Government's co-operative act 2048 with the motive of providing easier services to the
customers. This Cooperative motivates the general public to deposit their savings in safe
hands and gather a certain amount for the future use. When our customers require financing
in order to start their new business ventures or for the purchase of any property Maya
Multipurpose Co-operative Limited finances them by analyzing all the aspects and criteria of
the customers and adequate documentation. And the performance of this organization is good
and systematic as all the work and tasks are held properly. The organization’s growth is
positive however the organization is trying to focus more and more on fixed deposits and
long-term savings by providing attractive interest rates and different schemes which results in
making it easier for holding investments.

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited serves best to customers financial needs at the
doorstep in a very friendly environment. The co-operative is the most dependable strategic
partner for customers as well as solving their financial problems through offering unique
products customized to their needs only.

The major market and customers of Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited are as follows:

Small and medium scale business


General Public

The aim of the institution is to provide attractive interest rates to the collected principle and
provide loans to honest professionals and entrepreneurs to promote their business, making
them capable and independent in a competitive financial environment.

Basukala, 10
● Company Registration No. 0213/078/079

● Date of Registration : 2078 B.S

● Type of Company : Private Limited

● Nature of Business : Financial service

● Registered Address : Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur

3.1.1 Vision

To become a leading Co-Operative in Nepal, by planning safe, secured and sustainable Co-
Operative, finest and quality financial and non-financial services for our members and
community. The long-term vision is to develop cooperatives as one of the lead sectors for
economic development of the country.

3.1.2 Mission

The mission of the Cooperatives Department is to develop the values and principles-based
cooperatives in the country and the plan would be delineated for the fulfillment of long term
vision. Our company is dedicated to acquiring and accomplishing a large number of
customers and providing quality financial products and services ensuring safety through all
the process while achieving reasonable return on investment. We can achieve this by
employing highly qualified people with effective employee enhancement and development.

3.1.3 Objectives:

Some of the objectives of Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited are:

● To create a conducive environment for the establishment of member base cooperative

societies based on membership following cooperative principles and values to fulfill
the needs of their members.
● To motivate stakeholders to operate a co-operative movement based on the
cooperative rules, regulations and principles.

● Cooperative society’s union’s federations are used as the effective local institutional
mechanism to achieve the national goal of poverty alleviation.

Basukala, 11
● To create a good customer as well as employee experience with Maya Multipurpose
Co-operative Limited.
● To create job opportunities within the nation.

3.2 Present Situation

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited has adapted a hierarchical structure to operate day
to day work and tasks in a much simpler and more easy way. The BOD of the organization
made the decision on various things and projects in the organization. BOD is responsible for
creating new trends and for setting the goals for the organization. However, BOD of the
Maya Multipurpose Co-operates Ltd are responsible for taking any decision in the
organization. There are 7 founders or BODs of this organization. Whenever, any important
decision is to be made, they call a meeting and go for a decision but in case of a minor
decision head of the cooperative or chairperson takes the decision.

The head of the cooperative or chairperson has power to make decisions. However, he
consults with his staff before making minor decisions.

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited

Figure: Organizational structure of company

3.2.1 Products and Services

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited provides various products and services to satisfy
the needs of the customers. The available products can be detailed as:

Basukala, 12
Daily Saving:

Daily Saving is that account where customers put a high volume of short-term deposits. The
daily savings at Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited can help to provide return on the
excess fund and also helps to safeguard the available balance. The interest rate in this type of
account is 6%. This type of saving is for promoting daily saving habits of the customers.
Target customers are the people running small organizations or people being involved in
daily cash transactions. The minimum balance should be Rs 25.

Fixed Deposit:

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited assists the customers with the fixed deposit of
varying tenures and alternative interest rate. This type of account pays interest to account
holders at the rates agreed upon at the time of opening the fixed deposit account. The interest
rate and initial deposit will be fixed for the period as agreed with the co-operative. The co-
operative provides the flexibility of availing of loan against fixed deposit to assist with
liquidity requirements that may occur before the maturity of the fixed deposits. Interest on
deposits is payable quarterly (i.e. every three months).

Monthly Saving:

This type of saving is for the shareholders who own a minimum 100 shares. The account
holders should deposit a certain amount monthly which can only be withdrawn after a period
of 3 years. This type of account pays 9% of interest rate. Main motive of this type of saving is
to promote savings of shareholders and help them to gather certain amounts in the long run.

Basukala, 13
Women Saving:

This type of saving is focused on promoting savings for women. It provides a 10%
interest rate and it helps to promote the saving behavior of the women. Minimum
balance should be Rs 1000. Account Holders are also provided different training
which helps to develop different skills which helps to generate income.

Loan and Advances:

Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited facilitates its customers with the service of
loans in their time of need. Analyzing and evaluating all the circumstances of the
customer and by collecting appropriate documents the loan process proceeds. The
customer should meet all the criteria and they can utilize the finance for a certain
period of time by paying the service charges and interest of 16% p.a on diminishing

Basukala, 14
3.3 Challenges and Opportunities

● Huge growing market as corporative sector is still developing and still many to be
developed all around the country.
● Nepal is a developing country and has maximum portion of low-income level
● Increase in numbers of population in urban and rural area

● Increasing the number of cooperatives could be the competitors.
● Companies with similar services and facilities are growing day by day, competitive
market rate with less profit.
● Frequent change of employees led to high employee turnover ratio
● Losing customers because of a slow processing system.

Basukala, 15

4.1 Introduction of Customer Experience Department

The internship program is directed towards understanding the professional working
atmosphere and principles which will enable the students to develop a glimpse of related
fields before they actually stand in the working field. In order to be able to cope with the
changing environment it is necessary to have some practical experience.

The internship program was for eight weeks and being a part of Maya Multipurpose Co-
operative Limited the internee was handed over some job responsibility for eight weeks in the
Customer Service department where the internee tackled different issues relating to the
handling of customers. In the customer service department, the internee was given numerous
tasks to function and responsibilities to fulfill.

4.1.1 Activities in Customer Experience Department

CSD is a team that impacts the business by handling all direct customer service needs. Some
of the specific roles and tasks of the team, including best practices for customer service
delivery. The Major functions to be performed in CSD were:

● Handling telephone calls from the clients

● Solve simple customer concerns

● Documentation of files.

● Photocopying all the necessary documents as per their requirement and

verifying them with the original one.

● Maintaining the record of the total number of the cheque requisition issued
by the customers and preparing the cheque book.

● Manage the various forms and vouchers such as different new account
opening forms, closing forms, dormant activation forms etc.

● Analyze customer needs and demands and try to fulfill

those demands.
● Deliver qualitative services to customers.
Basukala, 16
● Promote cooperative products and services.
● Build customer relationships.

4.2 Responsibilities

During the internship in Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited, the internee was assigned
to the Customer Service Department which helped the internee to gain knowledge about that

Customer service might mean different things in different businesses, but it always comes
down to the same fundamentals: giving customers, constituents, and other stakeholders great
service. When it comes to providing exceptional customer service in the co-operative sector,
where technology is always changing, quality customer care can include how we manage our
personal and commercial accounts, we must keep up with both live and digital choices for
managing transactions of all sizes.

Customer service can be provided in person (such as when a staff assists a patron or responds
to a query), over the phone, or online. Building friendly customer relationships requires
providing excellent customer service. Being a service industry, cooperating relies heavily on
effective and timely customer service. A smile and prompt, effective service will improve
reputation, lower complaints, and boost sales. Customers nowadays are more sophisticated
and demanding than they were many years ago. Customers' evolving expectations have led to
competitors using customer service to set their goods and services apart from the competition.

Hence, a customer service department must understand the needs of the customer and better
serve them as it will create a competitive edge in the market through customer retention.
Loyal customers are an asset to a cooperative as they will spread positive comments about the
organization and are less likely to move to other competitors.

During the internship period, the internee was tasked to perform various functions such as
handling customer queries, assisting the customers, record keeping, filing, follow-up with the
customers, assisting the staff, etc. The internee learned about the department that she was in
and gained knowledge on how its functions are important for the achievement of the

Basukala, 17
organizational goal. The knowledge gained and the guidance of the staff helped the internee
to better fit into the organization’s structure.

4.3 Experience in the internship including understanding of system

processes and rationale

Through this internship, the intern got to fulfill many duties in the organization and also gain
knowledge of the customer service practices in the organization. The internee got to know
what functions are performed by the customer service department and how they align to
achieve the organizational goals. Whenever the internee faced any problems, the staffs were
ready to offer their help and also answer various queries of the internee.

The internee had to communicate with various kinds of customers so she improved her
communication skills and also patience as there would be a huge inflow of customers on
certain days. The internee learned to be calm and maintain composure while dealing with
customers who were in a hurry. Such experiences helped build up the people skills of the
internee. Since the internee also had regular classes so this internship taught time
management skills as well and also to balance them both effectively. Such skills are
necessary and needed while working so this internship was a fruitful one.

Overall, this internship was a good learning experience for the internee as she gained
exposure to the operations of a cooperative. The real working world is different from the
theoretical knowledge we get so this internship helped to bridge the gap between them. The
internee met lots of people who offered their help during this internship. The internee also got
a chance to network with the staff of the bank.

4.4 Emergence/Occurrence of Issues, Problems or Challenges and how

these problems were solved.

Every person encounters a variety of difficulties in both their personal and professional lives.
The internee also encountered several concerns, problems, and obstacles throughout the
eight-week internship program. Although the issue might have been resolved, it took extra
work and determination from the internee to do so.

Basukala, 18
4.4.1 Emergence/Occurrence of Issues, Problems

Following are the issue problem and challenges that arise while performing job are:
● It took time for the internee to learn and familiarize herself with the organization so
productivity in the beginning days was hampered.
● The internee had to deal with various kinds of customers and their behaviors and
● Certain customers would not bring their full documents to the bank so the task could
not be completed and would be pending.
● Some documents were not properly organized so it would take a lot of time to find
them and complete the work.
● Sometimes the scanners and printers stopped working and there were many tasks the
internee had to do using those machines.

4.4.2 How Problems were solved

These problems were solved and addressed by:

● The internee helped to solve problems related to the non-clarity of information by

providing proper information to the customers.
● The internee helped to solve problems related to the disorganization by organizing the
important documents accordingly.
● The internee helped to find the needed forms in the computer quickly for printing
when they could not be found.
● The internee helped to solve the problem of overcrowding during the rush hours of the
bank by assisting staff in their tasks.
● The internee helped to solve the problems related to the mistakes due to errors in the
● The internee helped to find out the missing documents.
● The internee helped to solve the problems related to the incomplete and wrong

4.5 Observed Gaps

The developed theories and the actual organizational practices differ from one another. For
instance, as described in the theoretical notions, organizations often perform differently than

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they should. The information learned from textbooks is not updated as regularly as it is in the
real world, where it is essential to stay updated on workings and changes to operate well and
be competent.

The internee discovered the following gaps between the MBA curriculum and practice in a
real working setting during the internship time.
● The theoretical knowledge could not be applied effectively in the workplace as the
internee was only permitted to work on clerical duties.
● There were some instances where certain customers were prioritized over others.
● The use of computerized technology in cooperatives makes the application of theories
less common.
● As cooperatives rely on computer technology, every network outage or disturbance
caused delays in operations and displeased customers. ∙ There isn't a universal
approach to handling and responding to customers.

Despite the gaps observed by the internee, it was a wonderful opportunity to work for Maya
Multipurpose Co-operative Limited. The company gave the internee the chance to get some
work experience while learning. This increased the knowledge and encouraged the internee to
learn more. This Internship helped the internee by teaching more about the career path being

Basukala, 20
5.1 Inferences Drawn
During the period of internship, I got to learn a lot about the Customer service department of
a cooperative company. The friendly and supportive staffs helped me to grab the beneficial
and worthy learning experience internship period. The internship program helped me to
widen the knowledge about the industry and the way they deal to customer. This experience
helped me to gain in-depth knowledge about real working environment, interpersonal and
communication skills, organizational culture and behavior, professional qualities and team
building spirit as well as working principles of the organization. The knowledge acquired in
course of internship period was relevant and useful to some extent only in the context of the
job in the future. In our course, we had acquired only the theoretical knowledge where as in
internship we gained more practical knowledge and were able to cope with working
environment. This report is prepared on the basis of internship done at Maya Multipurpose
cooperative Ltd., Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur.

Internship provided a real working environment, During the internship period I got chance to
get familiar with the activities like, data entry, record keeping, learning about Learnt how to
handle and deal with customers.

There was a friendly, communicative and cooperative environment between the personnel
working from top level to middle level. Today's world is more challenging and dynamic. This
is all due to the advancement of innovative ideas and products. In this competitive age, to
make yourself competent in an established organization you need to keep learning. It's
necessary to be flexible in the related field and it is possible only through hard work,
dedication and commitment which are also a major takeaway from this time period. Overall,
the internship program has been very fruitful in enhancing the practical knowledge.

It was really worthwhile and had a memorable experience during the internship. It was also
great opportunity to gain wide knowledge about different cooperatives procedures in practical
ways. It was only possible with the continuous support of staffs.

Basukala, 21
5.2 Overall Experience, Learning and Knowledge Gained

The MBA program includes an internship as a required component, giving students the
chance to learn about organizational culture and enhance their talents while getting a taste of
the real world of business. The internee learned various lessons and gained knowledge on a
range of topics. The internee had the opportunity to engage in a cooperative, interact with and
learn from the staff, and showcase her abilities on the job thanks to her internship at Maya
Multipurpose Co-operative Limited.

The internee was placed in the Customer Service Department where the following lessons
and knowledge were gained,
● The degree of service, or the cooperative's ability to deliver on its promises and
respond quickly to issues, is what a customer values most in a cooperative.
● The internee learned that there is no universal way of dealing with customers as they
are different according to their beliefs and perception.
● The internee was exposed to the real-world working environment and got acquainted
with the organizational culture, issues, functioning, etc.
● Interpersonal skills were developed through various interactions with the customers
and staff,
● The internee learned about general cooperative operations and functions.
● Various qualities required for working effectively in an organization such as
punctuality, time management, handling pressure, communication, etc. were learned
by the internee.
● The internee got general knowledge about the software used in the cooperative.
● As customers are crucial for the success of any organization they should be cared for
and their problems should be given due attention.
● The internee learned about the various products and services offered by Maya
Multipurpose Co-operative Limited.
● The internee got knowledge on the various cooperative activities like account
opening, balance inquiry, making cheque books, correcting errors, etc.
● The internee gained knowledge of the prevailing banking rules and regulations.
● The internee experienced that the real working environment of the bank is different
from the theories learned.

Basukala, 22
During the internship at Maya Multipurpose Co-operative Limited, the intern gained
knowledge of the operations, structure, culture, and duties of the various departments as well.
The internee was unaware of the challenges to be faced after putting a foot in the professional
world. The job was demanding but the internee did her best to create value for the
cooperative and for own self as well. Overall the internee believes that the lessons learned
will help in both personal and professional life.

5.2.1 Recommendation
This internship program was started and completed properly due to proper support of Maya
Multipurpose cooperative and Lincoln college. The work performed by both institutions in
development of the intern is commendable.

Hence, there is a need for improvement in areas. There are certain recommendations for the
● The management should be very wary of their employees' satisfaction and create a
better environment to keep them in the organization for the long run.
● The app needs to be upgraded to make a good User Experience.

● Proper internet system should be used so that it won’t create any problems while
communicating with the customer and problems in working.

● Employees should be trained from time to time as per the need.

● In order to address the staff complaint, the management team shall look into it
seriously and pay them at time. As motivated employees will do a lot more for the

● Manual works should be converted into computer-based work gradually

● Proper management of the human resources and highly experienced HR manager

shall be employed

● The infrastructures should be rearranged and managed according to the needs of the
Employees and organization.

● Customer delighting programs need to be conducted.

Basukala, 23

Tootle, J. (2021, May 5). Internships - Texas Career Engagement - UT Austin. Texas Career
Engagement. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from

McQuerrey, L. (2018, June 30). What Is Customer Service in Banking? Work - Chron.Com.
Retrieved August 5, 2022, from banking-

Francis, A. (2010, August 22). Customer Services in Commercial Banks. MBA  Knowledge
Base. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from finance/customer-

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