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Volume LIX 35 Number 4, 2011


M. Sabolovič

Received: March 8, 2011


SABOLOVIČ, M.: An alternative methodological approach to value analysis of regions, municipal corporations and
clusters. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 4, pp. 295–300

The paper deals with theoretical conception of value analysis of regions, municipal corporations
and clusters. The subject of this paper is heterodox approach to sensitivity analysis of finite set of
variables based on non-additive measure. For dynamic analysis of trajectory of general value are
sufficient robust models based on maximum entropy principle. Findings concern explanation of
proper fuzzy integral – Choquet integral. The fuzzy measure is represented by theory of capacities
(Choquet, 1953) on powerset. In fine, the conception of the New integral for capacities (Lehler,
2005) is discussed. Value analysis and transmission constitutes remarkable aspect of performance
evaluation of regions, municipal corporations and clusters. In the light of high ratio of so variables,
social behavior, intangible assets and human capital within those types of subjects the fuzzy integral
introduce useful tool for modeling. The New integral aerwards concerns considerable characteristic
of people behavior – risk averse articulated concave function and non-additive operator. Results
comprehended tools enabling observation of synergy, redundancy and inhibition of value variables
as consequence of non-additive measure. In fine, results induced issues for future research.

powerset, fuzzy integral, Choquet integral, New intergral for capacities, non-additive measure

A general theoretical approach to value analysis of value is assigned to thermoeconomics in

of particular crisp set of discrete value variables of general. Thermoeconomics is ranked to heterodox
open systems, f. i. regions, municipal corporations school economics based on laws of nature Energy
or clusters, stems from fundamental arithmetic Economics. An explanation of rudimental reasons
nowadays. The reasons for grouping are implicitly conveys classical and statistical thermodynamics.
anticipating but seldom realized by variables. The The corner stone for rationale of this domain is
synergic effects result from interpenetration of the Second law of thermodynamics and entropy
particular elements of the system. The aim of the (Clausius, 1865). The paradigm’s characteristics
paper is theoretical explanation of non-additive are immanent attributes of economics subject’s
measure based on theory of capacities. The object behavior. Entropy principle enlarged Shannon
of this paper is to presents the results of the study into mathematical formulation of information
in progress on math modeling of interdisciplinary entropy (Shannon, 1948; Weaver, Shannon,
relationship concerning intangibles and network 1963). The analytic formula for entropy law of
effects of value variables within value analysis. economics processes was introduced by Roegen
in 1966. The entropy in economics was clarified
in phenomenological meaning. (Roegen, 1986)
Mathematical formulation of economic value
as a function of scarcity articulated Applebaum.
Entropy Theory of Value (Applebaum, 1996) Consequently, an Entropy
…the laws of physics tell us that we cannot create Theory of Value derived Chen (Chen, 2005). The
something from nothing (Chen, 2005). Specific premise

296 M. Sabolovič

value analysis of regions, municipal corporations RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

and clusters extremely limits data availability. For
dynamic analysis of trajectory of general value Value discrepancies
are sufficient robust models based on maximum
Fig. 1 shows two fundamental approaches to
entropy principle (Applebaum, 1996; Kovanic,
value analysis – atomistic and holistic approach.
Humber, 2009).
The holistic approach is more obvious. The value of
Methods mutual interactions of elements of system is derived
top down. The value is an integral part of the whole.
For value analysis are classified holistic and The higher value than intrinsic can be assign to
atomistic approach, see Fig. 1. On the first stage of some elements. This property of holistic approach
survey a historical literature review was carried out. obviously results to over or undervaluation.
The atomistic approach was selected for capture Atomistic approach methodology is bottom up.
of mutual effect within the internal system. On the The value of particular elements is assessed more
second stage the theoretical analysis of properties of properly by this procedure. In precise application
fuzzy integral and analytic solution was explored. the results of both approaches should be equal.
The relevance of particular values results to
further value changes (Casta, Bry, 1998):
• Synergy – mutual interactions results to higher
value of joint elements than the value elements
per partes.
• Redundancy – mutual interactions results to
recognition of otioseness in value creation.
• Inhibition – mutual interactions results to
negation of values.
Standard analytical tools based on elementary
arithmetic marginalize the property mentioned
above. The motivation for the research was
the dra and explanation of fuzzy integral in
financial valuation (Casta, Bry, 1998; Casta, Lesage,
2001; Casta, Bry, 2003, Casta et al., 2005). Our
contribution is an extension the approach of Casta
et al. from internal business environment to network
economics. The particular agents represent the
variables describing the elements of system (region,
1: Value Analysis Approaches
municipal corporation, and cluster). For numerical
solutions has to be selected appropriate variables, f.
i. UTRIN methodology (UTRIN, 2006).
On the third stage the Choquet and the New Conventional approach to value analysis use
integral were compared. In fine, the consequences additive computation, see [1] (Casta, Bry; 2003). The
for value analysis and on-coming research were results of additive approach failure in the case of
induced. higher ratio of quantitative property of the elements
of the system.
Research Question Formulation
Value analysis is the process determined by the H (xii=1
) = ∑ h(xi), [1]
ability of extraction of information from the pure
data. (Applebaum, 1996; Kovanic, Humber, 2009)
H ... General value of the whole
Variations in general value of specific system,
h .... Value of particular variable of the system
economic subject particularly, can be measured by
xi .... Elements of the system.
the changes in entropy in stated paradigm. Research
Casta, Bry (2003) emphasize the dependency
question formulation appears from Zadeh’s
of general value on the sequence of variables –
principle of incompatibility. As the complexity of
commutative law infringement. Group order is the
a system increase, human ability to make precise and relevant
resource of addition changes of general output value
(meaningful) statements about its behavior diminishes until
a threshold is reached beyond which the precision and the
relevance become mutually exclusive characteristics. It is then I

that the fuzzy statements are the only bearers of meaning H (xii=1
) > ∑ h(xi). [2]
(Zadeh, 1973). Research question: Does fuzzy
integral enables to measure mutual interaction Aggregate operators represent considerable
of system’s elements within the scope of value factors which markedly influence results. Casta and
analysis with interception of general value Bry (Catsa, Bry; 2003) mention Average Operators,
changes? Weighted-Average Operators, Symmetrical Sums,
An alternative methodological approach to value analysis of regions, municipal corporations and clusters 297

t – norms, t – conforms, Mean Operators, Ordered (2) μ(E  F) ≥ μ(E) + μ(F) [7]
Weighted Averaging. The math property of the
model stated Grabish (Grabish, 1995): continuity,
(3) μ(E  F) ≤ μ(E) + μ(F). [8]
the highest and the best increase, commutativity,
asociativity and complementarity. Equation [6] expresses possible additive
According to atomistic approach, see Fig. 1, the attributes, equation [7] expresses over-additive
model requirements can be articulated by present synergy), equation [8] express redundancy. The
literature review (Hand, Lev, 2004; Ohlson, 1995; powerset, see Fig. 2, with respect to all fuzzy subset
Casta et al., 1998, 2003, 2005; Cummis, Derrig, 1997; exact 2n coefficients (Casta, Bry; 2003).
Kosko, 1993; Sugeno, 1977; Zadeh, 1965; Sabolovic, Fuzzy system definition implies selection of
2009; Damodaran, 2006). Standard additive proper integral with respect to measure (Sugeno,
operators do not enable phenomena of mutual value 1977; Choquet, 1953). Sugeno integral of measurable
interaction in ordered set – synergy, redundancy and function [9] with respect to fuzzy variable μ can be
inhibition. For those phenomena realizing is the defined by the conditional probability [10].
most appropriate tool fuzzy measure. Mathematical
statement is fuzzy integral particularly Sugeno, f: X  [0;1] [9]
Choquet and New integral. The property of allows
non-additive measure. Graphical expression of
S(f) = max(min(; μ(x|f(x) > ))). [10]
mutual interaction shows Fig. 2 – Fuzzy Powerset.   [0;1]
Mutual relations are expressed by membership
function. Sugeno integral concerns function maximum
and minimum. In the point of view of the whole
system (f. i. region, municipal corporation, cluster)
the subset representing the particular entities
of real economics the fuzzy integral has cover
supremum and infimum. Sugeno integral seems
to be unacceptable for modeling of mutual value
relations (Casta, Bry; 2003). Casta and Bry (2003)
encourage the Choquet integral. Choquet integral of
measurable function with respect to fuzzy measure
μ, see [11].

C(f) =  μ(x|f(x) > ydy. [11]

Whether is defined finite set X = {x1, x2, … xn}

which take the function value 0 ≤ f(x1) ≤ … ≤ f(xn) ≤ 1,
where Ai ={xi, …, xn} Choquet integral is expressed
[12] (Casta, Bry; 2003).
2: Fuzzy powerset C(f) = ∑ [f(xi) − f(xi−1)]μ(Ai). [12]

Fuzzy integral Whether 1 (A = B) is an indicator function which

The virtues of fuzzy integral are math formulation take the function value 1 if A = B, differently 0, is
of non-additive measure. (Casta, Bry; 2003) Fuzzy expressed [13], [14] (Casta, Bry; 2003).
integral integrates real function in relation to fuzzy
   
measure (Grabisch et al., 1995; Dennberg, 1994). For C(f) =   ∑ μ(A) × 1(A = x|f(x) > y)  dy. [13]
  A=P(X) 
finite nonempty set X with n elements exists variable
μ which is an element of P(X). Fuzzy variable gain
value in the interval (0;1) (Casta, Bry; 2003).    
C(f) = ∑ μ(A) ×  ∑ × 1(A = x|f(x) > y) dy. [14]
A=P(X) A=P(X) 
(1) μ = 0 [3]
Substitution the value of integral in equation [14]
by function A(f) concludes to equation [15] (Casta,
(2) μ() = 1 [4]
Bry; 2003).
(3) A  B, μ(A) ≤ μ(B). [5] C(f) = ∑ μ(A) × gA(f). [15]
A  P(X)

The approach is based on non-additive axiom.

With respect to model requirements two discrete Fuzzy measure assessment according to Casta et
sets swell property [6], [7] and [8]. al. (1998, 2001, 2003, 2005) imply the task concluded
in several studies (f. i. Grabish et al., 1995). Suppose
(1) μ(E  F) = μ(E) + μ(F) [6] I systems characterized by general value v and set
298 M. Sabolovič

of X from J real variables xj (value of particular newness of the integral consists in concavity. The
elements of system). Let fi assigns every variable xj integral of the sum of two functions is less than
the general value of the system [16]. or equal to the sum of particular integrals. The
concavity of the function expresses an aversion to
i: fi: xj  xij. [16] uncertainty.
In addition, Lehrer (Lehrer, 2005) postulated three
Fuzzy measure μ is determined to comply with
equation [17].
1. Whether the capacity is additive then the integral
i: C(fi) = vi. [17] coincides with the regular one.
2. The axiom of monotonicity with respect to
Let A is subset and ga(fi) is generator relative to A, capacities.
defined by equation [18]. 3. The integral of function X does not depend on
the values that the capacity takes on the subset
i  gA(fi) = 1(A = x|fi(x) > y) × dy. [18] where X disappears.
Derived model is expresses equation [19]. In Lehrer (Lehrer, 2005) defined capacity as
equation ui expresses residuum which can be a function v which assigns non-negative real number
modeled by standard approaches (random variable, to every subset of finite set N under the conditions
least square method etc.). v{ }= 0, v is defined over N = n, v is a capacity defined
over it. P is additive if for any two disjoit subset hold
i  vi = ∑ μ(A) × gA(fi) + ui. [19] generally equation [24].
A  P(X)

S, T  N, P(S) + P(T) = P(S  T). [24]

Equation [20] shows model with 2j parameters and
fuzzy measure μ(A) for all subset A of variable xj. The concavification cav of v is defined as the
Dependent variable express the general value v and minimum of all concave and homogenous function
explanatory variables are generators corresponding f: +n   such that f(IR) ≥  v() for every   N and
to subset X. Required parameters can be estimated every X  +n, see function [25] (Lehrer, 2005).
by standard multiple regression (Casta, Bry; 1998,
2003): cav v = (X) =  Xdv. [25]

y0 = 0, y1 = dy, …, yn = n × dy. [20] Lehler (Lehrer, 2005) explain the minimum of

a concave and homogenous function over +n as
For every group A of accordant variables xs are a function of X. Suppose v and w are two capacities
derived generators in equation [21]. then v ≥ w if (S) ≥ w(S) for every S  N. For every X 
n +n the New integral is expressed [26], [27].
gA(fi) = dy × ∑ 1(A = x|xi > yh). [21]
h=0 cav
    
  Xdv = max  ∑Rv(R); ∑RIR = X, R ≥ 0 [26]
  RN  RN 
For interpretation of results Casta and Bry (Casta,
Bry; 1998, 2003) uses the principle [22].
cav cav

μ(A  B) ≥ μ(A) + μ(B)  synergy btw A and B   Xdv = minP is… additive and P≥v  XdP. [27]
The proof propounded Azrieli and Lehler (2005).
μ(A  B) ≤ μ(A) + μ(B)  inhibition btw A and B. The property of the New integral, comparison
with Choquet integral and extension of Lebesgue
The model proposed is linear with respect to integral to fuzzy capacity application derived Lehrer
generator but non-linear with respect to variables (Lehrer, 2005).
xj. The model is sufficient for small number of
variables xj (Casta, Bry; 1998). But the results imply Input variables
other question and its interpretation, f. i. [23] Property of fuzzy integral is suitable for value
(Damodaran, 2006). analysis namely regions, municipal corporations
and clusters. By virtue of data scarcity is used
μ(A  B) − (μ(A) + μ(B)). [23] decomposition of synthetic index for analytical
For a large number of variables xj Casta and Bry purposes. Selection of arbitrary variables is
(Casta, Bry; 1998, 2003) recommend Principal extremely subjective and depends on purpose of
Components Analysis. analysis. For regions Kutscherauer (Kutscherauer,
2010) proposes 14 integrated indicators: standards
New integral for capacities of living, health state, social facilities, housing,
social pathology, economic potential, economic
For alternative theoretical concept of fuzzy
structure, unemployment, development potential,
integral Lehrer (Lehrer, 2005) proposed so called
settlement, environment, transport infrastructure,
the New integral with respect to capacities which
technical infrastructure, quality of life. Živělová,
differentiate from the Choquet integral. The
Jánský (Živělová, Jánský, 2007) dra as fundamental
An alternative methodological approach to value analysis of regions, municipal corporations and clusters 299

variables: economic structure, GDP per capita, gross on maximum entropy principle. Primer model
value added, gross fixed capital, and employment. was based on Choquet integral. The extension
For municipal corporations are used economic for more accurately articulation was formulated
quality classes. Halášek et al. (Halášek et al., using Lebesque integral. For comparison with up
2005) covers property class (property structure, to date mathematical research were referred the
profitability of property), finance class(incomes, New integral. With regard to results of theoretical
expenditures, debt service) and development class analysis the statement of the research question was
(municipality performance indicators). Marešová formulated. The stated research question was: Does
(Marešová, 2010) proposes as the fundamental fuzzy integral enables to measure mutual interaction
variables for cluster analysis: business performance of system’s elements within the scope of value
of economic subjects, efficiency indexes of activities analysis with interception of general value changes?
located in cluster, cluster performance indicators, Findings of observation imply positive statement of
effectiveness of management indicators, cluster model propriety. Value analysis and transmission
policy indicators. constitutes remarkable aspect of performance
evaluation of regions, municipal corporations and
clusters. In the light of high ratio of so variables,
social behavior, intangible assets and human capital
Value analysis using conventional tools do not within those types of subjects the fuzzy integral
enable realize effect in value caused mutual introduce useful tool for modeling. The new integral
interactions of particular variables. Pursuant to aerwards concerns considerable characteristic of
findings of literature review pertinent approach people behavior – risk averse articulated concave
concern powerset. Extensions of powerset within function and non-additive operator. In fine, results
fuzzy logic possess accordant framework. The induced issues for future research. The domain of
main three patterns can be described stem from the ongoing research will be empirical verification
the mutual interactions – synergy, redundancy of models. The population covers region NUTS
and inhibition. For analysis were deigned fuzzy – 0 Czech Republic. Preliminary research ended
integrals with property proper for non-additive in confirmative approach in research hypothesis
measure. The value analysis of regions, municipal statement. Findings of preliminary research
corporations and clusters extremely limits data indicates growing ratio of intangibles in value
availability. For dynamic analysis of trajectory of analysis.
general value are sufficient robust models based

The aim of the paper is theoretical explanation of non-additive measure based on theory of capacities.
The subject of this paper is heterodox approach to sensitivity analysis of finite set of variables based
on non additive measure. The paper deals with theoretical conception of value analysis of regions,
municipal corporations and clusters. The fuzzy measure is represented by theory of capacities
(Choquet, 1953) on powerset. On the first stage of survey a literature review was carried out. The
atomistic approach was selected for capture of mutual effect within the internal system. On the second
stage the theoretical analysis of properties of fuzzy integral and analytic solution was explored. The
value analysis of regions, municipal corporations and clusters extremely limits data availability. For
dynamic analysis of trajectory of general value are sufficient robust models based on maximum
entropy principle. Findings concern explanation of proper fuzzy integral – Choquet integral. In fine,
the conception of the New integral for capacities (Lehler, 2005) is discussed. Results comprehended
tools enabling observation of synergy, redundancy and inhibition of value variables as consequence
of non-additive measure. In fine, results induced issues for future research.

This paper is supported by the Research program of Czech Ministry of Education number VZ MSM

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Ing. Mojmír Sabolovič, Ph.D., Ústav regionální a podnikové ekonomiky, Mendelova univerzita v Brně,
Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Česká republika, e-mail:

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