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March 5

◆Investigation part
-Within the cemetery x2
-Inside the hole x2
◆Evidence selection
-Tama Cemetery corpse - Crime scene status
◆Evidence selection
-Tama Cemetery corpse - Corpse status
Inokashira Park
Call out to her.
Moon World
Call for Hatsune.

March 6
◆Person selection
-Imamura Haruka
◆Evidence selection
-Black Cloth

March 7
◆Investigation part
-Chest of the guy lying on the table x2

March 8
What are you drawing?
Inokashira Park
What do you feel when you draw?
Takashiro Hospital
Tell him yourself.
Inokashira Park.

March 9
Pretend I'm returning something she dropped.
History prep room.
Don't go.
Moon World
Get her to replace it.
Takashiro Hospital
★Cum in her mouth. / Cum on her face.

March 10
I'm busy.
Try to cover it up somehow.
Moon World
Help her out.
Takashiro Hospital
I'm scared, but I want to hear about it.

March 12
◆Investigation part
-Examine the corpse and zoom
-Back x2
-Belly x2
-Face x2
Make my own specifications.
◆Person selection
-Amemiya Hatsune
-Nishizono Yui
-Takashiro Kazuna
◆Person selection
-Nishizono Yui
◆Evidence selection
-Black Cloth
◆Evidence selection
-The Black Madonna
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Moon World
Deliver the coffee.
Dante's "Divine Comedy"
The maggots crawling on it.

March 13
Moon World
Accept her offer.
Shinjuku Station

March 14
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital
Go inside.
Ask Vice-Prinipal Saeki to do it.

March 15
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital

March 16
◆Investigation part
-Corpse and then zoom
-Skirt x2, find torn-off scrap of something *IMPORTANT*
-Mouth x2
◆Investigation part
-Right shelf x2
◆Evidence selection
-Nishizono Yui's photograph
◆Person selection
-Nishizono Yui
◆Person selection
Katsuragi Shin
【Save 8】
Ouba Private Girls Academy
That's not it.
Takashiro Hospital

March 17
★Make love to Toko.
◆Evidence selection
-The Egg of Neanis
◆Person selection
-Nishizono Yui
They're members of Schisma.
Prostitution ring.
◆Person selection
-Tsukishima Orihime
The Egg of Neanis.
◆Person selection
-Kusaka Tatsuhiko
◆Evidence selection
-A torn-off scrap of something
Go talk with Kusaka at his home.
Call for a taxi.
◆Investigation part
-The small notebook on top of the second shelf from the bottom
Chase after Kusaka.

March 26
★Cum inside her. / Cum outside her.

March 29
Takashiro Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

March 30
Don't interfere.
Look around a bit more.
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station

March 31
Inokashira Park
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

April 1
Help Toko.
Takashiro Hospital
Shinjuku Station

April 2
Don't ask anything.
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
Takashiro Hospital

April 4
Leave him be.
Inokashira Park
Takashiro Hospital

April 5
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Takashiro Hospital

April 6
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
Takashiro Detective Agency

April 7
Inokashira Park
Takashiro Hospital

April 8
Takashiro Hospital
Ueno Station
Go to Inokashira Park.

April 10
No, they aren't.
◆Evidence selection
-Corpse disposal method
Takashiro Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum *IMPORTANT*

April 11
The art room.
The classroom.
The schoolyard.

April 12
◆Investigation part
-Bookshelf on top of the desk
-Bookshelf x2
-Bookshelf (Katsuragi Shin's photograph)
They're the work of a single person.
Only the four limbs were disposed of.
Yes, it is.
◆Person selection
-Mamiya Shinji
◆Evidence selection
-Katsuragi Shin's photograph
Mamiya Shinzo's atelier

April 13
◆Person selection
Linen room.
◆Person selection
-Murase Naoki
◆Person selection
-Akazaki Nene
◆Investigation part
-Kitchen knife on the ground x2
-Lamp cord x2
-Examine the corpse and zoom
-Face x2
-Back of the neck x2
-Body x2
◆Investigation part
-Drawer on the left side of the desk
-Center drawer of the desk
-Drawer on the right side of the desk
-Manuscript on top of the desk
-Books on top of the desk
-Drawer beneath the bookshelf
Work on my own.
Head to Kurashiki.

April 14
-Answer honestly.

April 16
◆Person selection
-Mamiya Shinji

April 17
Her eyes.
They're sisters.
◆Person selection
-Every doctor
◆Person selection
-Tamaki Saito

April 18
Don't pull the trigger.
Go take a look.
True Ending

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