View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition For Stereoscopic Images

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Received September 2, 2019, accepted September 21, 2019, date of publication September 24, 2019,

date of current version October 8, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943516

View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition

for Stereoscopic Images
DEHUA XIE , (Student Member, IEEE), SHUAICHENG LIU , (Member, IEEE),
YINGLONG WANG , (Student Member, IEEE), SHUYUAN ZHU , (Member, IEEE),
Institute of Image Processing, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
Corresponding author: Bing Zeng (
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61872067, Grant 61502079, Grant
61672134, and Grant 61720106004, and in part by the ‘‘111’’ Project under Grant B17008.

ABSTRACT In this paper, we focus on the intrinsic image decomposition problem for stereoscopic image
pairs. The existing methods cannot be applied directly to decompose stereoscopic images, as it often produces
inconsistent reflectance (albedo) and 3D artifacts after the decomposition. We propose a straightforward yet
effective framework that enables a high-quality decomposition for stereoscopic pairs. First, retinex-based
constraints are employed to coarsely classify the observed image gradients into two categories that are caused
by reflectance changes and illumination variations, respectively. Second, reflectance-consistent constraints
are added to control the reflectance consistency between the left and right views. Since this problem is highly
ill-posed, we further analyze local and non-local image textures regularized by super-pixels within and across
two views to reduce reflectance ambiguity. Lastly, absolute-scale constraints are employed to normalize
the decomposition results. Extensive experiments on the real-world stereoscopic images and synthetic
stereoscopic images reveal that our method can readily achieve high-quality decomposition performance.

INDEX TERMS Intrinsic image decomposition, reflectance, shading, stereoscopic image.

I. INTRODUCTION the presence of poor lighting conditions. On the other hand,

From the perspective of image formation, several key factors, high-quality intrinsic decomposition can increase the perfor-
such as surface material and textures, lighting conditions, mances of such vision problems. Therefore, intrinsic decom-
shape of objects, and viewing angle, jointly determine the position has attracted increasing interests in both academic
final appearance of the scene. These factors are referred to and industrial communities [6]–[18].
as intrinsic properties [1] and are vital to image formation Given an observed image I, it can be decomposed into a
process. Among these properties, surface material and tex- reflectance image R multiplying a shading image S pixel-
tures are usually characterized by reflectance image, while by-pixel. Without further constraints, the decomposition is
the composite product of lighting conditions and shape of a highly ill-posed problem in that the number of unknown
objects are described by shading image. Reflectance image variables (R, S) are twice the known variables I. Much
and shading image are also called as intrinsic images. progress has been made in intrinsic image decomposition
Intrinsic images play a critical role in image analysis during the past decades. Land and McCann first introduced
and processing. For instance, image recoloring [2] and the retinex theory in 1971 [19], which was extended to two
image re-texturing [3] tasks prefer a pure reflectance image dimensional images by Horn [20], [21]. Since the retinex
without intensity variations caused by non-uniform lighting theory provides a computational approach of coarsely classi-
conditions and non-flat surface shape. Similarly, shape-from- fying the observed image gradients into reflectance gradients
shading algorithms infer more accurate surface geometry and shading gradients, it thereafter becomes a fundamental
given a shading image with less texture residuals [4]. Seg- constraint to decompose intrinsic images.
mentation and face recognition [5] often gets degraded in Grosse et al. generated a ground-truth dataset and pro-
vided a comprehensive review [22]. From then on, a lot of
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and methods, such as optimization method [23], [24], statistical
approving it for publication was Sudhakar Radhakrishnan . inference method [25], and dense CRF-based method [11]

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 7, 2019 140355
D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

FIGURE 1. A stereoscopic image recoloring example based on our proposed stereoscopic intrinsic image decomposition. (a) Left view. (b) Right view.
(c) Left recoloring result. (d) Right recoloring result.

were put forward to improve the performance. Meanwhile, stereoscopic images will be conducted to validate the effec-
many image cues, including textures [26], [27], color con- tiveness of our method both qualitatively and quantitatively.
stancy [28], [29], and reflectance sparsity [30], are utilized as To sum up, the main contributions of our paper are as
constraints to regularize the decomposition. More recently, follows.
Luo et al. presented a novel optimization that combines pho- • A unified framework is proposed to enable the intrinsic
tometric stereo and retinex constraints into the optimization, image decomposition for stereoscopic images.
which achieves some state-of-the-art results according to • A stereoscopic dataset is presented, which includes both
MIT intrinsic image dataset [31]. However, all the above men- real-world stereoscopic images and synthetic stereo-
tioned methods cannot be applied directly to stereoscopics scopic images.
because they are designed for monocular images that usually
take no account of the consistency across different views. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
In recent years, lots of topics related to stereoscopic images reviews some typical intrinsic image decomposition algo-
and videos have been explored, such as stereoscopic movie rithms for monocular image and related works on
making [32], stereoscopic warping [33]–[35], cloning [36], stereoscopic image/video. In addition, intrinsic image
inpainting [37], stitching [38], [39], retargeting [40], edit- decomposition datasets are also summarized in this section.
ing [41]–[43], stabilization [44], [45], relighting [46], and so Section III describes our proposed stereoscopic intrinsic
on. However, few work has targeted the problem of stereo- image decomposition framework that includes the retinex
scopic intrinsic image decomposition [47]. term, the reflectance-consistent term, the local and non-local
Stereoscopic images generally possess a large overlapped term, and the absolute-scale term. Extensive experiments on
region between two views. On one hand, the intrinsic image both real-world stereoscopic images and synthetic stereo-
decomposition for a stereoscopic image pair needs to take scopic images are carried out in Section IV. Finally, Section V
the reflectance consistency of the overlapped region into concludes the paper, together with discussion on the limita-
consideration. On the other hand, inspired by the work of tions and future works.
Luo et al. [31], stereoscopic images provide the possibility
that two views could offer more constraints to reduce the II. RELATED WORKS
ambiguity during the decomposition. Fig. 1 shows a stereo- A. INTRINSIC IMAGE DECOMPOSITION
scopic image recoloring example, which is produced on the As early as in 1964, Land conducted a series of color
basis of our stereoscopic intrinsic decomposition. constancy experiments on the ‘‘Mondrian World’’ patterns
In this work, we propose a stereoscopic intrinsic image and proposed the retinex theory [48]. In 1974, Land’s
decomposition framework. Firstly, the retinex theory is retinex theory was extended into two dimensional images by
employed as soft constraints to coarsely classify stereoscopic Horn [20], [21], who was able to decompose an
image gradients into two classes: reflectance gradients and ‘‘Mondrian World’’ pattern into the reflectance component
shading gradients. Secondly, reflectance-consistency con- and the shading component. In 1978, Barrow and Tenebaum
straints are considered for the matched pixels across two firstly put forward the concept of intrinsic images [1]. Here-
views to facilitate a view-consistent decomposition. Thirdly, after, decomposing an observed image into the reflectance
we add local and non-local constraints within and across image and the shading image has become a longstand-
views for an improved regularization. Finally, absolute-scale ing research topic. Based on the retinex theory, Horn pro-
constraint is added to normalize the decomposition results posed the classic retinex intrinsic image decomposition
into the visualization range. Optimizing all the above con- algorithm. Through selecting a threshold to separate the
straints in a unified energy can produce high-quality and intensity gradient into the reflectance gradient and the shad-
view-consistent decomposition results. Extensive experi- ing gradient, the reflectance image and the shading image
ments on real-world stereoscopic images and synthetic can be reconstructed by solving a linear Poisson equation.

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D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

However, the retinex assumption is only met for simple cases. image decomposition algorithm that targets the real world
In real world, the scene captured by cameras and illumination images [11].
conditions are far more complex. Under this circumstance, The most related work to ours is Zhao’s and Kang’s
it is hard to obtain sound intrinsic decomposition results by works [27], [55]. In 2012, Zhao et al. presented a closed-form
the classic retinex algorithm. Besides, choosing a suitable solution to the intrinsic image decomposition for a single
threshold to separate the intensity gradient is a non-trial task. image. More specifically, this work presents a unified frame-
Therefore, various methods have been proposed to improve work that can be transformed into a quadratic form objec-
the classic retinex algorithm. On one hand, due to unpleasant tive function and obtains a closed-form solution. However,
lighting conditions, many photographs have serious shadow this method can not be extended directly to intrinsic image
regions, which greatly degrade the performance of the classic decomposition for stereoscopic images. In 2014, Kang et al.
retinex algorithm. To overcome this problem, Some works investigated image recoloring for stereoscopic images [55].
presented a new intrinsic image decomposition algorithm They presented a solution to stereoscopic image recoloring
by adopting image sequences [6] or videos [2], [49]. While on the basis of intrinsic image decomposition. Nevertheless,
taking image sequences or videos as input is in favor of elim- Kang’s method is quite time-consuming for users to fine tune
inating shadows, it is unfavorable to obtain image sequences the parameters. In addition, they only focused on the task of
or videos. image recoloring rather than the intrinsic image decomposi-
On the other hand, since it is difficult for the classic tion for stereoscopic images.
retinex method to choose a threshold to properly tell the
reflectance gradient from the shading gradient among inten- B. STEREOSCOPIC IMAGE/VIDEO
sity gradients, a lot of learning based methods have been Stereoscopic image/video is becoming an emerging and inter-
presented to address this problem. In 2005, Tappen et al. esting topic with the success of stereoscopic devices and 3D
trained a classifier to distinguish the reflectance gradi- movies. A lot of works related to stereoscopic image or video
ent from the shading gradient [7]. More recently, many have been explored. For instance, image warping is one of the
works have been reported to improve the quality of most basic manipulations in image processing, which has also
intrinsic image decomposition based on the deep learning been studied extensively on stereoscopic images [33], [35].
technique [13], [14], [17], [18], [50]–[52]. Nevertheless, one In 2008, Wang et al. explored stereoscopic inpainting with
drawback of deep learning based intrinsic image decompo- color and depth joint completion [37]. Similarly, image
sition methods is short of enough ground-truth data for the stitching for stereoscopic image has also been utilized to
model training and verification. extend the field of view [39]. In 2012, Lee et al. presented
Meanwhile, various image cues and priors have been used an image retargeting method for stereoscopic image [40].
to better constrain this problem. In 2009, Bousseau et al. pro- Furthermore, stereoscopic image editing has been widely
posed an interactive way to target the intrinsic image decom- studied, such as stereoscopic image composition and stereo-
position [8]. Barron and Malik proposed a new method based scopic image content replacement [41], [43]. Meanwhile,
on color constancy and constraints on reflectance and shading researchers also studied the stabilization problem for stereo-
to decompose a single object [10], [29]. Later on, they pre- scopic video [39], [44], [45]. However, few work has focused
sented an SIRFS engine to inference the shape, illumination on the intrinsic image decomposition for stereoscopic images
and reflectance from shading by a single image [25], [53]. or videos. Without the separation of reflectance and shading
Concurrently, Shen et al. utilized reflectance sparsity char- from image, it is hard to consistently manipulate two views
acteristics [9], [26], [30] to add constraints on reflectance of stereoscopic images or videos. To this end, we need to
and achieved more pleasant results. Shen et al. also pre- spend more efforts on the intrinsic image decomposition for
sented several new methods based on constraints and energy stereoscopic images or videos in that intrinsic images usually
minimization [23], [24]. facilitate all kinds of image processing tasks.
In addition, there are some works that combine some
related tasks in computer vision with the intrinsic image C. INTRINSIC IMAGE DECOMPOSITION DATASETS
decomposition problem. For instance, in 2015, Bi et al. pro- Although the intrinsic image decomposition has a history
posed an pipeline that combines the edge-preserving flatten of several decades, efforts on building the dataset for this
task and the intrinsic image decomposition problem [12]. problem does not make too much progress. The earliest and
At the same time, Luo et al. come up with a photometric most influential dataset was established by Grosse et al. [22].
stereo based intrinsic image decomposition method to obtain In this work, Grosse and his co-authors employed experimen-
the accurate surface normal and the reflectance. In 2016, tal method to generate 20 classes of reflectance and shading
Kim et al. presented a unified framework that simultane- ground-truth, which is called as MIT intrinsic image dataset.
ously predicts the depth information and recovers intrinsic There is no doubt that MIT intrinsic image dataset has greatly
images from a single image [54]. These aforementioned promoted the development of intrinsic image decomposition.
works mainly focused on the intrinsic image decomposi- Another important intrinsic image decomposition dataset
tion on the single object images or the laboratorial images. is developed by Bell et al. [11]. This dataset is commonly
In 2014, Bell et al. presented a dense CRF-based intrinsic referred to IIW dataset. Through crowdsourcing, they built

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D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

5230 sparse reflectance images ground-truth for the real λr , λc , λl , λnl , and λa are constraints weights. The above men-
world scenes. This dataset is conductive to the advancement tioned terms contain constraints imposed on the reflectance
of intrinsic image decomposition, and especially critical to component or the shading component. Each of these terms
deep learning based intrinsic image decomposition methods. will be elaborated in detail one by one in the following
Due to the difficulty to obtain the reflectance and the subsections. The parameter settings for λr , λc , λl , λnl , and λa
shading ground-truth from an observed image, especially for will be given in Section IV.
the real world captures, to the best of our knowledge, there
is no available intrinsic image decomposition ground-truth B. RETINEX CONSTRAINTS
dataset for stereoscopic images or videos. In this paper, According to the retinex theory, larger gradients in an image
we make efforts to build a stereoscopic dataset that contains are usually attributed to the changes in reflectance, while
both real-world and synthetic stereoscopic images to address smaller gradients are caused by shading variations. Similar
the intrinsic image decomposition problem for stereoscopic to the work [27], the retinex term Er (sl,r ) is defined as
images. XX X
n 2
Er (sl,r ) = [(sm
l,r − sl,r )

The formation model of a stereoscopic image pair can be + ω(m, n)(rl,r

m n 2
− rl,r ) ], (4)
described by the following equation:
where m stands for an arbitrary pixel in one view, N (m)
Il,r (x, y) = Rl,r (x, y) ∗ Sl,r (x, y). (1) denotes the four adjacent neighbor of the pixel m, and ω(m, n)
is the balancing weight that is used to determine the main
where (x, y) indexes the coordinate of a given pixel; Il,r rep-
factor to give rise to the image gradient. There are many
resents the left and right views of a stereoscopic image pair,
different ways to judge whether reflectance change or shading
Rl,r denotes the left and right reflectances, and Sl,r means
variation is the main factor that leads to the image gradi-
the left and right shadings (assumed to be monochrome),
ent [11], [22], [27]. Here, we adopt the chromaticity distance
respectively. It is worth to notice that Il,r (x, y) and Rl,r (x, y)
of the neighboring pixels as the numerical metric to deter-
are a triple that contains the red, green, and blue channels,
mine the main factor of the image gradient. The balancing
and Sl,r (x, y) is also a triple for three channels. The opera-
weight ω(m, n) is defined as follows
tor ‘‘*’’ denotes the pixel-wised multiplication. From Equ. 1, (
we know that a pixel’s intensity Il,r (x, y) equals its reflectance 0 D(m, n) > τ,
Rl,r (x, y) multiplying its shading Sl,r (x, y). ω(m, n) = (5)
100 D(m, n) < τ,
A. PROBLEM FORMULATION where τ is a threshold and will be discussed in Section IV.
In order to distinguish image gradients into the reflectance D(m, n) is the chromaticity distance between the pixel m and
gradients and the shading gradients more conveniently, the pixel n, and defined as follows:
we first take the logarithm on both sides of Equ. 1. Then, 
hm, ni

Equ. 1 is transformed into the following equation: D(m, n) = 2 × 1 − . (6)
kmk2 · knk2
il,r (x, y) = rl,r (x, y) + sl,r (x, y), (2) In Equ. 6, m and n denote the chromaticity values of pixel
where the logarithm of Il,r (x, y), Rl,r (x, y), and Sl,r (x, y) are m and pixel n, respectively. The calculation of chromaticity
denoted by il,r (x, y), rl,r (x, y), and sl,r (x, y), respectively. value of a given pixel can be found in [11]. hm, ni is the inner
From Equ. 2, we know that the reflectance rl,r is equivalent product of m and n, and kmk2 and knk2 represent the 2-norms
to il,r − sl,r . In the rest of this Section, we use il,r − sl,r to of m and n, respectively.
represent the reflectance component rl,r . In Equ. 5, when the chromaticity distance of neighboring
Since the intrinsic decomposition is a highly ill-posed pixel m and n is larger than τ , ω(m, n) is assigned with 0; oth-
problem, it is hard to separate a stereoscopic image pair il,r erwise, ω(m, n) is assigned with 100. Combined with Equ. 4,
into the reflectance rl,r and the shading sl,r only on the basis some facts can be figured out that larger chromaticity dis-
of Equ. 1. To solve this problem, we propose an algorithm that tance between the neighboring pixels allows the reflectance
decomposes a stereoscopic image pair into the reflectance changes, while shading variations mainly bear the image
component and the shading component by optimizing the gradient under smaller chromaticity distance between the
following energy with respect to the shading component sl,r : neighboring pixels.
Because rl,r = il,r − sl,r , Equ. 4 can be reformulated into:
arg min E(sl,r ) = λr Er (sl,r ) + λc Ec (sl,r ) XX X h
Er (sl,r ) = (1 + ω(m, n))(1sm,nl,r )
+ λl El (sl,r )+λnl Enl (sl,r )+λa Ea (sl,r ). (3) l,r m n∈N (m)
Here, Er (sl,r ), Ec (sl,r ), El (sl,r ), Enl (sl,r ), and Ea (sl,r ) are + (1im,n m,n m,n
l,r ) − 2ω(m, n)1il,r 1sl,r ,
the retinex term, reflectance-consistent term, local term,
non-local term, and absolute scale term, respectively. where 1sm,n n m,n
l,r = sl,r − sl,r and 1il,r = il,r − il,r .
m m n

140358 VOLUME 7, 2019

D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

In general, stereoscopic images have large overlapped
regions. It is a hard constraint that the overlapped regions
between the left and right views share the same reflectance
value. Therefore, the intrinsic image decomposition for
stereoscopic images needs to take the reflectance-consistency
constraints into consideration. In the process of constructing
the reflectance-consistency term, a high-accuracy disparity
calculation between the left and right views is needed. The
dense disparity estimation methods are well documented
in [56]. In our implementation, we adopt a dense flow algo-
rithm proposed by Liu et al. [57] to calculate the opti-
cal flow of a stereoscopic image pair to find the matched
pixel pairs between two views. We encourage the matched
pixel pairs between the left and right views to share the
FIGURE 2. An illustration of image regions with similar image color and
same reflectance value. Thus, the reflectance-consistent term texture distributing locally.
Ec (sl,r ) is defined as follows:
X 0
Ec (sl,r ) = (rlm − rrm )2 , (8)
m,m0 Similarly, because rl,r = il,r − sl,r , we can re-write
Equ. 11 as
where rl and rr are the left and right reflectances, respectively.
m and m0 are a matched point pair between the left and
l,r − il,r − sl,r + sl,r ) . (12)
n 2
El (sl,r ) = (im n m
right views. Suppose that the coordinate of pixel m is (x, y). l,r Pi ∈0l m,n∈Pi
Then, the coordinate of the matched pixel m0 (x 0 , y0 ) can be
l l

calculated from the flow method as follows: An illustration of image regions with similar image color
and texture locally is shown in Fig. 2. Here, we sample several
(x 0 , y0 ) = (x + 4x, y + 4y). (9) pairs of points (yellow dots highlighted in Fig 2(b) and (c))
In Equ. 9, (4x, 4y) is the optical flow calculated by Liu’s in each super-pixel(Fig. 2(d)). The number of sampled points
method [57]. is determined by the size of a super-pixel. From Fig. 2,
By substituting rl,r with il,r − sl,r , we can re-write Equ. 8 pixels in the same super-pixel have similar reflectance, and
as therefore we add local constraints on super-pixels to con-
strain these pixels within the same super-pixel sharing sim-
m0 m0 2
l − ir − sl + sr ) .
(im m
Ec (sl,r ) = (10) ilar reflectance value. It is worthwhile to point out that
m,m0 local constraints are considered in the left and right views
In Equ. 10, similar to the meaning of rl and rr , il and ir are separately.
the left and right views of a stereoscopic image pair, sl and sr
are the left and right shadings. E. NON-LOCAL CONSTRAINTS
Similar to local constraints, there are also many image regions
D. LOCAL CONSTRAINTS with similar image color and texture distributing non-locally
Local texture cues have shown their effectiveness to reduce as depicted in Fig. 3.
the ambiguity [9], [27], [30]. In a real world scene, there are Accordingly, we add non-local constraints on the
many local regions that share similar textures and reflectance. super-pixels with similar image color and texture non-locally,
Therefore, it is reasonable to add constraints on pixels that which can further reduce the ambiguity. To be concrete, for
belong to the same image region. In this paper, we employ each super-pixel, we find K nearest neighborring super-pixels
a SLIC super-pixel method [58], [59] to segment an image in terms of image color and texture across the left and right
into different super-pixels. We add local constraints on the views. Then, we sample several pairs of pixels from the
pixels within the same super-pixel to encourage them to share super-pixels as illustrated in Fig. 3. We can notice that there
similar reflectance value, which gives rise to the local term are many similar non-adjacent super-pixels within and across
El (sl,r ) as follows two views. In our work, the non-local term Enl (sl,r ) is defined
X X X as
El (sl,r ) = m
(rl,r n 2
− rl,r ) , (11) X X
l,r Pi ∈0l m,n∈Pi Enl (sl,r ) = m
(rl,r n 2
− rl,r ) . (13)
l l
j j
Pinl ,Pnl ∈0nl m∈Pinl ,n∈Pnl
where Pil represents a super-pixel, 0l denotes the whole set
of all super-pixels, and m and n are two different pixels from where 0nl is the union of all super-pixels from the left and
the same super-pixel. right views. Compared to the local constraints, the difference

VOLUME 7, 2019 140359

D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

and τ = 0.0009, which are used by all test examples in our

implementation. All above parameters are set by extensive

All real-world stereoscopic images are taken by a stereo-
scopic camera FinePix REAL 3D W3. Since the real-world
stereoscopic images are hard to obtain the ground-truth of
their reflectance and shading, Fig. 4 only shows the visual
results. As shown in Fig. 4, our proposed approach has suc-
cessfully decomposed the input image into its correspond-
ing reflectance component and shading component. Specif-
ically, the reflectance components, as shown in the third
and fourth columns in Fig. 4 (c) and Fig. 4 (d), only keep
color and texture information, while the shading compo-
nents, as shown in the fifth and sixth columns in Fig. 4 (e)
FIGURE 3. An illustration of image regions with similar image color and and Fig. 4 (f), contain lighting variations and shadow
texture distributing non-locally. effects.
To verify the individual contribution of the reflectance-
consistency term, the local and non-local term, we have also
between Equ. 11 and Equ. 13 is that pixels m and n are not in conducted ablation experiments. As described in Section III,
the same super-pixel but in different super-pixels. the reflectance-consistency term encourages the reflectance
By substituting rl,r with il,r − sl,r , we can re-write Equ. 13 of the matched pixels between the left and right views to be
as the same, we have conducted such a comparison experiments
X X with and without the reflectance-consistency constraints.
l,r −il,r −sl,r +sl,r ) . (14)
n 2
Enl (sl,r ) = (im n m

j j
Fig. 5 reveals the individual contribution of the
Pinl ,Pnl ∈0nl m∈Pinl ,n∈Pnl
reflectance-consistency term. The left and right reflectance
image, and the left and right shading image obtained with
and without reflectance-consistency constraints are shown
Finally, we add the absolute scale constraints to push the in Fig. 5 (b), Fig. 5 (c), Fig. 5 (d) and Fig. 5 (e), respec-
brightest pixels in the left and right views toward the unit tively. From Fig. 5, it is clear that the decomposition results
intensity value, which further disambiguate the shading with the reflectance-consistency term have better consistent
image. The absolute scale term Ea (sl,r ) is defined as follows reflectance as compared to the decomposition results that are
XX generated without considering the reflectance-consistency
l,r − 1) ,
Ea (sl,r ) = (sm (15)
l,r m∈Pa
Fig. 6 shows the individual contribution of the local and
where Pa denotes the brightest pixel or pixels. non-local terms in the proposed decomposition framework.
Combining Equ. 3 with Equ. 7, Equ. 10, Equ. 12, Equ. 14 In Fig. 6, the similar color and texture regions of the left
and Equ. 15, we find that the total energy function turns out and right views obtain more consistent reflectance under
to be a quadratic function with respect to variable sl,r . the situation where the local and non-local constraints are
From the optimization theory, it is easy to figure out that the considered in our decomposition framework.
total energy function Equ. 3 has a closed-form solution. In our
implementation, we formulate this closed-form solution into B. EXPERIMENTS ON SYNTHETIC STEREOSCOPIC IMAGES
a sparse linear system. 1 Then, the left shading sl and the
To quantitatively evaluate the performance of our proposed
right shading sr can be obtained by solving the above sparse
method, we build a synthetic stereoscopic images dataset with
linear system. Meanwhile, the left reflectance rl and the right
ground-truth of their corresponding reflectance and shading.
reflectance rr can be readily calculated by Equ. 2.
All synthetic stereoscopic images and their corresponding
reflectance and shading ground-truth are rendered by Maya
software. The procedure of rendering this dataset is described
In this section, we conduct extensive experiments both on as follows:
real-world stereoscopic images and the synthetic stereoscopic
images dataset. To begin with, all the parameters are set 1) Create a scene model [60] with a certain number of
as follows: λs = λr = λl = λnl = 1, λa = 1000, objects, the material type of every object is set as
Lambertian model, add color and texture information
1 In our implementation, the Matlab ‘\’ solver is adopted. if necessary.

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D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

FIGURE 4. Stereoscopic intrinsic image decomposition on real-world stereoscopic images. (a) Left view. (b) Right view. (c) Left reflectance. (d) Right
reflectance. (e) Left shading. (f) Right shading.

FIGURE 5. Decomposition results with and without the reflectance-consistency constraints on real-world stereoscopic images. (a) Left (up) and
right (down) views. (b) Left (up) and right (down) reflectance without the reflectance constraints. (c) Left (up) and right (down) reflectance with
reflectance constraints. (d) Left (up) and right (down) shading without the reflectance constraints. (e) Left (up) and right (down) shading with the
reflectance constraints.

2) Create a stereo camera with proper view angle, dispar- 3) Render the scene without lighting, reflectance
ity and other camera settings. ground-truth (Rleft , Rright ) can be generated.

VOLUME 7, 2019 140361

D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

FIGURE 6. Decomposition results with and without the local and non-local constraints on real-world stereoscopic images. (a) Left (up) and right (down)
views. (b) Left (up) and right (down) reflectance without the local and non-local constraints. (c) Left (up) and right (down) reflectance with the local and
non-local constraints. (d) Left (up) and right (down) shading without the local and non-local constraints. (e) Left (up) and right (down) shading with the
local and non-local constraints.

FIGURE 7. An example of synthetic stereoscopic images and its reflectance and shading ground-truth. (a) Left view. (b) Right view. (c) Left reflectance
ground-truth. (d) Right reflectance ground-truth. (e) Left shading ground-truth. (f) Right shading ground-truth.

4) Render the scene with the default or arbitrary light- The LMSE metric evaluation on synthetic stereoscopic
ing, synthetic stereoscopic images (Ileft , Iright ) can images are summarized in Table 1. The corresponding visual
be generated. decomposition results are shown in Fig. 8.
5) Transform Ileft , Iright , Rleft , Rright into logarithm domain The individual contribution of reflectance consistency
to get ileft , iright , rleft , rright respectively, obtain sleft , sright term and local and non-local terms on the synthetic stereo-
by ileft −rleft and iright −rright . Take the inverse logarithm scopic images are also verified by the similar way as the
of sleft , sright , shading ground-truth (Sleft , Sright ) can be experiments done on real-world stereoscopic images. The
obtained. average LMSE performance on the graphic stereoscopic
Fig. 7 is an example of synthetic stereoscopic images and renderings under different conditions are listed on Table 2.
its reflectance and shading ground-truth. Fig. 7(a) and (b) are As is shown in Table 2, the reflectance consistency term
the left and right views of the synthetic stereoscopic images, and local and non-local terms generally have positive impact
Fig. 7(c) and (d) are the left and right reflectance ground- on our proposed decomposition framework. More specifi-
truths, and Fig. 7 (e) and (f) are the left and right shading cally, reflectance consistent constraints show more important
ground-truths, respectively. impact on the final decomposition results.
The local mean squared error (LMSE) has been proposed To sum up, our proposed decomposition framework can
in the previous work [22] to evaluate decomposition algo- effectively produce better reflectance and shading image
rithms, as defined below: qualitatively and quantitatively, which can be seen from
Fig. 4, Fig. 8 and Table 1.
arg min kXgtω − αX ω k2 .
LMSE(Xgt , X ) = (16)
where Xgt and X denote the ground-truth vector and the INTRINSIC DECOMPOSITION
estimated vector, respectively, ω represents a sliding window, To testify the superiority of our stereoscopic intrinsic image
W stands for the sliding window set of the vector, and α is decomposition with compared to the intrinsic image decom-
a scalar that allows to minimize the difference between the position algorithm for monocular image, we conduct more
ground-truth sliding window (Xgtω ) and the estimated sliding comparative experiments on our datasets.
window (X ω ). Generally, the sliding step is set to the half of Fig. 9 shows a visual comparison between Zhao’s
sliding window size. monocular intrinsic decomposition [27] and our proposed

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D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

TABLE 1. The LMSE of our proposed method experiments on synthetic stereoscopic images. R denotes reflectance red channel, G means reflectance
green channel, B stands for reflectance blue channel.

FIGURE 8. Stereoscopic intrinsic image decomposition on the synthetic stereoscopic images. (a) Left view. (b) Right view. (c) Left reflectance
ground-truth. (d) Right reflectance ground-truth. (e) Left shading ground-truth. (f) Right shading ground-truth. (g) Left reflectance. (h) Right reflectance.
(i) Left shading. (j) Right shading.

stereoscopic decomposition on real-world stereoscopic by applying Zhao’s method to the left and right image,
image. Obviously, the decomposition results in Fig. 9 (b) pro- respectively.
duced by our method have more consistent reflectance com- Similarly, we compare Zhao’s method and our method on
pared to Zhao’s method. It’s noted that the left and right the synthetic stereoscopic images on the examples shown
reflectance and shading image in Fig. 9 (a) are generated in Fig. 8. The average LMSE of Zhao’s method and our

VOLUME 7, 2019 140363

D. Xie et al.: View-Consistent Intrinsic Decomposition for Stereoscopic Images

TABLE 2. The average LMSE performance on the synthetic stereoscopic TABLE 3. The average LMSE performance of Zhao’s method [27] and our
images under different conditions. method on the synthetic stereoscopic images.


In this paper, we studied the intrinsic decomposition prob-
lem for stereoscopic image pairs. Our method combined
several kinds of constraints, namely the retinex constraints,
the reflectance-consistent constraints, the local and non-local
constraints, and the absolute scale constraints, into a unified
framework to decompose a stereoscopic image pairs into the
reflectance images and the shading images. Experimental
results on both real-world stereoscopic image and synthetic
stereoscopic images demonstrate that our proposed method
can produce more consistent results as compared to tradi-
tional methods that are developed for monocular images.
In addition, a real-world stereoscopic image and synthetic
stereoscopic images dataset has been made available for the
One limitation of our method is that it only considers the
scene with Lambertian surface and simple lighting condi-
tions. In the real world, however, scenes are not necessarily
Lambertian and some objects in the scenes have highlight
effects. In addition, the illumination conditions are usually
complex. In our future works, we will focus on general scenes
and take into considerations the natural and complex lighting

The authors would like to thank Dr. Shurong Song for her
generously providing image rendering models and material
to generate synthetic stereoscopic images.

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[59] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, and S. Süsstrunk, SHUYUAN ZHU (S’08–A’09–M’13) received
‘‘SLIC superpixels compared to state-of-the-art superpixel methods,’’ the Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong Univer-
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 2274–2282, sity of Science and Technology, Hong Kong,
Nov. 2012. in 2010. From 2010 to 2012, he was with the
[60] S. Song, F. Yu, A. Zeng, A. X. Chang, M. Savva, and T. Funkhouser, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
‘‘Semantic scene completion from a single depth image,’’ 2017, and Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology
arXiv:1611.08974. [Online]. Available: Research Institute Company Limited, respectively.
In 2013, he joined the University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China and is currently
a Professor with the School of Information and
Communication Engineering, Chengdu, China. His research interests include
image/video compression, image processing, and compressive sensing.
He has more than 60 research publications and recipient of the Top 10% paper
award at the IEEE ICIP-2014 and the Top 10% paper award at VCIP-2016.
He is a member of the IEEE CAS Society. He served as the Committee
DEHUA XIE (S’16) received the B.S. degree Member for the IEEE ICME-2014, VCIP-2016, and PCM-2017. He was the
from the Hunan University of Technology, China, special Session Chair of Image Super-Resolution at the IEEE DSP-2015.
in 2011, and the M.S. degree from the University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, China, in 2014, where he is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His research topics BING ZENG (M’91–SM’13–F’16) received the
include image processing and computer vision. B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electronic engineer-
ing from the University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China,
in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the Tam-
pere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland,
in 1991. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the
University of Toronto, from September 1991 to
July 1992, and as a Researcher with Concor-
dia University, from August 1992 to January 1993. Then, he joined the
SHUAICHENG LIU (M’15) received the B.E. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). After 20 years
degree from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, of service, HKUST, he returned to UESTC, in 2013, through Chinas 1000-
in 2008, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from TalentScheme. At UESTC, he leads the Institute of Image Processing to work
the National University of Singapore, Singapore, on image and video processing, 3-D and multiview video technology, and
in 2014 and 2010, respectively. In 2014, he joined visual big data. During his tenure with the HKUST and UESTC, he graduated
the University of Electronic Science and Tech- more than 30 Master’s and Ph.D. students, recipient of the about 20 research
nology of China and is currently an Associate grants, filed eight international patents, and published more than 250 articles.
Professor with the School of Information and Three representing works are as follows: one article on fast block motion
Communication Engineering, Institute of Image estimation, published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS
Processing, Chengdu, China. His research inter- FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY (TCSVT), in 1994, has so far been SCI-cited more
ests include computer vision and computer graphics. than 1000 times (Google-cited more than 2100 times), and currently stands
at the 7th position among all articles published in this Transactions; one
article on smart padding for arbitrarily-shaped image blocks, published in
the IEEE TCSVT, in 2001, leads to a patent that has been successfully
licensed to companies; and one article on directional discrete cosine trans-
form, published in the IEEE TCSVT, in 2008, recipient of the 2011 IEEE
CSVT Transactions Best Paper Award. He was also a recipient of the Best
Paper Award at China-Com three times (2009 Xi’an, 2010 Beijing, and
YINGLONG WANG (S’16) received the B.S. 2012 Kunming). He was also a recipient of a 2nd Class Natural Science
degree from the School of Information Science Award (the first recipient) from the Chinese Ministry of Education, in 2014.
and Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, He was an IEEE Fellow, in 2016 for contributions to image and video coding.
China, in 2011. He is currently pursuing the He was a General Co-Chair of the IEEE VCIP-2016, held in Chengdu, China,
Ph.D. degree with the University of Electronic Sci- in November 2016. He is currently on the Editorial Board of the Journal of
ence and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. Visual Communication and Image Representation and serves as a General
His research interests include image processing Co-Chair of PCM-2017. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
and machine learning. TCSVT for eight years and recipient of the Best Associate Editor Award,
in 2011.

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