Lesson 3

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Name: Karen Joy M.

Damaso Lesson no: 3

Program:Yrlvl: BSED MATH III Course code: Educ301

All children, even those with special needs, can benefit from inclusive education
programs. These programs provide full-time services to all children in regular
classrooms. Extra services, such as speech and language therapy, psychological
services, physical and occupational therapy, and counseling services are brought
into the classroom if a kid requires them. The student is able to stay in the regular
education classroom at all times using this program. This program aims to
accomplish IDEA's goals by educating pupils in a conventional classroom while also
catering to their special needs. The Philippines provides educational services to
people with disabilities in accordance with the Constitution's provision that the state
preserves and promotes all citizens right to an accessible and high-quality education
at all levels.

Legal basis are measures that place restrictions on both the teacher and the students
in order to avoid situations in which the rights of both parties are violated.
Understanding these legal foundations can assist us in determining what a teacher is
required to accomplish and vice versa.

The importance of such legal basis to special and inclusive education foster a
foundation which every citizen safeguard, secured and protected by the law against
misusing the rights and freedom of individual. For instance, UN Declaration of
Human Rights (1948) which lead to individual liberties and rights that demand
universal protection so that everyone can live their life freely, equally, and in dignity.
Before, many children were denied to access education but with the law governing
the rights of the children like how Education of All Handicapped Children’s Act
support and protects the right of meeting individual needs and improving oneself,
everybody will grow.

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