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Protection Of Privacy In Psychological



Of the many ethical issues surrounding psychological testing, two have received particularly
prolonged public scrutiny , the issues of privacy and confidentiality. Widespread public
concern about psychological testing began in late 1950s
Though concerns about the invasion of privacy have been commonly expressed about
personality tests, they apply to any type of tests.
F or example any intelligence, aptitude ,achievement test may reveal limitations in skills and
knowledge that an individual would rather not disclose.
Even during interviews, casual conversations and other personal encounters individuals
may yield information that they would prefer to conceal.
Why psychological tests alone are of concern?

Reason that psychological test have been singled out in discussions of invasion of privacy
is due to misconceptions about the test and their frequent misuse as a sole basis for
assessing individuals.
If these tests were used only as measures of behaviour samples .popular fears and
suspicions could be lessened.
Privacy -Definition
Private information musty be kept confidential and not revealed to others.

An example of common criteria to release information is that

the safety of the individual or another is in jeopardy, meaning
the person is suicidal or homicidal, and the psychologist is
required to alert authorities.
Another criterion that would allow information to be
released is the removal of all identifying information
Exceptions to protection of privacy

Private information musty be kept confidential and not revealed to others. However. there are
exceptions to this rule.

1.Situations in which confidential information can be used to prevent harm being caused to
subject ,other person or society.
An example of common criteria to release information is that the safety of the individual or
another is in jeopardy, meaning the person is suicidal or homicidal, and the psychologist is
required to alert authorities. Another criterion that would allow information to be released is the
removal of all identifying information

2. While testing effectiveness, it may be necessary to keep the examinee ignorant of the ways in
which responses to any one test are to be interpreted. Whereas , a person should not be
subjected to any test under false pretences.
Two key concepts of protection of privacy
A) Relevance
The primary obligation of the test taker is to have a clear understanding regarding the
utilisation of test results and the Information asked to reveal must be relevant to the
stated purpose of testing.
Two key concepts of protection pf privacy
B) Informed consent
The psychologists offer a variety of services in their roles.
Informed consent is the central principle in these actions.
The end users of these services have the right to know precisely.
What services are being offered,
What benefits can be expected and
what risks are involved.
After being informed they have the right to refuse the services or to terminate
• Responsibility of the psychologists or the test taker
Legalities regarding protection of privacy is not strict. thus it is the responsibility of the
practitioner to ensure that information is not mis used and people are aware of their
rights when taking the services .
also the test taker should not be subjected to any test under false pretences.

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