Headway 5th - Pre-Inter - Workbook

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5th edition alse E Pre-intermediate Workbook with key Liz & John Soars * Jo McCaul b Contents 1 | Getting to know you Grammar Tense revision - present, past and future Questions Question words Vocabulary Right word, wong word Everyday English Social expressions REVIEW Ef ters gettosether Grammar Present Simple have and havegot Present Simple and Continuous Vocabulary Things I like doing Everyday English making conversation REVIEW EB c00d news, bad news Grammar Past Simple Past Continuous Past Simple and Continuous Vocabulary adverbs hove + noun Everyday English Saying when REVIEW pages o 12 13 14 v7 7 page 18 18 19 20 2 22 2B 2 2 Download all your audio files from headwayonline.com [Ey rood forthought Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns Expressions of quantity Pronouns - something/no.one .. Articles - afan, the or -? Vocabulary Apiece of cake Shops Food Everyday English Can you come for dinner? REVIEW Stop and check Units 1-4 Ei the futures inyourhands Grammar Verb patterns Future forms Vocabulary Phrasal verbs The verb get Everyday English Expressing doubt and certainty REVIEW Liliiistory repeats itself Grammar Present Perfect never, already, just, yet for, sinceand ago Present Perfect and Past Simple Vocabulary Word endings Everyday English ‘Agree with me! REVIEW page 24 26 25 26 28 28 28 2 29 page 30 page32 32 34 36 36 37 37 page 38 38 39 39 42 4a Simply the best rail Viheitke? oral i bl Superiatives. Prepositions Coripareo andl supatives Vocabulary Synonyms and antonyms Everyday English What's on? REVIEW Eid iiving dangerousty Grammar haveto must should Vocabulary Nota thing to wear! Everyday English Atthe doctor's REVIEW Stopand check Units 5-8 Eh wat a story: Grammar Past Perfect and Past Simple ‘Conjunctions Vocabulary Feelings Homonymns Everyday English Excamations wih andsuch REVIEW page 44 45 46 46 48 48 43 49 page 50. 50 51 52 54 35 55 page 56 62 62 3 63 Pl Atttime greats Grammar Passives Active or passive? Past participles as adjectives Vocabulary ‘Compound nouns Adverb + adjective Everyday English On the phone REVIEW People with a passion: Grammar Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Tense review Vocabulary Stages of life Everyday English Finding the right words REVIEW a You never know Grammar First Conditional Second Conditional First or Second Conditional? might Vocabulary bring and take, come and go Prepositions Everyday English Thank you and goodbye! REVIEW Stopand check Units 9-12 Answer key Irregular verbs Phonetic symbols Contents page 64 64 66 66 68 68 ~ Co page 70 70 n n 72 74 74 75 page76 76 7 78 76 80 8 ar Page 82 page 34 page 93 page 94 Getting to know you * Tense revision~ present, past and future ® Right word, wrong word * Questions * Social expressions * Question words Grammar Tense revision — present, past and future 1 Complete the texts with the verb forms in the box. Johanna Becker — [has speaks ‘msudying ‘mhoping dont want was moved studied wasbern from the US G Johanna Becker is a student. She * was born in Germany, but she? to Boston in the US with her parents when she just six years old. She + two older brothers, She*___ three languages - German, English, and Spanish, ‘*___law at Stanford University from 2014 to 2017, but!"___ to become a lawyer, Now| anthropology et Oxford University. After that, I? to.get a job in Mexico. | really want to work at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexica City? Garlen Bernard comes like found takes play don'tlike missed ‘mliving ‘steaching made from France teaches ‘magoing to look Garlen isa teacher. He'_______ from France. He normally mathematics at the Sorbonne, but at the moment he» mathematics at McGill University in Montreal for a year. = living in Canada very much, the people are warm and friendly. At first, 13 home alot, but!soon* __friendsand’?_____an apertment.|* __inan apartment with three other teachers ~ it's fun. I living on my own. Itonly*__me five minutes to walk downtown, where Ican shop or go to cafés and clubs. often” sports here — football and tennis, 12 fora permanent job in Canada when | finish my year at McGill University, Maybe here in Montreal? Who knows? | really like Vancouver, too’ Anna and Don have love ‘steaching ’shelping ‘restaying ‘redoing didn’twant graduated from Enaland decided ‘re going to train 2 ‘Anna and Don are from Exeter in England. They both * last year, but they 2 to start their careers immediately, so they?______to live and work abroad fora year At the moment, they volunteer workin Kenya. They at Camp Kenya with 50 other volunteers from all over the world. They're fer working in the lacal community: Anna * English, and Don” the local people to build schools and playgrounds, The Kids © playing football; seys Don, ‘and now they * 3 real pitch to play on! ‘When Anne and Don go back to England, they ®, to be teachers. 6 Unit - Getting to know you Forming the tense 2 Put the verbs into the correct tense and form (positive or negative), 1 Johanna wasn'tbern (born) in the US. 2 She (speak) Portuguese. 3 In the photo, Johanna (carry) some books. 4 Garlen (be) French, 5 Atthe moment he (ive) with three other teachers, 6 Garlen 7 Annaand Don England at the moment 8 They (live) in. (finish) university last year. 9 When they go back to England, they (irain) to be teachers. 3 Choose the correct form ofthe verb. 1 She's very clever. She three languages. a ‘speaking b speak © speaks 2. ‘Would you like a cigarette?” ‘No, thanks. 1___! a dost smoke b nosmoke ¢ 'm not smoking 3 Ito the cinema yesterday evening, ago b was c went 4 Where __ in Argentina? a youstayed b didyou stay youstay 5 My weekend was very boring. I anything adidnido b didnt ¢ notdo 6 Thisis a great party! Everyone a good time, ahas b having ¢ ‘shaving 7 ‘What tonight?" “Tm going out with friends? a are youdoing b youdo ¢ doyoudo 8 I dont know this word. What? a doesitmean b meansit ¢ does mean 9 Next year |___ study at university: a goto b 'mgoingto c goingto (ike) living on his own, Questions 4 Complete the questions. “What kind of cake Js he going tomake ?” “Hes going to make a chocolate cake! “What Zoe r “she’s playing on her iPad in her room? 3 ‘Where Jane and Peter ? “They live in a flat, in north London? 4* Jane acar? "No, she doesait 5 'Where__you. “Yim going to Italy! 6 ‘What __you ‘| watched the football? 7 ‘Where your grandmother born?” ‘She was born in Stockholm? 8 ‘When She got married in 1980 OH Listen and check, on holiday?” last night?’ she get vi Auxiliaries 5 Put the words on the right in the correct place in the questions. 1. Whett{ Maria come from? does 2 What language she speaking now? is 3. What you doing tonight? are 4. Where you buy your jeans? id 5 Whetyou going 0 cook fordinner? are 6 How much money he have? docs 7 You go to work yesterday? did 8 What your father do? does Unit + Getting to know you Question words 6 Complete the conversation with question words, Mum Morning, Tom. * How are you this morning? Tom Morning, Mum. Fine, thanks. 'm just a bit tired, Mum dirt hear you come home ast night time did you get in? Tom Not that late. About 11.00, Mum * did you go? Tom Just round to Alex’s house. We played cards Mum Sounds like fun. {beep} Tor, was that your phone? Tom Yeah. Oh! Mum + ‘sthe matter? Tom Nothing It'sa text from Lucia Mum *____'s Lucia? Tom Shes a girl | met on holiday in Spain, Mum Really? What does she want? Tom She's coming to Oxford. Mum *__ ? Tom Because she's going to leamn English, Mum © school is she going toz Tom She doesn't know yet, She wants my advice, Mum There are lots of good schools in Oxford 's she coming? Tom Next month. Mum Well, don't you invite her for dinner when she’s here? Tom OK. 'llask her. Thanks, Mum. is she comii Listen and check. 8 Unit? + Getting to know you 7 Match a question in A with an answer in B. A 1 What do you do? 2. Who did you go out with? 3. Where do you live? 4 When's your birthday? 5 Why are you wearinga suit? 6 How many bedrooms are there? 7. How much did you pay fort? 8 How are you? 9. Whose phone is this? 10. Which phone network do you use? aes. » [| Three ¢ L] Fine, thanks, And you? dO Myfriend Alex. @ [i] Imateacher, F [) vedatone, 9 L) April zane. hE] itsmine. Thanks. 1 ina tiatin the contre of town, [5] tm going toa friendls weeding (ORBY Listen and check, who's or whose? 8 Complete the sentences with who or whose. L going to the cinema on Saturday?” “Everyone except George? is that beautiful coat?* “It's Olivie’s, It cost nearly £400! bag is this?” ‘Irs mine: that ringing at the door?” 'No idea, I'll go and sce! that handsome boy with Sue? ‘Ws fim. Hes her younger brother! 6 ‘Do you know house that is?” Yes, Mr Jones lives there’ Best friends and brilliant athletes 9 Read about Mena Fitzpatrick, a Paralympic ski racer, and her guide, Jen Kehoe. Write the headings in the correct place in the te Friends forever itcame godin the end Ears become eyes A friend and guide Thanks to her parents 10 Complete the questions about Menne and Jen. an 1 ‘How many medals did they win? “Four! 2 ‘When enna skiing?" ‘When she was five? 3 “Why the crowds silent at competitions?” ‘So that the skier can hear instructions? 4 ‘What Jen # 2 officer? 5 ‘Menna and Jen best friends immedictely?” “Yes, they die 6 _ the girls their first ace atthe Games?” “No, they didnt. They crashed out? 7 ‘Why _ Jen proud?’ Because they won gold 8 *___they_ continue to ski together? “Yes, they are. And they're hoping for more sucess. Complete the sentences with one word each time. 1 Menna’s parents same as her sisters. her to feel the 2 Menna an only child, she two older sisters. 3. Her father sometimes remember that she was behind him, 4 Menna __ to her guide carefully when she’ skiing. 5 Jen Menna’ guide in 2015. 6 The UK just one gold medal in South Korea. 7 The girls are tobe friends forever Menna and Jen - Paralympic skiers ‘Menna Fitzpatrick and Jennifer Kehoe are the most successful Paralympians ever, and they're best friends. They won four medals, including a gold, at the 2018 Paralympics in South Korea. What isthe secret of their incredible success? 1 Menna was born with less than 5% vision, but her parents didn’t want her to fee! different to other children. She did the same sports as her older sisters and started skiing when she was only five years old, She followed her father down the slopes. Sometimes he forgot Menna was behind him and he took her down difficult slopes and even off-piste"! She was clearly a‘natural: In 2010 a ski coach noticed her and she started training with the British Parasnowsport team. fee ee Skiing at 110 kph is not easy even when you can see clearly ~ but imagine skiing with less than 5% vision. Mena says that its like skiing in thick fog. Your eyes can't see, so your ears are everything - you need ‘to hear what your guide Is saying. During competitions, the crowds can’t make any noise - they stay completely silent. $e Jen is an Army Officer in the Royal Engineers. She loved skiing and raced with the Army SkiTeam. In 2013, a coach asked her to become a guide for the British Parasnowsport team. She agreed and two years later she was paired with Menna. The ‘two girls immediately became best friends. It was not just the beginning of a friendship, but also a great sporting partnership. “They say that they are like sisters who don't fight. 4 oe i In March 2018, at the Winter Paralympic Games in South Korea, the girls crashed out in their opening race. But they dicn't give up. They continued to fight and went on to win a bronze and two silver medals. Thet vas good, but then on the final day Menna and Jen won a gold medal - the UK's only gold of the Games! Jen proudly said, Wwe fought right to the very end! 5 Menna and Jen are going to continue skiing together in the future and hope for more success. However, when their skiing partnership does finally end, the girls know that they are going to be friends forever, ‘off-piste anay from the ski tracks Unit 1 + Getting to know you 9 > Vocabulary Right word, wrong word 1 Choose the correct verb for each line, play go 1 Do you want to play tennis? I go ice-skating once a week. do. make 2 Good luck in the exam! your best! 1 my own bread every morning. say speak 3 Eduard doesn't English very wel. always hello when I see her. watch look 4 Cant at your wedding photos? Did you the match last night on TV? lend borrow 5 Cand Du tomorrow, Jack is going to weekend, some money? I'll give it back to us his car for the teach learn 6 Can you__ me how to cook? I'm rubbish! Do you want to French with me? 'm starting a beginners class next week, 2 Underline two nouns that go with theadjective 1 delicious burger / meal / picture 2 interesting laptop / book / film 3 excited / football match / dog 4 strong coffee / exam / woman 5 funny man / story / view 6 long woman / road / story 1D Unit + Getting to know you 3 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition in about for at(x2) to with of (x2) from 1 Look at that picture! Isn't it beautiful! 2 Tm waiting the postman to arrive, 3 Timexcited my holiday: 4 Are you good maths? 5 Wikipedia is full useful information, 6 Are you interested polities? 7 You're so right. | totally agree you. 8 The station isn't far here, 9 Can I speak _ you for a minute? 10 Tmafraid dogs 4 Complete each pair of sentences with the correct word. kind vain left rest mean 1 Wher xt train to London? Athletes train every day to keep fit. the You look tired. You need to more. We had lunch and spent the of the dav on the beach, 3 What does that My uncle is really money. in English? He never spends any 4 A present? For me? How _ of you! What of music do you like? 3 Tun at the end of the street. We for the airport at six otlock in the morning, Everyday English Social expressions Complete the conversations using one word each time, fit? 1 A Thank you so much for your help. B You're welcome. [twas no atall, 2 A Hi, Laura Sorry I'm Bad traffic! B That's OK, It doesnit __. The film doesn't start for another 15 minutes. 3. A Can you come to dinner on Saturday? BIm____, I cant. I'm busy. A mind, Perhaps time, 4A Excuse me. you ime with this exercise? Is really difficult B Of. What don't you understand? A Allofit! 5 A Bye, Stella 2 good weekend, B Thanks! to you, Ashley. Are you anything nice? AA Yes, 'm meeting en old school friend dinner on Saturdsy, B Lovely! Have! GHEY Listen and check. REVIEW Grammar 1 Put the words in the correct order, 1 that / bag//is / Whose / green / ? 2 T/well / exams / didn't / my / do / in 3. studying / Why / you / English / are /? 4 many / How do / have / children / they (2 5 going / visit / in / the / Glasgow / friends / Were { weekend / at /to 6 Lara / from / Scotland / comes / working / moment / but / she’s fat / London / in / the 7 you/ last/ get / for / What / birthday / did / your /? 8 like / dogs | Martha / doesnt she’ / because / of / scared / them Vocabulary 2 Underline the correct word. 1 Twant to go / play dancing tonight. 2 Marco is mad of about tennis. He plays every week. 3 This is@ photo about / of my dad when he was young 4 ‘My journey to work was so busy / long this morning. Tt tok two hours! 5 Henry is very clever. He can say / speak English, Spanish and Italian. 6 My husband never makes / does the housework. 7 live in / on a small two bedroom apartment with / about my sister. 8 Nick is very busy / important. He studies all day and then works at a restaurant at night. 9 {like Helena’s new boyfriend ~ he’s very interesting / interested. 10 Can you learn / teach me how to ride a bike? (LB -Go online for more skills and language practic (© Gocntine to Check your progress.) Unit 1 + Getting to know you un * Present Simple * have and havegot * Present Simple and Continuous Grammar Present simple Positive, negative and questions 1 Complete the text with the verb forms in the box. donttlive works. lives look work wants do Let’s get together © Things | like doing * Making conversation 2 Complete the questions about Chris and and. 1 ‘Wheat do. Chris and Xand do? “They're doctors’ 2 ‘How much older than Chris. Xand?* ‘Seven minutes. does have wears (x2) | 3 “Where they “Chris lives in the UK and Xand lives in New York’ 4 “Where Xand ‘At Fordham University! 5 ‘What they. isimportant?’ “To get young people interested in science and. medicine? 6 ‘Why they different colour Chris and Xand van Tulleken are identical twins, and they're both doctors. They also" work as TV presenters on science programmesand* alot of work forcharity. ‘Chris and Xand both? medical degrees from Oxiord University, and they trained and qualified as doctors arthesame hospital. They* identical, although (Chriss taller than Xand by half an inch, and older, too - by seven minutes! AAs well as presenting TV shows, Chil s studying at University College London, because he * PD. Kand* in New Yorkand works at Fordham University. He also” asan editor forthe Oxford Hnaloookof Hurwanitarian Medicine and * alorot work for the World Health Organization, The twins? in the same country, butthey have a comumion project. They both believe i's very important to get young people interested in science and medicine, and together they present a popular childsen’s medical TV show called Operation Quch!. How can children tell which twin is which on ‘TV2 Is easy! DeChis always * blue shirt and DrXand" agreen one! _togeta 12. Unit2 + Let's get together shirts on TV?” ‘So the children can tell which twin is which! (OEM Listen and check. 3 Complete the negative sentences, 1 Chris dogsn’twork (ot work) for the Handbook of Humanitarian Medicine. cford 2 They (not present) a children's talent show. 3 Chris (not live) in New York. 4 They {not wear) the same colour clothes 01 V. 4 Write the short answers. 1 ‘Do Xand and Chris have medical degrees?” “Yes. theydo 2 ‘Does Chris have a degree from Fordham University? “Does Xand work for the World Health Organization? 4 ‘Do they live in the same country? DEBI Listen and check. State verbs 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct form. need belong cost notunderstand have [_netknow think agree notmatter_mean 1 the answer to this question. Can you 2 What___you of my new car? Do you like it? 3. He has a very strong accent. | = him. 4 T'm going to the shops. you anything? 5 Who_____this coat to? Isit yours? 6 ‘This government is terrible!” T___ they're rubbish: 7 ‘Pm sorry Tim late? ‘tt Dont worry! 8 Idontt know this word. What it 9. The United Kingdom a populetion of over 65 million people. This c over £8! is very expensive! A sandivich Adverbs of frequency 6 Put the words in the correct order. ‘cinema /1/ to / often / go / friends / my / with / the Joften go to the cin my friend: have / toast / usually /1/ breakfast / for always / TV / evening / watch /T/ the / in holiday / often / How / do / have / you /a/? sometimes / We / Japanese / go / a / restattrant / to sehool /1/late / never / for J am have and have got 7 Lookat the picture of Billy's room and complete the conversation, Use the correct form of have got. my A Hi Billy. Tell me about your bedroom. +_ you alot of things in your tom? B | guess so.12 a huge TV anda laptop. A What type of laptop you ? B It's Dell. A And! suppose you‘____a PlayStation? B Nol*__ ___one at the moment -it ‘broke! But | prefer real games anyway. | love golf AS __you__.__ your own golf clubs? B No,luse Dad's. He” some really nice ones. (@EB Listen and check. 8 Rewrite the sentences using the other form of have or have got. 1 Do you have the time, please? Have you got the time, please? 2 Te gota terrible headache. Have you got any aspirin? You have a beautiful house. Sally's got a really good job. We havent got any money. Unit 2 + Let's get together 13 Present Simple and Continuous What does she do?/ What's she doing now? 9 Look at the photos and answer the questions, 1 What does Serena do? She'sa football coach. 2. Where does she work ata football club, 3 Is she working now? 4 What she doing? to.some children, 10 Choose the correct form of the verb. 1 [to work now: See you later aimgoing ——-b go 2 We the news on TV every evenit a ‘rewatching —b watch 3 Don't turn the TY off, 1 it a watch b 'm watching 4 Carla Italian, She from Milan, a Scoming —_b comes Spanish food? I love tapas. a Doyoulike —b Are you liking 6 1__any pets a ‘mnot having b dont have 7 Donlt wait for Brik, He. a doesritcome — b isnt coming 8 What’ the matter? Why crying? a are you b doyou 14° Unit2 + Let's get together 5 What does James do? v What does he write? articles for a newspaper. Ishe working now? What's he doing? Correct the mistakes in these sentences 1 Forliking black coffee. ike 2 The sun always is rising in the east 3. Hook for a white shirt in medium. Have you got any? 4 ‘Wheres Dave?" “Hes over there. He talks to Angela? 5 She's 21 years old! I'm not believing her! 6 Tm learn English for my job. 7 Why you going out without a coat? It’s freezing! ‘8 My father work in a bank. 9 1s0e my friends later this evening, rt 0. What is this word mean? The opportunity of a lifetime! Living with sheep 12 Look at the job advert. 1 What job is it for? 2 What experience do you need? ASSISTANT SHEPHERD NEEDED A parttime job i # Seuee pieces managing 2,000 sheep Experionce in cog waning is essential £11/hour 20 hours week 13 Read about Owen Jones, Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, The Life of a Welsh Shepherd Standing on @ busy train on a rainy Monday morning, many city workers | dream (dream) of a life away from the crowds. Looking after sheep miles away from any other human being may sound like the perfect escape. However, the life of a shepherd isn't just about watching the sunset and walking in pretty countryside. It's often a lonely and difficult job. ‘Owen Jones is a Welsh shepherd. He & (spend) 12 hours a day, seven Gays a week, with his sheep in Snowdonia National Park. Apart from his sheep, he only has two dogs for company, Flo and Ben ‘On the good days I'm a very happy man! says Oven, ‘When I? (wath) with my dogs on a soft summer's evening, with the beauty of the mountains around me, . life is perfect. But, I sometimes % i) a +____ (not see) another human being for a whole week. My sheep and my dogs are my only friends. Owen ___ {own} over 2,000 sheep and (walk) hundreds of miles. t's hard work, and so now he’ (took) for someone to help him. He * (offer) to pay £11 an hour and he *___ (provide) accommodation ~ a srnell cabin set in the foothills of Mount Snowdon 14 Complete the questions, 1 Whatdo many city workers dream of? ‘A life away from the crow ‘Owen for company? “Two dogs, Flo and Ben! 3‘__ Owen _ for?" ‘Someone to help him! Owen to pay?” accommodation?” “Yes, he is. A small cabin! ‘The job description calls it the opportunity of a lifetime, but this job isn't just about beautiful scenery. You have to be strong, hard-working, and enjoy your own company. Sometimes you"___ (not speak) to another ‘human being for days, ‘tn the winter 1 (work) for months on end in the rain and snow’, says Owen. ‘It's freezing and very lonely. Also, the newborn lambs sometimes " (die) of the cold - it breaks my heart, and that's when 1 ” (rot lke) this job Many ofus"___ (want) to work for ourselves when we (have) problems with our bosses, But as Owen explains, a shepherd's boss is the weather, and it's not always @ kind one, When you're on a mountain and the snow (fall) heavily, and you can't find your sheep, there's no one to complain to. You're on your own! So, do you stil! want to escape the city and work outdoors in the countryside? Perhaps the grass isn't always greener there... asa his job?” 1, he doesnt, Sometimes he’s very lonely _ many people _ __ to quit their Owen always jobs? “Because of their bosses? 8 your boss when you're a shepherd “The weather! (EBD Listen and check. Unit2 + Levs get together 15 Vocabulary Things | like doing 1 Underline the correct verb. 1 Love going / playing to the gym. 2 Lalways have / doa lie-in on Sunday morning, 2. Karen loves going out / going with her friends on Saturday night. 4 [da / take photos on my phone all the time, 5. My parents love watching / seeing detective programmes on TV. 6 [love chatting / meeting my friends for a drink after work. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box do shop have play go read 1 Like weekend. 2 Doyou like ___ out with my friends at the games on your phone? 31 the newspaper every morning Tike to know what's happening around the world 4 Thate nothing, [ike to be busy all the time. 5 My sister loves for clothes, She’ got two wardrobes full of new clothes. 6 At weekends, we often a barbecue in the garden 3 Make a compound noun with a1 in A anda noun in B, Complete the sentences, ing form A a table swimming | list parking machine sparking | licence dining water driving costume shopping | shoes washing ticket 1 A Ineed some new sunningshogs; these have holes in them, But they're so expensive! B The sports shop in town has a good sale on at the moment, try there. 2. A How long have you had your for? B 12years. And I've never had an accident! 3A Myson’ back from university with all his dirty clothes and the isnlt working! B Oh no! just when you need it. 4A T'm really thirsty. Can I have e large glass of , please? B Of course, 5 A Mynew round it can sit ten people B That's good. When are you having us round for dinner? 6 A Dont forget to pack your __ ‘ ‘There’ an outdoor poo! at the hotel B I won't. | think P'll bring two. 7 A Leila parked on a double yellow line for just two minutes and got a B Oh dear! She must be so cross, A Can you put milk and bread on the ? B Anything else? I think we need some or; ge juice, Listen and check. Everyday English Making conversation Complete the conversation. H Hi My name's Harry. |'ma friend of Marco’. C Hi, Harry. im Carolina, ma friend of Marco's, too. How do you" Marco? H We're in the same maths class at college. © Oh really! enjoying your maths classes? H No, they'te really difficult, and | don’t like all the homework. € Marco says the same, but he likes the teacher. 2 yout H Oh, yes! Professor Mortis is brilliant! She's so clever. What are yout 2 I'm studying Spanish and history. H Really! interesting, Can you «Spanish fluently? Well, /m quite good, but | still make mistakes. H I bet you're great. Have you heerd of that new ‘Spanish restaurant in town? The’! Toro? € The bull Yes, it looks good. H How? __ going there one night? You could help me lear Spanish. Mi espanoles terrible! C Yes,d*___to. H How about next Friday? Il ring and book a table. C OK. Lovely! Listen and check. REVIEW Grammar 1 White the third person singular of these verbs. 1 live a 2 work 3 enjoy 4 play 5 watch 6 relax 7 study 8 & 2 Write the -ing form of these verbs. 1 rain taining. eo come swim leave stop run 8 take begin 10 travel 3 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 Vinee drive ten miles to work every day. 2. What languages does Lydia speaks? 3. Istudying Japanese at Manchester University. 4 Tot like fish. 5 Brad and Glen is playing football in the garden 6 My brother always have a cup of tea in the morning. 7 Has got Ross any brothers or sisters? 8 Fiona no has any children. 9 The phone rings. Who could it be this late? 10. Karen is always having the latest designer jeans. (DP Go oniine for more skilzand language practice, (Le Goonline to Check your progress. Unit2 + Lets get together 7 © Past Simple © Past Continuous ® Past Simple and Continuous Good news, bad news! * Adverbs * have +noun * Saying when Grammar " Past Simple (sytem Positive = 1 Read about Tony Hawks’: Irish adventure, Complete the text with the regular or irregular Past Simple form of the verbs in the boxes. Round Ireland ... with a fridge?! drink decide agree make buy | ting choose Thereare many ways to travel round Ireland ~by car, coach, train, or bike. One man * chose tohitchhike* round Ireland, but he had a very unusual travelling companion = a fridge! Ona Saturday nightin the middle of winter, ‘Tony Hawks, a British comedian, was having dinner with some old friends, They »___ too much red wine, and the conversation became wilder and wilder. At the end of the night he* acrary bet with his fiend, Kevin. He+______to hitchhike around Ireland in one month with a {tidae! The bet was only for £100. ‘The next day, Kevin * Tony and said he could forget the bet. However, Tony loved the silliness ofthe dea, and he todo it! ‘The next month, Tony? asmall fridge. He was ready for his Irish adventure! 18 Unit3 - Good news, bad news! become setoff love say win have go ask want The trip Toay ftom Cavan in Ireland, tt wasn't long before a local radio DY? interested in Tony's unusual challenge He ‘Tony to call the radio show every morning and share his travel stories with the listeners. The Irish people " hearing about his travels and wanted to help him win his bet, They called him the Fridge Man’ Not surprisingly, Tony and his fridge some interesting adventures. They had tea with the king of Tory Island a tiny Irish speaking island off the coast of ¥ Donegal. Tony i the princes’shand in marriage with abunch of flowers, ut unfortunately the princess was away, He also “ —susfing with Bingo, one of ieland’ champion surfers Bingo the fridge was better surfer than Tony! Tony loved the warmth and generosity of the irish people. He foundit amazing that a smal fridge could bring so many people together. And be the bet! towin The king of Tory Island hitehhike to travel by getting free lifts from pessing cars Questions 2 Write the questions about ‘Tony Hawks, 1 ‘What did Tony travel round Ireland with?” ‘A fridge? 2 ‘Who with? ‘His friend, Kevin! 3. ‘How long the journey Fe ‘It took one month? 4 ‘How much for?’ “£100 3 ‘Why he decide ? “Because he loved the silliness of the idea! 6 “Where from?’ ‘Cavan’ 7 “What ? “The Fridge Man! 8 Who with? “The king of Tory Island? (DEB Listen and check. Negatives and short answers 3 Correct the information, 1 Tony met his friends on a Friday night Tony didn't meet his friends on a Friday night, Hemetthemona Saturday night. __ 2 Tony drank too much beer 3 He had six weeks to complete the bet 4 The bet was for £1,000, Past Continuous 5 This is what you saw when you arrived at work yesterday. ‘Write sentences in the Past Continuous. When | arrived at work ... 1 Claude and Ellie / chat / next to / photocopier ind Ellie were chatting Penny / eat cake 3 Martin | drink / coffee 4 Molly / shop / online Andy and Matt / talk /last night’ match During his trip, Tony went skydiving. Answer the questions with short answers, 1 ‘Did he travel with a washing machine?” ‘ ‘ » ‘Did he travel cound Scotland?” 3 ‘Did he meet lots of friendly people on his 4 ‘Did he get married?’ *_ “Did he go surfing?’ : 6 ‘Did he lose the bet? . (DEB Listen and check. 6 Complete the questions about the people in the picture. 1 ‘Who. to?’ ‘Ellie? 2 ‘What ‘Acake! 3 ‘What___you » Molly®’ ‘A new dress? 4 ‘What___ you to Mait about, Andy?! “The match? 7 Complete the negative sentences, 1 Martin wesn'tdrinking (mot drink) tea, 2 Claude and Ellie (not use) the photocopier. 3 Molly (not do) any work. Andy and Matt __ (not talk) about work. Unit 3 + Good news, bad news! 19 News stories B Read the three sto Put the phrases in the box in the correct place in the stories. {a and was vraiting for him at the finish line b who were all watching its final journey because he was going to visit his mother d vihile travelling at 141,600 kilometres per hour € who was driving dangerously 4. while he was running Blind Driver Arrested Police in Kentucky stopped a 31-year-old man, Daniel McCarthy, "__, and then discovered he was blind. ‘He had his dog with him,’ said police spokesman Melvyn Kittburg, McCarthy said he only recently Tost his sight. He knew the road very well His dog was trained to bark once aia red light and twice at a green light. ‘McCarthy lost his driving lleence, The 100-Year-Old Marathon Runner Feuja Singh became the first 100-year-old to finish a marathon when he completed the Toronto Waterfront marathon in 8 hours 11 ‘minutes and 5.9 seconds. He drank lots of water *___and he never took a rest. Fauja vias exhausted after the race, and said the last sit miles were the most difficult. His 75-year-old son came to the race * Fauja sterted running at the age of a9 after the deaths of his wite, son and daughter. It gave him a reasan to live. NASAs Cassini spacecraft ended its 20-year mission when it dived into Saturn. Cassini, a man-made meteor, hit Satum at 11.30 a.m. UK time |__. This moment marked the end of an eight-illion- Filomotre journey. NASA scientists and engineers, °__, were very emotional. Many of them were at NASA 20 years ago whien Cassini start its journey 20. Unit3 » Good news, bad news! Lo Past Simple and Continuous 9 Write the verbs once in the Past Simple and once in the Past Continuous. 1 have I went to Liam’ party last night! “Did you have a good time?’ They were having dinner when the doorbell rang, live I in Rome when I wasa child. I in Rome when I met my wife talk You were on the phone for ages! Who you to? Thad a problem with my neighbour, but I tohim, and its OK now. wear When I saw Bella, she a beautiful red dress ~ she looked stunning, “What you for your interview yesterday ‘A suit and tie? rain When Tleft the house, it so I took my umbrella. “Did you have good weather for your wedding?” No it all day, but it didsvt matter? The White Mouse’ 10 Read the introduction to the text about Nancy Wake. 1 Who was she? 2. What nickname did the Gestapo give her? 11 Read the full text. Underline the correct form of the verb bier 2 Nancy Wake was a World War Il soldier and spy. During the war the Gestapo gave her the nickname the ‘White Mouse’ because she was so difficult to catch, Nancy was born in New Zealand, but she !was growing up / grew up in Australia. At the age of 20, she left Australia and travelled to London, New York, and Paris. She settled down in France and married a Frenchman, Henri Fiocca. They were living / lived in Marseille when the war started. Nancy joined the French Resistance and helped a lot of people escape the country. The Gestapo *was finding / found out about Nancy and she *was becoming / became their most wanted person. They looked for the ‘White Mouse’ everywhere, but she managed to escape from France to the UK. Her husband *was preparing / prepared to join her in London, but unfortunately, the Gestapo *were finding / found him and shot him. When Nancy got to England, she joined the Special Operations Executive (SOB) and became a fully trained agent in only eight months. After her training, she went to France on a mission. Soon, Nancy ’was fighting / fought with the men in some of the flercest battles. ‘I liked that kind of thing, she said. Nancy was a cool character. One day, while she *was eating / ate her breakfast, she *was ordering / ordered a soldier to shoot an enemy spy. It didn’t put me off my breakfast) she s 12 Complete the questions and write the answers. 1 Where! Nancy / born? Where was, rn? InNew Zeatand. 2 When /leave/ Australie? 3 Where / live / when the war started? (DEB) Liston and check. Ben After the liberation of France, Nancy “was returning / returned to London. She received nine medals from the British, French and American governments, including the George Medal, the Croix de Guerre, and the Médaille dela Résistance She died on August 7, 2011, three weeks before her 98th birthday. put somebody off make somebody disike something 4. Why// the Gestapo / want to find her? Where / go / after the liberation of France? 6 How many / medals / receive? Unit 3 - Good news, bad news! 2 a 22 Vocabulary Adverbs 1 Find the verb and adverb pairs, vero | ever trie regularly work passionately sat | Baal exercise | stowly explain | brighty fight | patiently shine | fad toe _| bel 1 dfvestoty 3 4 5 6 8 2 Complete the sentences with a verb and adverb combination from 1 in the correct form. 1 The sun was shining. brightly when we left home this, morning, but by lunchtime it was raining My dog, Pedro, for me outside the supermarket while I went shopping, 3 Its very icy, please . The roads are really dangerous 4 Romeo and Juliet each other so 5 Thavea really good maths teacher. She always things so 6 Nicola really for her exams, and pessed them all 7 The American Indians against the cowboys, 8 Twant to be healthy and fit so [ Unit3 + Good news, bad news! have + noun hhavels often uses with anoun to express an action, was having a bath when the phone rang, Wehad lunch in an ttaian restaurant. Notice that we don’ use @ with meats. Thad breakfast and went to work 3 GHEY complete the sentences with a form of have and a noun from the box. enersument alook adream eswim aword | ashower abreak agoodtime adrink 1 Tcouldnit sleep last night. My neighbours had an argument. and I could hear every word. Iwas tired when I got home, so 1 « washed my hair and went to bed, 3 ‘Iwent toa party last night! ‘Oh! Was it good? Did you 4 about you last night. I dreamt you were the Prime Minister. 5 Cant at your wedding photos? 6 108 so hot! I think TL in the pool before lunch. 7 Are you thirsty? Would you like to t 8 Cant with you? There's something { need to talk to you about. 9 Ineed a coffee, Can we soon? Everyday English Saying when 1 Complete the conversations with int, at, on or ~ (no preposition). 1 A What time does the film start? B At six otlock. 2A When were you born? B Iwas born 1998, A Hoon Friday! Nearly the weekend! B Icant wait to finish work. T'm going out this evening, 4A My driving test is__ Thursday. B Good luck! 5 A What did youdo___ the weekend? B I went toa birthday party It wasamaring! Saturday night 6 A Wealways go on holiday July. winter, We visit my B We usually go away family in Australia A You look tired. Did you go to bed late __ last night? B Yech, 1 went out with friends and didn't get home until two ozlock the morning Listen and check. 2 Complete the conversation with words from the box. in at(x2) om(y2) last ago when ‘A When's your birthday? Btiian 13 Septcnber w ‘A What year were you born? B [ was born 1996, Wheris your birthday? A Te was a couple of weeks? B Really? What did you do* A Not much. + Twas 21, Thad a huge party with fireworks © idnight, and” year we went to a club, but this year was very quiet actually. your birthday? B Were having a party for Sally’ birthday. Its next Saturday * 8.00. Do you want to come? A Great! Ti love tot (DEB Listen and check. REVIEW Grammar 1 Complete the table. | Past Simple 1 | study | studied live Past Continuous was/were studying ring leave plan | wy travel make 2 Underline the correct form of the verb in the text, One day, Margot Clements *1eas walling / walked along the High Street. It was hot so she decided to take off her coat. While she 2was taking it off / took it off, her phone Swas starting / started to ring. She ‘was opening / opened her bag to answer it. The phone *was ringing /rang loudly, but she couldn't find it anywhere She ‘was putting / put her bag down on a bench. Suddenly, a man "was appearing / appeared x from nowhere, He *was picking up / picked up Ele her bag and *was running /ran down the road with it. A policeman "was stopping /stopped ue him because the phone " was still ringing / still rang, and he wanted to know why the man didn’t answer it! Vocabulary 3 Rewrite the sentence using the opposite adverb. 1 Twentto bed late. 1 didn'tgo to bed early 2. Mysister can't type very fast. She i 3 Dont speak so loudly. Can you 4 Chris drives dangerously. He doesnt 5 don't sleep heavily. Isleep : (C2 Go online for more skilis and language practice. (LB Go online to Check your progress. ) Unit3 + Good news, bad news! 23 Food for thought © Countable and uncountable nouns © Articles -a/an, the or? ‘© Expressions of quantity © Apiece of cake; Shops '* Pronouns ~ something/no one .. * Can you come for dinner? Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with some + noun or a/an + noun Countable and uncountable nouns: 1 Write the nouns in the correct columa. apple sugar stamp car petrol meat water money dollar change rice job work potato fruit soup, bread news information Countable nouns Uncountable nouns opple sugar Can you buy me apaper? 2 Sometimes a noun can be countable and uncountable. Look at the photos and complete the sentences with @ + noun or just the noun, Repo Tlike chocolate, 2 Would you like achocolate? 4 Can Thave 2 5 Its made of. . 6 its of Can Thave __ wine, 24° Unitd + Food for thought Expressions of quantity some or any? 4 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 ‘There isnt rnilk in the fridge. 2 Isthere petrol in the car? 3 Can you bi milk when you go out? 4 Tdidntt buy grapes 5 Inced to get petrol on my way to work. 6 Tneed wange for the parking meter. 7 Thavent got money 8 Can you lend me money? 9 Can you give me advice? 10 Did you have problems with this exercise? How much or How many? 5 Complete the questions with How much or How many. 1* have?’ “Three. Two boys and a girl! children do you 2° butter do we need?” ‘Just one pack! at eggs did you buy? “Halfa dozen! 4 people are coming to the part? “About forty do you earn?” ‘our business! 6 bedrooms are there Listen and check. ‘ much, many or alot of? 6 Look at the picture. Complete the sentenc swith much or many. When much or many are not possible, use a lot of. Countable Negative Questions many /alot of many /alotof Uncountable alotof | much/alotof | much/aletot 1 The shop has alotof apples. 7 There isnit milk. 2 Tcanit see much bread 8 Thereare yoghurts 3: There aren't sweets, 9 They don't have butter. 4 Have they got cheese? 10 There are cans of Cola. 5 Theres sugar 11 There isn't olive ofl 6 There aren spices. 12 There's rece, afew or alittle? 7 Match a question in A with a reply in Band C, A 2. ‘Were there many people atthe party?” 3 Havesome cream with your dessert! 4 ‘Have you got any chocolate biscuits?” 1 Does your tooth hurt? B ‘Just afew ‘just a litte! ng to lose weight! ‘But im going to the dentist tomorrow! "The children ate most of them yesterday: I didnt know anyone’ Listen and check, Unit 4 - Food for thought 25 Pronouns - something/no one... 8 Complete each pair of sentences with the correct word. someone anyone ‘There's someone on the phone for you. 2. Did anyone ring me last night? everything nothing 3 Shehas ~arrich husband and a big house 4 He has ~ not a penny to his name, somewhere everywher 5 Tcant find my keys! I've looked. 6 [want to go on holiday ~ hot. ‘anyone noone 7 ‘Who did you speak to at the party?” . . Ijust stayed for ten minutes, then I left! 8 Tcouldi't see Tknew at the party, soT left someone everyone 9 Itwas.a great concert! enjoyed it. 10 Could week? Jend me £20 till the end of the 9 Complete the sentences with a combination of words from the table. some ae any, net | thing where every 1 Does anyone know whose book this is? 2 Please don't worry about me. fm fine. s the matter. 3 Isthere, Lean do to help? 4 I'm so unhappy. __loves me, 5 put my glasses safe, and now Tean't find them. 6 Were going to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to join in 26 Unit 4 + Food forthought Art 10 W 12 ‘les - a/an, the, or -? Complete the sentences with alan or the, 1 Pat and Aron are @ lovely couple. She has @ shop and hes an engineer. 2 We went to cinema to see Martin Luther King. 3 It was my friend's birthday yesterday, I bought her bunch offlowers and __ box of chocolates. She put flowers in lovely vase. 4 ‘Where are __ children? film about “They're playing in__ garden’ 5 ‘Where are my shoes?” “They're on floor in kitchen! 6 Tdlove tolive in___ house with _baleony near____sea 7 Before you go to bed, can you feed _cat and turn off ____ lights? 8 We drove to Lake District las! weekend and found lovely restaurant next to Lake Windermere. food was excellent. Match a noun in A with a verb in B and an ending in to make general statements, a Be 1 Bees eat ' way, 2 cnen | py Uh 3 Mechanics | make | cars 4 Politicians | mend | with toys. \\s e 5 Butchers | tell | fish 6 cats | sell | meat aww Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Last night we had she dinner in jrestaurant 1 come to the schoo! by the bus. 3 Thad the lunch with Michael yesterday. 4 Mysister's doctor 5 We have best teacher in world. 6 usually go to the bed at midnight. Fish and chips 13 Read the text and complete the sentences, 1 The Belgians “The Portuguese gave us fried fish. The Belgians invented chips. ‘Then more than 150 years ago, the British put them together to ‘teate fish and chips. Today, Britain haslots of fish and chip shops — over 10,500! ‘They make over £1.2billiona year. However, this multi-million pound industry grew from small beginnings, 14 Are the sentences true (V) or false (X)? Correct the _ invented chips. ‘was the first person to sel fish and chips in London. wrote about fish and chips. ‘opened the biggest fish and chip shop in the world in 1931, serves fish and chips in his restaurant in Paris, Britain’s favourite meal How it all began 150 years ago, on the streets of the East End of London, a 13-year-old boy called Joseph ‘Malin had the bright dea of combining fried fish with chips. Josephs family didn’t have much money, so to increase the family income they began frying chips ina downstairs room of their house, Nearby was a fried fish shop, and Joseph put some frie fish with his chips and walked the streets. He sold the fish and chips from a tray, which hung round his neck. Joseph sold lots of fish and chips, s0 he decided to open a fish and chip shop - the first of many fish and chip shops in Britain. Fish and chips became a favourite with poor people. They didn't cost much money and they were quick and tasty. Charles Dickens, the famous Victorian novelist, wrote about “fried fish warehouses‘ his book Oliver Twist. The dispute However, there ate some questions about how the dish really began. In the north of England a lot of people don't believe Joseph Malins story, Thay say 2 man called John Lees tbegan selling fish and chips in a market in Mossley, Lancashire in 1863. Today, there isa plaque there in his honour ‘Whatever the truth, the dish became extremely popular. By 1910 there were more than 25,000 shops across the country and chip shop ‘palace’ modelled on the Ritz Hotel Harry Ramsden’ fish Fish and chips teday ‘They are much more popular than fish and ‘appears on menusin some of Pariss most over 35,000 by the 1920s. In 1931 Harry Ramsden from Yorkshire opened a fish and inLondon. Lots of people visited the original shop.There aren and chip shops ll rnileesek : cover the world a Nowadays, there are many other kinds of fast food, such as burgers, kebabs, end pizzes. chips. However, in Paris, France, le fish and chips is becoming the chic new meal. tt fashionable restaurants. People love them for lunch or supper says chef Olivier Dupart. 15 Join the lines about Britain’ favourite meal with a, an, the false ones using much, many or a [ot of 1 [X) There arer’t many fish and chip shops in Britain. There are alot of fish and chip shops in Britain. They make a lot of money, Josephs family was poor. Joseph sold a lot of fish and chips. Fish and chips were expensive. OO0OO8 Some people in the north of England don't believe Joseph Malin’ story. Today, pizaa and burgers are much more popular than fish and chips. a or no article (-) The Belgians invented chips. Joseph Malin was Pais Hecame fom 2 | | famiy income. | He sold fish and chins to increase] an\| incredible success. temas the|| fish and chipsin is book Charles Dickens wrote about \4 -4| London Harry Ramsden opened fish and chip shop in London. Fishand chipsare now populerin] | 13-year-old boy Unit 4 - Food for thought 27 Vocabulary Apiece of cake 1 Write a word from the box before the nouns. There may be more than one possible answer. slice packet can bunch loaf bottle piece box 1 a plece/slice _ of cake 6 a__ of olive oil a of chewing gum 2a of ham 7a of paper 12 @___of flowers 3a of beer 8 a__ of Coke 13a ofbread 4a____of bananas 9a of grapes Wa of biscuits Sa of erisps 10 a____of chocolates 15a of tissues Shops 2 Look at the picture of a street in a town. Where can you get the things on the list? I aloafofbread bakers 5 a packet of aspirin 2 abook of stamps 6 an English dictionary ___ 3. some meat 7 some money 4 anewspaper =" 8 aboitle of wine Food 3 Write the words in the correct column. There are five words for each column, | chicken lemon melon ham peach courgette beef pea carrot turkey onion raspberry lamb pineapple — cauliflower Meat Vegetables chicken 28 Unit - Food for thought Co Everyday English Can you come for dinner? 1 Complete the conversations 1 A Would you passing the potatoes, Fact B No, not___ Shall I serve yousome? ‘A That’ plenty. Thank you. 2a for seconds? B No, thanks. [ couldn't eat & thing! 3. A Has anyone got for more strawberry cheesecake? B Yes, please. Seconds me A Here you are, You've got Neel the last slice. 4A you pour mea glass of water, please? B Still or x A Still, please. 5A would you like your coffee? B With milk, but no sugar, please. And have you got decaf? A No, sorry. Listen and check. 2 Put the words in order to make requests, 1 £20/ me/you (end / Can /? 2 your /1/ take / Can / coat /? 3 me/ password / Could / tell the / Wi-fi/ you /? 4 tea/1/ another / of (Can / cup / have /? REVIEW Grammar 1 Underline the correct words in the conversation. A Good morning! Can 1 help yout B Yes. [id like ‘some / any grapes, please. How much / many are they? A EAakilo, B OK. Ilike*a/— big bunch, please. And do you have ‘some / ary bananas? A Te only got sa little / a few left — just three. B OK. Never mind. I need some vegetables, too, Can I have ‘some / any broccoli? ‘A Its just over there ~ help yourself. "Something/ Anything else? B Ex, some spinach, perhaps. Just "a few / a little. How uci / many is that altogether? ‘A That’ £7.50, please, Listen and check. 2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences 1 There are too much children in my daughter's lass. 2 Adam has a new job. He making so many money! 3 Idont eat the fish because I dont like it. . 4 There istt some chicken in my chicken pie! 5 Its Fred's party tonight and I dont have something to wear! Thoda lazy day yesterday, [didn't do nothing! 7 Could I have any milkcin my tea, please? Es 8 came to work by car this morning, Fortunately there wasn't many traffic 9 What did you have for the breakfast? 10 Could I have the lift to school, please? 3 Write the plural forms of these nouns. 1 carrot 6 family 5 have/ house /I/ the /a/ Can / of / wine / glass/? 2 potato 7 child 3 peach 8 boy 6 home lift / you / me / Can / give /a/? i Bae 9 yer a 5 lemon 10 man (© Gooniine tor more sus and language practice (LB Goontine to Check your progress.) ~~ Unit4 + Food for thought 2 Stop and check units 1-4 Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 are you doing? a Where b Who © What Odette is French. She @ come b comes ¢ iscoming from Marseille, 3 Jess and Craig going out together? a Do b Are els 4 Does she a got b have ¢ has dark or fair hair? 54 Italian at evening classes at the moment. a learn b learning © ‘mlearning 6 Where exactly is Lena living a by bat cin London? __all my homework before went to bed, did do was doing 8 do you get to school? a What b Where © How 9. He’ living back home with his parents a nowadays b often © atthe moment 10 dog is that? Yours? a Whose b Whos © Which 30 Stopand check + Units 1-4 16 7 18 19 ‘What a doyou b are you going € are you going to My sister got long dark hair a doesn’t b hasnt © havent make for dinner tonight? saw Tina at the party, she dress a wore 1b weared © was wearing __alovely red You a donit hear b didnt hear © didnt listen a word I said! Idontt know a how many b where © whose your keys are: Host my wallet while I a shopped b was shopping € went shopping We the p a left b were leaving ¢ leaved Tdonit want a some b any © many ty before it ended broccoli. I don't like it We've only got a alittle b atew ¢ few She checks her phone about en times hour! a the ban ca scoRE 20 eggs left Vocabulary 2 Use the clues to complete the crossword. T : | (js B far | ACROSS DOWN 1 Aplace where you can buy books. (8) 1 [need to buy some meat from the. (8) 4 tbls ar by atone) 2 hat soot 0,601) 6 Hstngnisgod bathe aa can. 3 Canhaveabunh apes penee) 7 Yaar eer 4 cnt seta thert renin B Nynotto, ‘online ~ | buy too many things! (4) ‘quickly, (6) 9 Excuse me, what's the Wifi for this café? 8) ° aoe Li MOO EE + Mmm\ That loaf of. tooks delicious! (5) 7 Could you take these letters to the __ — office? (4) Ne ovat ln etary DS Le eae) 10. Jimand | aren't speaking — we had a big 15 luck in your exam tomorrow! (4) ‘yesterday. (8) 20, Geta piece of cake quickly ~ there svt much. 11) 43. Inthe US, itS@ popsicle. In the UKit’san ice 5) 21 That's enough work - let's have a coffee. 1(5) 16 Ive gotsix. of wine for the party — is that enough? (7) 22 Metis the past. ‘of meet. (3) 17 Youll geta parking, ‘if you parkon a double yellow 24 The weather was temible on Saturday — it rained line. (6) day! (3) 18 That was a bed meal-the ve evereatent 26 Canyouhelp me. this crossword, please. It's not i) 21 Amaanon ae noting ¢ score [Tw Tora | [30 i Stop and check + Units 1-4 31 The future’s in your hands ‘© Verb patterns © The verb get © Future forms ‘© Expressing doubt and certainty * Phrasal verbs Grammar Verb patterns 1 Read the interviews with Maddie and Dermot. Write the verbs in the correct form. Dermot Murphy, soon to retire Sonn 0. 1 Hi Dermot. What are you going to do when you retire? 1. Maddie, what would you like "tobe (be) when you D Well, really enjoy* yy plane, grow up? I've always wanted (be) a pilot, Midiike? (work) in climatology. solve started *__ — (take) fying lessons. I'm hoping " (have my 1 Really? What does that involve? own plane one day. M You study the climate, You know, the clouds, ‘tomadoes, hurricanes, things like that. | When do you think you'll get your own D I'm trying to save enough money, but th Wow! mee 1 Wed Why are you thinking of_ (do) erence saltsqcing® long time M Well, im interested in + (earn) “ about global warming and how its changing the ! Na omeswnstt you isa weather, and | want* (save) the on world, D Well, im thinking of fying to northern Spain. | want 1 Well, tm very pleased « __ (hear) that. Seale — tied iy Brother ell Helives in I think doing climatology is a great idea. We ell need? (know) more about glabal 1 Well, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Good luck, ‘warming, Good luck, Maddie! Dermott (QEBY Listen and check, 32. Unit + The future’sin yourhands Infinitive or -ing? like or would like 2 Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the -ing form, 4 Underline the correct question, Sometimes both are possible 1 A Would you like a drink? 1 [nced toget (get) a job. Do you like a drink? 2 Thope. (earn) a lot of money. B Yes, please! I'm really thirsty! 3 [started (leara) English two years ago. 2 A Do you like your teacher? 4 We decided (buy) a new car. Would you like your teacher? 5 Istopped (learn) the piano when 1 was ten. B ives, shet really nice, 6 Sheenjoys (visit) new countries. 3 A Do you like going to the cinema? 7 Tm thinking of (go) travelling, Would you like to go to the cinemat 8 Tm fed ap with (do) the same thing every day. Te peel 9 I'm looking forward to (finish) work, 4 A Would you like to go for a swim? 7 you like going swimming? 10. Were trying (save) money for a new house. Doon like poing, ee B Yes, that's good idea. Its so hot today. 3 Write a senterice about each of these people's hopes and ambitions. 5 A Would you like to go out tonight? Do you like going out in the evening? B Yes, let go out for a nice meal. (DEB) Listen and check. 5 Complete the sentences using would like or like and the verb in brackets. 1 ‘What sort of books do you like reading (read)? ‘Biographies and thrillers? 2 ‘Ryan told me you've got a new car! “Yes, it's in the garage. you (see) it? 3 ‘Why do you have so many cook books? Because | (cook)! a you 1 Emma /hope / be / vet / because / love / work / with animals (watch) horror films?” Emma hopes to be a vet because she loves working with animals. “Yes, [love the really scary ones!’ 2 Sheila / want / be / teacher / because / enjoy / work / with "Tm so cold!’ children . sf (borrow) a jumper?’ 3. Mike / would like / be / farmer / because /like / work / outside Listen and check. 4 Jim / plan / work in IT / because / want / earn /@ lot of money 5 Tercy/ want / be / accountant / because / good at / work / G with numbers 6 We/ think of J buy / a cottage by the sea / because love / sail Unit + The future’ in your hands 33 a Future forms willand won't 6 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box see ‘ibe wontttake won't be won't recognize _‘ilsoon feel 1 Tim going to have my hair cut short. You Mme nest time you see me, 2 On my next birthday I wo That's 90 old! 3 Could you help me move the furniture? It long, 4 Take two of these pills a day and you ____ better. The film staris at 7.30. I'll see you outside a7.15! “Don't worry! late!" 6 Bye! Have a nice evening! I you tomorrow! will for offers and decisions 7 Complete the dialogues with will and a verb from the box. get pay ask help 1A That was a great meal! How much is the bill? Bb my turn for this 2. A This maths homework is so difficult! BL 3 A Tom needs to be there when we discuss the new plan BOK I the meeting, you with it if you want, him to come to 4 A We haves't got any food in the hous B ItsOK-1 a takeaway. (DEB) Listen and check 34 Unit + The future’sin your hands What's going to happen? 8 Look at the pictures. What's going to happen? Make sente1 with going to, will, going to or the Present Continuous? 9 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct answer, L ‘Mum! Can you help me with my homework?’ ‘Dont ask me! Ask your dad! ___you! a Hellhelp b Hes going to help 2 ‘Why are you cleaning the flat?” Because my parents __ tomorrow? a will visit bare visiting 3 ‘Whete ___on holiday next year?” “Portugal. 1 cacit wait!” a will you go b are you going 4 ‘What ___for Karen’ birthday on Saturday? “Tm taking her out for dinner’ a areyoudoing —b will you do 5 ‘Oh no! Look at the time! 'm going to miss my train? ‘Don't worry. __ you. lift to the station a I'm giving b Tilgive 6 “Why are you weating shorts and trainers? “Because ___play tennis later!” aTmgoingto — b Tigo OES Listen and check. Mohammad Razai's story 10 Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 1 Why did Mohammad leave Afghanistan? 2 Ishisllife in England happy and successful? 3. What are his hopes for the future? ‘Twenty years ago, a boy called Mohammad Razai arrived in England with nothing but a few clothes. Today he is a graduate of Cambridge University and a medical doctor, ‘Aged just 15, Mohammad set out from his home country of Afghanistan with his cousin. His mother told him to eave Afghanistan when life became very dangerous for the family. I was very sad) he said, I didn't knew if waulé see my mother again, An uncle managed to get them on a plane, but they had no idea where they were going. Finally, they got to England, When they arrived, Mohammad was very surprised at how kind people were. ‘We lived with a foster family, The mother made us feel very welcome, {ciin't understand how another human being could help a complete stranger! At his new school in England, a teacher lent him a computer and persuaded him to take an (T exam. ‘All the other teachers thought it was too soon, but I passed How did he lear so fast? ‘I knew I had to succeed, and to succeed Ihad to work hard! He passed more exams and went to University College London, where he studied biology. But his dream was to study medicine at Cambridge. u Read the article again and complete the sentences with the correct form af the verbs in the box pe aa ae | travel find leave make educate live study take 1 Mohammed's mother told him a Afghanistan because it was dangerous. 2 She wanted him, woasale country, 3. Mohammad was surprised such kind people in England 4 Mohammed's maths teacher persuaded him 5 Mohammad enjoyed degree in medicine at Cambridge University in Britain 7 He wants __ the young people of Afghanistan about the dangers of smoking. the world a better 6 Mohammad loves 8 He wants place to live in a Mohammed's dream came true in 2014 when he graduated in medicine from Cambridge. He loved studying medicine so much tha: he decided to do a master's deeree as well! He is now a British citizen and a fully qualified medical docter. ‘ove this country! he says. t feel part of British society, 1 will get married and stay here now. I really want to do something useful. Iwant to show people that asylum seekers are human beings with feelings, ambitions, and reams, just like everyone else. People don’t leave their own country without ¢ good reason. Leaving home, family, and friends and going to the other side of the world is not eesy.’ Mohamad also wants to help those young people ‘who can't start new lives in another country. He's an ambassador for Ore Young World and the Universal Peace Federation. He's worried about the increase in deaths from smoking in Afghanistan, and is going to do everything he cen to educate young people there about the dangers of smoking ‘tf people have the chance to improve their lives, they will doit with all thelr heart and soul’, he says, “They just need the opportunity’ 12 These lines are said by people in Mohammad’ story. Choose the correct form. Who do you think is saying each linet 1 ‘Tr going / T going to get you out of this country and make sure you're sale? 2 ‘Tm worried 1 woitt ever see / Fin not ever seeing you again’ 3 ‘You're both getting / You'll both get on a flight tomorrow’) 4 ‘Welcome, Mohammad. This is going to be’ is being your new home! Pechaps I'll get / Tim going to get married in the next few years! 6 ‘think youre doing / you're going to do well in this school in the future. 'f lend / Pm lending you a computer so you can take the IT exam! 7 ‘Tthink Im doing / I do a master’s degree in medicine next! 8 ‘Til travel (I'm travelling to Kabul at 2.00, for an anti-smoking conference! Unit + The future's in your hands Vocabulary Phrasal verbs 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. look (x3) pick fill whe try run give get 1 Take off your hat and coat and come in and sit down, Its freezing outside. 2 Can you help me find it anywhere! 3 Could) 4 My boss is great. I for my phone. I cant on this dress in @ size 10, please? on really well with her 5 Can you after my cat while 'm on holi 6 Dont drop your litter on the floor! Who won the Nobel Peace Prize?” don't know, I'll up on Google! 8 Weve out of milk. from the shops itup! n you get some 9 Tm trying to hard! 10 Youneedto the bottom. up smoking ~ its really in this form and sign it at 2 Complete the sentences with a particle from the box. back away down (x2) around up (2) out (x3) 1 Joseph! Wake up! Ti’ time for school! 2 Turn the TV! It’s too loud! 3. Did you know that Eric’s going witha girlat university? 4 T'm going to take this jumper to the shop. I's too big! Your hair looks lovely. Tarn __ so can see it from the bac 6 There’ a car coming! Look hit you! 7 live in London, but I grew ts going 10 in Liverpool 8 Idontt know why Freya and Millie are best friends, they're always falling ! 9 Tm really tired. I'm going to lie an hour. for half 10. That's last week’s Sunday paper. You can throw it (GER Listen and check. 36 Unit - The future's in your hands 3 Look at the picture, How many phrasal verbs from 1 and 2 can you see? AR The verb get ‘The verb get has many different meanings. Look at these lines from the reading text on page 35. An uncle managed te get them on a plane Finally they got to England 4, What does get mean in these sentences? Write a word irom the box. arrive home receive become earn fire leave 1 He got a job in an office. get = find What did you get for your birthday? get= 3. What time does your train get in? ings. I'm getting old. get = ——— 5. I get £2,000 a month. get= 6 You need to get off the bus at the Town Hall getot 7 What time did you get in| getin = Everyday English Expressing doubt and certainty Underline the correct phrases in the conversation. DRIVING LICENCE UK 1 "eo 2 coum 3 «207 96.0KD0N ‘miei worie ova A Do you think A eae Colin will pass EASTHAMETONERS Bt his driving test? z B Mmm... he might do, but | ‘doubt / know he will He's not a very good diver. A He's a terrible driver! He might not / definitely won't pass, *Not / Noa chance! B “Isn't he taking / Wor'the take his fifth test tomorrow? A Yes... You #might be / te definitely right. J know he took the test three times last year! B When's your test? A ‘doubt it/ m not sure. 'm stil waiting to get 2 date, hopefully next month, Did you pass first time? B 'Of course! / Definitely dial It was easy. You'll defintely / might pass. You're an excellent driver. A Hmm ...*/m not sure. / No chance. mm nervous because you never know what might happen during the test, "Anything's possible. / Nota chance. B Youlllbe fine. A | hope sot Listen and check. REVIEW Grammar 1 Underline the correct form of the verb, 1A Why are you working so hard these days? B Because I'll buy / J'm going to buy a house, so I need to save | saving as much as I can. 2 A Don't buy chocolates for Joanne’s birthday. She's on a diet. BOKI I get | 'm getting her some flowers. 3. A Mum, can you drive / driving me to Kevin’ house? B Sorry, love. I'm really busy. Ask Dad. I'm sure hell take / 5 going to take you. 4A Why have you got so many stamps? B Because I'l post / Tm going to post my Christmas cards, 5 A What will you do / are you doing this afternoon? B I'm thinking of go ! going to the cinema. 6 A Ohno! I've spilt my tea! B Dont worry, I'm going to clean | Pll clean it up. 7 A Whose wedding are you goi B My brother’ J will you go to? 8 A Tm looking forward to have / having a lie-in on Sunday, B Me too! Tal like to sleep / sleeping until midday. (QEB) Listen and check. Vocabulary 2 Match the sentence halves. A 8 | 1 |put @ [1] down on the sofe and watch TV. 2 Kenley b L] onthetight? ies realy dark n here « [1 off your coatand sit 4 You look cold Come in bythe fre oe dL afterthe chiteren while youre away? | ©] ontns ates, pease? © rmrealythed.ithine | ¢ "le 3 Who's going to look 5 Can you turn 5 down my phone and it now leant (EP G0 online for more skills and language pract [EP Go online to Checkyour progress. Unit 5 + The future's in your hands 7 Present Perfect © never, already, ust, yet © for, since, and ago Grammar Present Perfect Positive and negative 1 Read about Sabine Caron, Complete the text with a verb from the box in the Present Perfect | be climb have meet notlive ride see travel nottravel start work 2 Complete what Sabine says, 1 [ve been to a great many countries i my life, 2 Tebeen to the Arctic, but I to the Antare 3 Jean-Lucand I married for many years 4 We in the US for quite a few years now 5 We never dinner with the US President, 6 Ourson recently work for a French travel magazine. History repeats itself ‘+ Prasont Perfect and Past Simple * Word endings + Agree with me! Sabine Caron Foreign correspondent and keen traveller ‘Sabine Caton is French, but she now lives in the US, She’ 60 ‘years old, and she's still as active as ever. She ' has worked for the newspaper La Journal Amérique for over ten years, as their foreign correspondent. She* ‘widely in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, but she* much in Latin America yet. She¢___ many famous world leaders, including Nelson Mandela and three US presidents. She and her husband, the writer Jean-Luc Caron, are good friends of the French President - they? dinner together many times, both in Paris and New York, Her passion is travel. She Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, she the Northern Lights in Alaska, and she * _abike along the Great Wall of China. She* a number of books about her experiences. Her book about walking in the Atetic, Alone Again, won an award in 2010. She ‘married to Jean-Luc for nearly 40 years. They"________in France since 2009, but they often visit their son, Leon, and his family there, Leon is folloiving in his parents’ footsteps. He's journalist and ___just work for the French magazine, Condé a Questions and short answers 3 You are interviewing Sabine. Complete the questions. 1 ‘How long you for the La Journal Amérique?” For over ten years! 2 ‘Which famous people you ‘Nelson Mandela and the last three US presidents’ 3° you ever dinner with the US President?” ‘No, I haven't! But | have with the French President! 4 ‘How many books you r ‘Fout. They're all about places T've been to! 5 ‘How long you married to Jean-Luc: ‘Nearly 40 years? 4 Complete the short answers about Sabine and Jean-Luc. L ‘Has she been to Chi “Yes, : 2 “Has she ever been to Brazil?” ‘No, ___, but she’s hoping to go soon! 3 ‘Has she been married more than once?” “No, __. Jean-Luc is the love of her life!” 4 “Have she and Jean-Luc visited their son recently?” “Yes, . They went to Paris last month? 5 ‘Has she had a good life? “Yes,_. Its been a really exciting lie? Listen and check never, already, just, yet 5 Put never, already, just, or yet in the right place in Bis lines, LA There's a good film on at the cinema. Would you like to see it? B That's nice idea, but I've seen it, A You loak-awfull What's the matter? B T've had the most terrible news! 3. A Where's my white T-shirt? B I haven't washed it. Sorry. 4A Istanbul is just amazing, isnt it? B Idorit know, I've been there. A Donit forget to phone Tony about Saturday. B Pe spoken to him, He knows all about it. w isten and check. for, since, and ago 6 Complete the sentences with for, since, oF ago. 1 ve known Justin together. we were at school We met 20 years 3. Where have you been? I haven't seen you ages! 4 Thavent played tennis ___awhile, 5 I've been ona diet ___ March, 6 Once upon a time, along time , there ‘was a sad princess 7 Write the correct answer, a ar b. 1 I've been a student of English a since three years. b for three years How long Peter? a haveyouknown b do you know 3 The last time I had a holiday was a fora year b ayearago 4 Tlived with my parents a untill wasi6 ——b since Twas a child 5 I'velived with my parents. a tenyearsago ball my life 6 haven't had anything to eat a tenhoursago since breakfast Unit6 + History repeats itself 39 Present Perfect and Past Simple 8 Which sentence, a or b means that Paulo still ‘works as a waiter? a Paulo worked asa waiter for two months, b Paulo's worked as.a waiter for two months. 9 Rewrite the sentences using the Past Simple and the time expression in brackets 1 Tve already seen that film. (yesterday) Isawityesterday. 2. We've arrived in Moscow. (at six clock) We here 3 She's bought a new bag. (last week) She___ it__ 4 Damien’ written a novel. (two years ago) He___ it 5 They've been to Japan before. (in 2014) They there 6 She’ just begun learning French, (after her holiday in Nice) She 7 Tvelost my phone, (last night) 1__it 8 We've lived in New York. (when we were first married) We there 9 Tve worked in Italy, (fom 2011 to 2018) 1 in Rome 10 We've already had dinner, (before we left home) We______accurry 10 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 Thaver't seen that new film already. 2 fim hasnt yet retired 3 He works in the same school for 20 years 4 Uhave studied at this school for September. 5 My grandfather died since ten years. 6 He has lived in London until he died last year 7 Daves not here, He’ been to Spain on holiday. 8 You look suntanned! Where have you gone? 9 [can't believe Tve left school ten years ago. 10 {haven't spoken to Alice since months. 40 Unité - History repeats itself 11 Put the verbs in the correct tense, Past Simple or Present Perfect. LA Who are the people in the photo? B They're my cousins in Australia. Their mum is my mum's big sister. ‘A Oh! they —— (he) there long? B Yeah! For years. They? A S0,2 you (go) before | was bom, (ever, meet| them? B Yeah! Once! They + (come) over to England when | was about five—but I can’tremember much about it A‘ yourmum (ever, visit) them? B Yeah, she* (yp over to Sydney two years ago when my aunt was il A Is youraunt OK now? B She's fine. fd love to visit them one day! 2 A Jake,’ you___(ever, live) on your own? 2 Yes, of course | have! A When? you (do) that? J When | was studying in Edinburgh. |» ‘own flat there. Why? A Well. 'm going to workin Spain next year, and fm a bit always, lve) at home. (never even, cook) a meal for myself! Youll learn. (hove) my J Don't worr 3A Hey, Beth! It’s been ages! When do you start your new job? Br (already, start). 1 (ster a week ago in fact. A So,how’sitgoing?* you (meet) your new boss yet? B No.1 hes____(be| abroad at a conference Shee (get back) last night, so Il meet her today. A And do you like the work so far? B It'searly days!” (not decide) yet, A Well, good luck! Let me know how it goes! (GHB Listen and check. The Koch family 12 Read the article about Jim Koch. Ansi the questions, 1 What was his family’s business? 2. Why did his father not want him to continue in it? 3. What is the biggest lesson Jim has learned? we — Past 13 Read the article again. Underline the correct Simple, Past Continuous or Present Perfect, The Koch family "Ju but when jim Koch wanted to continue the family tradition, his father *hought / was thinking it was avery bad idea. He said, jim, you *did / have done some ar life, but this is the dumbest brewed beer for six generation dumb things in y This was 1984, the beer industry in America was in a bad way and the family business thas suffered / was suffering. Atthat time, Harvard-graduate fim ‘was earning / has earned a high salary as a business consultant, but he wasn't enjoying ( hasn't enjoyed it. So, despite his father's disapproval, he deft / has left his job and decided to rebuild the family brewery business, He "didn't want wasn't wanting to compete with the big breweries, he just wanted to make good quality, traditionally brewed beer. Jim *discavered / has discovered his great-great-grand father’s G create his first lager. He named it Samuel Adams, after rman beer recipe in the attic, and used it to 7 14 Which of these sentences are true (¥/) or false (X)? Correct the false ones (The family’ [O Jim went to one of the best American universities, (C) tim named the beer after his great-great-grandfathier. [F) Americans were growing tired of the beer produced by the big beer companies. (7 Jims company has become more successful than he imagined, (7) He has always believed that that happiness comes from making money, asiness has always been successful. Jim Koch giving a tour of the brewery the 18 both clever and lucky — his ‘craft’ quality beer "hit / was hitting the market at the perfect time, when Americans " began / was beginning to grow tired of mass produced beer. Twenty years later, in 2004, Jim’s company was worth $70 million! h century Boston brewer and war hero. Jim was Since then the popularity of craft’ beer “has eontinaed / continued to grow. There ate now more than 5,000 craft breweries in the US, worth $235 billion! Jim's company "became | has become a billion-dollar business —it sells tree to four billion barrels of beer a year, He can't believe how much money he "made / as made already. He says, “My plan was to get about a million dollars a year in sales Over the years Jin "was learning / has learned many lessons about life, but he says the biggest one is ‘Do what sakes you happy rather than what’s going to make you Unit6 + History repeats itself 4 Vocabulary Word endings 1 Complete the tables. L [ Noun Adjective Tames [accent 2 aco Tey 5 fates 5 danger 6 happy 7 music & healthy 2) Noun Verb a [compete 3 invitation 4 practise 2 Complete the sentences with a word from the « 1 Sigmund Freud was a famous 2 Mozart showed great salen early age. 3. Did you hear the Prime Minister’ speech? ! Sn all lie 4 Ifat first you dort 5 Alexander Fleming! saved many lives, 6 The computer the World Wide Web. My son came first in his school spellin I'm very proud. 8 Your English pronunciation has really im>sovec - you see makes perfect! Word stress 3 Write the words in the box under the correct ss 5 collection = aT pattern in the table, 7_ comparison successful invite invitation, musical - can artist ‘competition famous happiness collection decision photograph succeed —— politician discuss danger 3 [Noun (thing) Noun (person) 1 history historian Tee Dee 20. a piniogae suceesshs 3 politics 4 art | 5 psychology @ science 7_ invention & music 42 Unit6 - History repeats itself QTE Listen, check, and repeat. Everyday English REVIEW Agree with me! Grammar 1 Match a sentence in A with a question tag in B. 1 Complete B's answers using a verb from the box in the —— ey Present Perfect. n 8 ae finish play have speak eat try take 1 That was agieat meal, aide wer 2 Thisisnt the best restaurant in town, | didn’t they? 1A Would you like a cup of coffee? 2 Wecomebamates havent wer B No, thanks. 1 already two cups 4 WecamehereforTinas birthday, | isnt? : ; 5 Everyone had a great time, wasnt it? —— cre yon play cheese 6 Youllke thelraian restaurant best, | dont we? B Yes, but |___for years 7 The indian in the High Streets very | dont your 3. A How’ your sister these days? good isite B I don't know. 1 toher for weeks, 5 Mine fis Sealy areata, 4A What did you think of that book? B Iiltell you later.1 reading it yet. 2 Match the answers in € with a sentence in 1. 5 A Do you like Thai food? e B Ive noidea.1 never it, Sacieniee 6 A Are you hungry? 2 Is eertainly not my favourite, conevicel nfiaatat det b Yes, we do. Probably because it's so cheap. Bins me 1____anything all day CAWILI or CR Aedted toe 7 A Mmm! That cake looks good! Can | have some? d_ Wedid. That was @ good evening. B Notyet.1___onlyjust__itoutof © Yes,| do. Their pizas are fabulous, the oven, f They did. The food wasnt great, butt did't matter Lesa otles as eu ator 2a 2. Choose the correct answer about Giles Coren, the writer iene. and restaurant critic. hh I'SOK, But i not too keen on spicy food. 1 Giles Coren __ in London. a haslived lived c lives Listen and check 2 He to Oxford University a hasgone b goes went 3. He's been restaurant critic for The Times newspaper — 1993. a for b since ¢ last 4 He —_ in more than 10,000 restaurants. aeats b haseaten ¢ waseating 5 He is often very rude, but then says that he. a onlyjoked b hasonly joked © was only joking 6 He won Restaurant Writer of the Year award 2016. a since bon ¢ in 7 His wife is also a writer. They two children. a got b havegot c had 8 His sister, Victoria, __ for The Observer newspaper. a writes b wrote c was writing 9 She also plays poker. She over $1 million already. a wins b haswon ¢ won 10 Giles father was a writer, too, He died several vearsago b since several years € forseveral years (B Go online for more skils and language practic (LB Goontine to Check your progress. Unit + History repeats itself 43 © What's it ite? * Comparatives and superlatives + Prepositions Simply the best ‘© Synonyms and antonyms © Whats on? Grammar What's it like? 1 You have a ftiend whos living in Brazil. Ask questions about the country using What... like? 1 the weather What's the weather ike? 2 the food 3 the people 4 Rio de Janeiro 5 the nightlife 6 the beaches 2 Match a question in exercise 1 with an answer. a [3] They're lovely, Really kind and friendly, b [Ws warm all year round. Even in the winter it usually doesn't go below 18°C, ¢ LC) They're beautiful with lovely soft white sand. Copacabana’s my favourite. @ [[] isan amazing city. The views from Sugarloaf fountain are spectacular ¢ [1] Its delicious — lots of beef, pork, and beans. f (] Ws so exciting, You can party all night in the cocktail bars and nightclubs. BI Listen and check What was it like? or Did you like? 3 Complete the questions about a terrible holiday. 1 A What was thejourney like? B Awful. The plane was five hours jate because of bad sweather A like the hotel? B No, it was terrible, My room was tiny and the staff’ were really rude, 3 A What like? B Disgusting’ Chips with everything, and no fresh fruit or vegetables, 4A like the town? B No, it was boring. There was nothing to do there, 5 A What Like? B Itrained every day, apart from the day I came home! GHB) Listen and check. Comparing two people 4 Two of the answers to cach question are correct, Tick (/) the correct answers. 1 “What does Jaco look like? a 7] ‘He’ taller than me! And quite good-looking’ b 7] ‘Heda really nice guy. I like him a lot ¢ 1] ‘He’ tall and slim, with short blond hair! 2 ‘What's jaco like?” a (_] ‘He’ a great guy, really interesting’ b (] ‘Hes the funniest guy I know. ike him a ¢ () ‘He likes playing football and travelling” 3 ‘Do you like aco’ a [_] ‘Yes, hes one of my best friends!” b ] Tim not like Jaco at all! ¢ () “Yes, of course! Everybody loves Jaco!” 4 ‘What does [aco like?” a LJ ‘Hes very caring. He always helps his friends b (_] ‘He loves football and visi ing other countries? € [] Heeatsalotof indian food, The spicier the better!” 5 Write questions about Rita, 1 “Whatdoes Rita look lke ‘She's quite tal, pretty, and she’s got long blonde hair! ‘She's lovely person. She’ really kind! “Playing tennis, going to the gym and cooking’ 4c “Yes, I do, She's one of the kindest people | know! 6 Look at the information about Jaco and Rita, Complete e = the sentences. Person: 1 Jaco isyoungerthan Rita 1 age 2 t 2 is friondlier than ddd | 2 friendly a 3 Jacois alot than Rita vee | 3. confident Watts 4 isricher than. ‘Wealth and job 5 earns more has £100,000 | 4 money has £50,000 £80,000 5 salary 5300000 6 Ritahasamuch cera |6 mersengee [ee 7 is bigger x [ House 8 Rita’ house was 220m 7 size 140m! . £450,000 8 price £180,000 9 Jaco’s house is, modern tes 3 Bebe aif i. Unit7 + Simply the best 45 as...as 7 Rewrite the sentences using as 1 Her work is good. And my work is also good. Her work is asgoodas mine. Scotland is colder than England. England isn't 3. Bills taller than me, Tm Bil 4 My car cost £60,000, Her car also cost £60,000. mine, ascot not as... as, Scotland, Her carwas Jane’ house is older than Harrys, Jane’ house modern, Harry's, 6 Your daughter isnt shorter than you any more! you now! Your daughter is Superlatives 8 Write sentences to disagree with these sentences. Use the opposite adjective in its superlative form, 1 Ethan is the noisiest boy in the group, No, heisnt! He's the quietest, 2 She bought the cheapest bag in the shop. 3. This is the easiest exercise in the book 4 This is the most beautiful building I've ever seen, 5 Jim is the meanest person | kno\ 6 The Olive Tree is the best restaurant in town, Prepositions 9 Match a sentence beginning in A with a preposition in B and an ending in C. Comparatives and superlatives 10 Correct the sentences. |_ He's more older than he looks, 2 Jessica as tall than her mother. 3 London is more expensive that Vienna. 4. Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe. 5 He isn'tas intelligent than his sister 6 This is more hard than J expected. Who is the most rich man in the world? Everything is more cheap in my country. 9 The great white shark is the more dangerous shark in the world, 10. Your ides is much more good than mine How old am |? 11 Read the text and answer the questions. | have two sisters, lmny and Samantha, «and two brothers, Henry and Chris, Jenny is 20, samantha is six yeors younger than jenny, and two years older than B Chris Chris is four years younger than me 4nd he is eight years younger than Henry. Me tt Jenny Samantha Henry Chris 1 Howold am It 2. Whois the youngest in the family? 3 How old is Samantha? A 8 c 1 sthe tallest 2s her brothers 4 ls Samantha older than me? 2 Yoursisthe same | than the others. 3 She'syounger | tke his father. oad auieas io ar 5 Am [ the oldest ofthe children? 5. They're different from the world. | = 46 Unit7 - Simply the best 6 How old are the twins? The youngest girl to conquer Everest 12 Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets, Malavath Poorna Youngest teen ta climb Maunt Everest Malavath Poorna was only 13 years old when she climbed Mount Everest. She is the ' youngest (young) girl ever to reach the summit of the world’s? (dgh) mountain ~ an ineredible achievement for the daughter of a farm worker from India. She is now a national celebri and there isa film about her adventures. From the bottom to the top! Malavath attended a school for underprivileged® children. The secretary of the schoo], Dr R.S. Praveen Kumar, had a dream, He believed that by training a young person to climb Evere s (poor) citizens that there opportunities for everyone. By making a farmer's daughter into one of India’s climbers, he showed that ; he could show Indias iything was possib Malavath was ® (good) at sports than a lot of the other students, and + (fi too, so she was one of two students chosen for the Everest climb, which involved ice and snow training, She knew nothing about climbing before she began the training, and was amazed to learn that she was going to famous) mountain in the (hard) climb the”, world. The training was alot * than she expected, The”. (frightening) moment for Malavath was when they found six dead bodies. I was, seared; she says, but then she remembered her school motto: The shy is the limit!"I wanted to prove that girls could do anything? ct the false 13 Are the sentences true (7) or false (X)? C sentences, 1 [7] Malevathis schoo! was for some of the poorest families in India. [5] Matevath was chosen to climb Everest because she was the youngest in her class. 3] She was a more experienced climber thi other students in the schoo! 4 C1 The training wasr't as hard as she expected. the i>: ae ss = i Dreaming big Sinee climbing Everest, Malavath has aso elimbed Africa's (tall) mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. She's now working hard for her exams, because she wants to join the Indian Police Service, She continues to encourage Indian girls to ‘dream big’, and tells them they ean be as good as the (good) his journeyto Everest is called boys -oreven ‘The film about Malay. Poona. The film's director, Rahul Bose, said, Malavath Poorna is the (remarkable) person Thave ever met! underprivileged having less money and fewsr opportunities than most people in society 5 [1] The worst part of the climb was seeing climbers who never came back from the mountain. 6 [D7 After Everest, Malavath climbed the tallest mountain in Europe, Malavath believes thet girls can sometimes do better than boys. The director of Poorna thinks that Malevath is more talented than most young people. qo o Qa Unit 7 eSimply the best 47 ~ Re Vocabulary Synonyms and antonyms 1 Match an adjective in A with a synonym in B, a 8 qwammene | (Clapleasa 2 conect | bniht 3 happy [a] ¢ hard 4 clever 1 d tightened 5 scared Le intetigent 6 unusual | Cf wellknown ? big (learns 8 famous | [_] h good-looking 9 handsome | (1) i large 10 lovely J wonderful 2 Complete the conversations with a synonym from L. Tm really seared of mice, Im frightened ofthem, too. 1 “This exercise is really bard’ ‘Tknow, it’s too for me! 2 ‘Harry's such ahandsome young man! ‘Lwish I was as as him!” 3 ‘Richard is reelly intelligent? “Yes, he's so « He gets 100% in everything” 4 ‘Its strange weather for this time of year! “Yes, it is We never get snow in May! 5 ‘Tmnot very pleased with my new laptop? ‘Wel, if youre not _ with should take it back to the shop! 6 ‘We had « lovely time in Florence last week! ‘Mmm, I've heard Tuscany is time of year! BEB Listen and check. 48 Unit7 + Simply the best this 3 Complete the table with the word: 4 the box. iis Gn aE cca Ge wt cheap wrong quiet fide dirty stupid miserable boring Adjective ‘Antonym 1 polite nude 2 clean 3 expensive 4 happy 5. interesting © conect 7 intaligert | 3 nosy ‘Complete the sentences with a word from 3. 1 Some people are so rude! You should alwe to others, This glass is cone, please? y! Could you give me a Fran thought the film was interesting, but I thought it was I thought my answer was wrong, but the teacher said it was Why are the children so quiet? They're usually very Tm abways _____ on Monday, but then Tm. really happy on Friday. Einstein was really intelligent, Pm so compared to him. Dubat is so expensive. Nothing is Palm Islands, Dubai Everyday English What's on? Underline the correct words in the conversation, ‘A What ‘shall may we do today? The weather is awfull B How about / around going to the cinema? ‘There's that new Hugh Jackman film on. ‘A Hmm. | don't really *would lke / feel lke seeing afilm. B OK.*Would / Do you like to go to the art gallery in Hyde Park? A That feels / sounds like a good idea. *What's on? J Where’ ton? B A photography exhibition. A Oh, good / not my kind of thing, | Jove photography. What's the subject? B Iimnot absolutely sure, but | thinkit’s nature photography. A Great! Im really interested in that. We can have lunch at Harrods and get the bus to Hyde Park, What time does the gallery *apen / close? B Not until four o'clock, so we've got plenty of time, A *Hovr much is t?/ Is itexpensive toget in? B No, it's free, but we need to book. II ring now! A Free! That's good! More to spend on lunch! Listen and check. REVIEW Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets, 1 Today is much (cold) than yesterday. 2 Graceis (intelligent) in the class. 3 Madrid is (itt) than London. 4 Igot__ (bad) grade in the class. 5 Spanish is (easy) to learn than Chinese. 6 Shanghai is (modern) than Singapore. 7 Your car is much (expensive) than mine, 8 Charles de Gaulle is one of___ (busy) airports in the world Vocabulary 2 Choose the correct answer, 1 Areyou__of spiders? a scared b frightening 2 Well done! You've got all your spellings __. aright b good 3. [.K-Rowling is rich, but she gives a lot of money to charity. Shea very __ woman, a polite b generous 4 T__my sister. We both have brown eyes and short brown hair. a look like b like 5 ‘What’ your teacher “Shes really good. 'm learning a lot! a look like b like 6 ‘Do you like Fiona?’ a She’ very intelligent. b She's OK. “What does your mum like?” a Gardening and walking. b Really kind. 8 Carol is a very person. I could talk to her all day. a happy b interesting (BP Ge online for more skills and language practice] (B Go ontine to Check your progress.) Unit 7 « Simply the best 49 * have to ~present and past obligation © must © should Living dangerously * Nota thing to weart * Atthedoctors Grammar have to Present obligation — have to/don't have to 1 Sammy isa top London chef, and a boxer in his free time, Complete the interview using the lines a~k a dont have to be § have to make sure b Do you have to go h doesn't have to be © has to come i don't have to work 4 you have to try j haveto have 8 dese take tobe: k do you have to do f have to work 1 Sammy, what kind of person *_e_ to become a successful chef? S Well, number ong, you?___a passion for cooking - food *___firstin your life! | That can't be easy for your family! S No, it isn’t, but Olivia, my wife, is very understanding, 1 What sort of training *_ +_tocollege? 'S Most people go to catering college, and then you *___asanapprentice in a big kitchen. Sut it ”__ ina restaurant. My first job was cooking at my local hospital. 1 Really! And now youre a head chef at a Michelin star restaurant! Yes, but | also worked in restaurants in Spain and France, You'__ abroad, but it helps. to become chef? 2 Complete the questions using have 10. 1 ‘What do you haveto have a passion for to be agood chef?” ‘Cooking! “What sort of college chet’ g0 to? ‘A catering college” ‘you work abroad to be a successful chel? “No, but it helps! Unit + Living dangerously eR OT my 1 So, do you get much free time? $ Well, you*___ you take enough time off Stress s a real problem for chefs - its one of the most dengerous professions for mental health problems. 1 Really? And what do you do in your free time? 5 I'ma boxer, so when! *__ at the restaurant, | often train at the gym, My grandfather and father were both professional boxers - they can't believe Im a chefl 1 Well, boxing doesn't seem a very good way to get away from the stress and danger! | imagine "___hard not to get injured! S Yes, 1 don't want to get too many black eyes. It doesn't, look very good at the restaurant! 4 ‘What does Sammy do when he beat the restaurant? He trains at the gym? ___try hard not to get a bla 5 ‘Why he eye? ‘Because it doesn't look good at the restaurant!’ (OER Listen and check. Past obligation — had to/didn't have to 3 Complete the lines in the conversation between Sammy ret have to, G Hi Sammy. Are you still working hard at that expensive restaurant of yours? $ Yes, Grandad. tm working very hard. G Well, not as hard as | die at your age. | 1 work ten hours a day at the carfactory, and? train for my boxing every day, too. $ Butyou*__work until midnight Grandad, like Ido, And | sometimes have to get up at 5.00 a.m. to go to the fish market Gi ___get up at §.00 when | was ten to light the fire in the kitchen! You*__ light fires when you were ten. 5 No, butI* deliver newspapers. G Hmm! You had it easy! Now, boxing, that is hard training, How often are you at the boxing club? SI try and go twice a week, but I just don't have the time. You_ work 18-hour days! Your life was hard, but simpler. G Yes, it was simpler. For a start, we* get up at 6.00 to doall this online stuff. feal sorry for younger people today - you're always busy on your phones! Ihad Work and boxing, and then it was time for the pub - until I met your grandma! S Ob, Grandad! You to Grandma - and she says you askher five times before she said yes! G Ok, OK. Well, she was the loveliest girl on our street ~ and stilist get married (@EBI Listen and check. Pos: session and obligation 4 Does have mean possession (P) or obligation (O) in these sentences? Write P or O. He has a really expensive ear. P She has to walk the dog twice a day. 0. How many spellings do we have to learn? _ ‘When ean we have a coffee break? __ Ihave two brothers and a sister. __ [have to do so much work before tomorrow. __ How many hours a day did she have to train? ___ Did she have a lot of homework? _ must 5c must and a verb in the box. ‘omplete the sentences tidy send meet reply drive text stay 1 It's my grandmother's 80th birthday next week. | must send her a birthday card. The flat is such a mess! T before my parents visit tomorrow. ivup You at the Old Parsonage when you go to Oxford. eS the best hotel in the city L ‘Miles to tell him what time the party starts. You can borrow my car, but you I to all my emails! Ihave so many! Julie and Mark are a lovely couple. You them. You'll really get on well, mustn't or don’t have to? 6 GREER Complete the sentences with mustn't or doitt/doesn't have to 1 You drive too fast. Its dangerous, You eat it if you dont like it ‘Travelling on the underground is free if you're under 16. You pay. Theo has flu. The doctor sayshe go to work Vicky ____go to bed late, She has to get an early fight ia the morning Matildats family is really rich, She work. You eat too much chocolate cake You'll be sick! Henry 2010 the party if he doesnt want to Unit 8 + Living dangerously 51 should should or have to 9 Complete the sentences with a form of have to or should. 52 7 Give advice to these people. Use I think ,.. should... or Tdon't think... should... and a phrase from the box. goby businstead seysorry goto the dentist | geteworkteday eat so much chocolate stay outall night takeit backto the shop 1 Ella’ got s bad cold, don’t think she should go to work today. My tooth hucts. lk to work, but it’ raining heavily. Make the verbs negative when necessary. 3 Piper wants to 1 Your hat is too Jong. I think you have a haircut, 4 Adrian and Jason are only 16, but they want to goto? You'vealways got a cough. You aive anabigatparry, up smoking 3 I'm going to bed now. 1 get up carly Flijak be T pushed him. It Sener 5 Elijah’s crying because I pushed him. It was a nee 4 Te like to meet your new boyfriend. You ask him round for a drink some time. 5 You tell lies, It's wrong. 6 This watch isr't working. I only bought it last week! sa s ieee 6 If you've gota ticket you queue. You Tm so fat! My jeans doait fit me anymore! 8 Ask for advice in these situations. Use do you think ... should 2 1 Eddie has asked me to marry him, What do you think I should say? 2. We want to go to the cinema, Which film z 3 want to go away for the weekend, Where 7 4 Were going to havea barbecue for 20 people. How many sausages 2 5 Stewarts parents are coming for dinner. What Unit 8 - Living dangerously 10 ‘Dowe cant go straight in, In the UK you drive on the left. 8 You on my own 9. Kiki works too hard. [think she iteasy, come with me. !'m happy to go take go to school today? “Of course you da! should or must 10 Look at the instructions for London cycle couriers. Choose the correct answers. London cycle couriers 1. You must/mustn't wear a helmet at all times. ® You must/mustn't cycle on the pavement SS You must/mustn't stop at traffic lights. 4 You should /shouldn’t expect drivers to div safely, 8 You should/ shouldn't be rude to other road users. You should / shouldn't wear a mask when solution levels are high.

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