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We are living in a world full of judgmental hypocrites .

The way we
walk.The way we talk get judged by people we don’t even know.Society
specifically is the main proponent of judgment.Who is society? it is us
the people.We judge others easily the way we judge men and
women.The way we judge slim and plus size people,the way we judge
their survey straight but it can be changed.We can seek for equality in
all genders and we can achieve it .I (name) standing in front of you
seeks for gender equality.According to united nations gender equality is
not only fundamental human right but necessary foundation for a
peaceful prosperous and sustainable world.Patriarchy will not do us any
good there should be no dominion,each one of us should be treated
equally.I seek gender equality not as a member of lgbtqia plus
community but as a human because i believe that every person has an
equal right as the opposite sex.We should all respect the ones gender
and the feelings and emotion we deserve to be respected simply
because we are humans.We live in diversified culture as soon as we are
born,we are identified either male or female by the examination of our
genetics.However not our hormonal differences are
acknowledged,biologically speaking each one of us are different.We
have unique DNA’s and we only fall under two categories male and
female but our similarities is that all of us are human and all human
deserve to be respected.If we want changes then we should make
changes.If we want to employ gender equality then we should treat
each other equally,bring patriarchy down MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER
PLACE and i thank you

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