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Part 2 You are going to read an atce about a man who discovered that he ad 2 dangerous allergy. Seven sentences have been removed frm the arte. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the ane which fits teach gap (9-15). There fs one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Tere san example atthe beginning Mark your answers on the separate answer shect The day my life changed Iwas a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon when events conspired against me fo rearrange the rest of my i, in a manner | could never have foreseen. My intention had infact been to rearrange my lie but | had planned ta do it ia very ditloront way. What {had in mind was winning a lot of money 0 that | could leave my job, and go and lve somewhere warm and sunny. (8). Tid this almost avary weekend and seldom won anything, but as they say, ‘You never know’ nile | was standing inthe quoue to buy my chance ofa new lil, | decided to get myselt something rice for supper (10) Some tasty sandwiches woul be ust the ting wih a cup of cocoa a iti later on. It was acting on this impulse that proved te be my downial ‘That evening, while | was eagerly anticipating the results ofthe lotory craw, | made mysalt the promised peanut butter sandwich and sat ‘ov infront of the telviion to relax. But very ‘00n| realised tha ll was not wel. Very strange things were happening ome. (1. ‘Within minutes i had spread to the rest of my face and my throat fit. constricted. When I looked in the miro, | could ‘00 that my face had gone very red and a rash was spreading over my entre body. Although | had na idea what was actually wrong ‘wth me, the link withthe peanut butter Sandwich was obvious. (12). assumed ‘hat the jar | had bought was ‘of, but when | checked the seltby date twas fxd for nino months ahead, So thal was the problem. It had to be me, | was bopinang to feel alot worse so | tax to take me to the casually the local hospital. Aer batery of tees, | was called into the consulting room, There | was aiven the diagnosis. (13) The Specialists explained to me thal ahough it was impassile to tll whether this was @ mild or s2vere form of the allergy, | should assume i ry condition was serous. They said tha or tne rest of my ie | would have to carry a special syringe with me so that leould inject myselt with acenaline If came into contact with peanuts by accident. twas this inlarmation that changed my le and ow ook at everything eat wih great care (a). now diligent study labs on ppackels and jars fo tho warning “May conan traces of rus ‘Sadly, many people who are free ofthe problem Soni ake a nut allergy seriously. Even some of ny trends ee it has att ofa Joke, inspite of the problems it causes me in many ferent situations, some serious some less so. (5). ‘But have 10 desie to experiance the symptoms of nut alrgy again - sc | shall have fo accent the rearrangement of my ‘everyday ile 2 a permanent feature

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