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 Identify Pages that are not performing, De-Index and Redirect them to Homepage.

 Identify Top Pages and Do On Page Optimization (Schema-High Quality Pictures-Headings-

Videos-Image Alt Text-Readability-Speed)
 Pages’ Titles Needs to be Updated in SEO Plugin
 Find New Blog Topics (High Searches) for the Target Country. Publishing 3 Content Per Month.
 Monitoring Crawl Budget and that Every Content is being Crawled by Google Spider
 Creating Social Profiles for the Author of Posts

SEO Position:
 No Interlinking
 Headings are Not Optimized
 HTML Headings hierarchy is missing (H1>H2>H2>H2>H3>H4)
 Content Needs to Be Updated
 Its been long since the Last content was Published
 No Off Page has been Done
What’s Next:
 Search for NEW High Search Volume Blog Topics in Recipes for the Target Country
 Use AI/Chat GPT to Generate Content and Human Edit them Afterwards before
 Identify Competitors and Steal their Traffic Source (keywords)
 Start Building Links
 And Wait…

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