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Reflection on Self-change

A great American politician named John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said,

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past and present are certain
to miss the future”.

Life is abruptly full of circumstances and challenges that one may deal along
in his or her journey in the process of attaining success, change and improvement to
whatever aspects in life he or she may want to improve and prosper. Change is a
modest word for everyone to say it, however this may pertain to an inevitable track of
obstacles, trials as well with failures and that could leverage the entirety of life.

As human individual and a young professional, who still aims to be better and
keeping my feet on the ground, I have thought and realized that those years of battles,
challenges and sacrifices made me attained the goals and success that I have right
now. As they say, “wait until you become”, I never thought that I would be in the
process where it could change me for who I am today. It somehow gives me the
perspectives in life that those strengths, patience and circumstances I have invested
for myself was never a loss and a waste of time. I am glad that I have the courage to
conquer the uncertainties in life and builds strong foundation for me to change for the
things once I thought I could never have. It was never a waste of efforts that I once
sacrificed my own happiness to gain a brighter future and for who and what I have
become. It was the art of self-change – I changed to become better.

All change is change for the better.

-Neale Donald Walsch

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