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Nama : Meutya Kautsar Prasetya

Kelas : IX H

Absen : 13

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

(Assigment 3, meeting 3)

1. Mr. Burhan was teaching English when the principal came in.
2. John was sleeping in the room when his friends left him there alone.
3. When the telephone was ringing, we had dinner.
4. While he was painting the wall, suddenly he fell of the ladder.
5. I was walking along the street when the accident happened.
6. Mother was cooking in the kitchen while they cleaned the house.
7. While I was making a cake, my sisters decorated the party room.
8. The children were playing in the field when one of them suddenly saw a snake there.
9. When the lamps were going out, we did homework.
10. The people were sitting in the park when it began to rain.

Senin,26 Oktober 2020

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