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associated with them, and though he announced his poetic talent

at conflict in his mind. He offered to surrender the claim,

AUTHORITIES. -- Thucydides ii. 68 - iii. 114; Aristotle,

of it in the battle between honesty and ``business methods.''

Star-Spangled Banner" (1813), by Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) of

Iceland, had made small settlements in Greenland and had

he openly acknowledged as his own: Giovanni, afterwards duke

The art of Robert Adam was extraordinarily many-sided and

it appears that the husband has no means or is in insolvent

1898); Gratz, Geschchte d. Juden, iii. 318-361.

the apostles had come in their meeting at Jerusalem. The

the foundation of his political success by the services he

newspapers in the United Kingdom, has given the advertiser

Africa (1841) was followed by a tour in Greece and Italy, in

Cologne, where he stayed about two years. He then practised

high, with a Corinthian capital on which is the royal,unicorn

them was published with the works of Gerson (by Elhes du Pin,

Socrates advised him ``to borrow from himself, by diminishing

duchy of Lthens was the culmination of the achievements

(Spectator, No. 60) found it impossible to decide whether

ABBAZIA, a popular summer and winter resort of Austria, in

large number of horticultural varieties have been developed

Poland. For the next twelve months Alexius was kept constantly

and comparatively recent (Am. Anthrop., N.S. i. pp. 107,

such as Ukok (7800 ft.), Chuya (6000 ft.), Kendykty (8200

the expert picked them up at random and by them interpreted

and in the epic of Gilgamesh we find Etana in the nether

impression of the feet of Data-Bhrigu, an incarnation of

to the Board. The salient characteristic of the admiralty

crusade, entitled De Fello a Christianis contra Barbaros

taking part in the efforts and strains of pillar, arch and

natural beauty in the surroundings, but the mountains render

arms, and after prolonged litigation in the British courts,

when broken up, used as food. There is a general looseness of

``accepted,'' at the bottom of the bill, or across the face

Howe crossed the East river above the city, captured 300

duchy of Bracciano he left to his son by his first wife) to his

of October 1523. His work entitled Dies Geniales appeared

Col. F. G. Burnaby (see EGYPT, Military Operations.)

of certain xerophilous Euphorbiaceae to Cactaceae is a ready

settlements for 250 years, some of the inhabitants trace

inscription, part of which is DVENOS MED FECED ( = fecit).

blood pressure of administering suprarenal extract, the blood

main interest is historical. The town has been identified

done to keep up the general health of the members and to

god of light, especially of the sun or of the lightning.

School and Brasenose College, Oxford. After holding several

Under the Turkish dominion Algeria had originally at its head a

from first to last, Alexandria sank to a small town of about

tree burst asunder and from it came forth Adonis. Aphrodite,

the dynamic activities of the molecules do not come into

tin. Consequently, as the final solid is uniform, the

say he was alive in 1553. Pictures by Alfani may be seen in

from the 12th and 13th centuries, the nave from the 14th to

difficult circumstances to tide over a crisis. ``Liberty,''

AI [Sept. 'Aggai, 'Aggai Gai, Vulg. Hai], a small royal

Kushk river in Jamshidi territory at a point which was

observatory which, even more perhaps than his investigations

the Unionist military commander, prevailed over the party of

de l'Inquisition (Paris, 1900), by C. Douais; numerous texts

seems that amber from the Baltic reached the Etruscans at

illustrated in the results obtained from the investigations at

work, largely beneficent, was being conducted in regions

to the south of the first, is believed to have had a built

between the two great rivers the Ganges and Jumna. The only

there is a broad coastal plain. Of the islands of Alaska

800,000. Their chief occupations are agriculture (about

therefore, not being liable to be retained as prisoners of

government, is the despotic rule of a sovereign unrestrained by

inspired by the personal share he took in the great actions

conduct to his unhappy and innocent son undoubtedly was,

medium have failed; and though the idea of regions of

cities. Just as in 335 he had crossed the Danube, so he now

Forcella di Lago or Madris Pass (Avers Valley to Chiavenna), foot path . .8,793

The decrease in the demand for labour is attributable

lace-making are carried on in the vicinity. The district is

faculty exercised: from those of sensation up to the revived

was a younger brother of William Alleine, the saintly vicar of

and took part in the Waterloo campaign and the march to Paris,

work, including all its phases, is the most important body

but is still used as the parish church. It now consists of the

at least saved from all risk of making himself disagreeable

occurring several times in the Old Testament and Apocrypha

in occasional theatrical performances. At a festive gathering

Sardis, who came as a slave to Sparta, where he lived in

courage, but he lacked perseverance and was himself responsible

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