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Transcription: [Camera shows Thurston relaxing in front of a window]

Papa Waffles: So here is the man himself here relaxing. I thought I would give you guys a bit of
a rundown on exactly what happened. So the last couple of months we noticed the progress on
his kidneys had started to stall. He's not in bad shape at all, he's actually doing pretty good still.
But we wanted to nip it in the bud so we went through a lot of hoops, we had a lot of dead ends.
It was kind of a nightmare honestly, getting this scheduled. Stem cell treatment itself isn't widely
available and for what we wanted to do--for chronic kidney disease it's especially unavailable.
For example I found online one particular company that does stem-cell therapy said they've
done 200 cats as of 2020. So, that gives you an idea of how hard it was to actually make this
happen. We tried to find someone close to us and it was just a total bust, so we had to do the
nearest thing which for us was a round-trip drive of about 1500 miles. So, we talked about it and
we decided that we wanted to give him every fighting chance of feeling good and being healthy.
And--we did it guys! We drove 1500 miles and it took us about a week total because we wanted
to take it really slow so it wasn't so hard on him. Basically we got him stem cell therapy for his
chronic kidney disease! [Camera cuts to Thurston walking in an orange harness] In addition to
that we were able to get a lot of really great tests that told us a lot about him that we didn't know
before. He's been feeling so good since he got back and the process was basically they took
some fat from his abdomen--[Mama Waffles interjects] It was plentiful! [Papa Waffles speaks
again] which was plentiful! Kind of the same type of surgery they do for spaying a cat. They put
that fat through a process to extract adult stem cells, and basically after this process then they
put the stem cells back into the kidney area and also through an IV. We also banked the stem
cells for future treatments. [Camera cuts back to Thurston by window. Mama Waffles speaks]
What we hope this will do is help his kidneys function better and we looked into a lot of
videos--and--it seems to do that in a lot of cats and it might not do that, but the hope is that he
will feel better overall. [Papa Waffles] Yeah, so stem cells themselves are attracted to areas of
inflammation so in addition to his kidneys, if there's anything else going on with his body those
will also help him out there. So, after the stem cell therapy we brought him back home. You can
also see he's shaved right there [on his leg] where he got his--hi buddy! Can you talk to him
Mama? [Mama Waffles] Hi Lamby! [Papa Waffles] And he--over the last couple of days--he's
been feeling pretty good. We won't know for a couple of months so I'll do my best to keep you
updated, but guys we are really, really excited about this! This is a cutting edge kind of treatment
that very very few people and cats have been lucky enough to set up this sort of thing, so yeah,
we're hoping to see good things out of it. [Mama Waffles] The best thing about it is, even if it
doesn't work, it won't cause any harm. [Papa Waffles] Either way he is likely to feel better
regardless of whether it helps his kidneys and uh, we just wanted to say thank you guys for all
the support and your patience with us while we take care of our boy and honestly he pretty
much paid for his own stem cell therapy just by you guys' viewing videos and the merch you
guys have bought. We just--we greatly appreciate that we could make what for us was a pipe
dream come true. And he paid his own way, he bought his own stem cell therapy, didn't he
mama? [Mama Waffles] Yeah, because you guys are wonderful. [Papa Waffles] Yeah, so thanks
again! And uh, we'll be in touch in the next couple of weeks about how he's doing after his stem
cell therapy. Camera cuts to Thurston playing and meowing].

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