Multiple Choice Quiz

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Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 1 out of 10 questions correctly, for a score of 10%.

1. Incorrect. You answered: d. 1979.

The foundations of the Internet were created when the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) created ARPANet, the first national network of computers. In what year did
this occur?

The correct answer was: c. 1969.

2. Incorrect. You answered: c. Arthur C. Clarke.

Who invented the World Wide Web (WWW)?

The correct answer was: d. Tim Berners-Lee.

3. Incorrect. You answered: d. Individuals can measure radio listening and TV viewing by

determine sub audible tones in the states' signals..

Technological determinism means that

The correct answer was: b. Technology essentially 'causes' certain behaviors.

4. Correct. You answered: c. Audio recording; non-digitized media.

Analog media was originally used in __________ for media that was analogous to the sound it
was recreating. It now refers to all __________.

The correct answer was: c. Audio recording; non-digitized media.

5. Incorrect. You answered: c. Provides information with the assistance of portable video and
audio equipment..

Digitization is the process in which media

The correct answer was: b. Is made into computer-readable form..

6. Incorrect. You answered: e. All of the above..

'Broadband' is a network connection that

The correct answer was: c. Allows for more information to be sent in a shorter period of time..

7. Incorrect. You answered: d. Susan B. Anthony.

Who in 1837 invented the electromagnetic telegraph, which marked the beginning of today's
information age?

The correct answer was: b. Samuel Morse.

8. Incorrect. You answered: c. They allow for distance learning.

Communication satellites have had a great impact on communications in which ways?

The correct answer was: e. Both A and B.

9. Incorrect. You answered: a. 1925.

In what year did Arthur C. Clarke, famed science fiction writer, first propose the
communication satellite?

The correct answer was: c. 1945.

10. Incorrect. You answered: a. Decentralized and non-hierarchical.

Characteristics of the peer-to-peer (P2P) network model include:

The correct answer was: d. All of the above.

Multiple Choice Quiz

1. The foundations of the Internet were created when the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) created ARPANet, the first national network of computers. In what year did
this occur?

 a. 1949

 b. 1959

 c. 1969

 d. 1979

 e. 1983

2. Who invented the World Wide Web (WWW)?

 a. Marc Andreeson

 b. Vinton Cerf

 c. Arthur C. Clarke

 d. Tim Berners-Lee

 e. None of the above

3. Technological determinism means that

 a. That Web radio stations must pay royalties for songs that are accessed

 b. Technology essentially 'causes' certain behaviors

 c. Specially equipped mobile units transmit live and taped remote reports back to
a local station.

 d. Individuals can measure radio listening and TV viewing by determine sub
audible tones in the states' signals.

 e. None of the above

4. Analog media was originally used in __________ for media that was analogous to the sound it
was recreating. It now refers to all __________.

 a. Laser technology; satellite transmissions

 b. Transmitting a digital signal; non-digitized media

 c. Audio recording; non-digitized media

 d. None of the above is correct

5. Digitization is the process in which media

 a. Uses the modulation of the sound carrier wave to the fluctuations of the sound

 b. Is made into computer-readable form.

 c. Provides information with the assistance of portable video and audio
 d. Is merged with the computer.

 e. None of the above.

6. 'Broadband' is a network connection that

 a. Stores video and audio information by using laser technology.

 b. Blends one picture with another in TV production.

 c. Allows for more information to be sent in a shorter period of time.

 d. Receives and sends information slower than other connections.

 e. All of the above.

7. Who in 1837 invented the electromagnetic telegraph, which marked the beginning of today's
information age?

 a. Guglielmo Marconi

 b. Samuel Morse

 c. Alexander Graham Bell

 d. Susan B. Anthony

 e. None of the above

8. Communication satellites have had a great impact on communications in which ways?

 a. They allow for high-bandwidth communication

 b. They allow for communication in remote corners of the earth where land lines
or other ground-based modes of communication do not exist

 c. They allow for distance learning

 d. All of the above

 e. Both A and B

9. In what year did Arthur C. Clarke, famed science fiction writer, first propose the
communication satellite?

 a. 1925

 b. 1935

 c. 1945

 d. 1955

 e. 1965

10. Characteristics of the peer-to-peer (P2P) network model include:

 a. Decentralized and non-hierarchical

 b. Interconnected group of computers

 c. A network of computers with equal ability to send, store and receive

 d. All of the above

 e. None of the above

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