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ACTIVITY 4: (When I am old)

Timothy John B. Ignacio 12-Gandolfo November 29, 2022


I would choose to the home. because home is a private places of family that they can do what
ever they want to . It is the best choice because no ones can hear everything if you settle down in
home because home is like a box that only the people inside can hear all what you want to say
and see what you want to do.

Family- responsible for reproduction to replace members, provides protection, socialize the

1. You need money to fulfill the basic necessities of life, which are food, water, clothes, and
shelter. The modern basic human needs are not limited to these and extend to health care, access
to education, employment, and freedom.

2. Physical aspects, because, Every community has a physical presence of some sort, even if only
one building. Most have a geographic area or areas they are either defined by or attached to. It's
important to know the community's size and the look and feel of its buildings, its topography (the
lay of the land -- the hills, valleys, rivers, roads, and other features you'd find on a map), and
each of its neighborhoods. Also important are how various areas of the community differ from
one another, and whether your impression is one of clean, well-maintained houses and streets, or
one of shabbiness, dirt, and neglect.

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