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People’s opinion are divergent whether ……

2. Although both viewpoint remain different justifications,
3. X is generally beneficial provided sufficent parental supervision

Proponents of mobiles phones being injurious might espouse of the potential risk of poor academic
performance and health problems to children.
X làm gì đó, Consequences might include ………….
X is inherently associated with ………
Studies detail that
X is the primary catalyst for : Là chất xúc tác cho
Advocates for X accquiring benefits from ……… might argue for ……….
X is further evidenced in
Exist in abundance ………………………………………………………..

In conclusion, both viewpoints present justifiable interpretations,

Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social
facilities for the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 
A school of thought holds that large-scale firms should establish recreational
facilities to cater to the needs of the locals. While there would be certain
financial ramifications were business to do so, this course of action might
present a win-win senario for both the providers and the general population.
Local populace
Humanitarian reputation.

Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspapers

and TV has bad influences, so this kind of information should be
restricted in the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
A school of thought suggests that news detailing unlawful acts might
produce undesirable outcomes, and therefore airtime for this kind of
information should be limited. While there are certain drawbacks
regarding security concerns from this suggestion, it believe following it
can prevent a number of potential problems for the general population.
The first solution should focus on narrowing wealth chasm in urban
areas. This could be done by providing support packages including job
creation, financial inclusion and affordable housing to those in low-
income bracket . Such a implementation could pose a double impact on
the problem of youth crime: offering disadvantaged children a better
quality of life, say, advanced edcucation and less exposure to criminals,
and defusing their senses of envy and sntisociality. This could promise
positive impacts on the reduction of youth crime.

Proper education today means fewer criminals tomorrow.

As the 21st century unfolds, ……………

A possible explanation for this tendency lies in ………. And …….. is the
key to ……………
As X + V, S + V + O

is no longer a niche market, rather, it has reached a broader segment of

the market.

As the 21st century unfolds, medical advances have allowed people to

artificially alter their facial traits to become seemingly more attractive. A
possible explaination for this negative tendency might lie in the
widespread use of social media and the constant presence of online
models setting unrealistic beauty standards.
As numerous social media platforms gaining momentum

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