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2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE)

North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India. Dec 1-3, 2021

Analyzing Security Approaches for

Threats,Vulnerabilities, and attacks in an IoT
2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE) | 978-1-6654-3656-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ComPE53109.2021.9752151

Himani Tyagi Rajendra Kumar

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Millia Islamia,
Delhi, India Delhi, India

Abstract— The importance of the Internet of things in resulting in jeopardizing the whole network. For instance, a
every sphere of human life is quite evident. However, Mirai Attack that took place in 2016 disrupted the network
with applications, many serious threats, vulnerabilities, devices by exploiting their open TELNET ports [2]. A
and attacks are emerging from time to time. Thus, it is prevention mechanism adopted by the government to tackle
required to discuss the vulnerabilities and attacks to Mirai requires manufacturers to adhere to a security
fully adopt this popular technology with security standard or keep their firmware up to date for N years.
solutions intact. Therefore, this paper includes a survey Hence, there is an immediate need to focus on various
from three aspects such as IoT market opportunities security measures and provide solutions with lesser
with security challenges, recently identified threats, complexity so that it can be mapped with secured system
vulnerabilities, and attacks on IoT with proposed requirements such as access control, authentication,
solutions, and the importance of modern technologies confidentiality. With new threats and vulnerabilities existing
such as machine learning, cloud computing, fog techniques are inadequate to address them, it is required to
computing, edge computing and, blockchain for IoT build new advanced methods for identifying and classifying
security solutions. The main contribution of this work is adversarial behavior. Therefore, this survey is done to
to provide insights into IoT security challenges from include various threats, vulnerabilities, attacks, and
various aspects like device and sensor based, software - proposed solutions concerning IoT.
application based, communication channel based, and In this paper, elements of IoT that require immediate
future predictions. security measures such as device/hardware, communication,
cloud, and cyclic monitorization are presented. Also, a
Keywords—Internet of Things, attacks, vulnerabilities, comparison of available security threats and their possible
machine learning, cloud computing, fog computing, edge solutions for improvement in different IoT elements such as
computing, blockchain authentication, authorization, access control, privacy are
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) The contributions of this paper relative to recent literature
This IoT is defined as “the platform that can connect all can be summarized as follows:
physical world things to the internet”. Here things include • A survey of IoT market opportunities with security
humans, machines, or any physical device embedded with challenges that are rarely presented in any survey
RFID tags, sensors, and actuators that interact and co- paper.
operate using a low-power IPV6 addressing scheme known
• Compared to existing literature in this field, this
as 6LoWPAN. These devices or things are smart enough to
solve a complex task that requires a high degree of paper provides a deeper summary of the most
intelligence. Therefore, build a network of smart devices. relevant security threats and measures taken to get
These smart devices have applicability in all sphere of rid of these threats. Thus, enabling researchers to
human life ranging from basic consumer-based applications get a speedy response when encountered with any
(such as Smart Home, building automation, Smart Industry, unwanted condition.
Health care, transportation, environmental monitoring) to
• The relationship between the IoT and other
mission-critical applications (such as military surveillance,
railway/aircraft operating system, healthcare monitoring or emerging technologies including big data, cloud
disaster system) [1]. computing, fog computing, and edge computing for
With applications and advantages, this technology is facing IoT security is also presented in the paper.
several challenges such as interoperability, scalability, • This paper familiarizes the concept of IoT from a
availability, reliability, performance, and security. Out of all security perspective that covers modern security
the challenges quoted, security is considered to be the most
technologies along with their limitations.
challenging task in deploying this technology in the real
world. Because IoT devices are resource constrained,
A. IoT Market Window (Opportunity)
limited battery life, memory space, computing capabilities,
and hence are more vulnerable to threats and attacks IoT provides a great market opportunity for automobiles,
industrial manufacturers, healthcare developers, media

978-1-6654-3656-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE


Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
telecom companies, retailers, and several others. According emerged as an attractive platform for cybercriminals due to
to International Data Corporation (IDC) report, it is weak security solutions [6]. Hence, the OWASP provides a
predicted that by 2025 there will be a global increase of list of top ten IoT-related vulnerabilities and weaknesses
17% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) in connected that are discussed briefly later. It’s analyzed that about 75%
IoT devices around the world [3]. Hence, a surge of IoT of IoT attacks are through routers. It’s also investigated that
devices in the market. From the geographical outlook shown IoT devices can be easily attacked within 5 minutes.
in Figure – 1, the Asia-Pacific region is predicted to be the According to a magazine [5] over 100 million attacks on
leader followed by North America and Europe in terms of endpoints have been detected in the early six months of
IoT market size and revenue with US$10.9 billion by 2025. 2019 and the number is devastating. It is nearly nine times
And as per NASSCOM report [4] on IoT, among all the more as compared to 2018 when only 12 million were
Asia-Pacific region India will be the pacemaker in IoT reported originating from 69000 IP addresses. On a world
acquisition whose market size predicted to grow at 62% account, China is exposed to 30% of infections followed by
CAGR while the number of IoT connections is expected to Brazil (19%) and Egypt (12%).
grow at the rate of 137% CAGR from 2016 to 2020.
It’s not that everyone is happy with this new technology. It's
been reported that 92% of the global consumers want to
control their personal information that is automatically
collected in IoT architecture. Thus, this increased demand
for security encourages researchers to provide solutions
against existing and emerging security threats


The authors in literature have defined IoT architecture as a

three-to-five-layer model with perception, network, and
Fig 1. Classifications of Global IoT connections by regions application layers as the common ones. Additionally, This
layered approach of architecture offers no interference
between the layers. Hence, each layer has separate security
challenges and threats. The security challenges and threats
Out of total worldwide technology spending, It is predicted
on each layer are defined as:
that IoT will have $2.2T share by 2025. From total
spending, industries that are expected to spend maximum on • First, the perception layer:- In this layer, sensors
IoT solutions are manufacturing (US$197 billion), consumer are responsible for everything extending from
IoT ($108 billion), transportation ($71 billion), and utilities sensing to gathering information. This layer is also
($61 billion) [18]. As per IoT Analytics, global spending on identified as a hardware layer due to the
Industry 4.0 products and services will roar from $119B to involvement of sensors, devices, and objects. The
$310B in 2023, achieving 27.04% CAGR. sensors used for gathering information have limited
IoT market development is primarily driven by
power, resources and memory thus are vulnerable
manufacturing and automobile industries followed by
transportation. Deloitte, one of the leading companies to threats and attacks. Common attacks on this
reported that manufacturing units are expected to grow layer are power analysis attacks,DoS attack
twice from 0.32 billion in 2014 to 0.68 billion in 2020. electromagnetic emanation attacks, information
Similarly, the growth of the automotive industry will be 37 leakage attacks, transferring malware or malicious
times from 0.02 billion in 2014 to 0.74 billion in 2020. code[16].
Concerning revenue, the automotive industry is predicted to
• Second, the Transport layer:- IoT transport layer
achieve maximum growth of $303 billion by 2020 followed
by health to achieve 16.3 % CAGR. Figure 2(a) depicts the comprises of technologies like RFID,
market size of various industry and Figure 2(b) provides the NFC,bluetooth, zig-bee, and 6LowPAN. All these
revenue contribution by various industries. technologies are often limited in terms of storage,
transmission range, data rate and are vulnerable to
various threats.The most prominent attacks on this
layer are tag cloning, Eavesdropping , Identity
theft,information leakage ,location tracking,
Unauthorized direct access(UDDA) ,sybil
attack,worm hole attack, black hole,sync hole
attacks,selective forwarding [22].

Third, the application layer:- This layer is responsible for

the management of IoT applications such as smart cities,
Though IoT provides many benefits, the challenges smart homes, healthcare. Software bugs, backdoor attacks,
associated can’t be ignored. While this technology has malicious code attacks, SQL injection, data theft are popular

This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and Engineering Research Board- Department of Science & Technology),
Government of India, grant number EEQ/2018/000118”

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
security threats on the application layer. The attacks on this
layer depends on the application under consideration.
Layer Security Issues Protection Mechanism
Perception Node Captiure[ 23] Data encryption [23],Node
Layer Denial of Services authentication to prevent
Denial of Sleep illegal access,lightweight
Routing Threats cryptographic algorithms
Replay Attacks
Information leakage
Side Channel Attack
Network Man In Middle[] Strong Intrusion Detection
Layer Denial of Service System,Trust management
Evasdropping between communicating
Others- nodes,

Application Data privacy Information security

Layer Big data handling system,firewalls,authentication
Data authentication system
Firewall Failure

D. IoT Architecture
C. Threats and vulnerabilities with respect to each layer

6 LoWPAN:- IPv6 based low power and low cost Personal

Area Network.The constrained devices are connected
through IPv6 protocol synthesizing compressed header and
fragmentation of packets.The internet connectivity brings
new vulnerabilities,threats and attacks to the wireless
network[24].The Intrsuion Detection system or security
system should consider all the vulnerabilities related to
constrained devices to make communication secure.
2.CoAP:-due to memory and power constraints in IoT
networks ,it is difficult to maintain connection oriented
protocol on transport layer.Hence, UDP is used on transport
layer. Further, connection oriented web protocol [ ] i.e,
HTTP works with TCP .Therefore, a specialized protocol The architecture of a simple IoT network is shown in the
for UDP is designed that is Constrained Application figure with S1 to S6 are the sensors and 6BR represents
Protocol. The threats on CoAP include access control IPV6 based border router.Sensors are things in the IoT
threats,authorization,message integrity etc. network and BR is responsible for internet connectivity to
3.RPL:-Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks the network. With the help of IPV6 addressing scheme in
are starndardized protocol for routing mechanis in IoT IoT, billions or trillions of things or sensors can be
networks.It works by constructing DODAG (Destination connected and are uniquely addressable[24].
Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph). This graph is anchored The security issues include things that are not part of the
by a root node that is a Border Router (BR) which connects network but maliciously interfere the normal working of the
the nodes to external network.The exchange of ICMP network by exploiting the network to attacks by exposing
control messages (DIO,DAO,DIS) provides reliability and the vulnerabilities of IoT networks as discussed in Table
security to RPL.The attackers exploit the vulnerabilities of .The security solutions should consider the vulnerabilityies
these messages and expose the network to attacks like and threats that are discussed in the paper.Intrusion
version Number,Rank attack[19].The security mechanism Detection Systems(IDS) are to be deployed inside the
should consider the features of these messages to provide Border Router to investigate the incoming and outgoing
security to the network. traffic and raise alarms when there is any security breach
indication in the network.
Table 1: Security issues with respect to each layer in IoT Many other security solutions are available from time to
time to make IoT successful and fully adoptable
technology.But constraints like resource , memory, battery

This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and Engineering Research Board- Department of Science & Technology),
Government of India, grant number EEQ/2018/000118”

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
and security makes it challenging to adopt this F. MODERN SECURITY APPROACHES
technology.Therefore, a strong security solution is needed to
make IoT successful. 1) Cloud computing

E. Recent Threats/ vulnerabilities /attacks summary in IoT It is defined as an infrastructure for providing ubiquitous, on
demand network access to a resource pool that can be easily
allocated and released with minimum efforts [7]. Also, CC
threats and vulnerabilities this section illustrates the source
provides computing, storage of data over the internet,
of some of the recent vulnerabilities witnessed from 2012 to
controlling devices at any time from anywhere and possible
2016. In 2012 a botnet attack called Aidra was witnessed.
visualization in a web browser [8]. And, These services are
The source of this attack turns out to be smart devices such
vital for the smooth operation of IoT system. Furthermore,
as IP cameras, Internet-connected TV, VoIP devices, cable
For IoT deployment, the need for hardware, software,
set up boxes, and Home internet routers that target ARM-
servers, and configuring networks are major challenges. But
based devices running on Linux. The malware was designed
cloud computing providers offer all these components ready
for MIPS,x86/x86/64, MIPSel, PPC architectures. Where
for easy and scalable deployment of IoT systems. Hence, the
one server was required to scan for more Linux based
integration of Cloud computing and IoT is beneficial and
vulnerable devices to host binaries and others to issue
known as cloudIoT paradigm [7]. Additionally, The usage
commands to the botnet. The main purpose was to scan for
of cloud for IoT is acting as a catalyst for the secure
devices and perform a DDoS attack. Since Aidra does not
development and deployment of scalable IoT applications
maintain tenacity, so rebooting the device cleans the
[9]. But major challenges in using Cloud Computing for IoT
infection present in it. Consequently, In 2014, another
are high bandwidth and latency requirements [10] while
attack popularly known as Bashlite took place. This attack
deploying IoT applications to the cloud which is further
targeted many IoT devices such as video recorders and
explained by Fog computing architecture.
cameras located in Brazil, Taiwan, and Colombia to induce
DDoS attacks. Hundred commands and control(C&C) TABLE 2. SECURITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDED BY CLOUD
servers were used to exploit 120000 bots. This attack has COMPUTING
exploited default admin credentials, sloppy security
measures by manufacturers. Another popular and versatile Challenges in IoT Solutions offered by Cloud
attack known as Mirai took place in 2016 that attracted Authentication • Identity and access
worldwide attention. This massive attack on IoT network Firmware updates management by allocating one
Device Management server to each device.
with more than 1Tbps traffic had crippled high profile Data Security • Certificates are allocated to
services like OVH, Dyn, Kerbs. It increased gradually from each IoT device once created
65000 infected IoT devices on the first day to 6L devices at to know all the information
its peak. Mirai is considered to be a self-replicating attack about security breaches and
the location of the device.
that infects devices speedily. The infected devices are • Digital signatures login for all
controlled via a central command and control (C&C) server. firmware updates.
These attacks resulted in destroying customer relationships • Automatic Client-Server side
(customer trust depends on the availability of services) and data encryption.
cause financial loss. In late 2016, a new attack
named Linux/IRCTelnet was witnessed. In a small
duration of 5 days, this attack infected 3500 IoT devices.
This attack copied the telnet scanning logic of the bashlight
attack discussed above. It has used a combination of
username passwords from the Mirai attack list and kept on
adding code to attack devices using next-generation IPV6
protocol. This provides more in depth information regarding
threats and vulnerabilities in IoT systems. Also, The number
of these attacks on IoT networks are increasing at an
alarming rate. Therefore, there is an immediate need of
researchers to propose solutions in this field of IoT.

Fig 8. Cloud based IoT architecture [7]

Fig 7 . IoT Vulnerabilities Exploit process

This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and Engineering Research Board- Department of Science & Technology),
Government of India, grant number EEQ/2018/000118”

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
efficient communication, and fast data processing. This
architecture has reduced the bandwidth and latency
requirements much more than Fog Computing. It offers
2) Fog computing
secure firmware updates from the edge using SSL (Secure
Socket Layer). Identifying attacks on Edge nodes and data
Fog computing refers to a computing architecture involving
security breaches identification are current Research areas in
resources, ubiquitous nodes communicating with each other
Edge computing field.
at the extreme edge without cloud processing. These
architectures are deployed at the edge to perform intelligent TABLE 4. SECURITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDED BY EDGE
processing and data analysis for the detection of unusual or COMPUTING
anomalous events. This architecture has been implemented
in delivering vital services like smart health care systems Challenges in IoT Solutions
[10]. Privacy and Security Edge computing helps resource
Fog computing extends the cloud computing functionality constrained devices to securely
update their firmware using SSL.
and strategy to the edge level of the network [11]. Since fog
architecture is different from cloud computing security
4) Machine Learning
solutions applicable in Cloud computing would not be
applicable in fog computing. Additionally, the large amount
Machine learning refers to giving a machine the ability to
of data exchanged between various sensor devices in IoT
learn by experiences. Here the importance of machine
make it challenging to send this data to the cloud for further
learning based IoT security solutions are discussed. There
processing and analysis. Therefore, Fog computing reduces
are various supervised Machine Learning algorithms like
the bandwidth requirement as compared to Cloud
SVM, KNN, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree,
Computing by allowing the computation close to where the
Bagging, Neural Network, and unsupervised machine
data is produced. Fog architecture is used where there are
learning algorithms like K Means, association mining,
millions of devices communicating and it is necessary to act
Neural Network available for smart data analysis. Machine
on the data in almost a second. Authorization and
Learning works on analyzing the data samples and taking
authentication of devices at different gateway levels are
decisions according to the learned feature pattern. For IoT
major challenges in using fog computing architecture for
security, researchers have developed many Intrusion
IoT. Ensuring the security of each fog node is also
detection systems using Machine and Deep learning
important. For this, Intrusion detection systems should be
approaches. These systems function by critically analyzing
deployed to monitor the authentication process and detect
the input features and learn the hidden patterns in features
any anomalous behavior. For enabling research areas in Fog
and then detect any anomaly and raise alarms against the
computing refer [12].
same. Based on the detection approach these are classified
TABLE 3. SECURITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDED BY FOG as Anomaly based detection systems (ADS) and Signature
COMPUTING based detection systems (SDS). Furthermore, Machine
learning proves to be effective in preventing and detecting
Challenges in IoT Solutions attacks according to current needs. Nowadays these
approaches are becoming very popular in the IoT security
Privacy and security Fog computing helps resource
constrained devices to securely domain. By Using the behavioral features like transmission
update their firmware by acting as count of packets by a node, reception count of a node, etc,
a proxy for these devices [15]. and Link information of a network many strong security
systems for IoT have been proposed in [13,14]. The security
systems proposed by the researchers lack real time
deployment. Therefore, the performance evaluation of
machine learning based security system after real time
deployment, Efficacy of bio inspired algorithms like swarm
Latency Moving from cloud to Fog brings
many solutions to existing IoT intelligence for IoT security, IoT Image and video
challenges like latency as fog Processing using Machine Learning are some research areas
reduces time required for managing in IoT Security.
and analyzing data by performing
all analysis near to end user.

Challenges in IoT Solutions

Security ML helps resource constrained
devices to securely communicate to
edge device by giving nodes/gateway
the ability to analyze incoming
packets and traffic in the network
3) Edge Computing

Edge computing symbolizes the processing and computation Authentication and access control DNN, RF, ANN, RNN, etc. are ML
of data at the edge of the network [12]. It brings potential algorithms available for
authentication and access control
benefits to IoT deployments with decreased latency,

This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and Engineering Research Board- Department of Science & Technology),
Government of India, grant number EEQ/2018/000118”

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
5) Blockchain With the market survey shown in this study the impact and
importance of IoT technology on the Asian country’s
Another technology that has proved to accelerate IoT economy can be easily visualized. But, due to threats,
security is Blockchain. This technology is mainly designed vulnerabilities, and attacks discussed and analyzed, it is
for applications which involve transactions and becoming difficult to fully adopt this technology. Hence,
communications. The blockchain system consists of a there is an urgent need to focus on IoT system security
distributed digital ledger and hence also called distributed requirements such as authentication, privacy, access control,
ledger technology (DLT). This digital ledger is shared and security. The paper presents emerging research areas in
between the communicating parties residing over the the field of IoT security. Also, it is seen that the highest
internet. All transactions after validations are recorded in threat is on the Transport layer that can harness the working
ledger that cannot further be removed. In this way, of whole IoT system. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
information is shared between the communicating parties in secure communication between devices in the IoT network.
blockchain. Then from this group of people, some selected Additionally, It is visualized that with the applications of
members maintain a copy of the digital ledger. And any new modern security approaches like Machine learning, Cloud
transactions must be validated through a process before computing, Edge computing,Fog computing, and
allowing them on to the ledger. Using this communication Blockchain, the security challenges in IoT systems can be
flow and information exchange strategy common attacks effectively enhanced.
like DoS, Routing attacks in the IoT environment can be
prevented. Therefore, Blockchain has the potential to AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
address security issues prevailing in IoT networks
This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and
LEARNING Engineering Research Board- Department of Science &
Technology), Government of India, grant number
Challenges in IoT Solutions EEQ/2018/000118”
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This work is funded by SERB-DST (Science and Engineering Research Board- Department of Science & Technology),
Government of India, grant number EEQ/2018/000118”

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 05:40:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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