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There are several key points to remember when it comes to workplace etiquette in Russia:
-Punctuality is important in Russia, so try to arrive on time for meetings and work.
-It is customary to dress conservatively in a business setting, so avoid wearing casual or
revealing clothing..
-It is common to exchange small gifts with colleagues, such as chocolates or flowers, to
celebrate birthdays or other special occasions.
-Hierarchy is important in Russian business culture, so be sure to show respect to your
superiors by addressing them properly and being attentive when they speak.
-It is not uncommon for business meetings in Russia to be accompanied by food and drink, so
be prepared to socialize and build relationships with your colleagues.
-Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as politics or religion in the workplace.

Communication mealtime etiquette

Professionalism In Russia, it is customary to follow certain mealtime etiquette
There are a few key things to keep in mind when it comes to communication and table manners. Here are a few tips:
Being punctual: Russian professionals are expected to arrive
etiquette in Russia:
1. 1.Wait to be seated: It is customary to wait until the host or
1. Russians tend to be more formal in their communication style than people in
on time for work and meetings. some other countries. It is common to address people with titles, such as hostess invites you to sit down before taking your seat at
Dressing appropriately: In many fields in Russia, it is "Doctor," "Professor," or "Mr." or "Mrs." followed by their last name.
2. Russians place a strong emphasis on hierarchy and authority, and it is
the table.
2. 2.Use utensils correctly: Russians typically use a fork and
important to dress in a professional manner, which often
important to show respect to those in positions of power or with more
means wearing business attire. knife to eat their food. It is considered impolite to use your
 Being organized: Russian professionals are expected to be 3. Eye contact is important in Russian communication and it is seen as a sign of
honesty and respect.
fingers to eat, unless you are eating something like bread or
well-organized and efficient in their work.
 Maintaining confidentiality: As mentioned earlier,
4. It is considered impolite to interrupt someone when they are speaking, and it

Type something
is important to listen attentively when someone is talking to you.
3. 3.Keep your elbows off the table: It is considered impolite
to rest your elbows on the table while eating.
maintaining confidentiality is an important aspect of 5. Russians may stand closer to each other when talking than people from
professionalism in Russia. some other cultures, but it is important to be aware of personal space and not 4. 4.Don't begin eating until the host or hostess starts: It is
 Respecting colleagues: Russian professionals are expected invade it.
6. Gift-giving is an important part of Russian culture, and it is common to bring
customary to wait for the host or hostess to start eating
to show respect for their colleagues, including through before beginning your meal.
small gifts when visiting someone's home or when invited to a social event.
appropriate communication and behavior. 5. 5.Use bread to clean your plate: It is acceptable to use
bread to scoop up food or to clean your plate.

There are several key points to remember when it comes to workplace etiquette in Russia:
-Punctuality is important in Russia, so try to arrive on time for meetings and work.
-It is customary to dress conservatively in a business setting, so avoid wearing casual or
revealing clothing..
-It is common to exchange small gifts with colleagues, such as chocolates or flowers, to
celebrate birthdays or other special occasions.
-Hierarchy is important in Russian business culture, so be sure to show respect to your
superiors by addressing them properly and being attentive when they speak.
-It is not uncommon for business meetings in Russia to be accompanied by food and drink, so
be prepared to socialize and build relationships with your colleagues.
-Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as politics or religion in the workplace.

Communication mealtime etiquette

Professionalism In Russia, it is customary to follow certain mealtime etiquette
There are a few key things to keep in mind when it comes to communication and table manners. Here are a few tips:
Being punctual: Russian professionals are expected to arrive
etiquette in Russia:
1. 1.Wait to be seated: It is customary to wait until the host or
1. Russians tend to be more formal in their communication style than people in
on time for work and meetings. some other countries. It is common to address people with titles, such as hostess invites you to sit down before taking your seat at
Dressing appropriately: In many fields in Russia, it is "Doctor," "Professor," or "Mr." or "Mrs." followed by their last name.
2. Russians place a strong emphasis on hierarchy and authority, and it is
the table.
2. 2.Use utensils correctly: Russians typically use a fork and
important to dress in a professional manner, which often
important to show respect to those in positions of power or with more
means wearing business attire. knife to eat their food. It is considered impolite to use your
 Being organized: Russian professionals are expected to be 3. Eye contact is important in Russian communication and it is seen as a sign of
honesty and respect.
fingers to eat, unless you are eating something like bread or
well-organized and efficient in their work.
 Maintaining confidentiality: As mentioned earlier,
4. It is considered impolite to interrupt someone when they are speaking, and it

Type something
is important to listen attentively when someone is talking to you.
3. 3.Keep your elbows off the table: It is considered impolite
to rest your elbows on the table while eating.
maintaining confidentiality is an important aspect of 5. Russians may stand closer to each other when talking than people from
professionalism in Russia. some other cultures, but it is important to be aware of personal space and not 4. 4.Don't begin eating until the host or hostess starts: It is
 Respecting colleagues: Russian professionals are expected invade it.
6. Gift-giving is an important part of Russian culture, and it is common to bring
customary to wait for the host or hostess to start eating
to show respect for their colleagues, including through before beginning your meal.
small gifts when visiting someone's home or when invited to a social event.
appropriate communication and behavior. 5. 5.Use bread to clean your plate: It is acceptable to use
bread to scoop up food or to clean your plate.

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