Daily Test I Core Subject Mathematics Grade 12th Santa Laurensia Senior High School 2022-2023 (A)

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Daily Test I Core Subject Mathematics Grade 12th Santa Laurensia Senior High School 2022 / 2023 ( A )

Material: Continuous Random Variable

1. The continuous random variable X has a probability density function f ( x ), given by:
 16 x 0 x3

f ( x ) =  2  12 x 3 x  4
 otherwise
a) Sketch the probability density function for all values of X .................. ( Score: 12 )
b) Find P( X > 1 ) .................................................................................. ( Score: 8 )
c) Find P( 2  X  3.5 ) ........................................................................... ( Score: 8 )

2. The time, in hours, spent on a piece of homework by a group of students is modelled by the continuous
random variable T.
The cumulative distribution function of T, F( t ), given by:
 0 t 0

F( t ) = k(4t 3  2t 4 ) 0  t  1.5
1 t  1.5

where k is a positive constant
a) Show that k  ........................................................ ( Score: 6 )
b) Find the proportion of students who spent over an hour in their homework ................ ( Score: 6 )
c) Find the proportion of students who spent over half an hour in their homework ......... ( Score: 4 )
d) Define the probability density function of T, for all values of t ................................... ( Score: 8 )
e) Find the mean time that students spent in their homework ........................................ ( Score: 8 )

3. The continuous random variable X has a probability density function f ( x ), given by:
 101 x 0 x4

f ( x ) =  2  52 x 4 x5
 otherwise
a) Show clearly that E( X ) = 3 ..................................................... ( Score: 8 )
b) Find the value of Var( X ) ........................................................ ( Score: 8 )
c) Find the value of E( 2X + 5 ) .................................................... ( Score: 3 )
d) Find the value of Var( 3X – 1 ) ................................................. ( Score: 3 )
e) Find the specify fully the cumulative distribution function of X, F( x ) ..................... ( Score: 18 )

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