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Irelle Jane T.

Yusay BSABE3
ABE139: AB Engineering Management
Activity No.2

Company Name: Le Jardin du Café

Company Description:

The production of coffee has been a driving force throughout the world, whether it is for
energy, sociability, or tradition. Coffee is a necessity through that, the company Le Jardin
du Café offers locally grown and organic, fresh, and roasted coffee beans that intend to
maintain the high standard of coffee beans in the Philippines. The best farmers are hired to
provide client worthy products and make it the best coffee beans retailing company.

List of Products:

Variety of Coffee Beans (Roasted and Fresh)

• Arabica
• Robusta
• Kopi Luwak
• Liberica

To be the prime coffee beans producing company in the Philippines.

Fortifying agriculture through production of high-quality locally grown and organic coffee

Producing high-quality locally and organically grown coffee beans to satisfy business
owners and their target market.
To invest in correct agricultural management procedures such as; proper selection of farm
location, control of micro and macro-climatic conditions, irrigation scheduling, soil testing,
soil preparation, general farming practices, fertilizer application, crop maintenance, and
integrated pest management.
To establish secure and genuine connections with small and large-scale business
organizations in the Philippines.
To produce highly profitable coffee bean products through organic crop production.
To be a competitive company in leading the coffee bean production industry in the

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