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1-1 Entering Chicago (1)


- Thank him and ask for his name

- Implore him to get the drunk man out of here

Unlock Chicago World's Fair

Unlock Department of Architecture in the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris

1-2 Butcher's Son (1)


- Give him Claudia's address (Joshua up)

- Thank him but refuse

Unlock Slaughterhouse

1-3 Dark Lady (1)


- ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting. (Layla up)

- ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite.

*The first option means you will visit the club in 1-6 and open the top path. The second option
means you won't visit and open the bottom path.

Unlock Whitechapel Club

Unlock Carter Harrison

1-4 Uninvited Gentleman (1)


- A drink
- A cup of coffee

1-5 A Career Woman's Day (1)


- Accept his offer

- Politely decline

Unlock Economic Downturn

Unlock Cereal
Unlock album art A Modern Woman
*If you have a drink in 1-4, Holmes will hug you. If you have coffee in 1-4, Holmes will warn you

1-6 Strange Hotel Owner (1)

Requirements: Deer Seeker top

- Go measure the wall alone

- Get Holmes and go measure the wall*

*Unlock Ben Pitezel

1-7 Something's Fishy (2)


- Say he behaved inappropriately

- Say he is always polite

If you select Say he behaved inappropriately in this stage and ...this woman is truly odd, but I
should be polite. in 1-3 and play 1-6 you will get:

- Decline
- Accept (Holmes up) (Ending: Premature Death) (1)

Unlock album art Holding Hands in the Night

*The 2nd stage event is if you escape with Layla. This happens if you pick

1) ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting. in 1-3. You may need to replay 1-6.
2) ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite. in 1-3 AND Say he is always polite in

1-8 Unreliable Detective (1)

Requirements: Layla goodwill level 2

- Hug her
- Ask about her dad (Layla up)

*The two branches Lodge a police report depend on if you went with Layla to the club or not
which is the decision in 1-3 and whether you tell Layla about Holmes in 1-7.

The top path is opened by selecting:

- ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting. in 1-3
- Play 1-6
- Say he behaved inappropriately in 1-7
- Play 1-8

The bottom path is opened by selecting:

- ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite. in 1-3
- Play 1-6
- Say he behaved inappropriately in 1-7
- Decline in 1-7
- Play 1-8

1-9 Dangerous Dinner Party (1)

Requirements: Chicago Night dress

- Accept (Holmes up)

- Decline

Unlock Burnham
Unlock Olmsted
Unlock Auditorium Building
Unlock Louis Sullivan
Unlock album art Dinner Party

1-10 Claudia Never Went Home (2)


- Escape in the middle of the night (1)

- Let Grandpa Snowball handle it (Ending: Playing it Safe) (1)

1-11 Return to Chicago (1)

Requirements: Layla goodwill level 3

- Apologize (Layla up)

- Evade her questions

1-12 Savage Holmes (1)


- Push him away

- Hug him

1-13 Chicago World's Fair (2)


- Go see the ships

- Go to the food exhibition*

- Holmes is likely a murderer (Ending: Walking Into a Trap) (1)

- It's something you can't tell Holmes (1)

Unlock Buffalo Bill

Unlock Westinghouse Electric
Unlock War of Currents
Unlock Ferris Wheel
Unlock Ice Cream Floats
*Unlock Beer
*Unlock Malted Milk

1-14 Deadlock (1)

Requirements: Green Depths hat

- Accept
- Decline (Joshua up)

1-15 Guilty Escape (1)

No dress up

- Tell the truth

- Lie

2-1 Needle in a Haystack (3)

No dress up
Requirements: Layla goodwill level 4

- Track Holmes (Layla up)

- Investigate Holmes' hotel (Joshua up) (Open 2-8) (1)

- He's committed a crime (Ending: Wrongfully Imprisoned) (1)

- He's in danger (Open 2-2) (1)

Unlock Definite Proof

2-2 Uncooperative Lady (1)

No dress up
To open: Select Track Holmes and He's in danger in 2-1
- Friends
- Looking for someone and need their help

2-3 Everyone's Born Equal (1)

Requirements: Tea Break handheld

- Bribe him
- Protest*

*Unlock Kodak Camera

2-4 Alex Cook (1)

No dress up
Requirements: Layla goodwill level 5

- Go to the zoo
- Wait at the hotel

2-5 Child in Danger (2)

No dress up

Pick Go to the zoo in 2-4 to get:

- Save the children now (Ending: A Sacrifice for the Greater Good) (1)
- Watch and wait (1)

Unlock Fire Escape

2-6 Danger at Hand (2)

No dress up

*If you selected Bribe him in 2-3 you will get Ending: Wrongfully Imprisoned (1)

**If you selected Protest in 2-3 you will open 2-7 (1)

Get album art A Close Call

2-7 Derby Kid (1)

Requirements: Leisure Moments dress & Layla goodwill level 6

- We're just strolling

- We're looking for Marion Hedgepeth

Unlock Marion Hedgepeth

2-8 Rooftop at Night (1)

To open: Investigate Holmes' hotel in 2-1

- Scowl at him
- Put him in his place

Unlock album art Chicago at Night

2-9 Murder Castle (2)


- Run back the way we came (1)

- Pretend to be lost guests (Ending: Lesson Not Learned) (1)

2-10 Murder Castle II (2)

No dress up

*If you selected ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting. in 1-3, play 1-6 and visit the club
you will open 2-11 (1)

**If you selected ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite. in 1-3, play 1-6 and do not visit
the club you will get (Ending: Lesson Not Learned) (1)

2-11 Whitechapel Club (1)


- Connelly University School of Medicine

- The Jewelry store

Unlock Skeleton Key

2-12 Getting Evidence (1)

Requirements: Many Prayers handheld

*The contents of this stage will differ depending on your choice in 2-11

2-13 Brand New Life (1)

- Take the initiative to greet him
- Wait until he's finished

Unlock Burnham Architecture

2-14 Nosedive (3)

Requirements: Layla goodwill level 7

- Holmes has been sentenced to death*

- You'll get better soon (Ending: A New Chapter) (1)

*If you Thank him but refuse in 1-2, Accept his offer in 1-5, Say he behaved inappropriately in
1-7 you will open 2-15 (1)

**Other choices in those three stages will get you you will get (Ending: Evil Revealed) (1)

Unlock album art Acknowledged by the Best

2-15 Joshua's Secret (2)

No dress up

- Grab the gun (Ending: Sacrifice Yourself) (1)

- Think of another way (Ending: Good Triumphs Over Evil) (1)

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