Class - 12 Chemistry

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Class -12

1. Account for the following:

a. There are 5 OH groups in glucose

b. Glucose is a reducing sugar .

2.What happens when D – glucose is treated with the following reagents

a. Bromine water

b. HNO3

3. Give reason for the following:

a. During the electrophilic substitution reaction of haloarenes, para substituted derivative is the
major product.

b. The product formed during SN1

reaction is a racemic mixture.

4.Define an ideal solution and write one of its characteristics.

5.State Raoult's law for a solution containing volatile components.How does Raoult's law become a
special case of Henry's law?

6.Assign suitable reasons for the following :-

i) Transition metals and their compounds act as a good catalysts.

ii) In the 3d series from Sc (Z=21) to Zn (Z=30), the enthalpy of atomization of Zn is the lowest.

7.How is vapour pressure of solvent affected when a non-volatile solute is dissolved in it?

8.Answer the following questions briefly :

a) Which linkage holds monomers in DNA?

b) What are nucleotides?

9.tert-Butylbromide reacts with aq.NaoH by SN1 mechanism while n-butylbromide reacts by SN2
mechanism why?

10.Answer the following questions:

a. State Henry’s law and explain why are the tanks used by scuba divers

filled with air diluted with helium (11.7% helium, 56.2% nitrogen and

32.1% oxygen)?

b. Assume that argon exerts a partial pressure of 6 bar. Calculate the solubility of argon gas in water.
(Given Henry’s law constant for argon dissolved in water, KH = 40kbar).
11.Name the different types of RNA found in the cell.Mention their functions.

12. a)Identify the major product formed when 2-cyclohexylchloroethane

undergoes a dehydrohalogenation reaction. Name the reagent which is used to carry out the

b. Why are haloalkanes more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions than haloarenes
and vinylic halides?

13.a) SN1 reactions are accompanied by racemization in optically active alkyl halides. Elaborate.

b) Calculate the "spin only " magnetic moment of M2+(aq) ion (Z=27).

14.Answer the following questions :-

a) Which element of the first transition series has highest second ionization enthalpy?

b) Which element of the first transition series has highest third ionization enthalpy?

c) Which element of the first transition series has lowest enthalpy of atomisation ?

15.Some ethylene glycol, HOCH2-CH2OH is added to your car's cooling system along with 5kg of
water. If the freezing point of water glycol solution is -15•c, what is the boiling point of the solution?

[Kb=0.52k kg mol-1 ,Kf =1.86K kg mol-1]

16.Give facts about glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain structure.

17 a). Why does the cell voltage of a mercury cell remain constant during its lifetime?

b. Write the reaction occurring at anode and cathode and the products of

electrolysis of aq KCl.

c. What is the pH of HCl solution when the hydrogen gas electrode shows a potential of -0.59 V at
standard temperature and pressure?

18 a). Molar conductivity of substance “A” is 5.9×103 S/m and “B” is 1 x 10-16 S/m. Which of the two
is most likely to be copper metal and why?

b. What is the quantity of electricity in Coulombs required to produce 4.8 g of Mg from molten
MgCl2? How much Ca will be produced if the same amount of electricity was passed through molten
CaCl2? (Atomic mass of

Mg = 24 u, atomic mass of Ca = 40 u).

c. What is the standard free energy change for the following reaction at room temperature? Is the
reaction spontaneous?

Sn(s) + 2Cu2+ (aq) à Sn2+ (aq) + 2Cu+(s)

19.Answer the following:

a. Why are all copper halides known except that copper iodide?

b. Why is the Eo(V3+/V2+) value for vanadium comparatively low?

c. Why HCl should not be used for potassium permanganate titrations?

d. Explain the observation, at the end of each period, there is a slight

increase in the atomic radius of d block elements.

e. What is the effect of pH on dichromate ion solution?


a). Limiting molar conductivities of NH4Cl, NaOH and NaCl are respectively 129.8,217.4 and 108.9 S
cm2 and the molar conductivity of 10-2 M solution of NH4OH is 9.33 S cm2 mol-1.calculate the
degree of dissociation of NH4OH.

b). Define limiting molar conductivity. Why conductivity of an electrolyte solution decreases with
decrease in concentration?

21.Write the name of the cell which is generally used in:-

(a). hearing aids

(b). automobiles and inverters

(c). Why does a dry cell become dead after a long time, even if it has not been used?

(d). Why does the cell potential of mercury cell remain constant throughout its life?

e) Give reason Conductivity of CH3COOH decreases with dilution.

22.Give facts about glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain structure.

23. Why is liquid ammonia bottle first cooled in ice before opening it ?

24. Which colligative property is preferred for the molar mass determination of macromolecules ?

25. A metal ion Mn+ having d4 valence electronic configuration combines withthree didentate
ligands to form a complex compound. Assuming ∆o > p :

(i) Draw the diagram showing d-orbital splitting during this complex formation.

(ii) What type of hybridisation will Mn+ have ?

(iii)Name the type of isomerism exhibited by this complex.

(iv) Write the electronic configuration of metal Mn+.

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