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Short Response Paper #3 

Analyzing Democratization in Chile and Uruguay


1. Please choose ONE movie and write an essay on ONE of the questions

listed under the movie of your choice. Your essay must present
evidence/facts from the movie. Please be very generous with the reader.
Use as many examples from the movie as you can.
2. This essay should not be a summary of the movie!
3. The font should be 12
4. Double Space
5. Regular margins
6. Length: no more than 5 pages. minimum 2 pages and maximum 5 pages
7. Deadline to submit the essay: no later than Sunday, February 6, 2022 at
11:59 PM
8. Late submissions: you will receive 5 points deduction per day (after the

Film: Missing

 What are the characteristics of the Chilean authoritarian regime? Use

references from the movie to support your answer.

Film: NO

 Compare and contrast the advertising campaign of the Yes and No votes
for the 1988 Chilean plebiscite. What symbols, messages and images are
associated with the No vote (a change to democracy) or a Yes vote (to
maintain the status quo-dictatorship)? Why? Use references from the
movie to support your answer.

Film: Remastered: Massacre at the Stadium (Netflix)

 What are the characteristics of the Chilean authoritarian regime? Use

references from the movie to support your answer.
 What are the pending issues from the dictatorship still present in Chile
after the return of democracy? Use references from the movie to support
your answer. (Ex: cases of human rights violations.)

Film: Santiago Files (Amazon Prime)

 Why and how did the United States participated in the coup d'etat against
Salvador Allende? Use references from the movie. 

Film: Stage of Siege
Available at
%2Bsiege%26FORM%3DHDRSC4 (Links to an external site.)

 Please write an essay analyzing why and how democracy deteriorated in

Uruguay. Use references from the movie to support your argument.

Film: A Twelve-year Night (Netflix)


 How are political prisoners treated by the Uruguayan authoritarian regime?

Use references from the movie to support your answer.

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