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Ateneo de Davao University


Name: Alex Dave C, Escalante

Class Code and Art Appreciation Schedule: 16-046 | TTH 9:20 – 10:50 AM
Date: 12/18/2022

Creative Expressions

Capture it! (30 minutes)
Look for one creative expression (traditional, indigenous, contemporary, etc.) in your house or
on the internet (e.g. social media). Classify them according to its art form and describe what you
see and observe in that particular expression or in the artist’s space.

Format: 8.5” x 11”, single space, TNR or Arial Font, one-page description (Maximum)

You may look for the following:

● Contemporary art forms (visual, auditory, or combined arts);
● People in your house who do craft work (examples: stitching, sewing, baking, cooking,
gardening, and other similar skills or technical know-hows).

Suggested pages for reference:

● Contemporary
○ Foreign-
○ Local-
● Filipino, Mindanao, and Indigenous:
○ Mindanao Art Virtual Museums and Online Exhibitions-

Download this worksheet so that you can work offline. Upload it back with your output in the
submission tab.
[Place image of the creative
expression here]

(An embroidery of running horses put in a frame)

The image above is contemporary visual art; it is embroidery or an art with the use of
needles, thread, and different stitches primarily in a textile fabric to decorate or create a design or
image. Although it may look like decorative art, if we dive deeper and try to understand its meaning
and symbolization, we can say that this embroidery can be classified as fine art.
If we observe the embroidery, we can see that it is very detailed, from the horses – which
is the subject of the art – to the scenery in the background of the horses. The stitches and colors
used in the embroidery create a realistic and natural look. The texture of the wood, grass, and
leaves captures the texture of natural wood, grass, and leaves. Aside from the details, if we observe
the subject of the painting, the horses depict or symbolize a family. If we look into it, the two large
horses symbolize the parents, while the pony symbolizes a child. With darker shades of brown, the
horse in the back looks more brusque, giving a more masculine vibe. On the other hand, the use of
lighter shades of brown gives the horse in the middle a more feminine look because of the soft and
gentle vibes that the colors used radiate, which is also the similar vibes our mother radiates.
Moreover, the scenery in the background adds/ radiates a sense of calmness.
All in all, if I were to interpret the depicted image in the embroidery, it's as if telling us that
our parents are there to guide and help us as we journey our lives, and they are present to support
us. Throughout our journey, as we explore our lives, they are there by our side, watching over us
and guiding us on every step we take and every decision we make.

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