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5 Practice: Analyzing Business Ethical Dilemmas Practice

Business Applications Name: Kennedy Ellison

Points Possible:30
Date: 12/15/22

Reflect (5 points)

1. Describe an ethical dilemma related to an employee's behavior at work or work discipline. (1


An employee witnesses her coworker engaging in dishonest practices that could affect the
company negatively. She realizes if she reports the matter, her coworker could lose his job, but
if she remains silent, the company will continue to suffer.

2. Describe an ethical dilemma related to work quality. (1 point)

A health inspector visits a meat factory and discovers the factory doesn’t follow the safety
regulations put in place for the safety of their employees. He wants to write this report, but then
he remembers the factory is managed by his childhood best friend’s father.
3. Describe an ethical dilemma related to employee relations. (1 point)

An employee notices workplace discrimination against employees from a particular racial group
where she works. Even though the company condemns this, the local manager doesn’t take
complaints about the matter seriously. The headquarters of the company sends representatives
to this specific branch and an opportunity to report workplace issues is given. Still, she
remembers that the manager employed her despite her not having the qualified work experience
for the job.

4. Describe an ethical dilemma related to information and communication. (1 point)

An employee disagrees with a fellow employee. She knows she can talk to her immediate
supervisor. However, she feels as if she wouldn’t be listened to and be able to meet the overall
company manager even though that's not in line with company rules.

5. Describe an ethical dilemma related to pricing or advertising. (1 point)

A sales representative is told by her boss to increase five times the price of company products
to make personal profits from the sale. However, she feels bad about the idea. She feels that
her boss could influence her to stay on the job.
Analyze (10 points)

Analyze the given scenario for potential ethical concerns.

Susan has just begun a new job. The office's computers are automatically set to inform

employees when the computer anti-virus software is due to be updated. This web-security

technology is vital to keeping business documents safe. However, Susan does not pay attention

to the alerts that pop up on her computer, which results in the anti-virus software expiring.

Susan regularly gets distracted from her assignments and begins perusing websites for

personal interests rather than for her assignment. Unfortunately, one day a computer virus

infects her computer from one of these websites; she quickly begins to notice problems. When

she realizes what has happened, Susan is worried and uncertain. She waits until the end of the

day to inform her manager of this incident. Because of her negligence, it's possible that this

virus infect her company's confidential data. In her company's workplace rules and regulations,

she was told explicitly to stay away from questionable websites due to the sensitive nature of

the information on her computer.

1. In this scenario, what is the importance of anti-virus software and other similar virus

protection programs? (2 points)

Anti-virus software helps prevent viruses such as malware from infecting computers/electronic
devices and prevents the possibility of a security breach within a company’s system.

2. What steps could Susan have taken to help prevent this incident from occurring? (2 points)
Susan could have prevented this from happening by paying attention to what she was supposed
to, staying away from suspicious websites, and following her company’s rules.

3. Besides the importance of network security, what other ethical issue does this scenario

illustrate? (2 points)

It illustrates the lack of attention span the employees have in the workplace.

4. What data privacy or legal issues could result from employees' use of the Internet on their

company's server? (2 points)

The company could lose confidential and valuable within their program to hackers.

5. Besides avoiding unfamiliar websites, what other measures can be taken to ensure a virus

doesn't infect your company's computer network? (2 points)

Companies could set up mandated reminders to their employees to keep track of their anti-virus
software and make sure it is up to date.

Synthesize (15 points)

Imagine you are the executive of a marketing company. Beginning this year, the company will

begin conducting an in-house course for your employees about ethics in the workplace.

Design an appropriate course that will best fit the needs of your employees.

1. How often do you think this course should be offered for your employees? (1 point)

Four times a year or quarterly. I can remind them every three months. For example, January,
April, July, and October.

2. There are a number of different ethical issues you could discuss with your employees. What

topics would serve as a good basis for the beginning of the course? (2 points)

I would discuss discrimination against racism, homophobia, religion, and xenophobia.

3. It is important to make certain that your employees are aware of the work ethic expected at

your company. What work ethics issues would be most ideal for your employees? (3 points)

I would want them to obey the company’s rules, take responsibility for their actions, have
effective communication, be professional, hold their colleagues and themselves accountable,
and have mutual respect for their colleagues.
4. To create a trustworthy work environment, it is crucial for your employees to be aware of the

ethical standard you personally hold. What manager-related ethical concerns would you

communicate to your employees? (3 points)

Business ethics refers to the moral principles that guide a company's conduct. As a manager, I
would want my company to have community and environmental responsibility, as well as use
vegan products to help the environment. I wouldn’t want my company to test on animals and
use harmful chemicals.

5. List activities that could be used to ensure your employees understand the concepts

discussed in the course? (3 points)

I would have my employees read and sign a Code of Conduct contract. In my Code of Conduct, I
would ask employees to report unethical/illegal behaviors. I could have a seminar to make sure
they understand and let them give feedback.

6. Online privacy and protection are crucial ethical concerns for employees to be aware of. What

topics would you plan to cover in your course? (3 points)

I would give them an employee handbook, and after they read it, they would have to sign that
they read it and agreed to comply with all rules. I want them to take mandatory online courses
for online privacy and protection. I would cover the topics of discrimination against racism,
homophobia, religion, and xenophobia.

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