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Climate Change
Become informed. Being informed on the effects of climate change
is important because it is said that knowledge is power. It's critical
that you understand the motivations behind participating and
advocating for change. Knowing will enable you to make more
intelligent choices and long-lasting adjustments in your habits and
way of life.
Prioritize your community
Fighting climate change can be accomplished by taking the time to
participate in local conservation initiatives. Organizing and
implementing improvements in your neighborhood with the aid of
student or local groups can be quite beneficial over the long run. In
addition, collaborating with neighbourhood organizations is a
fantastic method to connect with bigger organizations.
Reduce your carbon footprint
What you can do to reduce your carbon footprint in college may not
be immediately obvious, but there are plenty of ways you can live
more sustainably. Make sure the lights are off if you are the last to
leave the classroom, take shorter showers, and consume less meat and
dairy products are all good ways you can reduce your personal
Join larger groups
There are plenty of large groups all across the country who are
working toward conservation and climate action. Joining with one of
these groups can allow you to join with like-minded people and make
a much larger difference.
Climate change is a verified reality. Global warming caused serious changes to the planet,
such as rising sea levels, intense weather events, deforestation, the disappearance of species.
As individuals, we can slow down global warming by performing small sustainable efforts
within our community.

Here are some tips to reduce climate change:

1. Reduce emissions- You can use fewer emissions transportation or use cars less.
2. Implement 5R's- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot
3. Save energy- turn off your appliances if not in use
4. Reduce meat and processed food consumption
5. Save forests by planting trees
6. Demand sustainable measures like promoting renewable energy.

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