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Name: ________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Grade Level: ___________________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Module Code: PASAY-ENG-SHS-21ST Century Lit-Q2-W1-D1



MODULE IN 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
SECOND QUARTER / Week1 / Day 1
Scan and skim main idea and details of representative texts from North America
WHAT’S NEW (Your Lesson for Today)
Periods of North American Literature
This history of American literature begins with the arrival of English-speaking Europeans in what
would become the United States. At first American literature was naturally a colonial literature, by
authors who were Englishmen and who thought and wrote as such. John Smith, a soldier of
fortune, is credited with initiating American literature.

▪ Colonial period (1607-1776)

The colonial history of the United States population base due to immigration, and a relative
covers the history of European settlements from the rise in middle-class affluence provided a fertile
start of colonization of America until their literary environment for readers interested in
incorporation into the United States. The united understanding these rapid shifts in culture. Among
states of America grew out of religious controversy the Midwestern writers considered realists would be
and it was when separatist and puritans appeared. Joseph Kirkland, E. W. Howe, and Hamlin Garland;
the Southern writer John W. Realism is nothing
▪ Revolutionary Age, approximately 1775 more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of
to 1848 material.
The Age of Revolution is the period in which a
significant number of revolutionary movements ▪ Modernism; late 19th and early 20th
occurred in many parts of Europe and the centuries
Americas. The Age of Revolution includes the Modernism is characterized by a self-conscious
American Revolution, the French Revolution, the break with traditional styles of poetry and verse.
Haitian Revolution, the Greek Revolution, the revolt The modernist literary movement was driven by a
of the slaves in Latin America, and the conscious desire to overturn traditional modes of
independence movements of nations in Latin representation and express the new sensibilities of
America. their time.

▪ Romanticism 1828-1865 ▪ Contemporary Period 1939-1970

Cultural and political movement originating in
Germany and United Kingdom. It was developed in Contemporary period in American literature begins
the first half of the 19Th century, characterized at the end of World War II, and in order to
mainly by the break with tradition classicists. understand this literature and how it developed, we
Romanticism is the way of feeling and conceives of need to look at where it came from. With writers like
nature, life and man himself. Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and T.S. Eliot, the

▪ Realism 1860- 1890 Modernist period (taking place between the 1920s
The term "realism" encompasses the period of time and 40s) explored the ways that truth is not straight
from the Civil War, after the Civil War, increasing forward, rational or clearly defined, but rather how it
rates of democracy and literacy. The rapid growth is completely influenced by human perception. Their
in industrialism and urbanization, an expanding writing brought us deeper into the workings of the
human mind to get at reality.

References for further enhancement:

(If you wish to know more and view a video regarding this lesson then you may go to these following
links_ Happy to learn! )

Name: ________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Skimming vs Scanning
The difference between skimming and scanning consists of purpose and technique.
Skimming is a reading technique meant to give you an idea of what the full text is about.
Scanning is meant to help you find specific information in a text.
Skimming techniques include reading the introduction, the headlines, or the first phrase of
the paragraph. On the other hand, scanning means looking over the whole text quickly in search of specific
You skim a text at first sight and decide on whether to read it in full. However, when it comes to scanning, it is
implied that you know at least the information you are looking for.
You can spot people scanning a text as they will be more concerned with the form of words and will tend to use
their fingers to go through the text and not jump around. A must in case of scanning is that the reader knows
what information he is looking for. On the other hand, people can use skimming to decide whether they will
read the text in full.

WHAT I HAVE LEARNED (Generalization)

Periods of North American Literature includes
Colonial Period, Revolutionary Age, Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism

American Literature tend to reject authority and to emphasize democracy and the equality
of people. They often celebrate nature and a sense of boundless space.
Second, American writers have always had a strong tendency to break with literary tradition
and to strike out their own directions.

Skimming is a reading technique that allows readers to get the gist of a text without having
to read the whole thing in full. When skimming, people will usually look at chapters or
subtitles, and even at the first phrase of a well-written paragraph. The main purpose is to get
an idea of what the text is about.

Scanning is another method of fast reading, but this one is reserved for people looking through the text to find
specific information. For example, when you are writing a paper and you quickly look through a text to double
check a date, a number, or a fact. It is the same thing a computer does with the “find” function, but you have to
do it yourself.

WHAT I CAN DO (Are You Ready To Practice?)

Is today’s lesson clear? If not, then you may go back to our discussion, the given examples, and the
references for further enhancement.
The Gift of the Magi
O’ Henry

The story opens with $1.87. That's all Della Dillingham Young has to buy a present for her beloved husband,
Jim. And the next day is Christmas. Faced with such a situation, Della promptly bursts into tears on the couch,
which gives the narrator the opportunity to tell us a bit more about the situation of Jim and Della. The short of it
is they live in a shabby flat and they're poor. But they love each other.
Name: ________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Once Della's recovered herself, she goes to a mirror to let down her hair and examine it. Della's beautiful,
brown, knee-length hair is one of the two great treasures of the poor couple. The other is Jim's gold watch. Her
hair examined, Della puts it back up, sheds a tear, and bundles up to head out into the cold. She leaves the flat
and walks to Madame Sofronie's hair goods shop, where she sells her hair for twenty bucks. Now she has
$21.87 cents.

With her new funds, Della is able to find Jim the perfect present: an elegant platinum watch chain for his watch.
It's $21, and she buys it. Excited by her gift, Della returns home and tries to make her now-short hair
presentable (with a curling iron). She's not convinced Jim will approve, but she did what she had to do to get
him a good present. When she finishes with her hair, she gets to work preparing coffee and dinner.

Jim arrives at 7pm to find Della waiting by the door and stares fixedly at her, not able to understand that Della's
hair is gone. Della can't understand quite what his reaction means.

After a little while, Jim snaps out of it and gives Della her present, explaining that his reaction will make sense
when she opens it. Della opens it and cries out in joy, only to burst into tears immediately afterward. Jim has
given her the set of fancy combs she's wanted for ages, only now she has no hair for them. Jim nurses Della
out of her sobs. Once she's recovered, she gives Jim his present, holding out the watch chain. Jim smiles,
falling back on the couch. He sold his watch to buy Della's combs, he explains. He recommends they put away
their presents and have dinner. As they do so, the narrator brings the story to a close by pronouncing that
Della and Jim are the wisest of everyone who gives gifts. They are the magi.

Go through the representative text THE GIFT OF MAGI above. When you are finished, test your
skimming skills, and answer the questions below. Circle the letter of your answer.

1. Why is Della upset at the beginning of the story?

a. She lost her job shoveling in front of the stores on her block.
b. She has been fighting with Jim.
c. She does not have enough money to buy a nice present for Jim.
d. She was recently arrested by the mendicancy squad.

2.Why does Della go to Madame Sofronie's?

a. To look for work
b. To sell her hair
c. To beg for money
d. To shovel Madame Sofronie's sidewalk

3.. Which best explains why Jim is so stunned when he first sees Della?
a. He does not like how his wife looks with short hair.
b. He is shocked that she bought him such a nice gift.
c. He does not recognize his wife.
d. He bought her a gift that she can't use.

4. Della’s hair reaches her ________.

a. shoulders b. waist c. knees d. calves
5. How did Jim pay for his Christmas gift to Della?

a. He obtained a loan from a bank.

b. He sold his watch.
c. He sold his car.
d. He loaned the money from his father.

Name: ________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Now try to test your scanning skills. Have a quick look through the representative text THE GIFT OF
MAGI above

1. Who are the couple in the story the gift of Magi?

2. How many characters are there in the story?
3. What special occasion is being celebrated in the story?
4. How much does Della have according to the text?
5. What are Jim and Della's most valued possessions?
6. Describe Della’s hair based on what you have read so far in the story.
7. What was Della’s hair worth to Madame Sofronie?
8. What gift did Della finally find to buy for Jim? How much did it cost?
9. What had Della sold to buy Jim the watch fob chain? What Jim sold to buy Della the combs?
10. How did the story end?


By Edgar Allan Poe

(1) An unnamed narrator opens the story by addressing the reader and claiming that he is nervous but not
mad. (2) He says that he is going to tell a story in which he will defend his sanity yet confess to having killed
an old man. (3) His motivation was neither passion nor desire for money, but rather a fear of the man’s pale
blue eye. (4) Again, he insists that he is not crazy because his cool and measured actions, though criminal,
are not those of a madman. (5) Every night, he went to the old man’s apartment and secretly observed the
man sleeping then in the morning, he would behave as if everything were normal. (6) After a week of this
activity, the narrator decides, somewhat randomly, that the time is right actually to kill the old man.

(7) When the narrator arrives late on the eighth night, though, the old man wakes up and cries out “who is
there?”. (8) The narrator remains still, stalking the old man as he sits awake and frightened. (9) The narrator
understands how frightened the old man is, having also experienced the lonely terrors of the night. (10)
Soon, the narrator hears a dull pounding that he interprets as the old man’s terrified heartbeat. (11) Worried
that a neighbor might hear the loud thumping, he attacks and kills the old man.(12) He then dismembers the
body and hides the pieces below the floorboards in the bedroom. (13) He is careful not to leave even a drop
of blood on the floor. (14) As he finishes his job, a clock strikes the hour of four. (15) At the same time, the
narrator hears a knock at the street door. (16) The police have arrived, having been called by a neighbor who
heard the old man shriek. (17) The narrator is careful to be chatty and to appear normal. (18)He leads the
officers all over the house without acting suspiciously.(19) At the height of his bravado, he even brings them
into the old man’s bedroom to sit down and talk at the scene of the crime. (20) The policemen do not suspect
a thing. (21) The narrator is comfortable until he starts to hear a low thumping sound.(22) He recognizes the
low sound as the heart of the old man, pounding away beneath the floorboards.(23) He panics, believing that
the policemen must also hear the sound and know his guilt.(24) Driven mad by the idea that they are
mocking his agony with their pleasant chatter, he confesses to the crime and shrieks at the men to rip up the

Name: ________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________
Grade Level: ___________________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Give yourself 2 minutes to skim through the representative text THE TELL-TALE HEART above.
When you are finished, cover the paragraph up before moving onto the questions.
Now test your skimming skills and answer the questions below in the space provided.

1. Who is the author of "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

2. At the start of the story, the narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" insists that he is nervous, but not ___.
3. What is the mood at the beginning of the story?
4. What about the old man drove the narrator mad?
5. How long does the narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" stalk his victim before killing him?

Now try some of the scanning exercises. Have a quick look through the representative text THE
TELL-TALE HEART above. Then, identify the number of the statement where you can find the answer
to the following questions

1. What was the motivation of the narrator in killing the old man?
2. After the old man was dead, what was the first thing the narrator did to conceal the body?
3. How many days did the narrator observe the old man?
4. How did the narrator insist that he is not crazy?
5. What hour does the clock strike as the narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" finishes hiding his victim's
body? ______
6. What does the old man in “The Tell-Tale Heart” do when he hears a noise on the eighth night?
7. In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” why does a neighbor call the police to the house?
8. What was the low, dull, quick sound that the narrator heard?
9. Where did the narrator kill the old man?
10. What leads to the narrator's confession of the crime?

References Cited

NTEGRATED the Development of the Following 21 st Century Learning Skills

Communication Critical Thinking
*Following *analyzing the
instructions/directions. excerpt
*Responding to ideas literature



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