Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

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Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Ns.W : Assalamualaikum Ms, Introduce me the Ns.Wardha, who will take care of you this
afternoon at 9 to 2 pm.

D : Waalaikumsalam Ns Wardha

Ns. W : I Will check your identitiy, can you see the bracelet?

D : Can Ns.Wardha

Ns.W : Ok Ms, What Your Name?

D : My name is Dina

Ns.W : What is your birthday?

D :

Ns.W : Alright, the identitiy is correct, has the bank been given a TTV check

D : Not yet ners

Ns. W : Ok, I’ll give you a TTV Check?

D : Ok, Ners wardha

Ns. W : The examination has been carried out, your blood pressureis low. How are you
feeling now?

D : Not Good Ns. Wardha

Ns,W : Have you got any other symptomps?

D : There is Ns. Wardha

Ns. W : What are the symptomps that you feel?

D : What I Feel
 My back and lower abdomen is hurt
 I also feel tired and power less
 I also have no appetite
 In my vagina, abnormal bleeding of then occurs
 When I pee, I often blood too
 Constipation
 And, My limbs are swollen too
Ns.W : Alright Ms.Dina, I will call the docyor to check Ms. Dina further. For now Ms Dina
rest first.

D : Ok Ns. Wardha, Thank you

Ns.W : YWC Ms.Dina, Then I’ll go back first to call the docter. Have a good rest first Ms.
Dina. Assalamualaikum.

D : Waalaikumsalam Ns.Wardha.

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