Chirstianity-WPS Office

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In our report we will tackle the belief, practices and related issue in Christianity

Myself and Shirlyn will explain the beliefs of Christians, okay lets dive right into it.

Christianity is one of the three Abrahamic religion which all are monotheistic religions, therefore
Christians believe in one God, The God which Jesus introduce to us as his father.

Jesus. Jesus is the prophet or the son of god, he was the messenger and savior to us Christians , he
is the son of the father, He Jesus Christ was sent to us by the father to save mankind from deaths and
sins, Jesus Christ offered himself just to save our sins or the sinners and that's why Jesus Christ is our

On that point we Christians also believe in the holy Trinity which are the father, the son and the
holy spirit we learned that the father is the god which the father of Jesus Christ therefore the son is
Jesus Christ, But what about the holy spirit?

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Lord and Giver of Life in the Nicene creed. He is the Creator
Spirit, present before the creation of the universe and through his power everything was made in Jesus
Christ, by God the Father.

And also the holy spirit has authority of power because they are equal of the father and the son.

In addition to Abrahamic religions we Christians also believe that Abraham is the "father of faith"
because Abraham is the biological father of Jesus Christ.

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