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power, and had been well received by him at Peshawar.


the Physical Society of Glasgow University on the 27th

J. B. Suard was elected to the post, and ever since the history

ADMINISTRATION (Lat. administrare, to serve), the performance

in different collections; one of the finest, in the Dresden

story told by Ovid (Metam. iii. 131; see also Apollod iii.

exceeding anything that had yet been seen in spaciousness and

Hill, and Stow, Maine. It is found also in the Lake Superior

AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER EMANUEL (1835-1910), American man of

crown our watershed before it attains the Mont Dolent (12,543

sailed for North America, reaching New York on the 14th of

learned societies. There is also a museum, with natural

ability, and her letters, written in an excellent English

has degenerated into a mere form. A large proportion of the

Fine letters are still identical in form with those of the

government. In the 16th century Aix began to decline in

Egypt, together with Moslem Spain. It originated with Mahommed

discharges into the Sea of Okhotsk, opposite to the island of

large. The second point is that Africa, with the exception

sec. III. Ethnology.--H. Hartmann, Die Volker Afrikas

Castlereagh at the congress of Vienna in December 1814, Sir

motion similar to that which would be a consequence of the

Tissaphernes. But in a few months he had lost the confidence

Apples 143,105,689 175,397,626

a conference between representatives from all the states to

that anything worse occurs. On a day when the wind is light

hand, were drawn up in three lines, each line formed in deep

borrowed capital, became bankrupt and retired to the Syracusan

Intestinal Tract in Birds and Mammals.--There is no doubt but

agreeably.'' It means that the rose has a general power of

under which a particular transformation takes place have

time held the hereditary office of bey of Tepeleni. His father,

England and 10 in Scotland, or 36 altogether, from which

pagodite, used by the Chinese for carving, especially

rate of one penny a mile on all trains. The diminution in the

insulating forks or tubes, and the positive terminal of one

1890 2,418,766,028

not the equal of Achilles in bravery, Agamemnon is a dignified

Barley 715 70 4 19 607 15

1885, in which Portugal recognized the sovereignty of the

course of further centuries these hooks in turn were superseded

translations of Jewish, Greek and Arabic works, besides a

problem, and in practice it follows that the Admiralty Board

numerous. The resorts most frequented are in the vicinity

were aided by their field guns. A brave counter-attack was

the appointments of flag officers, captains and other officers

also covered with canopies supported on columns. They were

each court, and after presentation to the court, taking the

painter. His son CRISTOFANO ALLORI (1577-1621), born at

disease (see R. Berry and L. Lack, Journ. Anat. & Phys.

language adopted by their conquerors with slight modifications.

is.'' The act of 1391 (15 Ric. II. c. 3) provided that ``of

Hymn to Aphrodite, 196) is now generally considered to be

of grace denotes the granting of some special privilege.

longitude. The publication of the convention aroused deep

business. He next established a sugar refinery at Gothenburg,

of Alter do Chao and Alter Pedroso (3971), near Portalegre,

and forwards across the stone is obviously appropriate to a

of his garden to the ``eremus'' beyond. By the side of the

enjoyment of beauty. (a) The former would be illustrated by

Administration cum testamento annexo, where the deceased

with the intensity of light from the same source which has


ADOUR (anc. Aturrus or Adurus, from Celtic dour,

visits, and the charge preferred against him of revealing

drastic remedy has come to be regarded as the most effective,

The Berlin Conference of 1884-85.

were near the west end of the nave, in which ordinary visitors

the 19th century were dominated by drought. A fact that was

RO2. The oxides of type RO are soluble in water, the solution

somewhat like a constitutional sovereign of the continental

ALMERIA, a maritime province of southern Spain, formed in

bag. The bag is inserted through the fuze hole and the

Ampezzo Pass (Toblach to Cortina and Belluno), carriage path . . . . . . .5,066

feast alone, and the Lord never used it of mere junketings.

against the same general's enterprise, and McDowell with a

finches, the crop is a permanent globular dilatation, in which

originally formed, is converted into a mixture of calcium

registering of the bull UNIGENITUS, d'Aguesseau, fearing

a college of letters and science, a school of engineering,

derived from the continued multiplication of as many simple

mental activity which enters into our aesthetic enjoyment

we shall find that beauty has its kindred conceptions, such as

but, whatever the truth of this may be, there can be little

the S.W. border of Media, the Cossaei, into subjection. In

time. The court is authorized to act as a prize court during

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