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Midterm Examination in Culture & Society of Southeast Asia

2nd Sem. S.Y 2020-2021 (BS CRIM I-A&B, II-A&B)

Name:_________________________Year & Sec.__________________ Date:__________ Score:_______

Test I- Statements Analysis. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.

Write Statement a Statement b

A True True
B True False
C False True
D False False

_____ 1. Southeast Asia

a. The region lies on the intersection of geological plates, with heavy seismic & volcanic activity
b. The term Southeast Asia came into being during world war II
_____ 2. Mainland Southeast Asia
a. this region consists of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam
b. the dominant religion is Islam followed by Christianity
_____ 3. Maritime Southeast Asia
a. this region consists of Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Phlippines & Singapore
b. the dominant religion is Buddhism followed by Confucianism
_____ 4. Cambodia Empire
a. it was founded by the first great Cambodia monarch, Jayaraman II
b. it was the center of culture and learning in the region
_____ 5. Annamese Empire
a. the Annamese are the dominant people of Vietnam
b. their ancestors were mongoloid people who came from South China centuries before
the Christian era.
_____ 6. Thailand
a. the only country in Sountheast Asia that was able to preserve its indepence since it founded
a nation in early times.
b. they call themselves Thai & their country MuangThai ( Land of the Free)
_____ 7. Republic of the Philippines
a. the heart of southeast Asia in the cross roads of Asian air and water routers
b. it has a mild tropical climate, abundant rainful & rich natural resources
_____ 8. Repubic of Indonesia
a. it is formerly known as the Netherland East Indies
b. it ranks as first among the Southeast Asian countries in gold output
_____ 9. Federation of Malaysia
a. Supplies more than one-third of the World’s copra and rubber needs
b. it was established on Sept. 16, 1963
_____ 10. Sri-Vishayan Empire
a. a strong Buddhist state
b. a very rich land, produces about one-third of the world’s tin

Guiuan, Eastern Samar

II-Modified True or False: Write True, if the statement is correct, if statement is false, Change the
underlined word/phrase to make the statement true. Write your answer on the space provided before each
__________________ 1. Spain appeared in the Orient following the discovery of the philippines by Vasco
De Gama in 1521.
__________________ 2. Spain was more interested in converting the Philippines into an outpost of
Christianity in the Orient rather than exploiting her commercial possibilities.
__________________ 3. Spanish friars interfered into the affairs of government because of the union of
state and church.
__________________ 4. Gov. Jose Basco founded the Economic Society of the Friends in the country to
foster better means of agriculture.
__________________ 5. In 1834, Cebu was opened to the world trade.

__________________ 6. Sir William Menning the governor of Burma who promulgated a new constitution
in 1920 & was amended in 1924 to satisfy nationalist demands.
__________________ 7. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri lanka was the first woman in the world to
become a Prime Minister.
__________________ 8. The nationlist in the Philippines form the Katipunan under the dynamic leadership
of Jose Rizal with the sole aim of expelling the Spaniards from the island.
__________________ 9. The Jones Act was passed by the US Congress, granting a measure of autonomy
to the Philippines.
__________________ 10. The USA fulfilled to their promise by formally recognizing the Philippines as an
independent republican state on July 4, 1946.
__________________ 11. Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and largest Muslim nation.
__________________ 12. China the fourth most populated island.
__________________ 13. Singapore is a tiny city-state republic South of the Malayan Peninsula and it is
smaller than Metro Manila.
__________________ 14. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia.
__________________ 15. Philippines is a beautiful country and is called “Pearl of the Orient”.

III-Answer the following questions:

1. What country in the Southeast Asia whose population got reduced due to mass genocide? What is
genocide? (5pts)
2. Why Southeast Asia called Maritime Asia? Why it is also called the Melting Pot of the Orient?
3. Does Siam deserve the name Thailand which means “ Land of the Free”? Explain your
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Spanish rule in the Philippines? (5pts)

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Guiuan, Eastern Samar

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