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Usul – usul

No Nama Usul Tanggungjawab

1 En. Shashikumar Bumbung antara 2 blok. Tarikh mula pembinaan di Guru Besar
Mukundan jangka..dan status terkini

En. K.Yogeswaran
2 Pn. Santhi Raju suppose PIBG should issue official PIBG receipt for Bendahari
PIBG contribution but this 2years no official receipt
issued!!! Why & when can issue the receipt?
3 Pn. Santhi Raju Due to the pandemic period teachers are GPK HEM
conducting Home Based Learning. Bravo to them.
But there will be some students without gadget /
internet facilities to continue their studies. Are they
have been identified? if yes how many of them?
what are the arrangement / planning have been
done to them? if Nothing been done, I suggest
PIBG / School management to look into it as
soonest so that no students left out the classes.
4 En. K.Yogeswaran Status of the HIKARU RESOURCE & INOVATION Pn.Thilagam
1) QR Barcode for the books completed?
2) Fiction & Nonfiction book status?
3) % of tab & computer utilization by students?
4) status & utilization of visual room?
5) since its operation from 2019, how many % of
students have benefited from it?
6) any planning to improve the centre in future?
5 Pn. Revati 1.Sudahkah penyampaian hadiah bagi pelajar(upsr Pengerusi PIBG
Panchappu 2019) & Darjah 6(2020) diadakan?
2.Apakah status penyampaian hadiah bagi pelajar
upsr 2019 & darjah 6 2020?
3.Sejak 2 tahun lepas apakah activity activity Yang
dijalankan oleh PIBG untuk murid murid sekolah

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