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MS4103 Mekatronika

Tugas Pendahuluan Praktikum Modul 03

1. Jelaskan fungsi dari masing-masing komponen berikut.

a. Compressor : Suppying pressurized air by compressing air from the

b. Filter Regulator Lubricator : The Filter filters the contaminants from the supplying
hose so it does not damage the piston, piston cylinder, and seal. The regulator
regulates the pressure in the pneumatics so it does not exceed 6 bars. The lubricator
mixes the compressed air with the lubricants before entering the piston cylinder.
c. 24V Relay : It has a coil upon when it is induced, will cause the armature to be pulled
and move the movable terminal so it touched the fixed terminal, causing an electric
current flow to pass the terminal.
d. 24V Inductive Switch : Acts as a sensor by setting an output of either 0V or 24V
when induced.
e. Piston Cylinder : It is the housing where the piston, piston rod, and the pressurized
air to move the piston. Its function is to generate piston movement from the influx
pressurized air.

2. Gambarkan rangkaian listrik (push button, rellay, dan aktuator) untuk diagram Ladder

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