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Lv- 4004 Business Digitalization System

Assignment (1)

Submitted to: Prepared by:
U Min Htaw Mon May Moe Thu
BBA Program
Batch- (4) Offline

Date of Submitted
8 / 9 / 2022

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary.............................................................................................3
2. Introduction.........................................................................................................3
3. The concept of Digital Business Infrastructure................................................3
3.1 The Process of Hardware.................................................................................3
3.2 The Process of software....................................................................................4
4. The functions of Digital Business Infrastructure  ............................................4
5. Google’s Innovation.............................................................................................5
5.1 Google gives it users value...............................................................................5
5.2 The Technology of Google...............................................................................5
5.3 To Make Money on Google..............................................................................6
6. Google generates revenue...................................................................................6
7. Digital Technology to identify future revenue growth.....................................6

8. The management of Digital Business Infrastructure.......................................7
9. Conclusion............................................................................................................7
10. Reference............................................................................................................8

1.Executive Summary 
One of today's most powerful brands is Google. Google Direction is the customer. The
monitor information systems that specify objectives, scope, timescale, resource implications, and
the techniques to be used.
2. Introduction 
Additionally, Google offers desktop applications like their own web browser Google
Chrome, Picasa photo organization and editing software, and Google Talk messaging software in
addition to online tools like Gmail email software, social networking tools like Orkut and Google
Buzz recently, and other email and messaging software. Google is a pioneer in the creation of
Android, its own mobile operating system that is now utilized by many top mobile phone

3.The concept of Digital Business Infrastructure
The term "digital infrastructure" refers to the digital systems that support an
organization's information technology and day-to-day operations. Digital infrastructure examples
 Internet infrastructure, broadband 
 Tools for digital and mobile communications, including applications 
 the networks and data centers 
 Platforms, software, systems, and enterprise portals 
 Cloud applications and services 
 Data encryption, user identification, and operational security 
Integrations and APIs 

3.1 The Process of Hardware 

A computer system is an integrated set of devices that can input, output, process, and
store data and information. At least one digital processor is used in modern computer systems.. A
computer system's input, processing, storage, output, and communication devices are its five
basic hardware constituents (n.d.). 

3.2 The Process of software 

Software is a collection of instructions, data, or computer programs used to control
machinery and carry out particular activities. The opposite of that is hardware, which refers to a
computer's external parts. In this context, "software" refers to the programs, apps, and scripts that
are now executing on a device. It can be compared to the variable part of a computer, whereas
the hardware is the part that will never change.
   Application software and system software are the two main subcategories of software.
Applications are software components that perform functions or meet particular needs. System
software, which also serves as a platform for other software to run on, controls how a computer's
hardware operates. Other forms of software include middleware, which sits between system

software and applications, driver software, which controls computer peripherals and devices, and
programming software, which offers the programming tools needed by software developers. 
asSoftware examples and types 
The following are the most typical types of software among the numerous categories: 
specialized software 
apparatus software 
Driver programs 
software for programming Rosencrance, L. (2021, March 4). 
People who are unfamiliar with computer technology frequently confuse the phrases software
and application. Applications are a type of software technically speaking, however not all
software is an application. We can talk about the two in terms of systems software vs. application
software to distinguish the two more clearly.
4.The functions of Digital Business Infrastructure   
 The drivers of change in the energy sector include digitalization, decarbonization, and
decentralization, which define the operational-, technological, and commercial models of utility
companies. To lay the groundwork for a company's digital operations, digital infrastructure
brings together and links physical and virtual technologies including computation, storage,
network, apps, and IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS platforms.  
Roads, highways, and bridges are a few examples, as well as the equipment needed to operate
them, such as transit buses, automobiles, and oil refineries. Hard infrastructure includes technical
components like networking hardware and cabling, which play a crucial role in sustaining
corporate operations.  

5. Google’s Innovation

Google is committed to solving the world’s information problems. Google isn’t arrogant.
Google is at the cutting edge of customer service with innovation. Google doesn’t attract people
with price cuts or discount. Google provides customers with new technologies (Chaffey, 2002).

5.1 Google gives it users value

Google makes new products for customers. It makes it easy for customers to find. Their
main purpose is to raise the standard of living (Chaffey, 2002).

5.2 The Technology of Google

The products that Google is producing are IT products. Example

 Google Drive
 Google Jamboard
 Google Translate
 Google Books
 Google Images
 Google Shopping ,etc.
Google partnered with Sony in 2010. Google announced Android in 2010, in conjunction with
phones. Google’s acquisition of AdMob in 2009 combined with mobile phones. Google is
famous for announcing Google Chrome in 2009. Google chrome (A browser) was introduced in
2008. It was announced in 2009 for Windows. Finally, Google released it as Google glass.
Scanning with the glasses, behind the scene looking at the deleted data, zooming in and looking
at it.
Google’s goal has always been to provide the customer with a great experience. That is why
google is the most famous in the world (Chaffey, 2002).

5.3 To Make Money on Google

Google is especially into the radio program. Google has merged with Sony so they can
announce the new ones. Google has teamed up with YouTube to make video ads. Google makes
(pay-per-click) videos on YouTube to earn money. Google’s main source of revenue is video
ads. According to Google’s website for investors, the Google Display Network of content
partners generated around a third of Google’s revenue in 2013.
Technology has emerged that can remove Google’s video ads. The Application appears.
Half of the middleware software. Because of that, Google’s income is not increasing anymore
(Chaffey, 2002).

6.Google generates revenue

There are 6 ways to make google income. Those are

1. Google Ads
2. Google Cloud
3. Hardware
4. Google Playstore
5. YouTube Premium Content
6. YouTube TV Leonard, K. (2022, May 27).

7.Digital Technology to identify future revenue growth

Because ad blocking technology has been around for a while, it would have an impact on
Google's results. Spammers, who compromise the validity of the search results, represent another
significant risk for the company.
However, Google's projected income levels also include:
- Google Video Ads: Considered a novel idea, Google receives cash each time a user clicks
"play" to start the advertisement.
- Google TV Ads: Including Commercial Ads in Television

- Google Audio Ads, which are radio program advertisements.
- Google Print Ads: putting advertisements in printed goods like magazines and newspapers.
These types of revenues will eliminate any risks related to spammers or ad blocking technology
Anoud. (2018, March 14).

8.The management of Digital Business Infrastructure

The term "digital infrastructure" refers to the digital systems that support an organization's
information technology and day-to-day operations. Digital infrastructure examples include:
 Internet backbone, broadband
 Tools for digital and mobile communications, including applications
 the networks and data centers
 Platforms, software, systems, and enterprise portals
 Cloud applications and services
 Data encryption, user identification, and operational security
 Integrations and APIs
 Informational resources for managing digital infrastructure
One of the oldest websites,, focuses on managing technology.
-Gartner is an analyst firm that tracks technological trends.
-reports on the technology industry's business at GigaOM.
-ReadWriteWeb is a website that focuses on the latest advances in social media, web apps, and
digital technology.
-E-commerce that is practical with a focus on retail technology management
-The most recent Web technology standards are provided by World Wide Web Consortium
Smart Insights. (2014, June 27).


The society that will live in a completely altered environment is transformed by the
integration of all these technologies. Production of goods, commercial operations, and

organizational leadership are increasingly reliant on new technologies, supporting IT methods
(software, hardware, and processes), and expanding digital communication channels. We must
constantly examine, evaluate, and develop this new environment brought about by digital
transformation in order to maintain the strength and stability of our civilizations.

10. Reference

 Subjects. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2022, from studies/form-1/the-computer-

Rosencrance, L. (2021, March 4). What is software? definition, types and examples.
SearchAppArchitecture. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from

Leonard, K. (2022, May 27). How google makes money: 6 ways. SeekingAlpha. Retrieved
September 5, 2022, from

Anoud. (2018, March 14). Google Innovation and growth - case study. - All
Best Essays, Term Papers and Book Report. Retrieved September 5, 2022, from

Digital Business Infrastructure. Smart Insights. (2014, June 27). Retrieved September 5, 2022,


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