Poster Optimization

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Optimization in Electrical Engineering Applied to Smart

Buildings The buildingsare both:

the biggest energy consumer, especially electricalenergy
The success of the design of electrical machines by

optimization algorithm lies in the perfect

Introduction: a significant renewable energy depositwith an average acceptability matchingbetween four elements:
The modelsable to compute the performance criteria
•Commitments of COP 21(Conference of the Parties, Paris, 2015)–Limit the
The algorithmsthat maximize or minimize those

mean temperature raise to 2°C in 2100–Reach the carbon neutrality in 2050 Self-consumption(consumption of self-produced electricity) from

•Ways proposed by the non-governmental French association négaWatt–
renewable energies is a new application field for optimization :
The formulationstranslating the design problems

Divide by two the final energy consumption–Abandon fossil energies and

energy managementsystem
into mathematic
massify renewable energies sizingof equipments The approaches to orchestrate them

Some Algorithms in
Analysis and optimization on Electricity cost of a house over

20 years
the objective is to use green energie (like photovoltaic) to

Line search methods reduce costs. So we created a model on Matlab by using

Newton method
fmincon function. Apparently, this model permit to find

the best compromise between costs and green energy.

Deterministic methods

To finish, when we try to optimize, the cost

will be approximately 15500€ for 7m² of

solar panels with system of batteries that

work the night with time management to

avoid the peak hours in order to minimize the

To conclude, we can optimize the electrical energy to reduce the electricity bill expenses or to reduce the environnemental impact. The solution will depend on the

will of the client

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