Crop Sci. Analysis Final

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World Trade Organization, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and

Biotechnology has a role in improving agricultural systems. The WTO Agriculture

Agreement provides a framework for the long-term reform of agricultural trade and
domestic policies, with the aim of leading to fairer competition and a less distorted
sector .The agreement covers: market access, domestic support and export
competition. The GATT does not say much about agriculture specifically, which meant
that in the theory agricultural trade was to treated essentially like trade in other goods.
The integration of biotechnology into the field of agriculture makes the better use of
limited resources, increases production, and reduces the use of pesticides and
insecticides on crops. Agricultural biotechnology is a field of agricultural science that
uses cell and molecular biology tools to improve genetic makeup and agronomic
management of crops and animals.
However, they don’t just have advantages but they have also their disadvantages
like: WTO trade deals still encompass a lot of protectionism in areas like agriculture.
Also in GATT there is also a limitations: only a provisional agreement, poultry gains to
less developed countries, lack of legal status and diverse membership.
In conclusion WTO, GATT and BIOTECHNOLOGY not only give a good
benefits in agricultural system but it also give a disadvantages on it.

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