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Digital Painting – shows an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as

watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of computer, a graphic tablet,
stylus, and software.

What is computer software?

Software – Computer Instructions or data, anything that can be stored electronically

Examples: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Spread sheets (excel), library management system etc.

Title Bar – The area at the top of a window and it contains item such close/maximize, minimize
buttons, and the name if the application that is open.

The Menu Bar – has horizontal, typically located at the top of the screen below the title bar,
containing drop-down menus. It has also a Paint button menu.

Clipboard (cut, copy, paste) – a clipboard is a temporary storage area for data that the user
wants to copy from one place to another. Cut and paste is the command found in clipboard.

Image – lets you resize skew, and rotate or Flip. Click on Select and it will give you options for
selection shapes which can be rectangular or Free Form while selecting options

Tools – tool or function in a graphics editing or painting program used to change the area of the
canvass or image by adding paint strokes or filling the areas with color.

Brushes - have different lines and texture such as natural brush, calligraphy brush, airbrush, oil
brush, crayon, marker, natural pencil, and watercolor brush. These tools apply color to your work, like
the way a traditional paintbrush would apply paint on a canvass or paper.

Shapes – includes oval, polygon, rectangular, triangle, diamond, rounded rectangular, pentagon,
hexagon, right arrow, left arrow, up arrow, down arrow, four point star, rounded rectangular callout,

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