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ANDY LAWSON: He was a thirteen year- old boy, who is Mary´s twins brother. He was 1,
70 cm. tall. He had short red hair and blue eyes.

MARY LAWSON: She was a thirteen year- old girl, who is Andy´s twin sister. She was 1,
60 cm. tall. She had long dark hair and big brown eyes.

MISS. O´BRIEN: She was their Science teacher. She was from Dublin, so every year she
took the students at the start of the summer to visit the city.

MR. GREEN SHIRT: He was the boy who paid with a forged $20 note. He was a bad
person. He was Miss. O´Brien´s brother.

MR. BLUE SHIRT: He was a friend of Mr. Green Shirt. He helped him to kidnap the

The story takes place in Dublin in Ireland. They were in a school trip; they were with other
students in Trinity College in Dublin. Their school was in England.

Dublin is a small and friendly city. And there is a lot to do there.

Chapter 1

What did Andy watch?

Andy watched the Book of Kells, a 680 page-book. It was over a thousand years old, and
half a million people come to watch it. It was a very famous book.

Did Mary like the Book of Kells? What did she do?

Mary didn´t like it., so she went to a shop. There were many things, but she was
interested in the Trinity College t-shirt. They were not so expensive, she wanted to buy

Who was at the shop in front of her?

In front of her there was a man with a Green T-shirt; he wanted to buy a postcard but he
had only a $20 note. He paid and left. Later Mary bought her t-shirt and she received
inher change the same 20 note and left.

What did Mary do then? What was her problem at the ice cream shop?

A time later she went to buy an ice cream with her brother, but the shop assistant didn´t
receive her money, he said it was a Forged $20 note.

Did she buy the ice creams?

She bought the ice cream because she paid with another money but she was very worried
about this.
Chapter 2

What did Mary and Andy do when they came back at the hotel?

When they came back they told Miss. O´Brien about the situation, and she offered
another $20 note because she noticed that Mary was sad and angry.

What did the teacher suggest?

She suggested going to the police station and informed about the situation.

Where did the children go then?

The children were going to the cinema with Miss O´Brien and the rest of the students.

What happened then?

When they went down at the reception, they saw the boy with the Green t- shirt at the
reception desk. He had a box in his hands.

What did Mary propose to do?

Mary had the idea of chasing him.

Chapter 3

What did the children do?

They started walking behind him. They chased him to his house. Once there they hid in the
garden and waited for a while. Suddenly the boy watched them and he came out of the
house and chased them.

Chapter 4

What did the children do then?

Mary and Andy ran very quickly and could escape from him. When they got at the hotel
they told everything to Miss O ´Brien so she said it was time to go to the Police Station.
She asked the children to go and wait for her at the front of the hotel. She would call for
a taxi.

What happened while they were waiting for the taxi at the front of the hotel?

While the children were waiting for Miss O´Brien at the street, a taxi stopped in front of
them. They came in at the back seat.

Who was the driver?

When Mary and Andy looked at the driver, they noticed it was the boy with the Green T-
shirt, and next to him there was another boy with a Blue t- shirt.

What did the children try to do?

They tried to open the door of the car, but the boy said they couldn´t escape. The doors
didn´t open and nobody could see them because the windows were dark.
Chapter 5

Andy and Mary tried to escape and they shouted but the music from the radio was so loud
that nobody could listen to them.

So some time later Mary had the idea of copying the Goodbye Game from a film.

What was the Goodbye Game?

The game consisted in putting their hands on the driver´s face, so they would stop the car
and the children could escape.

And did it happen as they thought?

No; Mr. Green T-shirt didn´t stop the car and it turned faster across the road.

Chapter 6

What happened then?

Then the car fell into the river, but Andy and Mary could manage to open the back doors.
They escaped and started swimming to the shore. In few minutes they were out of the
water in the street.

And what happened with the bad men?

They also opened the doors and started to swim away. They escaped.

Where did the children go?

The children went to the Police Station, and tried to identify the men. They recognized Mr
Green T- shirt.

What did the police tell Andy and Mary?

The police told them that Mr. Green T shirt looked familiar to them. And the police
believed that he was O´Brien too. But it was a very common surname in Dublin.

Chapter 7

Where did Andy and Mary go later?

Later Miss. O ¨Brien invited them to go to a café, and she offered to call her brother to
go back to the hotel.

What happened when the children went out of the café?

When they went out of the café, they started walking to a car when suddenly many police
officers appeared. The man with the Blue T-shirt was in the car. He tried to escape but
the police caught him.

And where was the man with the Green t shirt?

He was behind the children, and the police also caught him.

And what happened with Miss O´Brien?

She tried to escape but Andy and Mary stopped her. She was Mr Green T shirt´s sister.
She was with them.

And how did the story end?

Finally, the police told the children that a new teacher was going to Dublin to fetch them
and take them back to England.


Miss O´Brien helped Mr. Green t shirt and Mr. Blue T shirt was his friend. The three
worked together in this business of forged money.

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