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Junior Free Talk I © Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Topic NINE Seeing a doctor

Lesson 50
Does he have a fever?

2020/1/8 1
Teaching outline

Part A. Ask & Answer 问与答

Part B. Let’s Talk 说一说

Part C. Review 复习回顾

Part D. Fun Time 趣学时光

(2 mins)
Part A.
Ask & Answer

Yes, he does. His

temperature is 39 ℃.
Does he
have a fever?

have a fever发烧
temperature n. 体温, 温度
TI: Teach S the sentences, the word and the phrase.
(2 mins)
Part A.
Ask & Answer
He should drink a lot of
water and put a cool towel
on his forehead.

He has a fever.
What should he do?

cool adj. 凉爽的

forehead n.前额

TI: Teach S the sentences and the words.
(2 mins)
Part A.
Ask & Answer
No, you shouldn’t. Should I go to
You should take school?
a good rest.

take a good rest 好好休息

TI: Teach S the sentences and the phrase.
(2 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and match. 看一看,连一连。

have a fever




TI: Have S do the matching. Find the answers on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案

have a fever




TI: Check the answers with S.
(1 min)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Jerry has a fever, his temperature is 39 ℃.

TI: Have S choose the correct answer. Find the answer on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案

Jerry has a fever, his temperature is 39 ℃.

TI: Check the answer with S.
(1 min)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Jerry has a fever. What should he do?

He should put a cool He should take some

towel on his forehead. pills with cool juice.
TI: Have S choose the correct answer. Find the answers on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案

Jerry has a fever. What should he do?

He should put a cool He should take some

towel on his forehead. pills with cool juice.
TI: Check the answer with S.
(1 min)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Should Jerry go to school when he has a fever?

Yes, he should go No, he should take

to school. a good rest.

TI: Have S choose the correct answer. Find the answer on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案

Should Jerry go to school when he has a fever?

Yes, he should go No, he should take

to school. a good rest.

TI: Check the answer with S.
(1 min)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Do you have a fever?

Do you feel cold?

TI: Have S choose the correct answer. Find the answer on the next page.
(2 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and write. 看一看,写一写。

Yes, I do. My t __ mp ____ t ____ is 39 ℃.

Do you have a fever?

TI: Check the answer with S. Have S complete the sentence. Find the answers on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案
e mp era
Yes, I do. My t __ ure is 39 ℃.
____ t ____

Do you have a fever?

TI: Check the answers with S.
(2 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Jerry has a fever.

What are good for him?
What are not good for him?

TI: Have S choose the correct answers. Find the answers on the next page.
Part B.
Let’s talk

Key 答案

Jerry has a fever.

What are good for him?
What are not good for him?

TI: Check the answers with S.
(3 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and check.


TI: Have S answer the questions. Let S say as much as possible.
(3 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk

Look and check.


TI: Check the answers with S.
(3 mins)
Part B.
Let’s talk
Do a role play and talk about your fever. 扮演角色,说说你的发烧。
Lynn: Dear, You don’t look good! What happened to you?
You: I…
Lynn: What’s your temperature?
You: My temperature is …
Lynn: Did you take some pills?
You: Yes, … / No, … Should I …?
Lynn: Yes, … / No, …
You: Thank you!
Lynn: Take a good rest!

TI: Do a role play with S.
(1 min)
Part C.

Words 单词 Sentences 句子
• have a fever 发烧 • Does he have a fever?
• temperature 体温 • Yes, … / No, …
• cool 凉爽的
• He has … What should he do?
• forehead 前额
• take a good rest • He should …
好好休息 • Should he …?
• No, he shouldn’t. He …

TI: Review with S briefly.
(2 mins)
Part D.
Fun Time
Let’s enjoy a short video!
Jerry has a fever.
What should he do?

Open video file Junior Free Talk I – Lesson 50

TI: Have S watch the video and talk about Jerry’s fever.
Junior Free Talk I © Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

See you next lesson!


2020/1/8 24

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