21951A1269 - Week10 (4kb

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We are working on a project

that aims to make a chatbot
that recommends songs based
on the tone of the
conversation it is having with
the user. In this project, we
would be combining multiple
services and open-source tools
to create a new type of
The purpose of chat bots is to support and
scale business teams in their relations with
customers. Chatbot applications
streamline interactions between people
and services, enhancing customer
experience. This project is focussed on
building a custom chatbot that will be your
fundamental step of the learning curve of
building your own. In this project, we
would be building an extensive Chatbot.
Service, to which you can talk to. And
talking to a chatbot wouldn’t be business
driven. It would just be casual
conversations. Further, on top of it, the
chatbot would also be recommending
songs to the user based on the tone of the
user. This song recommendation employs
the use of Last.fm API, very much similar
to the popular Spotify API. Also, for
tone/emotion analysis of the conversation
we will be using the IBM Tone Analyzer
API. Python is the most commonly used
programming language for building
chatbots, and it has a wide array of open-
source libraries including TensorFlow and
Scikit-Learn. This means you can use them
to build chatbots that do much more than
simply having a data-driven conversation;
to supplement user-oriented features.
In this milestone, you will need to install
Cake chat Chatbot - the main part of the
project that allows you to communicate
with a chatbot via the internet. Music
streaming services generate revenue by
helping their users discover relevant music
and charging them for the quality of their
recommendation services. There is a
strong thriving market for good music
recommendation systems, which are built
using big data and machine learning to
help users find the right music at the right
We have implemented various algorithms
to try to build an effective recommender
system. We firstly implemented popularity
based model which was quite simple and
intuitive. Collaborative filtering algorithms
which analyze taste of a user by collecting
preferences from many other users
(collaborating) is also implemented.
Person and enjoying the music recommend
by the system.

Task 1
Setting up the Cake Chat Chatbot Server
locally In this milestone, you will need to
install Cake chat Chatbot – the main part
of the project that allows you to
communicate with a chatbot via the

Task 2
Setting Up the IBM Tone Analyzer API . In
this milestone, we would be setting up the
IBM Tone Analyzer API so that we can
analyze The tone of conversation
(emotions).We are using an API here as we
don’t have that enough data,
computational power and time to create
our own model API.This milestone will
make you realise why to prefer using open-
source APIs rather than creating your own
model Each time.

Task 3
Setting up Last.fm Songs API and testing it.
In this milestone, we would be setting up
the Last.fm Songs API so that we can
recommend some songs to the user based
on the tone/emotion of the user.We are
using an API here as we don’t have enough
data,Computational power and time to
scrape the web for Songs based on the
specific information of tones we have
extracted previously.

Task 4
• Understanding the overall process
involved in the chatbot’s working .
• Once we are done with this milestone,
we would be having a very good
understanding of the complete project
• Further, after this, you can take this
project in a new direction after this
• Completing this milestone is critical as
there are a lot of components that
need to be integrated together to
complete the chatbot; having a clear
sense of product architecture is needed
• Have a look at the High-Level approach
which we briefed Earlier High-Level
• User starts the conversation
• Emotional Analysis of the conversation is
done using the IBM Emotional API
• Get the reply to the conversation from
the Cake chat Chatbot
• Based on the Emotion which we got,
top songs are
• Retrieved using Last.fm songs API If a
user listens to a particular song … a
similar song to the user using Last fm
Task 5
Putting everything together and build the
• Once you have understood the complete
flow, you can do whatever you want now.
• You can go forward with building a
command-line interface that collects all
these things and does them.
• Or you can build a separate Flask/Django
server that can
Do the above steps as a part of an API or a
Web Page.
As a part of this milestone, we would be
continuing with building a Django/Flask
It is the most basic and simple
algorithm . We find the Popularity of
each song by looking into the training
set and Calculating the number of users
who had listened to this song.


Collaborative filtering involves
collecting information from many users
and then making predictions based on
some similarity measures between
users and between items.
SVD Model
Listening histories are influenced by a set
of factors specific to the domain (e.g.
genre, artist). These factors are in general
not at all obvious and we need to infer
those so called latent factors from the
data. Users and songs are characterized by
latent factors.

KNN Model
In this method, we utilize the available
metadata. We create a space of songs
according to their features from metadata
and find out neighborhood of each song.
We choose some of the available features
(e.g., loudness,genre, mode, etc.) which
we found most relevant To distinguish a
song from other
We used mean Average Precision (mAP) as
our evaluation metric. The reason behind
using this is that this metric was used in
the Kaggle challenge which helps us to
compare our results with others.
✓ These are the computer program you
can talk to
Through messaging apps, chat windows, or
voice calling apps.
✓ These intelligent digital assistants
resolve customer queries in a cost-
effective, quick, and consistent manner.
McFee, B., Bertin Mahieux, T., Ellis, D. P.,
Lanckriet, G. R. (2012, April). The million
song dataset Challenge. In Proceedings of
the 21st international conference
companion on World Wide Web (pp.
[2] Aiolli, F. (2012). A preliminary study on
a recommender system for the million
songs dataset challenge. PREFERENCE
[3] Koren, Yehuda. “Recommender system
utilizing Collaborative filtering combining
explicit and implicit feedback with both
neighborhood and latent factor Models.”
[4] Cremonesi, Paolo, Yehuda Koren, and
Roberto Turrin. “Performance of
recommender algorithms recommendation
tasks. “Proceedings of the fourth ACM
conference on Recommender systems.

✓ This is a project of our Artificial
Intelligence course and we find it very
good as we got a chance to practice
theories and do some implementation. We
get to know some algorithms in detail and
especially the four models that we’ve
explained in the paper. We have faced a
lot of problem in dealing with a huge
dataset and had difficulties in some
programming details. However, with lot of
efforts, we have overcame all of these.
✓ The best part of this project is the
teamwork. We took a bit of time to get to
know each other and to adjust ourselves
and to perform like a team. We become
much more efficient by the time team
spirit is formed and we Also enjoy more. It
was a nice experience and all the effort put
is worthy.
✓ In terms of research, we still have a lot
to do to make our studies a better one.
Music Recommender System is Such a
wide, open and complicated subject that
we can take some initiatives and do a lot
more tests in future.
✓ All these difficulties due to the data and
to the system itself make it more
challenging and also more attractive. We
hope that we will get other opportunities
in the future to work in the domain of
artificial intelligence. We are certain that
we can do a better job.

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