8613 Research Proposal

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B.Ed. (1.5 Years)
Course Code: 8613
Ali Haider Awan
Name: __________________________________________________________
Roll No. ________________________________________________________
Registration No ________________________________________________
Spring 2021
Semester: ______________________________________________________
Region: ________________________________________________________
Students Socio-Emotional Development
Theme: ________________________________________________________
Mutual Cooperation/Helping others
Sub-theme: _____________________________________________________
To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of
Topic: _________________________________________________________
class 5 through group activities
(To be filled and signed by the student and retained by the Controller of Examination)

Ali Haider Awan

I________________________________ Tasneem Shoukat
Daughter / Son of ___________________________

Roll No. _______________________________ 18KMD05130
Registration No. ______________________,

a student of B.Ed Program (1.5 Year) at Allama Iqbal Open University do hereby declare that

the research project entitled

To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5 through
group activities

submitted by me in partial fulfillment of B.Ed (1.5 Years) program is my original work and

has not been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in future,

be submitted for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution.

I also understand the zero tolerance policy against plagiarism of the university and the HEC

and if my work is found to be plagiarized or copied from someone other‟s work at any stage,

even after the award of the degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree confiscated.

(Signature of the Student)

Date: _____________________ Ali Haider Awan
(Day-Month-Year) (Name of the Student)
Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad

Overall background of the participants of the project; area / school: (socio-economic status,

occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic

quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10


Action research is vital in enhancing professionalism and sharing among the teachers. Action

research is vital in enhancing the reflective teaching process as it enhances awareness. The

process is more systematic than mere reflection and it enhances accountability.

It raises the consciousness of the participants to the reflection process. It is formal, scientific,

timely and more specific as opposed to the abstract reflective process. By carrying out action

research, one ensures that the needs of the students are met though the adoption of the most

appropriate teaching practices. It helps to boost the confidence of teacher and hence enabling

him/her to effectively carry out his/her duties. Action research was conducted in Pine Hills

Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad. It‟s conducted in District Muzaffarabad.

School Background:

The school is a paradise on earth that prepares the little characters for exceptional tasks. The

school offers preparing to live better and make strides for some other time. It gives tutoring

just as it is an instrument of character working of a country. The extraordinary schools are

substantial assets of a country. I'm regarded to move in an especially phenomenal school. The

school which the researcher chooses for this action research is Pine Hills Public School

Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad. The school is segregated into 4 squares Nursery which has 5

classrooms and a tremendous outdoor play area. Class one which has 2 classrooms. Key
Stage 3 which has 5 investigation corridors. A central square houses the offices, staffroom,

assembly hall, dinner hall and kitchen. There is a Library and a computer suite complete.

Participants Background:

The participants of study were students of grade 5th who were enrolled in Pine Hills Public

School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad. The researcher selected class 5th students which are

considered 36 in members. The students are good morally as well as academically but they

need a little bit of attention from the teachers and from the parents to be polished.

Socio Economic Status:

Socio-economics status is the social standing or class of an individual or get-together. It is

typical assessed as a blend of preparing, pay and occupation. Appraisals of monetary status

much of the time uncover uneven characters in induction to resources, notwithstanding issues

related to benefit, power and control. Most of Parents from this area are Govt. specialist

anyway some of them are money manager or work in a private environment. Most of

watchmen don't bear the expenses of children tutoring due to their family expenses and their

low compensation yet a couple of gatekeepers support their youths at more critical level in all

around supposed universities. Be that as it may, in view of the shortfall of higher educational

establishment and low compensation of their people, more than 40% children stop their

education after enrollment. All things considered the money related status of this space is


Occupation / Profession

Mostly parents with Govt. occupations and minimal expenditure supervisor are in a better

condition than help and backing their children educationally, mentally and altogether.

Regardless, Parents with low compensation because of expenses and low compensation rates

issues can't offer pleasing to up level their children preparing. The control of the parents in
this investigation from this space is conventional. A piece of the parents is not monetarily so

amazing. The children who parents with government occupations are more affirmed and their

family finds a sensation of fulfillment decently veered from individuals who work in private

alliance. They are dependably in frustration. Due to low getting example of this space, the

children face a ton of difficulties both at home and school, which blocks them from taking an

interest absolutely in examination lobby, works out. In past, a couple of gatekeepers drop

their young people at different shop for learning work and for securing yet today as a result of

free training in Pakistan more than 70% children go towards higher education. Farmers make

up the majority of the population. Some people work in the private sector or for the

government, while others are employed on a regular basis.

Earning trends:

Farming and agriculture is the source of income for the people of Muzaffarabad. Cattles are

highly valued production resource for the people of the said locality.

Literacy rate:

Literacy rate is the percentage of population aged 15 years and over who can both read and

write with understanding a short simple statement on his/her everyday life.

According to the Directorate of Education, the literacy rate in the village is 34.1 %, which is

lower than the national and provincial levels- in part due to the poor infrastructure and the

backlog of missing facilities. Students are very intelligent but they don‟t complete their

journey of education. It is the tradition of this area that they don‟t give any attention to the

girl‟s education. Most of the girls study only up to grade 8th and then leave the school. All

mothers are house wives.

Academic quality:
As quite possibly the most crowded areas of Muzaffarabad, just have 995 schools (Boys 700

and Girls 295) and 8100 classrooms. All together just a large portion of 1,000,000 youngsters

are enrolled in broad daylight and tuition based schools. Obviously, these classrooms are

deficient to address the issues for a developing locale. Insights uncover around a large portion

of the youngsters in Muzaffarabad are not enrolled in any educating framework. Net

Enrolment Rate (GER) is 72% at essential while 42% at optional level. The pattern shows

expanded drop-out with ascend in instruction level.

Special trait of the community:

It is the special trait of the people that they are very hospitable. They entertain the guests very

well and take good care of new guests to the village. People use to invite guests at their home

and enjoy it. Families are specially connected with each other.
Children’s Socio-Emotional Development
Theme: ____________________________________________________________________

Mutual Cooperation/Helping Others

Sub-theme: ________________________________________________________________

To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5 through group
Topic: _____________________________________________________________________


1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience /

problem in your classroom / institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

The researcher has chosen the sub-theme “Mutual Cooperation/ Helping others” and Topic of

the action research as mentioned above is “To enhance the mutual cooperation among the

student of class 5th through group activities” because of following reasons which the

researcher mentions below:

Background related to this Problem:

Few Years ago I visited my nearby school named Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter

Muzaffarabad because in my time I also studied in that Pine Hills Public School Lower

Chatter Muzaffarabad. The Background related to this school I have mentioned above in

detail is that overall this school has good reputation except one thing which the researcher

noticed that there is no mutual cooperation in this school after than I decided to choose this

topic for the awareness of this topic in Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad

that is the biggest reason for selection this topic and subtheme. Without the cooperation of its

members‟ society cannot survive. The society of man has survived because the

cooperativeness of its members made survival possible. It was not an advantageous

individual here and there who did so, but the group. In human societies the individuals who

are most likely to survive are those who are best enabled to do so by their group.

In our region, youngsters from rudimentary to 5th level go through around seven hours every

day at school for around 200 days of the year. These 1400 hours in the school setting each

year do exclude extracurricular exercises and school preliminary work, similar to

schoolwork. Since the beginning until adulthood, school is where youngsters spend a huge

part of their days and, without a doubt, their lives. Preceding going to class, youngsters'

principle wellspring of socialization comes from their families.

Selection of topic:

The topic which the researcher selected for the action research is “To enhance the mutual

cooperation among the student of class 5th through group activities” because the mutual

cooperation issues is faced by all the students in different levels of education development.

Research in ethical development clearly shows that the seeds of empathy, caring, and

compassion are present from early in life, but that to become caring, ethical people, children

need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full

development. We should work to those children whose concern for others because it‟s

fundamentally the right thing to do, and also because when children can empathize with and

take responsibility for others, they‟re likely to be happier and more successful. They‟ll have

better relationships their entire lives, and strong relationships are a key ingredient of

happiness. Below are a set of guideposts to raising caring, respectful, and ethical children,

along with tips for putting them into action through modeling approaches. Therefore I have

selected this topic for my research because I feel this topic provides classroom management

involves encouraging students to change their behaviors.

2. What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor

regarding the problem? (05 marks)

(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the

problem and alternate solutions)

The problem is that how to enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5th

through group activities?

Discussion with friend/colleague:

My discussion regarding this problem to colleague is that it was guessed that without mutual

cooperation abilities, the study hall climate as we trust it ought to be would be in hazard.

Most instructors, from pre-school to school grounds, trust their understudies effectively tune

in; keep focused and are issue solvers. In an optimal world, these social abilities would be

widespread; in any case, inside these instructor scientists' homerooms understudies showed

feeble abilities around there of effectively tuning in, remaining focused, and issue tackling.

The understudies in the designated learning conditions experienced issues mutual cooperation

properly when set in agreeable gatherings. Proof of this issue was found in instructor

perceptions, pace of finish of homeroom exercises, and through peer surveys; hence, the

reason for this examination was to work on friendly abilities through the utilization of helpful

learning methodologies.

Suggestion from Friend’s side:

1) Refereeing is a perspective and a lot of capacities that help individuals and

2) Packs in better plan and overseeing battle as it arises in all pieces of their lives.

Discussion with senior teacher/Supervisor:

I have told to my senior with a respected manner about this that in the classroom, a

cooperative learning lesson involves students working in small groups to accomplish a

learning task. The task is assigned by the teacher with clear directions. Students then work on

the task together with defined roles (i.e. reporter, spokesperson, researcher, and recorder).

Teachers who are effective at evaluating the group together as one understand that each

person in the group has a “shared” responsibility. When the cooperative learning group

completes the learning task, the teacher evaluates the results. That evaluation needs to include

some type of format to determine if the student(s) accomplished their learning goals (i.e.

rubric). If each student sitting in the group isn‟t held responsible for helping complete their

portion of the learning task, then it isn‟t truly “cooperative learning”.

My opinion regarding this Problem to Supervisor:

My opinion that the teacher's task during cooperative learning involves the stimulation of

constructive interactions between learners. In order to achieve this, it is essential for the

teacher to organize student interactions in the context of academic tasks and simultaneously,

prepare the learners for collaborative work with others.

Individual Responsibility:

Individual accountability exist when the performance of each individual student is assessed

and the results given back to the group and the individual. Each group member independently

works on the assigned task and afterwards, receives feedback from the group. While planning

an exercise, the teacher needs to assure that every student has a chance to contribute to the

assignment. Without the contribution of every student, the end result is not complete.

Positive Dependence:

Positive interdependence is the perception that one is linked with others in a way that one

cannot succeed unless they do (and vice versa) and that group mates‟ work benefits you and
your work benefits them. Interdependence guarantees that all students take part in the group

work and contribute. It is the teacher‟s responsibility to distribute the tasks in a way that

every individual contribution is indispensable for the end result. Additionally, the teacher has

to avoid overwhelming individual students. The lesson planning has to be adjusted according

to the different learning levels of the students in an inclusive classroom.

Primitive Interaction:

Students promote each other‟s success by helping, assisting, supporting, encouraging, and

praising each other‟s efforts to learn. The exchange of various ideas with others strengthens

tolerant behavior towards contrasting opinions, trains finding problem solving strategies and

eases the change of perspective. Cooperative learning is a double challenge for students.

They are expected to work on an assignment and at the same time, they need to make sure

that the group works efficiently. The teacher cannot presuppose that all students have the

necessary competences for managing this double responsibility. It is the teachers‟ task to

convey and practice these essential competences with the learners.

Communication between partners:

One of the purposes of cooperative learning is the close social interaction with mutual

encouragement, assistance and socio-cognitive conflict. Socio-cognitive conflict is an

essential element of cooperative learning forms and describes the situation when two students

have contrasting approaches in order to solve a problem. This clash of contrasting problem

solving strategies is called socio-cognitive conflict. This cognitive conflict “leads to progress

when a student takes into account his perspective while considering another‟s incompatible

viewpoint”. In order for the students to benefit from this socio- cognitive conflict, especially

in an inclusive learning group, the teacher has to pay attention to the group constellation. It

needs to be assured that every student can equally contribute to the group. It is the
instructor‟s task to teach “leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, and

conflict-management skills just as purposefully and precisely as academic skills” in order to

facilitate the success of a group effort.

3. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles /

websites)? (10 marks)

(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done

regarding this problem)

This section presents a recap of the findings from earlier studies regarding enhancement of

the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5th through group activities.

Mutual cooperation belongs to interactive relationships rather than perceptive one. It

produces a message to communicate. Spratt, Paleness, and Williams state that group activities

and learning belong to interactive relationships. He said that learning and group activities,

particularly, involve producing content rather than receiving it. It means that group activities

and learning will produce an output as an indicator that children have learned both those

skills. It is clearly that the output of learning skill can be oral conversation or drama.

Meanwhile, the output of group activities skill can be written stories, letters, or other text


Another linguist, Hyland, explains that group activities are a way to share personal

meanings. The people construct their own views on topic. They will share their views on a

topic to each other then. A person‟s views may be different from other people‟s views. It

depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their views, the people have to make it

understandable and acceptable. Brown illustrates that group activities are like swimming.

When people want to be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic

ways or tricks to swim, although the instructor is only their parents or their friend‟s not

professional instructors. After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on

their own style. The more chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be.
Group activities are the last output after children learn separate acts continuously.

Wallace states that group activities is the final product after children learn several stages of

Group activities separately before. Those stages are note-taking, identifying a central idea,

outlining, drafting, and editing. It means that group activities are a complex skill. It covers

many sub skills that have to be passed before producing a good piece of group activities.

Group activities seem so complicated with its sub skills, but it is actually can be learn with

fun. Wajnryb is credited with helping to develop a new way of group activities known as

doctorless. Dictogloss is a relatively recent procedure in content teaching. In traditional group

activities children recreate a dictated text word for word. However, dictogloss has different

procedures and objectives. It combines group activities, paraphrase and interpretation. The

concept is simple: learners listen to a passage, note down key group activities and then work

together to create a reconstructed version of the text. In a dictogloss task, learners listen,

learning and speak, relying on their knowledge of semantic, syntactic and discourse systems

of the target content to complete the task with the focus remaining on grammatical

competence. Different content is an international content which is widely used in many

countries around the world. It is very important for children to master different content in all

skills. The skills are Listening, Learning, Reading, and Group activities. Those skills are

related to each other. In this case, the researcher was going to focus on group activities skill.

Group activities are a content skill that is very important. Group activities are among the most

important skills that foreign content children need to develop. It is the last stage in learning

content after listening, learning, and listening. In other group activities, the researcher can say

that group activities are an indicator whether children have gained all skills before or have

not. Before the children have to learning, they should be able to listen, to speak, and to read.

Group activities skill differs from other skills like learning and listening. Brown states that

trends in teaching Group activities of ESL and other foreign contents are integrated with
teaching other skills, particularly listening and learning. Wajnryb recommends that learners

should listen to the group activities twice and that both readings should be, as far as possible,

identical. The text is read at natural speed with short pauses between each sentence. Children

are told not to learning anything the first time, „but allow the group activities to wash over


According to Bromley, this is to allow children to get an overall feel for the passage.

On the second listening children should take down notes. At this stage the teacher should

suggest that learners focus on noticing and recording key content or information. Group

activities are an integrative strategy that was originally used for second content learners. The

purpose of group activities is to improve children' knowledge of text structure and grammar

& learning within an authentic context. As research indicates, effective group activities

instruction focuses on grammar & learning and text structure within context of use.

According to Calkins, in this instructional strategy, children listen to a model of

narrative text structure and deconstruct it collaboratively before it is recreated. The

collaborative nature of collaborative group activities allows all learners, but especially second

content learners and striving readers, to examine an exemplary narrative passage and discover

how the author created it. When children are explicitly instructed in the study of genres and

their textual differences, the quality of their group activities improves.

4. What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions /

description from literature. (05 marks)

(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean of these terms? What

particular meaning you will attach to the term when used in this project?)

Major Variables:

There are two major variables of the project which are:

i) Mutual cooperation.

ii) Group Activities

A variable is an object, event, idea, feeling, time period, or any other type of category you are

trying to measure. There are two types of variables-independent and dependent.

Within the context of a research investigation, concepts are generally referred to as variables.

A variable is, as the name applies, something that varies. Age, sex, export, income and

expenses, family size, country of birth, capital expenditure, class grades, blood pressure

readings, preoperative anxiety levels, eye color, and vehicle type are all examples of variables

because each of these properties varies or differs from one individual to another.

1. Mutual cooperation:

Mutual cooperation is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors

of society, because it tells us that people perceive that their lives are going well. Good living

conditions (e.g., housing, employment) are fundamental to well-being. Tracking these

conditions is important for public policy. However, many indicators that measure living

conditions fail to measure what people think and feel about their lives, such as the quality of

their relationships, their positive emotions and resilience, the realization of their potential, or

their overall satisfaction with life i.e., their mutual cooperation. Mutual cooperation generally

includes global judgments of life satisfaction and feelings ranging from depression to joy.
2. Group Activities:

Group work can be an effective method to motivate students, encourage active learning, and

develop key critical-thinking, communication, and decision-making skills. But without

careful planning and facilitation, group work can frustrate students and instructors and feel

like a waste of time. An assignment in which one or more students must work together to

contribute to and complete a common product; a single grade is assessed for the entire group.

Independent Variable:

It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to

measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable. Other factors (such

as what they eat, how much they go to school, how much television they watch) aren't going

to change a person's age. In fact, when you are looking for some kind of relationship between

variables you are trying to see if the independent variable causes some kind of change in the

other variables, or dependent variables.

The independent variable in this research project is “Mutual cooperation”.

Dependent Variable:

Just like an independent variable, a dependent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is

something that depends on other factors. For example, a test score could be a dependent

variable because it could change depending on several factors such as how much you studied,

how much sleep you got the night before you took the test, or even how hungry you were

when you took it. Usually when you are looking for a relationship between two things you

are trying to find out what makes the dependent variable change the way it does.

The dependent variable in this research project is “Group Activities”.

5. What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)

(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be

answered in this project)

Objective / Purpose of the study:

The purpose of this action research is to enhance the mutual cooperation among the student

of class 5 through group activities. As group activities develop higher-level thinking, oral

communication, self-management and leadership skills. It promote of student-faculty

interaction, increase in student retention, self-esteem, and responsibility.

Objective of this research are:

"To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5th through group activities"

Research Question:

This study aims to make an action plan for “How to enhance the mutual cooperation among

the student of class 5th through group activities?

Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of group activities on skills like mutual cooperation of the students?
6. Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)

(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-

grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who

did not have good communication skills)

The participants of this project were the students of grade 5th of Pine Hills Public School

Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad. The total strength of class 5th is 36. All of the students are

local. The students of class 5th were considered for the problem and observed thoroughly.

They have poor skills of mutual cooperation and also they are weak in communication. They

all need attention towards the development of skills of mutual cooperation as it is the need of

the day and no one can be a successful person without it.

The students were examine and observed during the school time and it is found that most of

the students have weak mutual cooperation skills but few were good. To find why some

students were weak and some were good the researcher acquire and find that the collaborative

group task has a positive effect on students learning.

Those students who have background skills of group activities are behaving positively and

better than those students who have no background skills of group activities and mutual

7. How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)

(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)

The researcher diagnoses the situation so that his focus is on the problem, not just its

symptoms. Helpful problem-solving techniques include using flowcharts to identify the

expected steps of a process and cause-and-effect diagrams to define and analyze root causes.

The researcher tried to solve this problem by telling the students of grade 5th of Pine Hills

Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad to improve their learning by the effective use of

skills like mutual cooperation and group activities. The researcher also tried to encourage the

students to enhance their learning in the educational environment.

Finding problem:

The problem is how to enhance the students‟ skills about the group activities to promote their

mutual cooperation. The researcher arranged an interview and asked different questions from

students about the group activities but the response was not satisfactory. The students of 5th

class of Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad need a lot of knowledge and

skills to be improved regarding mutual cooperation. The main reason behind this is the

absence of these activities like group activities in these students.


The researcher chooses the students of grade 5th of Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter

Muzaffarabad for sampling. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of Pine Hills

Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad to accumulate quality data from chosen city,

Muzaffarabad. Sample is smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all the

observation that represents the whole population. The number of observation included in a
sample is called size of sample. The students of Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter

Muzaffarabad were selected for this class based action research.

Data collection:

The researcher conducts a written test and an interview to collect the data required. First a

written test was conducted and the students were given a specific time for test. All the

students attempted the test, collected and observed for evaluation.

After the conduction of written test an interview was arranged for the students to see that

those students who shows good results in their test whether they possess these skills or not?

Some standard interview questions were prepared for the students of class 5th of Pine Hills

Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad and the same questions were asked from each

student. All the students respond differently to the interview questions which are already

written in the table form below.

Data evaluation:

Different students secure different grades ranging from low to high. But majority of students

secure low grades in their test. After the evaluation of the test an interview is being conducted

to find the reason that why some students got high grades while other got low grades. For this

purpose the test of all the students were graded and evaluated.


After the interview, the researcher finds that those students, who were involved in group

activities effectively, secure high grades while those students who were not involved in group

activities secure low grades.

8. What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument

developed? (05 marks)

(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc.)

To collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research

questions a written test was conducted. A set of printed or written questions with a choice of

answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study. Test provides a relatively

cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample

of people. Test can be an effective means of measuring the behavior, attitudes, preferences,

opinions and, intentions of relatively large numbers of subjects more cheaply and quickly

than other methods. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to

requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. It encourages students to take

responsibility for their own learning and evaluation. It allows students to word questions and

answers in ways that are meaningful to them. The test was prepared to attain study objectives.

Research Instrument:

A written test was conducted to collect the data needed to provide the information insight

necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were

designed according to requirement and relevancy of research being conducted. The test was

prepared to attain the objectives of the study.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used

to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize

results to wider populations. Quantitative research collects information from existing and

potential customers using sampling methods and sending out online surveys, online polls,

questionnaires, etc., the results of which can be depicted in the form of numerical. After
careful understanding of these numbers to predict the future of a product or service and make

changes accordingly.

In this research project the children have been given a written test to find out the effect of

group activities on promoting children‟s mutual cooperation and this test has been derived

and analyzed in terms of numerical data. That is why the research falls under quantitative


Written test:

A test is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering

information from respondent‟s statistical society. Usually a test consists of a number of

questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format. A distinction made between open

ended and closed ended questions. An open ended question ask the respondent to formulate

his own answer, whereas a closed ended question has the respondent pick an answer from

given number of options.

Test is:

S. No. Questions

1 What are the main parts of a computer?

2 Write a short paragraph on our national poet Allama Iqbal.

3 How sports are important for physical health? Write any five points.

4 Who is the current prime minister of Pakistan?

5 How can we draw a table of 5 rows and 3 columns in MS-Word?

6 How the use of computer and mobile save time?

7 Write any 5 sentences about our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

8 What is meant by UNO?

9 How can we improve our communication skills?

10 What are the advantages of using internet?

11 What does the red traffic light means?

12 How can we help others?

13 What are input and output devices?

14 Write a short essay on politics.

15 What are the causes of global warming?

16 Why we need to conserve our earth?

17 What is meant by gravity?

18 Write any five examples of addition reactions in our daily life.

19 Draw and label animal and plant cell.

20 Write names of planets of our solar system.

9. What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and analysis as

appendix) (10 marks)


The purpose of this form is to allow you to give your opinion to the researcher about the

effect group activities on promoting children‟s mutual cooperation. You are encouraged to

answer each item as to the extent that group activities have the following effects on

promoting children‟s mutual cooperation.

The researcher conducted an interview just after the written test to get students‟ data. The

results are shown below in the table. Total students in this test were 36.

S. No. Questions Opinions No of students Percentage

Yes 06 16.66%
1 Did you work in a group in class? No 28 77.77%
Some times 02 05.55%
Yes 10 27.77%
2 Do you lead a class group? No 20 55.55%
Some times 06 16.66%
Yes 04 11.11%
3 Is a class group beneficial? No 30 83.33%
Some times 02 05.55%
Yes 04 11.11%
Mutual cooperation enhances
4 No 30 83.33%
Some times 02 05.55%
Yes 06 16.66%
5 Do you ever study in group? No 30 83.33%
Some times 00 00.00%
Yes 05 13.88%
6 Group activities are useful? No 28 77.77%
Some times 03 08.33%
Yes 06 16.66%
7 Group activities improve learning? No 30 83.33%
Some times 00 00.00%
Yes 06 16.66%
Collaboration in students enhances
8 No 30 83.33%
mutual cooperation?
Some times 00 00.00%
Do you present any topic in the class Yes 10 27.77%
as group work? No 26 72.22%
Some times 00 00.00%
Yes 06 16.66%
Your learning is affected by
10 No 28 77.77%
collaborative tasks?
Some times 02 05.55%
Yes 04 11.11%
Is computer helpful in your group
11 No 29 80.55%
Some times 03 08.33%
Yes 03 08.33%
Do you play computer games or
12 No 32 88.88%
online games in a group?
Some times 01 02.77%
Yes 02 05.55%
Are you talking with your relatives in
13 No 33 91.66%
foreign using computer or mobile?
Some times 01 02.77%

There were 36 students who gave their opinion about the acquired questions in the interview.

It showed that on average about 6.00% of the total students have worked in group in

classrooms and hence respond. Upon observing the tests of these students the researcher

found that these students got high grades in their written tests and that was the main reason

behind their success. These students who are taking participation in group activities and

hence it has a positive effect on their mutual cooperation.

The researcher further found that about 94% of the total students were not participating in

group activities. These students secure low grades in their written test and the main reason

behind their low scores was the lack of participation in group activities which has a negative

impact on the students learning and mutual cooperation. If these students were involved in

the group activities, they might show better results in their evaluation.


From the above discussion it is clear that effective participation in group tasks play an

important role in the teaching learning process. Furthermore group activities are a platform

which provide anywhere, anytime and easy access for up gradation of knowledge and skills.
And this is possible only if the students take part in the group activities effectively which will

improve mutual cooperation among the students.

10. Summary of the Project (05 marks)

(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and findings)

The research about the topic “To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class

5 through group activities” was conducted in Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter

Muzaffarabad to promote the children‟s skills regarding participation in group activities on

promoting their mutual cooperation. The students were given certain lectures and learning

sessions and aware them of the importance of group activities in their learning process.

The project is conducted at Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad, taking into

account the students of class 5th. The researcher did observation of the students of grade 5th.

Then the researcher arranged a questioner and distributed among students of grade 5th at Pine

Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad to answer all the questions of the written

test. The students attempted the test. The researcher concluded after the interview that those

students who were taking participation in group activities have skills like mutual cooperation

they shows high grades in their test, behave positively and have a positive effect on their

learning, while those students who were not participating in group activities shows

unsatisfactory results.

Objective of this research are:

"To enhance the mutual cooperation among the student of class 5th through group activities"

Research Question:

This study aims to make an action plan for “How to enhance the mutual cooperation among

the student of class 5th through group activities?

Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of group activities on skills like mutual cooperation of the students of

Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad?

Data Collection:

To answer the research questions a written test was conducted to collect the data needed to

provide the information insight necessary. According to the requirements and relevancy of

research being conducted in this technique a number of questions were designed. To attain

the study objectives the written test was prepared. The test was distributed amongst the

students of Grade 5th of Pine Hills Public School Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad. All the

students attempted the said test. The tests were collected from the students. After that the

researcher collected the required data from the test and organized that data in the form of a



The researcher found that those students who were taking part in group activities were

efficient, having skills of mutual cooperation and better in learning than those who were not


Most of the students lack the skills of mutual cooperation and were weak in their studies.

They didn‟t respond positively in the test and securing low marks. The have low skills of

mutual cooperation due to the lack of collaborative grouping.

The researcher further found that active participation in group activities have a positive effect

on children‟s mutual cooperation skills, many children‟s can take help of the other group

member to prepare their assignments and related subject homework.

11. How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (self-reflection) (10


The researcher is feeling very satisfied and glad after his research. It was quite interesting and

conflict management experience. The researcher is confident after his research. The

researcher is able to do all sorts of such tasks. The researcher is feeling himself as confident

and glad person. The researcher learnt a lot of new things which he never learnt in his

previous life. These all things increased his teaching skills. This practice also improved

writing and speaking skills of the researcher too.

This project was the first practice in which the researcher visits the Pine Hills Public School

Lower Chatter Muzaffarabad and meets the students, teachers and also some of the parents.

This was a great practice for the researcher in which the researcher learnt many things i.e. the

difference between the students of city and village. The researcher concluded that the people

of Muzaffarabad don‟t have any focus on mobile and computer education and especially on

female education. The researcher is very happy to find out that the people of Muzaffarabad

were very religious and hospitable. They send their children to Madrassas on daily base.

The researcher also learnt how to improve ICT skills. The researcher has improved his ICT

skills. Overall it helped the researcher to develop new ICT skills and new ways of teaching

skills. So the researcher is glad to say that it was unforgettable experience of his life. First of

all most of us have number of uncomfortable emotions, but unknowingly when we do this

research we can also end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace, happiness, and

pleasure. We can‟t fully have one without the other.

The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do

something about it. Awareness alone won‟t help us stop using conflict management.

Awareness after the fact is what I‟m talking about here. Starting anything new and trying to
create a habit out of it takes work and time. This is one of the reasons the researcher love

researching and attending classes as it‟s basically a scheduled time in the day, where the

researcher have no other distractions, to just be in his routine and notice how the researcher

was feeling. That being said the researcher rarely make it to a class once a week these days,

so the researcher do have to find simple and quick ways to connect.

Teachers „own experience with using the tool as learners of improving computer and mobile

skills among grade 5th students is also positive, one third of the teachers experienced using

the tool during their studies and they found it beneficial. Many of the teachers had not

experienced it during their studies, but they would have liked to. The majority of the teachers

also write creatively themselves (even though only irregularly and from time to time) which

is positive.
12. What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)

It added a lot of new skills in the researcher‟s teaching .It improved his ICT skills and way of

teaching. All these things increased his learning. This practice also improved his self-

awareness and self-efficacy too. The researcher also learnt how to learn effectively and


The researcher has learnt how to deal in society; the researcher become confident after this

practice. Now the researcher can speak at any forum.

Professional Development:

This research project improved the professional development skill of the research.

Professional development is the very important factor for improving teacher‟ classroom

practices. If the teachers attended effective teacher education program, they would implement

their teaching learning process effectively. The quality of education depends on the quality

of teachers, and the quality of teacher depends on the quality of teacher education program.

Therefore, teacher education program or teacher professional development program should

be considered as the main factors for improving the quality of education in every country.

Training and development can be thought of as processes designed to enhance the

professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn, improve

the learning of students. Training is an important part of teacher preparation programs,

especially for those aspects of teaching that are more skill-like in their conception, but there

are many other important aspects of teaching that can only be nurtured through reflective

strategies and experiences (Rahman, et al, 2011). Training teachers is more likely to lead to

diversity in practice at all levels of instruction. According to Asu (2004, cited in Rahman, et

al, 2011) there are several outcome areas that are potentially affected by teacher training

program. These include:

(i) Teacher knowledge,

(ii) Teacher attitudes and beliefs,

(iii) Teaching practice,

(iv) School-level practice,

(v) Student achievement.

In order to use these instructional strategies in the classroom effectively and efficiently,

the teacher should complete the professional training and continuous professional training

such as the teacher training and induction program. And also, it was found that the teachers

with effective training and sound pedagogical background were more successful in their

teaching profession.

Therefore, professional training process and professional development process is one of

the important factors in the teachers‟ use of classroom practices. If the teachers have sound

professional background and professional knowledge, they can effectively use the various

instructional practices in the classroom. In many research, it can be found that there was the

relationship between the teachers‟ pedagogical practice and their professional development.


This research project also develops patience quality of the researcher. The most important

quality that a teacher should have is patience. A great teacher is very patient with their

students and their parents to deal with the same questions and problems over and over again.

You never give up on your students and would try out new ways to help them succeed in


A patient teacher will also have the willingness to adapt to different classroom

situations. Students vary from class to class. Some may be attentive, while others, trouble-

makers. Others aren‟t disruptive, only because they may be busy texting their friends while
sitting in the back of the classroom. Different learning strategies may have to be employed,

depending on the students in each class. Some students excel in role-playing, while others

prefer to quietly write notes and listen. A good teacher knows how to engage students in the

learning process.

If these characteristics are lacking, a teacher cannot be an effective educator. Patience

may be the most important characteristic of all. It is most important for teachers of subjects in

science and mathematics. Some students can comprehend this subject material with minimal

effort, while others may require more extensive explanations that may have to be repeated a

number of times. As a college professor, the researcher has had more students express anxiety

over having to take basic college algebra over any other subject. When questioned about the

reasons for this anxiety, the overwhelming response was that their high school math teachers

were terrible. Their main critique of math teachers was their inability to explain solutions to

math problems in a clear and concise manner. When these students would continue to state

their lack of understanding, the teachers would lose their patience, and simply tell them to go

home and practice more problems. When some students requested extra help, their teachers

informed them they were unavailable for tutoring after class.

Communication skills:

This research project improves the communication skills of the researcher‟s a lot.

Communication skills involve listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. For

effective teaching a teacher need to be highly skilled in all these areas. Teacher with good

communication always make the things easier and understandable. No teacher will succeed if

they don't have good communication skills. Clear, concise, and to the point - the better your

communication skills are, the easier your lessons will be. There are many different types of

classes available to help some teachers who need help improving their skills.
Good communication skills of teacher are the basic need of academics success of students,

and professional success of life. Teacher communicates more instructions orally in classroom

to students. Teacher with poor communication skills may cause failure of students to learn

and promote their academics. Student need to understand that what is right, and what is

wrong while it totally depend upon the communication skills of teachers which he adopt in

class-room (Sherwyn P. Morreale, Michael M. Osborn Judy c. Pearson, 2000). Good

communications minimize the potential of unkind feeling during the process of teaching. For

learning the learner must be attentive toward their teacher during the lecture. Loss (2000),

recommended that teacher communicate in clear and understandable manner.


This research project adds a lot to adaptability skills of the researcher. As different kids learn

in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good teacher know how to

adapt their lesson plan according to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This

trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it time.


Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than

using your imagination to create new and motivation ways for your students to learn. You

may be inspired by the work of another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial – it doesn't

matter. All that matters is that you take the initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn

the material.


Working in a team, this project improves team-work abilities of the researcher. In team-work

the researcher exchanged ideas with different people of the area and it improves his creativity

and communication skills as well. Teams are often helpful in tackling complex and important
problems. They often produce better work because they take on more ambitious projects,

bring complementary knowledge and apply diverse research methods, creating an effective

and productive research team requires thought and planning. Teamwork helps solve

problems. Collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming is a

good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing


Constant Learning

Going through this research project the researcher constantly learn new ideas, thinking,

knowledge, skills and tools. Learning is essential to our existence. Just like food nourishes

our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our minds. On a professional level,

continuous learning is about further expanding our skill-set in response to a changing

environment and new developments.


Teachers need to always remember that, aside from Teachers, they are one of the most

consistent mentors in a child's life. That means setting a good example, at all times. Teachers

may also have students that they spend extra time with being a mentor, which means that

being a good role model is even more important.


This research project improves leadership skill of the researcher. One of the other most

important skills each teacher must have (besides patience) is leadership. Your students need

someone to guide them, to be in charge, and set the tone of the class. Leadership is a difficult

skill, meaning you may want to get outside help if you feel that you could use more work on

this particular skill, or any other for that matter.

13. List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition). (05


1) Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2012). Connecting professional learning: Leading effective
collaborative enquiry across teaching school alliances. London: UK: National
College for School Leadership.

2) Lassonde, C., & Israel, S. (2010). Teacher collaboration for professional learning
facilitating study, reserach and inquiry communities. San Francisco,
CA: Wiley & Son Inc.

3) Atkins, S.G. (1993). Cooperative testing in secondary school sciences Research

Report, University of Waikato

4) Brown, D.F., & Thomson, C. (2000). Cooperative learning in New Zealand schools.
Palmerston North, N.Z. Dunmore Press

5) Cohen, E. G. (1984). Talking and working together: Status, intereaction and learning.
In P. L. Peterson, L. C. Wilkinson, & M. Halinan (Eds.), The social context of
instruction: Group organization and group processes. (pp. 171-187). New
York: Academic Press.

6) Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R. (1987). Learning together and alone. Co-operative,
competitive, and individualistic learning (3rd ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

7) Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R. (1989). Cooperation and competition: Theory and
research. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.
8) Kagan, S. (1994). Cooperative learning resources for teachers. San Juan Capistrano,
CA: Resources for Teachers.

9) Kroll, D.L., Masinglia, J.O., & Mau, S. (1992). Cooperative problem solving: But
what about grading? Arithmetic Teacher, 39(6), 17-23.

10) Okebukola, P. A. (1986). Cooperative learning and students‟ attitudes to laboratory

work. School Science and Mathematics, 86, 582-590.

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