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Name: Jose Tiburcio 12A

Arguing Both Sides

Directions: Create three main points for each side of the following arguments.

1. Should sexual education be taught in school?

Sexual education should get taught Sexual education should not get
in school taught in school

1. Teens need to know safer options. 1. Sex education unnecesarily

teaches an inhate behavior.

2. Parents rather schools teach sexual

education than they. 2.When parents talk with their children
about sex, they can make sure that
they are getting the right information.
Something that school cannot

3. Sexual education should be teach by 3. School isn't supposed to violate the

a professional virgin minds of its young students.

2. Should we create genderless bathrooms?

Bathrooms should be genderless Bathrooms should not be


1. People who don't identify themself 1. People will feel more comfortable
as boys or girls are getting targeted. sharing a place chosen based on their

2.It's natural and common for men and

women to go to the bathroom, they 2. Rise in sexual assault
should be able to have a common
place to poop.

3. religious grounds.

3. It promotes diversity and inclusion

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