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Wish A Dragon

Wish Dragon is a 2021 Chinese American computer-animated fantasy comedy film
produced by Sony Pictures Animation and distributed by Netflix. It was directed by Chris Appel
hans with Aron Warner, Chris Bremble and Jackie Chan release of the film serving as producers.
The story is a "genie-in-a-bottle" retelling set-in contemporary China and is based on an original
story by Chris Appelhans, who also directs the film

Comedy Film, Animated Cartoon, Fantasy and Love Story


Jimmy Wong as Din Song, a college student

with big dreams
Long (John Cho) as Long, a dragon capable of granting wishes.

Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Li Na Wang, a famous celebrity and childhood best friend of Din

Constance Wu as Mrs. Song, a mother of Din who has a dumpling business

Will Yun Lee as Mr. Wang, a businessman and the father of Lina

Aaron Yoo as Pockets, assistance of Mr. Wong

Jimmy Yang as Short Goon, companion of Pockets

Bobbly Lee as Tall Goon, companion of Pockets

The scene that I like best is when Din decides to

wants to be rich as well, but before the wish dragon grants
his wish, he shows a location where he lives and begins to
tell the story of his life. Wish dragon lives in a world of gold
and power; he died and went to the spirit world, but
instead of allowing him to enter, the god transformed him
into a Wish dragon as a punishment, not a reward. He lived
in a teapot while serving ten masters and discovering the
true meaning of life. Wish dragon said, "All of these years,
after all the masters I had been failing... Until I met you, I
don't know the meaning of life but the things you care
about, your friends, your family, are worth more than anything I ever possessed, and no
amount of gold can buy that" After that Dragon returned Din to the real world after that wish
because he wanted Din to be certain of what he wished for. Din changed his mind because he
knew in his heart that he didn't need the gold. His dying wish was to see Mr. Wang, the father
of his friend Lina. Dragon turned to gold and his spirit entered the great gate because his time
as a wish dragon is over, but he wishes to return to earth because his friend Din is said to
require him.
However, God has one requirement. And in the end, Wish Dragon and Din met again,
and Din was surprised because he thought he was gone, but Wish Dragon told him everything
that happened because he needed to return for Din, he accepted the replacement before, and
he will serve again because he is one of the ten masters. That is also my favorite scene because
Wish Dragon discovered the meaning of life by sacrificing for his friend.

My most disliked scene was when Mr. Wang's assistant was the teapot and he kicked
Mr. Wang to death. Because he wanted to get the teapot, he immediately asked for his hand to
be gold and everything he touched to be gold. This is an example of bad human behavior that is
willing to exchange life for its own happiness and needs. I disliked that scene because it
reminded me of so many people. I disliked the scene, but I recognize that it is necessary to
demonstrate that evil will not succeed. Today, many people kill and steal in order to provide for
their families' needs.

Teen Din is longing to reconnect with his childhood best friend when he meets a wish-granting
dragon that leads him on an adventure a thousand years in the making.

Wish Dragon was originally scheduled to be released on July 26, 2019, but at the Annecy
International Animated Film Festival it was confirmed that it was delayed to 2020.

This Film was set in the China a modern-day Shanghai

Din is a working-class college student who
dreams to reunite with his childhood friend Li Na,
who moved years ago from his neighborhood with
her father, Mr. Wang, and now lives a lavish life.
One day, he is given a teapot by an elderly man;
from it emerges a dragon named Long, whose job
as a wish dragon is to grant three wishes to
whoever holds the teapot. Long also reveals that
every wish dragon must serve ten masters in order
to enter the Spirit world, and that Din is his 10th master. Din is then subsequently chased off by
a trio of goons, led by a man named Pockets, who were sent by Mr. Wang to recover the teapot
in hopes of saving his failing business. Din uses his first wish to fight the goons and escape.

The next day, Din and Long make it to Li Na's birthday party, and Din wishes to
temporarily appear as a wealthy princeling, hoping Li Na will notice him and rekindle their
friendship, much to Long's disappointment of Din's shortsightedness. Li Na is disappointed
when she realizes her father will not come to her party. Din, keeping up with his wealthy cover-
up, comforts her and are asked by Mr. Wang (through a video call) to share a meal together.
Long warns Din that Li Na would leave him as soon as she finds out his identity because of their
different economic statuses.

At the date, Din asks Long for advice on how to act accordingly to his new status but
ends up upsetting Li Na in the process. They end up in Din's neighborhood after the goons
intercept them again. Din reveals himself to Li Na and they spend the rest of the day in the
neighborhood, reliving their childhood pastimes. However, Li Na retreats claiming that she has
responsibilities and expectations she needs to meet, hurting Din. Later that night, Din angrily
asks Long to make him truly rich this time in a last-ditch effort to be respected. Long reveals to
Din that in life he was a wealthy and powerful lord whose reign ended in loneliness and tragedy
and was punished to become a wishing dragon. He also reveals that his time as a wishing
dragon was meant to serve as a means to understand the meaning of life and has failed to
accomplish that with all of his previous masters before he met Din.

After tracking down Din, Pockets betrays Mr. Wang by

taking the teapot for himself and commands the wish
dragon to give him a left hand of living gold that turns
everything it touches to gold. He then kicks Mr. Wang off of
some scaffolding, mortally wounding him in front of Li Na.
Din chases the goons, and eventually ends up fighting
Pockets on Long's back while flying in the sky. Pockets corners Din and prepares to hit him with
his golden hand, but Long puts himself in the way, causing him to turn to gold. Din unleashes a
savage kick to Pockets which causes him to touch himself and also turn into a gold statue.
Long's golden form plummets from the sky into the river below and Pockets shatters to pieces
against a bridge as he falls. Din unfortunately is unable to stop Long's statue from sinking to the
bottom of a river.

Long finds his human self at the entrance to the Spirit world. Despite being tempted to
go through the gates, he pleads with the guardian of the gate to return to Din because he has
not used his third wish. The guardian agrees on one condition, and Din uses his last wish to
bring Mr. Wang back to life, and long disappears.

Sometime later, Mr. Wang starts a restaurant with Din's mother. Din, now working at
the restaurant, finds a teapot like the one Long resided in and releases him. Long tells Din that
the condition for his return to Earth was to stay and serve ten more masters. Din places the
teapot on a carriage driven by an elderly man, who is actually the guardian of the gate to the
Spirit world.


The story's message was that friendship, human connection, and selfless service to
others, rather than fame or great wealth, give true meaning to life. On the other hand, it
demonstrates that the love of family and friendship is more important than money or anything
else, wealth and power, or a golden chamber pot, a place entirely made of jade. Because it will
not solve any problems in the world.

This movie isn't just for kids; it's for everyone. Let's learn to listen to our parents, like
Din's mother Mrs. Let him focus on his schoolwork, study hard, go to school, and complete
assignments. In terms of his future.
Be true regardless of who you are, being wealthy is not only about having a good life,
but it is also not a reason for people to respect you. Remember that whether rich or poor, as
long as the entire family is together and loves each other, it is one of the best wishes or gifts of

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