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Business unit- It involves the reconstitution of the in-house team into an independent company, to
expand its business by gaining contracts from other organizations.

Agency- It involves contracted employment of personnel through a manpower agency. Agencies provide
variable standards of selection expertise, personnel support and training, as well as customer support.

Managing contractor- It involves the appointment of a single entity to manage individual service

Managing budget - . It involves the appointment of a contractor who takes responsibility for the
payment of all suppliers and provides a consolidated invoice at the end of each month.

Total facility management- It involves a single organization in charge of providing services and

general management of the facility.

Employees- This group of people works for the company in exchange for remuneration or salary

Owners- This group of people owns the organization. They can be partners, shareholders, or sole

owners of the business entity.

Board of ditectors- This group of individuals governs the incorporated entity. They are elected by

the members of the corporation

Managers- These are the people who manage the entire department of a particular organization

Competitors- They are the rivals in the industry who compete with the organization for resources and
market share

Government- . It controls the organization through regulations and duties levied on the business, such
as payment of taxes.

Creditors- They can be an individual, bank, or financial institution who provides funds to the
organization in the form of a business loan.

Intermediaries- . They are the marketing channels that create a link between the company and
customers such as wholesalers, distributors, and retailers among others.

Suppliers- They provide inputs to the organization like raw materials, equipment, and office materials
among others.

Business objectives - The organization must align the delivery of its services based on its established
targets and goals.

Drivers and constraints- The organization must identify the factors which control or hinder the current
and likely future business of the organization

Risk of opportunities- The organization must identify, assess, and regulate the factors or events which
create a negative or positive impact on the delivery of services.
Sourcing policy- The organization must decide on the extent to which services are to be provided from
within the organization or procured from external service providers.

Maintenance menthod-

Rationale for maintenance planning-

Direction of insourcing advantage and disadvantage

Attribute of service provision-

Consideration of offshoring-

Operating units-



Maintenance strategy- A well-defined maintenance strategy will support the organization’s business
objectives, whereas a poorly defined strategy, could have significant adverse safety, legal, and
commercial consequences.

Maintenance method-

Shutdown maintenance- It is normally used for continuous production and requires a detailed plan for
all facility assets so that work can be carried out during a total shutdown.

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