GR 5

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All problems taken from the textbook:

Math: New Mexico Grade 5, Houghton Mifflin, 2007.


1. Henry had 8 rides more than Davey did. If Henry had 15 rides, how many rides did Davey have? Draw A
model to represent the problem and solve. (page 41, problem 17)

2. Two rides have a 5-mile per hour difference in top speed. The faster ride has a top speed of 21 miles per
hour. What is the top speed of the other ride? (page 41, problem 18)

3. Marni has $125. She spends $49 on pants and $58 on sandals. Does she have enough money to buy a $25
tee shirt? (page 81, problem 6)

Mixed Operations

4. Muriel has $26. She wants to buy 3 books for $7 each and 2 magazines for $3 each. Does she have enough
money? (page 61, problem 23)
5. Larry spent $25 on books and $32 on CDs. Then Sarah gave him $10. Larry now has $31. How much did
he have before he bought the books and CDs? (page 61, problem 21)

6. Joel works a total of 16 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He works twice as many hours on Saturday
as on Friday. Joel works 4 hours on Sunday. How many hours does Joel work on Saturday? (page 67,
problem 2)

7. Debbie saves $5 each week for n weeks from her babysitting money. If she spends $18 of her savings on
comic books and has $2 left, how many weeks did she save her money? (page 104, problem 35)

8. When Dr. Benjamin Rush signed the Declaration of Independence, he was half as old as his fellow delegate
George Taylor, who was seven years older than Samuel Adams at the time. If Samuel Adams was fifty­
three, how old was Dr. Rush? (page 116, problem 8)

9. The sports club members made refrigerator magnets for a fundraiser. On Monday they made 20 magnets, 2
more than on Sunday. On Sunday they made 4 fewer than on Saturday. On Saturday they made twice as
many as on Friday. How many did they make in all? (page 372, problem 13)

10. Hotair balloons can travel at speeds of up to 200 milh. At that rate, how many miles can a hot air balloon
travel in 7 hours? (page 70, problem 39)

11. A round-trip plane ticket from Raleigh to Chicago costs $300. How much would it cost a family of 4 to fly
round trip from Raleigh to Chicago? (page 73, problem 31)

12. Zida and Sarah are driving from New York to San Francisco. The trip is 2,934 miles. If they travel a
maximum of 385 miles per day, will they complete the trip in a week? (page 80, problem 1)

13. Five friends shared some comic books. Each friend got 8 comic books. How many did they share? (page
103, problem 6)


14. A company made 52,250 of one kind of marble in 5 days. Each day, it made the same number of marbles.
How many marbles are made each day? (page 97, problem 23)

15. Seven issues of a certain comic book cost $42. How much does one issue cost? (page 103, problem 5)
16. Savannah organizes her collection of 28 comic books in bags. If she puts the same number of books in each
of 7 bags, how many books are in each bag? Explain. (page 104, problem 33)


17. To stay healthy, about 1/5 of the foods that you eat should be vegetables, and about 2/5 should be grains.
What fraction of the foods that you eat should be vegetables and grains? (page 259, problem 20)

18. Anna mixed ~ cup peanuts with ~ cup almonds. How many cups of nuts did she have? (page 261, problem

19. Three fifths of Miss Kwon's and Mr. Taylor's students are boys. Miss Kwon's class has twice as many boys
as Mr. Taylor's class. If the classes have the same number of students, what part of each class is boys?
(page 271, problem 3)

20. Jorge worked 2~ hours on his exhibit for the science fair. Juan worked % hour more than Jorge. How long
did the boys work altogether? (page 278, problem 25)

21. The middle school has 135 students. Two thirds of them are girls. How many of the students are girls? (page
315, problem 24)
22. Tickets for the concert cost $5.00 at the door. Students could buy tickets in advance for % of the door price.
How much did advance tickets cost? (page 328, problem 2)

23. The string section is 3/5 of the school orchestra. Fifty students are in the orchestra. How many of them are
string players? (page 330, problem 24)


24. John's cost for a sweater is $21 after his discount of 0.7 off the original price. What was the original price?
(page 337, problem 32)

25. Shane walks 1.2 miles to school. Michael's home is 0.6 of the way between Shane's home and school. How
far has Shane walked when he reaches Michael's on the way to school? (page 342, problem 29)

26. Han must make some cookies for a bake sale. He will make 72 cookies. He thinks that this is 0.75 of the
total needed for the sale. If the bake sale needs 96 cookies, is Han correct? (page 347, problem 10)

27. Cameron speed walks 2 miles in 0.5 hour. At this pace, how far can he speed walk in 1 hour? (page 353,
problem 18)

28. Sal has a collection of stamps. He has 30 stamps in all. For every stamp from another country, Sal has two
from the United States. How many United States stamps does Sal have? (page 273, problem 4)

29. Nick draws 4 green and 5 red squares. Draw a group of 27 squares in which the ratio of green squares to red
squares is equivalent to the ratio shown in Nick's drawing. (page 494, problem 39)


30. A goalie blocked 95% of the shots during a soccer game. How many shots out of 20 did the goalie block?
Explain. (page 509, problem 22)

31. 20% of a number is 27. Find the number. (page 515, problem 29)

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