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Republic of the Philippines

Commission of Higher Education

Poblacion Zone 2, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur


CONTENT STANDARD; The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and
those of other countries.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD; The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant
socio-cultural issue.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES; Demonstrate the appropriate stage stance and behavior when
persuading others in a campaign speech EN10OL-IVc-3.8

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
• Familiarize with the ways on how to make a campaign speech.
• Demonstrate the stage stance and behavior when persuading others in a campaign speech.
• Express appreciation about the appropriate stage stance and behavior when persuading others
in a campaign speech.


TOPIC: Campaign Speech
MATERIALS: laptop, projector, DIY microphone
VALUES INTERGRATION: Self-confidence, Cooperation



1. Greetings
Good Morning, class! Good Morning, Ma'am!
How are you today We're good, ma'am
Oh! that's great!
2. Opening Prayer
Let's start this with our prayer.
(A teacher will call someone who will lead the
prayer). (Student will lead the prayer).
In the Name of the Father, of the Son, of
the Holy Spirit…Amen.

3. Checking of Attendance
Secretary of each group, can you
please check the attendance? Yes Ma'am!
And I will get it after the discussion.
4. Checking of Assignment
Last time I have given you an
assignment in which you will
distinguish the fact and beliefs. Yes Ma'am!
Please pass it to the leader of your
group and give it to me later.
Thank you.

5. Recall of the Previous Lesson

Before we proceed to our next lesson
kindly give us a short recap of what
we had discussed last meeting.
Anyone? Last meeting we discussed about the facts
and beliefs

Thank you for that answer.

So again how can you distinguish a
fact? Ma'am, it is an actual occurrence. It is a
piece of information that can be backed up
by evidence.
Very good.
Thank you for that.
What about the beliefs? Ma'am, in belief it just a state or habit of
mind, in which trust or confidence is
placed, in some person or thing

Very good.
Thank you

6. Motivation

So today class I'm going to give you an exciting

game. As you can see in the screen there's a
different color and each color represents
something. What you're going to do is to choose
and do the statement given in each box. I have
here a microphone and you will use it. To
finally do the game I will ask someone his
favorite number and we will count it through
your seating arrangement and I will call
someone who's in that chair.
Are you ready?
Yes, ma`am
If you are, then let's start.
(The teacher will ask a number to someone and
count according to the student seat).
Green (Students will pick a color)
Red Blue
Pink Green
Yellow Red
Statement inside the box: Yellow
1. If you will be a president what will you do to
minimize the cases of criminality?
2. You're running as a president of your school, (The students will answer the questions).
what will you do to encourage your schoolmate Statement inside the box:
to vote you? 1. If you will be a president what will you
3. If you will rule the world what will you do? do to minimize the cases of criminality?
4. If you will be a politician, what will be your 2. You're running as a president of your
best quality? school, what will you do to encourage your
5. If you will be a senator, what will be your schoolmate to vote you?
skills to be a politician? 3. If you will rule the world what will you
4. If you will be a politician, what will be
your best quality?
5. If you will be a senator, what will be
your skills to be a politician?

Thank you everyone.

7. Presentation of the Lesson Objectives

The activity that you did has something to do

with our topic, because today I will be
discussing about Appropriate stage stance
and behavior when delivering a campaign
speech. Here, is our objectives for today
please read it.
• Familiarize with the ways on how to make
a campaign speech. • Familiarize with the ways on how to
• Demonstrate the stage stance and behavior make a campaign speech.
when persuading others in a campaign • Demonstrate the stage stance and
speech. behavior when persuading others in a
• Express appreciation about the appropriate campaign speech.
stage stance and behavior when persuading • Express appreciation about the
others in a campaign speech. appropriate stage stance and behavior when
persuading others in a campaign speech.
Before we finally move on to our discussion
I will group you into two and each group will
guess if the statement is appropriate for stage
stance and behavior in delivering a speech.
You will put "appropriate" if it is and "not" if
you think that it's not appropriate. So, the
rules of this game is that you only have 2
mins to guess each of the statement.
• Start it with I am (your name), running for
• Stand or sit up straight with your weight (The students will answer).
unbalanced. *APPROPRIATE OR NOT"
• Make your point quickly • Start it with I am (your name), running
• Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble or for (position).
garble them. • Stand or sit up straight with your weight
• Use an unfamiliar word to look elegant. unbalanced.
• Don't avoid reading your presentation. • Make your point quickly
• Don't hold a pen or paper clip or anything • Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble
else while you're delivering a speech. or garble them.
• Turn on enough light. • Use an unfamiliar word to look elegant.
• Don't avoid reading your presentation.
• Don't hold a pen or paper clip or anything
else while you're delivering a speech.
• Turn on enough light.


Have you observed on our earlier activities

that you keep on saying good words just to
elect you if ever you will be a politician. For
today’s lesson, will introduce about
Appropriate stage stance and behavior when
persuading others in a campaign speech.
First what is campaign speech? Anyone?
What's your idea about it?
(The students will answer).
So, thank you.
(The teacher will flash the text in the screen
containing the meaning of campaign speech).

Please read it.

Campaign Speech- series of coordinated
activities, such as public speaking and
demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, Campaign Speech- series of coordinated
political, or commercial goal. activities, such as public speaking and
demonstrating, designed to achieve a
Meaning to say campaign speech is used to social, political, or commercial goal.
persuade other people to believe in.
Do you have an idea on how to make a
campaign speech? Yes ma'am
Of course, you are because you often heard a
politician every time there's an election. But
class it's not because you heard them saying
those words it means they are the appropriate

(The teacher will show the next slide).

This is the ways on how to make a campaign
Please read the number one. How to make a campaign speech?
1. Tailor your message to your audience in a 1. Tailor your message to your audience in
specific way. a specific way.

Here class, before you start writing, think about

the audience that you are addressing. Meaning
to say don't only talk to a classroom about a
general problem the school has instead talk to
the classroom about how that general problem
affects them and how you can change it.

What about the second one?

2. Outline your speech
2. Outline your speech
Why it important to make an outline? Ma'am, outlining will help construct and
organize ideas
Very good.
Outlining your thoughts first will help you stay
on track as you write a speech.

For number 3?
3. Make your point quickly 3. Make your point quickly

To make your point quickly what will you do? Make it clear and go directly to your point.
But you should open your campaign speech
with the theme. Just don't say;
"My name is Hana Mae Estrope, running for
president etc.
Instead, you should start your speech into
something that will catch the interest of your
Am I understood? (The students may answer yes or no).

For number 4?
4. Support your theme 4. Support your theme

Once you got the attention of your audience

don't let go. You want to have a good mix of
facts and actions. If you only talk facts.

For number 5?
5. Raise the stakes at the end.
This is considered as the conclusion, this is as 5. Raise the stakes at the end.
important as an introduction. It's a last chance
you have to leave an impressive, so make sure
they remember you by raising the stakes.

Next is speak slowly.

Why should we speak slowly while delivering a 6. Speak slowly.
speech? Ma'am so they can understand us.
Remember that your audience are listening to
the speech so be slowly for them to understand
Next that we're going to discuss is about the
appropriate behavior when you will deliver a
Read them:
1. Make a good set of notes you can follow at a
glance, and PRACTICE your presentation. 1. Make a good set of notes you can follow
at a glance, and PRACTICE your
Of course, for you to deliver your speech make presentation.
an outline for the clear presentation.
2. Dress for the occasion and tidy yourself up.
Do something about hair that tends to fall into 2. Dress for the occasion and tidy yourself
your face. Avoid wearing a hat or cap because it up. Do something about hair that tends to
can obscure your face. fall into your face. Avoid wearing a hat or
You need to be presentable so wear your best cap because it can obscure your face.
but appropriate for the occasion.
Am I understood? (The students will answer yes or no).
3. Make sure your notes and other materials are 3. Make sure your notes and other
in proper order before you begin. materials are in proper order before you
You need to do it to avoid distraction. begin.
Next is;
4. Stand or sit up straight with your weight
balanced. Avoid slumping, twisting or leaning
on the lectern, table, or computer console. Don't 4. Stand or sit up straight with your weight
stand in the light from the projector. balanced. Avoid slumping, twisting or
leaning on the lectern, table, or computer
In order for you class to get the attention of your console. Don't stand in the light from the
listener avoid doing things that will distract projector.
Another is?
5. Make eye contact before you start to speak,
as you normally do in beginning a conversation.
Don't start with “um” or “OK.” 5. Make eye contact before you start to
Another thing avoid using unnecessary words speak, as you normally do in beginning a
and movements. conversation. Don't start with “um” or
Next one is; “OK.”
6. Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble or
garble them. Speak with appropriate loudness 6. Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble
and speed. Consider audience, place and topic. or garble them. Speak with appropriate
Use gesture and movement naturally to describe loudness and speed. Consider audience,
things, underscore transitions and emphasize place and topic. Use gesture and movement
points. naturally to describe things, underscore
transitions and emphasize points.
With this you need to make everything clear so
it may not cause confusion and

Everything's clear? (Students may answer yes or no)

Do you have any questions? (Students may ask questions or not).

Again, in order for you to know how to make a

campaign speech remember the word STORMS.
S stand for Support your theme
T- Tailor your message
O- Outline your speech
R- Raise the stakes at end
M- Make your point quickly
S- Speak slowly

It seems that you understand our lesson.
Again, what is campaign speech?
Campaign Speech- series of coordinated
activities, such as public speaking and
demonstrating, designed to achieve a
social, political, or commercial goal.

Very good.
Why it important? (The students will answer).
How can you make people believe you Follow the appropriate stage stance and
during your speech? behavior.
Now, since you have an idea about our
lesson. Again, go to your respective groups
and we're going to have an activity. This is
my instructions:
You will make a campaign speech and
choose your representative to act it front.
Remember to consider the appropriate stage
stance and behavior when you're delivering
it. Every member of your group should have
a participation. I will give you 5 mins to
Am I understood?
Yes ma'am
1. A candidate running for president of the
2. A candidate running for senator.
3. A candidate running for president in a school (The students will prepare).


ORGANIZATION No apparent The presentation The presentation

organization. has a focus and is carefully
Evidence is not provides some organized and
used to support evidence that provides
assertions. supports convincing
conclusions. evidence to
(0-2) conclusions.


CONTENT The content is The content is The content is

inaccurate or generally complete and
overly general. accurate, but accurate. (10-13)
(0-2) incomplete.


STYLE The speaker The speaker is The speaker is

appears anxious generally relaxed relaxed and
& & uncomfortable, comfortable,
uncomfortable, presentation is a presentation is the
presentation is descent length, right length,
too short or and student own student
entire words are used for demonstrates
paragraphs are the summary. (3- ability to speak
read verbatim 6) extemporaneously
from the article. and make eye
(0-2) contact with other
members of the
class. (7-9)


(After 5 mins)
Present your works.
(The students will present).
You did great!

A. Draw a ♥️if the statement is appropriate and ⭐ if it's not. If your answer is not, underline the
word that make it wrong.

1. Stand in the light from the projector.

2. Speak with appropriate loudness and speed. Consider audience, place and topic.
3. Make few of genuine eye-to-eye contact with members of the audience.
4. Merely, read your presentation so you will not create any mistakes.
5. Arrange the environment to suit your presentation
6. Speak in a conversational style.
7. Ask questions to the audience.
8. Pull out your technical dictionary
9. Be presentable.
10. Start your speech with ‘thank you'.


Research the campaign speech of our former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
( and answer the following:

1. Is he have an appropriate stage stance and behavior when delivering a speech? How do you
say so?

2. On a 1/2 crosswise answer, why do we need to use appropriate prosodic features in delivering
lines in a one act play?



Student Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

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