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NO (1) 11 12 12 10


Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee:
HOLY HOLY HO…..L….Y! Merciful and might!
GOD in thy highest, blessed Majesty.
(2) HOLY HOLY HO…..L….Y! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Which wast, and art and ever more shall be.
(3) HOLY HOLY HO.. L…Y! Though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful Thy glory may not see
Only thou art Holy; there is none beside Thee
Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.
All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky, and
HOLY, HOLY, HO…LY..! Merciful and mighty!
Yea, let Thy son be blest eternally.

NO (2) 7 6 8 6 7 6 7 6 Ref; 6 6 8 6
(1) JEHOVAH the uncrea-ted-
Creator of good things.
From age to age, Thou art the same-
Thou made man out of the dust,
And gave him breath of life;
Thou made the earth for him, LORD
To dwell forever more.
All good things of the earth,
To the LORD belongeth;
He gives them to his faithful ones,
Who keep his word of truth.
(2) LORD as thou art so are we,
In Thy form and likeness;
But thou hath no blood, flesh, or bones.
And other differences;
Thou cov’rest Thyseif with light,
And walked upon the wind,
When Thou alone existed
No heav’n nor earth was made.
(3) All o’er Thy glorious body,
Shines brighter than the sun,
Thou sittest on Thy heav’nly throne,
With bright colours around,
As amber and sa’phire stone
Thy heav’nly throne doth shine;
More glorious than a-ny throne,
That motal man can make.
(4) When Thou thought of creating,
Thou created “Logos” first
Begotten One as Thy delight;
By whom good things were made,
Came to the earth as Christ Jesus,
To bring us back to thee,
As in Adam all would die,
E’en in Christ all shall lives.
NO (3) 676787


Is Thy name O’ LORD of host!
To Thee we come with thanks,
And Thy Holy name to praise,
We thank Thee LORD for using us
Thy name to proclaim abroad.
(2) All wisdom, all and pow’rs,
Unto Thee MOST HIGH belong
When we come to praise Thee,
What a blessing we have found;
And the faithful ones by Thy grace
Shall reap the good of the land.
(3) Thou art justice and love!
And all good things come from Thee,
By love, mercy and truth
Thou hast brought us to Thy light,
But when we had not come to Thee,
We were then without Thy light.
NO (4) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 9 9 10

(1) ALL glory to GOD be given,

For so good His great love divine;
Trusting He’s almighty to save,
Pledge thyseif always to His grace.
All glory be given to the LORD:
All glory be given to the LORD
With thankful praise, for His Love Divine.
(2) LORD, how valuable is Thy word,
Which in all what I do I need
By feeding on this precious word,
I will from sin and death be save.
(3) Healing water- Thy word O LORD,
Maketh hearts of the sinner clean
Who from their evil way return,
To seek Thy divine grace O LORD.
(4) I sought, and now I’ve found the truth
Of my Lord who loves me dearly
Now in my heart His precious words
Abound and make me love His ways.

NO (5) Part 1 55556565

(1) MARVELOUS and great,
O LORD are Thy works.
Glorious is Thy throne,
Perfect are Thy ways,
Thy saints all shall praise Thee,
All the world around
Confessing Thy goodness
And truth to mankind.
(2) marvelous and great,
I Thy love, O GOD,
Thy justice and love
To mankind bestowed
Many are Thy blessings,
Promised to mankind,
And those who love Thy ways,
Thy blessings enjoy.
(3) Heaven is Thy throne
Thy Earth Thy footstool;
Thy fullness thereof
Are all from Thee LORD
Thou dwell not in temples
Made with sinful hands;
But Thy Holy Temple
Is Thy ‘nointed ones.
(4) We honor Thy name,
And honor Thy ways.
We honor Thy word
And esteem Thy love
Thy wisdom and power
Thy justice and love
Declare Thy wondrous works
All the world around.

NO (5) Part II 11 3 3 11 3 3 Ref; 3 6 3 4 3 6 3 4

(1) MAR-VE-LOUS and great are Thy works O LORD GOD
Glo-ri-ous……… Thy throne…………..
Per-fect are Thy ways all Thy saints shall praise Thee
All the world………. World a-round…………
Con-fess-ing………… confessing Thy good-ness
And Thy truth…….. to all man-kind
Con-fess-ing…………. Confessing Thy good- ness
And Thy truth……….to all man-kind.
(2) mar-ve-lous and great is Thy love O Lord God
Thy just-ice ………and Thy love……..
To man-kind bes-tow’d man-y are Thy bless-ings,
Thou pro-mised………to man-kind………..
And those who……… And those who love Thy ways
Thy bless-ings…….they will enjoy
And those who ……… And those who love Thy ways
Thy bless-ing……….. they will enjoy.
(3) Hea-ven is Thy throne and the earth Thy foot-stool;
And the full……..ness there-of……….
Are all from thee Lord, Thou dwell not in tem-ples
Made by hands……….sin-ful hands………..
Thy tem-ple…….Thy ho-ly tem-ple Lord
Is Thy saint……..the ‘nointed ones
Thy tem-ple……….Thy Ho-ly tem-ple Lord
Is Thy saint ……….. Thy ‘nointed ones.
(4) We hon-or Thy name and hon-or Thy ways,
We es-teem Thy love, Thy wisdom and Thy pow’r
We’ll pro-claim………And de-clare all Thy works
Too the world……….the world a-round
We’ll pro-claim……… And de-clare all Thy works
Too the world…….. the world a round.

NO (6) 66664444
(1) JEHOVAH GOD of host-
We flee to Thy kingdom,
For truth and protection.
LORD, thine we are;
Now protect us
For thine we are
O GOD of host.
(2) Thy blessings and Thy peace
Thou giveth those who stay
In Thy court to obey
Thy true testmonies.
O thine we are,
To dwell with Thee
And to obey
LORD, in Thy court.
(3) A goodly hope we have,
LORD, in keep Thy truth.
And, as on Thee we build
Our hope, we’ll live by faith.
And faithful still
To do Thy will
For ever more,
For Thine we are
(4) Ye people of the LORD!
Now sing that, “Thine we are”
To our loving father
Jehovah blessed GOD
Sing “Thine we are”
And now rejoice
In KING of kings,
Sing, “Thine we are!”
NO (7) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 6 7 6 7


May the earth Thy glory fill;
Where we, the “Jonadabs” will dwell,
Trusting in Thy “word of life”
Guild us LORD by Thy word,
In this woeful sinful world:
Though godless ones abide.
Yet we triumph by Thy word.
(2) We worship Thee, O LORD of host;
Thou who save us from our foes;
And though away would roll the years,
O LORD, thou art same always.
(3) O LORD Thee alone we still serve,
Thro’ our savior Christ Jesus;
With joy we will renew our vows,
To serve Thee in Thy kingdom.

(4) May Thy light shine in all we do

And make it LORD glorious still
That we a light to all would be,
Calling all lost ones to Thee.

NO (8) 7777D
(1) FATHER, Thy children we are;
Feed us with Thy living bread;
For to Thee we leave our care;
Thou knowesth our daily need.
Thine we are Father of life!
Chosen ones of Thy kingdom;
Gracious LORD father of life
Bless us Father; Thine we are.

(2) May thou, with Thy guardian care,

Uphold our thoughts ever more
To think of Thee O Father,
To be Thine, and Thine for’er.
(3) Thy love to us is proven
By Christ whom Thou didst sent us
To call us to Thy kingdom:
Though of old we never knew.
(4) LORD, inspire, us in Thy court
To show forth Thy divine light;
That we thro’ our faithfulness,
May shine in Thy revealed truth.

NO (9) 8 8 8 6 Ref; 8 8 7 6

(1) GREAT is Jehovah GOD of host!

Whose ways and works are won-der- ful
Un-search-a-ble His great-ness is!
He’s the LORD im-mor-tal!
Sing! An-gles! Sing! Angles and men.
With cheer-ful with cheer-ful voi-ces.
His name, his name al-ways praise.
Singing in a-do-ra-tion.
(2) Great is Jehovah, KING of Kings
Who ruleth over all nations!
Before him bow with thankful hearts;
Extol the KING of Kings.
(3) Great is the LORD “ ANCIENT OF DAYS”!
None, O! none is like unto him
His bounteous mercies He gives us
Who bow and praise His name.
(4) Great is the Lord who cares for us
What else do we care for when He’s nigh?
E’ en let bleak winds of the foe rise,
God is our shield and peace!
(5) Great is JEHOVAH forever!
All power to him belong forever!
His blessings, wisdom and favour
Endureth forever!

(6) When to His services we attend,

May His spirit guide us all day
To lean His ways our paths to mend,
He is the saving way.
NO (10) (OUR LORD’S PRAYER) 8888

(1) OUR Father who art in heaven

May rev’rence be Thy holy name.
On earth now as Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done as in Heaven.
(2) Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespass,
As we forgive them that grieve us;
And leave us not in satan’s snares.
(3) Deliver us from sinful lusts,
That in Thy Kingdom we may dwell
Freed and protected by Thy will.
Ever observant of Thy laws.
NO (11) 7777D

(1) Eternal Excellency!

Yea, for Thy loving-kindness
Are we gathered here this day
To give true service to Thee,
LORD, as we’ve come before Thee,
Make our heart to love Thy truth,
And keep our feet in Thy court
To be obedient Christians.
(2) KING eternal bless-ed LORD!
Rain Thy mercies, LORD on us.
We assemble here this day
To give true service to Thee,
O! with faithful services,
We bear Thy light to the world;
That they may live in good hope
Of the bless-ed promised land.
(3) The wicked shall not be there;
But righteous once everywhere.
With triumphant songs of praise,
Shall the earth be fill with joy.
As governors shall we dwell
In Thy dominion by grace.
In faithfulness we shall live
On that bless-ed land of peace.
NO (12) 8583

(1) AH! When heart is hea-vy la-den,

Wea-ry and op-pressed,
“ come to me”, saith one, “ and coming,
Be at rest!”
(2) Is there di-a-dem, as mon-arch,
That is brow a-dorns?
“ Yes, a crown is ve-ry sure-ry,
But of thorns!”
(3) If Thou find him, if Thou follow,
What’s Thy portion here?
‘Many a sorrow, many are conflict
Many a tears.’
(4) If Thou still hold closely to him
What hast thou at last?
‘Sorrow vanquished, labour ended.
Jordan past.’
(5) If thou ask him to receive thee
Will he say thee nay?
Not till earth and not till heaven
Pass away.
NO (13) 8888

(1) All people that on earth do dwell,

Sing to Thy LORD with cheerful voice
Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell
Come ye before him and rejoice.
(2) O enter then his gate with praise
Approach with joy His court unto;
Praise, laud, and bless his name always;
For it is seemly so to do.
(3) For why? The LORD our GOD is good,
His mercy is forever such!
His truth at all time firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
NO (14) 8686

1. A little flock, so calls He Thee;

Who brought Thee with his blood;
A little flock disowned of men,
But owned and loved of God.
(2) A little flock, so calls He thee;
Church of the first-born hear!
Be not ashamed to own the name;
It is no name of fear.
(3) Not many rich or noble called,
Not many great or wise;
Those whom GOD makes his kings and priest
Are poor in human eyes.
(4) But the chief shepherd comes at length;
His feeble days are o’er
With glory crowned and strength
He rein for ever more.

NO (15) 8686
(1) BLESS-ED LORD, when all thy mercies
Comfort my weary heart!
My heart inclines to rest in peace,
Void of sorrows and pain.
(2) When inspired with the thought “I’m Thine”
What more could words express
Then godly utt’rance of Thy praise?
(3) Thy praise I‘ll sing from shore to shore
In all my sojourn here.
When Thy wondrous way I survey,
I bow awe and fear.
(4) Here we meet Thy wisdom to learn;
That we, Thy own might run
The race of life so as to win,
And again the precious prize.

NO (16) 8686

(1) GLORY and praises to our GOD

Who eternally reigns.

Wisdom and power, justice and love,

Within his throne abide.

(2) Words cannot of say my sweet thoughts

In God and His Kingdom,

How He called me His will to do,

Which relieves one from sin.

(3) What can a sinner like me bring

Or do to seek God’s grace?

It is by thorough repentance,

With faith and work in Christ.

(4) Remember me, O God for good

In this dark sinful world!

LORD in my daily task for bread

Feed me conveniently.

NO (17) 8888

(1) EXCERPT the LORD, buildeth the house

They that buildeth labour in vein.

Except the LORD amend our ways,

Our lives are desperate and woeful.

(2) Our GOD and KING ‘stablish our works,

Cleanse us from our infirmities.

Help us to serve Thee more and more,

Thy love to gain for ever more.

(3) Man by bread alone does not live,

But by the truth, the word of GOD-

The sure fountain of peace and life;

For all who seek Thy precious word.

(4) Most Holy and merciful GOD

Our gracious king and loving Saviour,

Renew our heart to love Thee more

So that by Thee we will proper.

NO (18) 8888

(1) FATHER from whom all blessing flow,

O bless Thy people here on earth,

Let Thy theocratic love abound,

LORD, with Thy people ever more.

(2) Father from whom all wisdom flow,

LORD, give here to each one of us,

Who dwell faithfully in the mount,

Declaring Thy gospel to all.

(3) GOD of wisdom, power, and justice,

May Thy love be in all we do;

And may Thy precepts be our lamp

To guide our steps to Thy kingdom.

NO (19) 64646664

(1) GIVE me understanding

O GOD our King.

Thy way I have chosen

To thread therein,

LORD, I love the precept.

I’ll observe it always,

In—cline my heart ‘nto Thee,

That I may live.

(2) Thy judgments have I laid

Before me LORD

Enlarge my heart O LORD

To keep Thy word

LOR D leave me not in shame;

Teach -- me Thy precious way,

In-- cline my heart to love

Thy glorious name.

(3) Teach me Thy way O LORD

Therein to tread,

For Thy judgments are good,

O gracious LORD!

Thy words are my delight

They—are my counselors

To—seek Thy righteousness

O GOD of grace!
NO (20) 8686

(1) GOD our father, we pledge to Thee

Our works and love of Thee;

As we have chosen of Thee,

Help us LORD, ne’er to stay.

(2) All we ac-qui-re by Thy name

O LORD in Thy kingdom,

May they everlastingly be

Undefiled heritage.

(3) Thy heritage we’ve got by Thee,

In earnest care may we

Use them for Thy glorious service;

With joy in Thee always.

(4) Teach us LORD to become good ones,

In Thy truth, in action;

That we may always bring forth fruit,

Meet for Salvation.

NO (21) 8686

(1) GOD moves in a mysterious way,

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm.

(2) Deep in unfathomable mines

Of never-failing skill,

He treasures up His bright designs,

And work His sov’reign will.

(3) Ye fearful ones fresh courage take;

The clouds ye so much dread

Are big with mercy, and shall break

In blessings on your head.

(4) Judge not Thy Lord, by feeble sense

But trust Him for His grace;

Behind a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face.

(5) His purposes will ripen fast,

Unfolding every hour;

The bud may have a bitter taste,

But sweet will be the flower.

(6) Blind unbelief is sure to err

And scan His work in vein

God is His own interpreter,

And He will make it plain.

NO (22) 777777

(1) GOD of mercy, God of grace.

Show the brightness of Thy face;
Shine on us, Jehovah, shine;
Fill Thy church, with light divine;
And Thy saving health extend
Unto earth’s remotest end.

(2) Let the people praise Thee, LORD;

Be by all that lives adored;

Let the nations shout and sing

Glory to Jehovah King;

At Thy feet their tribute pay

And Thy Holy will obey.

(3) Let Thy people praise Thee, LORD;

Earth shall then her fruits afford;

GOD through Christ His blessings give,

Man to GOD devoted live;

All below, and all above,

One in joy and light and love.

NO (23) 8888

(1) I know that my redeemer lives;

What joy the blest assurance gives!

He lives, he lives, who ones was dead;

He lives, my everlasting Head!

(2) He lives, to bless me with his love;

He lives, who bought me with his blood;

He lives, my hungry soul to feed;

He lives, my help in time of need.

(3) He lives, and grants me daily strength;

Through him I soon shall conquer death;

Then all his glories I’ll declare,

That all the world his life may share.

NO (24) 6686

(1) I love Thy will, O GOD!

Thy blessed, perfect will,

In which this once rebellious heart

Lies satisfied and still.

(2) I love Thy will, O GOD!

It is my joy, my rest;
It glorifies my common task,

It makes each trial blest.

(3) I love Thy will, O GOD!

The sunshine or rain,

Some day are bright with praise, and some

Sweet with accepted pain.

(4) I love Thy will, O LORD!

Oh hear my earnest plea,

That as Thy will is done in heaven,

It may be done in me.

NO (25) 8787

(1) JESUS, I my cross have taken,

All to leave and follow Thee;

Weak and poor, despised, forsaken,

Thou from hence my all shalt be,

Perish every fond ambition,

All I’ve sought, or hope, or known,

Yet, how rich is my condition!

GOD and Christ are still my own.

(2) Let the world despise and leave me,

They have left my saviour too,

Former friends are wont to leave me,

Thou art faithful thou art true,

And while thou shalt smile upon me,

GOD of wisdom, love and might,

Foes may hate, and friends may scorn me,

Show Thy face and all is bright.

(3) Man may trouble, and distress me,

This but drives me nearer Thee,

Life with trials hard may press me

Soon my rest with sweeter be,

Oh! ‘tis not in grief to harm me

While Thy love is left to me,

Oh! ‘twere not in joy to charm me,

Were that joy unmixed with thee.

(4) Go, then, earthly name and treasure;

Come reproach, and scorn and pain;

In thy service pain is pleasure,

With thy favour loss is gain.

I have call thee Abba, father;

I have set my on Thee;

Storms may howl and clouds may gather

All must work for good to me.

NO (26) 6686

(1) KEEP thou my way O LORD;

Myself I cannot hide;

Nor dare I trust my falt’ring steps

One moment from thy side.

(2) I cannot live aright,

Save as I’m close to Thee;

Many heart would fail without Thine aid;

Choose thou my way for me.

(3) For every joy of faith

And every high design-

For all of good my soul can know,

The glory, LORD, be Thine.

(4) Free grace my pardon seals,

Through the atoning blood;

Free grace the full assurance brings

Of peace with Thee, my GOD.

(5) O speak, and I will hear;

Command and I will obey;

My willing feet with joy shall haste

To run Thy righteous way.

NO (27) 7777

(1) Let us with a gladsome mind

Praise the LORD, for He is kind:


For his mercies aye en-dure.

E-ver faith-ful, e-ver sure.

(2) Let us blaze His name a-broad,

For of gods He is the GOD:

(3) All things living he doth feed;

His full hand supplies our need;

(4) He His remnant small doth bless

With robe of righteousness;

NO (28) 8686

(1) LIGHT of the world, shine on our souls;

Thy grace to us afford;

And while we meet to learn thy truth,

Be thou our teacher, Lord.

(2) At once thou didst thy work expound

To those who walked with thee,

So teach us, Lord to understand,

And its blessfulness see.

(3) Its richness, sweetness, power and depth

Its holiness discern;

Its joyful news of save grace

By blest experience learn.

(4) Help us each other to assist;

Thy spirit now impart;

Keep humble, but with love inspire,

To thee and thine, each heart.

(5) Thus may thy word be dearer still;

And study more each day;

And as it richly dwells within,

Thyself in it display

NO (29) 7778

(1) “Man of sorrows what name

For the son of GOD who came

Ruin-ed sinners to reclaim!

Hallelujah! What a saviour!

(2) Bearing shame and scoffing rude,

In my place condemned he stood;

Sealed my pardon with his blood

Hallelujah! What a saviour!

(3) Guilty, vile and helpless we,

Spotless Lame of GOD was he.

“Full atonement” can it be?

Hallelujah! What a saviour!

(4) Lifted up was he to die,

“It is finished” was his cry.

Now in heaven exalted high,

Hallelujah! What a saviour!

(5) Now he comes, our glorious King,

All his ransomed home to bring,

Then a new song this we we’ll sing;

Hallelujah! What a saviour!

NO (30) 6646664

(1) MY faith looks up to thee

Thou lamb of cal vary.

Saviour divine,

Now hear me while I pray;

Take all my guilt away;

O let me every day

Be wholly thine.

(2) May thy rich grace impart

Strength to my fainting heart,

My zeal inspire;

As thou had died for me,

O may my love to thee,

Pure, warm and changeless be-

A living fire.

(3) While life’s dark maze I tread,

And griefs around me spread

Be thou my guide;

Bide darkness turn to day;

Wipe sorrow’s tears away;

Nor let me ever stray

From thee aside.

NO (31) 8888

(1) GOD, to Thee I renew my vows

With an wavering faith in thee;

To do thy will with hope of life

Daily in thy tabernacles.

(2) GOD, I will keep Thy divine light

To guide my fault step to thee;

Lest I wander away from thee;

For peace have they who bear thy light.

(3) Rescue me, O gracious father

From the dreadful snare of satan;

Revive me GOD that I may live

To do thy will forever more.

(4) I pray thee, JAHOVAH, my strength;

Strengthen thy weak and thy faithless ones.

When duty calls may they arise

And render true noble service.

(5) Brethren arise and work with faith;

God’s work is meant for you and me.

And be Christians of service true,

For yonder bank awaits your crown.

NO (32) 6686

(1) “My times are in thy hands;”

My God, I wish them there;

My life, my friends, my soul I leave

Entirely to thy care.

(2) “My times are in thy hands;”

Whatever they may be;

Pleasing or painful, dark or bright,

As best seem to thee.

(3) “My times are in thy hands;”

Why should I doubt or fear?

My father’s hand will never cause

His child a needless tear.

NO (33) 7777

(1) OFT in danger oft in woe,

Onward, Christians onward go;

Fight the fight, maintain the strife

Strengthen ’d with the bread of life.

(2) Onward, Christian onward go;

Join the war and face the foe;

Will ye flee in danger’s hour?

Know ye not your Captain’s power?

(3) Let your drooping heart be glad;

March, in Christians amour clad;

Fight nor think, the battle long,

Victory shall be your song.

(4) Onward, then in battle move,

More than conquerors ye shall prove;

Though opposed by many a foe,

Christian solder Onward go.

NO (34) 878787

(1) PRAISE, my soul the king of heaven;

To his feet thy tribute bring;

Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,

Ever more his praises sing;

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Praise the everlasting king.

(2) Praise him for his grace and favour;

To our fathers in distress

Praise him still the same as ever,

Slow to chide, and swift to bless

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Glorious in his faithfulness.

(3) Father like he proves yet spare us,

Well our feeble frame he knows;

In his hand he gently bears us,

Rescue us from all our foes;

\ Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

How his plan, his wisdom shows.

NO (35) 7777

(1) TAKE my life and may it be,

Lord, acceptable to thee;

Take my hands, and let them move,

At the impulse of thy Love.

(2) Take my feet and let them be,

Swift for errands, Lord for thee

Take my voice and let it be,

Honor always to my King.

(3) Take my lips and let them be,

Moved with messages from thee;

Take my sliver and my gold;

Nothing Lord would I withhold.

(4) Take my moment and my days,

Let them flow in constant praise;

Take my intellect and use

Every power as thou shall choose

(5) Take my Love, my GOD, I pour,

At thy feet is treasure store;

Take myself I wish to be

Ever, only all for thee.

NO (36) 8686

(1) There is an eye that never sleeps

Beneath the wing of night;

There is an ear that never shuts

When sinks the beams of light.

(2) There is an arm that never tires

When human strength gives way;

There is love that never fails

When earthly loves decay.

(3) O weary souls with cares oppressed,

Trust in His loving might

Whose eye over all thy ways

Through all thy weary night;

(4) Whose ears is open to thy cry

Whose grace full and free;

Whose comfort is forever nigh,

Whatever thy sorrows be.

(5) Draw near to Him in prayer and praise;

Rely on His sure word;

Acknowledge Him in thy ways,

Thy faithful, loving Lord.

NO (37) 55556565
(1) THOUGH troubles assail
And danger affright;
Though friends should all fail
And foes all untie,
Yet one thing secures us,
Whatever be tide;
The promise assures us,
“The Lord will provide.”
(2) The birds, without barn
Or storehouse, are fed;
From them let us learn
To trust for our bread;
His saints what is fitting
Shall ne’er be denied
So long as ‘tis’ written,
“The Lord will provide.
(3) When satan appears
To stop our path
And fills us with fears
We’ll triumph by faith;
He cannot take from us,
Though of the hast tried,
The heart-cheering promise,
“The Lord will provide.”
(4) He tells us we’re weak
Our hope is in vain;
The good that we seek
We ‘ne’er shall obtain;
But when such suggestions
Our graces have tried
This answers all questions,
The Lord will provide.”
(5) No strength of our own,
Nor goodness we claim;
Our trust is all thrown;
On JESUS dear name;
In this, our strong tower,
For safety we hide;
The Lord is our power,
“The Lord will provide.;

NO (38) 8888

(1) WHERE two or three, with sweet accord.

Meet in thy name, O blessed Lord,
Meet to recount thine act of grace,
O how thy presence fills the place!
(2) There thou hast organized, Lord to be,
To bless the little comp-a-ny;
And while we offer prayer and praise,
(3) O fill our hearts with heavenly love,
And may we at its impulse move,
That at around may clearly see
That we have been, dear Lord, with thee.

NO (39) 656565D
(1) Who is on the Lord side?
Who with serve the King?
Who witness for him,
Kingdom tidings bring?
Who will shun the world’s side?
Face it as his foe?
Who is the Lord’s side?
Who will for him go?
By thy call to service,
By thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side;
Saviour, we are thine.
(2) Fierce may be the conflict,
Strong may be thy foe.
But the King Christ Jesus
None can ever throw;
Round His standard ranging,
Victory is secure,
For JEHOVAH’S power
Make the triumph sure
Joyful enlisting
By thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’ side;
(3) Chosen to be solders
In an alien land.
Chosen called and faithful
For our captain’s band,
In the service royal
Let us not grow cold;
Noble true and bold.
LORD JEHOVAH, keep us,
By thy grace divine
Always on the LORD’S side,
Father, always thine.

NO (40) 8686

(1) I hear the voice of Jesus say,

“Come unto me and rest;
Thy load of care thou may’st lay down
And be no more distressed
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary, and worn, and sad;
I found in him a resting –place,
And he hath made me glad,
(2) I hear the voice of Jesus say,
“Behold; I freely give
The living water; thirsty one,
Stoop down, and drink and live!
I came to Jesus and drank
Of life-given stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
And now I live in him.
(3) I hear the voice of Jesus say,
“I am this dark world’s light
Look unto me, thy moon shall rise
And all thy day be bright!”
I look and saw my star of hope,
My sun of righteousness,,
O soon ‘twill rise and fill the earth.

NO (41) 8686

(1) Teach me O LORD, good thoughts of Thee

Thy loving kindness too;
And may my heart remember Thee,
With understanding true.
(2) Teach me to understand Thy will
Thy blessings to enjoy;
For Thy Tabernacle love I,
To dwell and do Thy will.
(3) To be wise in Thy law teach me
And in Thy light guide me;
That I will have Thy glory true,
Ever shining in my life.
(4) In resistance from satan’s snares,
Thy truth my anchor is.
Teach me to keep Thy laws O LORD
To stray not from Thy word.

NO (42) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 8 8 8 8

(1) ALMIGHT FATHER, strong to save!

All we are hopeless without THEE.
Thy wisdom, power, justice and love
Oh Lord are freely owned from THEE.
Give us thy grace; give us Thy strength;
Gracious father Eternal one!
Give us Thy love; give us Thy truth,
In Thy kingdom to do Thy will.
(2) LORD, when our ways may slippery be
We will appeal for help from THEE;
As without THEE our hope is in vain,
Consider our supplication.
With one accord we’ve come to THEE.
Thy kingdom tidings of freedom
Brings happiness to oppressed souls.
(4) In all our changing scenes of life,
LORD, in Thy word of truth we hope;
For thou art our shepherd and hope
Thy freedom is indeed our need.

NO (43) 6 6 6 6 Ref; 8 8

(1) Arise, O LORD of hosts!

With saving arm arise!
When storms of life beset,
Disturbing all my ways.
Arise! Jehovah God arise!
And save me with Thy might hand!
(2) LORD of Gideon arise!
In Thee, I put my trust;
And in Thy name rejoice
With cheerful voices true.
(3) Shew Thy marvelous works
To people of the world
And let them now confess
“JEHOVAH is true GOD”.
(4) ALMIGHT GOD arise!
Send now prosperity,
LORD, Thy faithful ones,
Who love to keep Thy way.

NO (44) 8686

(1) GOD of mercy to humble ones,

Of nations of the earth!
Crown us with Thy victory and peace
Through all the changing scenes.
(2) With Thy blessed wisdom and power
We will silence Thy foes;
And they with their mouths will confess
That thou alone art GOD.

(2) LORD, we cannot do without Thee

In whatsoever we do;
And let us not be confounded
In all on earth we do.
(3) May we forever Thy own be called
“JEHOVAH’S freedomites”
Marching triumphantly in peace
Now to the promised Land.
NO (45) 6686

(1) CHOOSE Thou my way, O LORD

In Thy truth to remain.
By Thy mighty hand lead me LORD
To eternity shore.
(2) Guide Thou my steps, O LORD
That I may walk in Thee,
As not to stumble in the way,
Though a sinner I am.
(3) Guide Thou my thoughts, O LORD
From satan’s lures to flee,
That I may kwon of Thee my LORD,
For prize of life to gain.
(4) In trouble or distress,
I look for help from Thee
For Thou art my shield and Defense
My Tower and my Guard.
NO (46) 55556565

(1) GOD be Thou with us,

For in Thee we hope.
And in Thy kingdom,
LORD, we pray to stay
In all exhortations,
And Lo! In our prayers,
We pray Thee our Father,
O abide with us.
2. LORD, keep Thou ourselves
From going astray.
Help us understand,
O LORD, all Thy laws.
With good meditations
Far from worldly lusts,
We hope in Thy goodness,
O LORD GOD of hosts.
In Thee we rejoice.
Now send us thy light
With abounding grace.
We, trusting in Thy name,
No sorrow will have;
But joy of thy Blessings
Shall fill all our hearts.

NO (47) 8787

(1) GOD, be with us as we journey

Through this evil world of sin.
And may Thy will on earth be done
As it is in heaven done.
(2) May evil thoughts LORD, from us flee,
And make our hearts always pure.
In all we do may serve Thee
And Thy Holy name to praise.
(3) No refuse here on earth we have,
Beside Thee, ALMIGHT GOD.
Guard and guide us MOST HOLY LORD
Through the various scenes of life.

NO (48) 8787D

(1) GOD of mercy, GOD of justice,

Hear us when on Thee we call
May our supplications,
Reach Thy Heavenly throne O GOD
Hear us Father, hear us we pray;
We seek Thy in every hour
In Thy glorious Kingdom on earth,
Full of love and equity.
(2) We, as birds O then without nests,
Had once from Thee wandered far.
Oft in sorrow, oft in danger
When Thee we knew not O GOD.
In Thy Kingdom shelter us LORD,
For to Thee we have returned.
Gracious Father, GOD of mercy,
Bless all those who’ve know Thy way.

NO (49) 8888

(1) LORD, for Thy name’s sake leave me not;

Let not my foes prevail o’er me,
That I will not be a reproach
Amongst the nations to Thy name,
(2) For this cause, I do love Thy name
More than things bright and beautiful
Worldly glories and kingly states,
LORD, can’t be equaled with Thy Name.
(3) Never was known Thy powerful name;
Never was heard The Holy name,
When are we dwelt in satanic realm,
Amongst the foes the godless ones.

(4) LORD, thou art wonderful and great!

The Heavens, the moon, sun and stars;
The mountains, the seas, and the trees,
Shew forth Thy wonderful works of old
(5) I now have hope, by serving Thee,
And always will hail Thy great name
LORD, leave me not for Thy name’s sake,
That I’d not go astray from Thee.
NO (50) 8888

(1) LORD, in the calm and darkest night,

O! when sleep may us overtake,
May Thy presence around us shine,
That we awake with brighter light.
(2) LORD, may Thy holy angel guard
And deliver us from the foes,
Who love the night more than the day,
Seeking to rob and to destroy.
(3) May Thy word be our choicest light,
That when we sleep, we rest with hope
To wake with joy, to see thy light,
And face Thy service with delight.
NO (51) 8686

(1) MY LORD, from people of the world

Who have no hope in Thee;
From all their snares deliver me,
That I may live in Thee.
(2) Wash me with Thy water the truth,
JEHOVAH GOD, of truth;
And leave me not in temptations,
But from evils save me.
(3) MY LORD, guide my steps in thy “way”
That I may work aright
In Thy law a lamp to my feet,
In Thy kingdom “Thy way”.
(4) Thy presence is fullness of joy;
I’ll sing and praise Thy name,
I thank Thee, LORD, for keeping me
Still in Thy “way” this day.
NO (52) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 9 9 11

(1) LORD, whatever we’ll do great or small,

Whatever we’ll speak or think of Thee
May they all to Thy glory be,
And be well pleasing in Thy sight.
Whatever we do great and small with faith,
Whatever we do great and small with faith
Whatever we do, with faith be good in Thy sight.
(2) LORD, as we tread this woeful world,
Guide us Father to The Kingdom;
Lest we stumble without thine aid,
And fall to rise no more O LORD.

(3) LORD, not the love for carnal lusts,

Nor all satan’s pleasure with joy;
But faithfulness and love of Thee.
Will bring us nearer to Thy throne.
(4) FATHER, at each approaching day,
May the thoughts of Thy Bless-ed realm
Make strong our new-found thoughts of Thee,
In faithful works in love each day.
NO (53) 7777

(1) THINK of God’s wonderful acts,

How he doth His people save
From satan’s oppressive acts
Throughout changing scenes of life.
(2) Think of His bountiful love
Through Christ his be-lov-ed son.
Think of His kingdom on earth,
Full of grace and equity.
(3) Think of His infinite power
When various trials you meet;
Think of His wonders how great,
How he saves us from them all.
(4) Think of His wonderful peace.
He doth give His faithful ones;
Think of His mercy divine
His goodness never faileth.
NO (54) 8888D

(1) GOD is the Rock of his people;

Though snares of foes invade our ways,
And ere we call, His presence shines,
With a wonderful saving arm.
And ere we call, His presence shines
With a wonderful saving arm!
And ere we call, His presence shines,
When snares of foes invade our ways!
(2) To Him we give our lives and all,
His purpose to understand.
We learn of Him to do His will,
And be will Him on golden strand.
(3) Peaceful homes His promise affords,
And gives new life of joyous rest.
No more shall be known dreadful gates,
But everlasting life and peace.
NO (55) 8686

(1) GOD is our shield and confidence,

Through land, and sea, and sky.
Deliverance He to us affords,
That seek His grace divine.
(2) According to our hope in Him,
He crownest us with joy.
By marvelous art He protect,
Through dangers may affright.
(3) LORD, Thou art our refuge and strength,
A help in time of ill.
May all that love to do Thy will,
Trust in Thy lasting strength.
(4) Thou stilleth the storms of the foes,
By Thy wonderful acts.
Thou suffereth our feet not to slide,
By Thy mercy and power.
NO (56) 8787

(1) LORD, it is our choice to be Thine;

Whatever may befall us,
And when the hour of trial comes,
We will call on Thee for help.
(2) LORD, without Thee our hope is vain,
In Thy absence all is pain;
Thy presence is our joy and peace,
O in this world void of ease!
(3) Most Holy One, Thou art our GOD,
Who makes all our foes to flee;
At the trump of Thy Holy word,
With shameful faces they’ll fall.
(4) Now to the world Thy light is shown,
For the Salvation of man.
Through our Lord and King-Christ Jesus
Who’s now in spirit with us.
NO (57) 8888

(1) O LORD GOD, no hour is as sweat!

O Father no day is as bright!
Neither is night also as calm,
As when Thy words comfort my heart.
(2) From every sunrise till evening,
LORD, when my daily bread I seek.
Then Thy falling dew crownest me
With Thy never ceasing blessings.
(3) No words can tell the joy within
My heart when Thy presence brightens
My sojourning days amidst foes,
And filleth me with victory songs.
(4) LORD, when satanic lusts harass
My onward march to promised land,
Thy precious word will be my lamp.
Guide my steps with Thy mighty hand.

NO (58) (Drawn from psalm 125) 8 7 8 7 D

(1) THEY that always trust in the LORD,
Like mountain Zion shall be,
Which indeed cannot but removed,
But forever abideth.
As mountains’ round Jerusalem
So the LORD his flock surround
To protect them that trust in Him,
From henceforth for ever more.
(2) The rod of the wicked shan’t rest
On the lot of the righteous ones;
Lest the righteous will be tempted
To put their hands into sin
Do good, O LORD to those that seek
To do good, in Thy kingdom;
And to the upright ones in heart
Shew Thy loving-kindness true.
(3) LORD, as for such that turn aside
Unto their vain crooked ways,
Their lot shall be with the evil ones,
But on ‘Israel’ shall be peace,
LORD our “Captain of Salvation”
Jesus, blessed “prince and peace”
Lead us O our loving shepherd,
Lord, till the battle be won.

NO (59) (Drawn from psalm 23) 8 6 8 6

(1) GOD is my shepherd, I’ll not want;

Down He makes me to lie
In pasture green, He leadeth me
Beside the silent stream.
(2) Thou now restore my hope and life,
And make me now to thrive
Within the “City of Refuge”
On Thee my hope is built.
(3) And though through shades of death I tread,
No evil will I dread.
Thou art with me, Thy staff and rod
Shall comfort me, O LORD.
(4) Oh! In the presence of my foes,
A table thou prepare.
My head Thou will, Thy wisdom fill;
Thy blessings I will fill.
(5) Goodness and love shall follow me,
All the days of my life.
In God’s Tabernacle I‘ll be,
For ever more in Christ.

NO (60) Part 1 7 7 7 7 4

(1) ALMIGHT, Holy Father,

Full of bounteous gift of life!
Thee alone I’ll serve to live;
Guide me Lord in all my ways.
Blessed Father!
(2) To my feet, Thy word-a light,
Directing me LORD, aright
Thy precepts to keep and live,
Till this sinful world I leave
O what a light
(3) With the two edge-sword Thy word,
Go I boldly in Thy strength;
Trusting Thy power will save
Me from all wiles of the foe.
O precious word.
(4) When I hear with joy Thy name
Faithfully I run to Thee,
Casting my cares upon Thee,
Father, Thou carest for me.
O what a name.

NO (60) Part 11 7 7 7 7 4 7 8

(1) ALMIGHTY Holy Father.

Full of bounteous gift of life!
Thee alone I’ll serve to live,
Guide me LORD in all my ways.
Bless-ed Father!
Thee alone I’ll serve to live;
Guide me O LORD in all Thy ways.
(2) To my feet, Thy word-a light
Directing me LORD, aright
Thy precepts to keep and live,
Till this sinful world I leave
O what a name!
Thy precepts to keep and live,
Until I leave this sinful world.
(3) With Thy two edged sword Thy word
Go boldly in Thy strength
Trusting that Thy power to save
Me from all wiles of the foe.
O precious word.
Trusting that power will save
Me, LORD from all wiles of the foe.
(4) when I hear with joy Thy name
Faithful I run to Thee,
Casting my cares upon Thee,
Father, Thou carest for me.
O what name!
Casting my cares upon Thee
Father, LORD Thou carest for me.

NO (61) 8888

FATHER of wisdom, gracious GOD,

Accept our thanksgiving this day,
Not worldly thanks of faithless way,
But faithful thanks to Thee my LORD.
(2) For our hope in truth we thank Thee
Whose favour and love crown our needs
Our faith works and love of Thee,
Are done Thy blessings to enjoy.
(3) Ourselves we commit in Thy care;
Our thoughts are all to know of Thee,
O! may we ever thank Thee more
For Thy goodness; to Thee we flee.
(4) LORD, we come with thanks Thee to praise;
For so great thy loving-kindness
Father of wisdom might and grace
Thou art our ROCK, and hope and peace.

NO (62) 8686

(1) FOR each perfect gift from above,

So freely given us;
We gather with thanks for Thy love
Unto us Lord of lords.
(2) By faithful deeds and sincere words,
We bring our thanks with praise;
In Thy Tabernacle good Lord,
Crown us always with peace.
(3) Jesus, abroad Thy praise shall be,
For men Thy light to see
In all we do, may we praise Thee,
And from sins always flee.
(4) The purpose of GOD is unveiled
In His Tabernacle;
His bless-edness His saints revealed,
Who didst obey His call.

NO (63) 11 11 11 11 Ref. 6 6 6 6 11 11

(1) TO GOD be the glory, great thinks He hath done,

So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yield His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life gate that all may go in.
Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD,
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory, great thinks He hath done.

(2) O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,

To every believer the promise of GOD;
The vilest offender who truly believe,
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.
(3) Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done,
And greater our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
But pure, and higher, and greater will be
Our wonder, our triumph when Jesus we see.

NO (64) 67676666
(1) NOW thank we all our GOD
With heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things hath done,
In whom His world rejoices;
Who from our mother’s arms,
Hath bless-ed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours today.
(2) O may this bounteous GOD
Through all our life be rear us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us;
And keep us in His grace,
And guide us when perplexed,
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next.
(4) All praise and thanks to GOD
The Father now be given,
The Son, and him who reigns
With them in highest heaven,
Whom earth and heaven adore;
For thou it was, is now
And shall be evermore.

NO (65) 8884

(1) HERE in the mount of GOD we come,

Bringing our off’s rings and our vows
For JEHOVAH’S mercies on us.
Praise ye the LORD.
(2) New blessings always from our LORD,
Flow peacefully into our homes.
Now may we as his favoured ones
Praise ye the LORD.
(3) O come, O come ye favoured ones
Our King of glory to adore.
In exaltation of his name,
Praise ye the LORD.
(4) We unitedly him acclaim,
GOD that wrought wondrous things, not few:
And giveth those who trust in him,
His riches true.
NO 66 7676D

(1) PRAISE ye the LORD, O brethren,

And always bless His name
Sing of His wonderful acrts,
Which He hath wrought on us!
O worship Him, and thank Him,
And Him only adore
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour-
Tabernacle of GOD
(2) Bless-ed are we O brethren,
Who confess Him our own.
The goodness of His wisdom
Has brought us nearer Him,
O worship Him, and thank Him
For His loving-kindness:
And learn His truth and shun lies
That thou might live in Him.
(3) Now in this day of gladness,
Do, knit your hearts in love,
In GOD’s Kingdom always.
O worship Him, and thank Him,
Now fill His house with praise
And thanks, and in Him rejoice
For His Tabernacle.
NO (67) (Draw from 1 chron. 29:11-19) 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4

(1) LORD! Might is Thy hand!

To make great, it is Thine
And give strength to Thine own,
Who trusteth in Thy name.
Tis Thine O LORD
We give this day
So willingly
‘Tis Thine O LORD.

(2) In our meditation

To seek Thy Salvation,
We have this day given
These gifts to be thy own.
(3) LORD in sincerity,
We’ve offered willingly:
And now with joy we see
Thy people here this day.
(4) Our LORD! We know that thou
Triest the hearts of men,
Weather they seek Thine own
In uprightness to live.
(5) As pilgrim in thy sight,
May our hearts keep Thy law
Always to be a light
To guide us ever more.
NO (68) 64646664

(1) LORD, with a willing heart

We pay our vows,
O this day in Thy court
Most gracious LORD
Re-ceive us with Thine love
Oh! Our loving Father,
Keeping, and blessing us
With divine shower.

(2) LORD, with a willing heart

Thee, we will serve,
And praising Thee, with thanks
That we don’t swerve
From Thee to satan’s hold,
Oh! Feed us with Thy word,
That we may not depart
From Thee O LORD.
NO (69) 8686

(1) O GOD of Salem, gracious LORD,

Bless-ed one of Israel:
Thou in ages doth lead and guard
And feed Thy children well.
(2) Our lives and offerings we present
This day with all our heart
GOD of Salem we’ll never resent
To herald loud Thy acts.
(3) LORD, shew Thy light to all Thy race,
And may their troubles ceases;
And in Thy Kingdom by Thy grace,
We shall ever dwell in peace.
NO (70) 12 8 11 9 Ref. 6 9

(1) UNTO Thee we give thanks

In Thy Kingdom O GOD,
O Thou Most Holy and Reverend
Thou spoileth Thy snares
And the ways of the foes,
And make us free from the wiles of foes.
We give thanks and rejoice.
Unto Thee, we give thank and rejoice.
(2) Now, Thy gospel O LORD
Extends from shore to shore,
Rescuing the lost ones to Thee.
LORD may thy name be known
In the remotest part of earth.
(3) Teach us LORD, to become
Good ones of Thy Kingdom;
And bless us in Thy court below
Through Jesus our Saviour;
And we thank Thee, O LORD,
For keeping us safe throughout the years.
NO (71) 7777777

(1) We thank Thee, Father, our LORD,

For so great Thy love us
And Thy wondrous precious word,
Given us thy own by grace
For Thy precious truth we yearn
And Thy gracious peace we earn.
(2) We thank Thee for this we know
From strength to strength we ‘ll declare
Thy wondrous acts near and far,
Which to mankind Thou have shown ,
Though of old some had not known.
(3) Praise the LORD with one accord
With melodious songs of praise;
And with precious gifts and thanks,
His kingdom adorned with praise,
Ye people O thank the LORD
For so great His love to us.

NO (72) 6686D

(1) NOW thank we LORD, our GOD-

Cre-a-tor of man-king
Who dearly feeds His creatures dear,
And clothe them with his care.
Though our days be spent here.
In vale of death and woe;
Yet, trusting His loving care,
We‘ll reach the blissful shore.


Thine is the ruling rod,
We hope to live by faith in Thee
From Thee our blessing be
Thy blessed race to run
Through JESUS CHRIST Thy son
LORD, give us strength to do Thy will
Our hearts with wisdom fill.
(3) When with Christ we shall live
In Joy eternally.
The saints above the meek below-
O’ what a glorious day!
And what a paradise”
Shall heaven and earth be!
Then no where shall the foe found,
For righteous ones shall rule.
(4) Now Thank we LORD our GOD,
For His mercy on us,
In sending Jesus Christ our LORD
To ransom us from sin.
LORD, hear Thy children sing,
Marching to land of peace
For prize of life from Thee our KING
JEHOVAH GOD of peace.
NO (73) 8888

(1) THAT which our feeble hands have wrought,

Will to the throne of GOD be brought.
Now as our faithful thanks offerings,
For His mercies to us we sing.
(2) Render to GOD His praises due;
Give to Him our offerings, though few,
Knowing of truth it’s His to save
Us from satan’s perilous waves.
(3) O! When we hear His precious word,
We feel His gracious love divine
And love to do His will with joy,
Till satan’s fold He doth destroy.
(4) GOD, who in His likeness made us,
Will be through this last day our light
And Oh! With joy our mouth will sing-
“Hail JEHOVAH and Jesus Christ!”
NO (74) 8886

(1) HONOUR the LORD with thy substance

And the first fruits of thy increase;
So shall prosperity abide
In what Thou findst to do.
(2) Satan wont prevail on thy ways
By his destructive plots or deeds
But blessings shall with Thee abide
In what Thou findst to do.
(3) Now give unto GOD His due thanks
For all His benefits to Thee,
Enrich His shore with plenteous gifts
In what thou findst to do.

NO (75) 5 6 5 6 Ref. 8 6 8 5
(1) WE praise thee, O GOD,
For the Son of thy love,
For Jesus who died
And is now gone above.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory
Hallelujah Amen;
Hallelujah! Thine the glory,
Revive us again.
(2) We praise Thee, O GOD,
For Thy spi-rit of light,
Who has shown us Christ;
Our Re-deem-er and our King
(4) All glo-ry and praise
To the Lamb that was slain
Who has borne our sins,
And has cleansed every stain.
(5) Re-vive us a-gain,
Fill each heart with Thy love;
Re-kin-dle each soul
With Thy power from a-bove.

NO (76) 878787

(1) GUIDE me O Thou great JEHOVAH,

Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but thou art Mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand
LORD of heaven, LORD of heaven
Feed me till I want know more.
(2) Open now Thy crystal fountain,
Whence the healing stream doth flow;
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through;
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
Be Thou still my strength and shield.
(3) When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside;
Death of death, and hell’s destruction,
Land safe on Canaan’s side;
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee.

NO (77) 8888

(1) ’AT Jesus’ name shall all knees bow

Of things in heaven and earth below,’
And then with tongues shall they confess,
‘Christ Jesus is King of glory’
(2) ’Though He, bein’ in form of GOD
Thought it not robbery to be made;
Equal with the ALMIGHT GOD;
Yet, the form of servant he took!
(3) ’Bein’ found in fashion as a man,
He humbled Himself and became
Obedient unto shameful death-
The death of the tree of Golgotha’!
(4) ’That we, as repentant sinners,
Might receive through’ Christ God’s blessings
And everlasting life by grace,
Through His precious blood shed for us!
(5) ’By him, for him were made good things

Visible and invisible;

Whether of thrones and dominions,
Or principalities and powers.

NO (78) 8 7 8 7 Ref. 8 7 8 7

(1) CHRIST is the way, the truth, and life

Loving shepherd prince of life.
As He loves us, let’s then love them
Who do love him as we do.
Christ’s redeeming grace abiding!
We’ve passed from death unto life
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
For this great gift from above.
(2) Christ our star of hope and Leader,
And the Dayspring from above.
Defensive Rock-Gracious Saviour;
Guide and guard us safely home.
(3) Christ the key to goodly treasure-
Hid under the mercy seat,
Help us LORD to have sure treasure
And glorify Thee with it.
(4) “Lovest thou me”?The savior said,
‘yes’! Our voices cried with joy.
Therefore, praise Him ye that were blind
But now have seen the True way.

NO (79) 6666D

(1) ‘I am he that reigneth,

And rules in majesty
I am he that reigneth
To save the meek in Christ.
Behold! I am alive-
Alive though once was dead;
Behold! I am alive-
And reign for ever more.’
(2) ‘I am he that bringeth
The lasting peace of GOD.
I am he that bringeth
The lasting peace of GOD.
Behold! I am the Lord,
And savior of the world
I am he that bringeth
The lasting peace of GOD’
(3) ‘I am he that sitteth,
At the right hand of GOD
I am he that sitteth
At the right hand of GOD
To rule in equity,
And captives to set free
I am he that sitteth
As king of Righteousness.’
(4) ‘I am he that loveth
The sinners all to save
I am he that sheddeth
My blood to save mankind
Who love me as I do
And heed my word of truth
I am he that loveth
Sinners who love my way’
(5) ‘I am he that teacheth
The humble sheep of GOD
I am he that teacheth
The humble sheep of GOD
Behold! I am the truth,
And the way, and the life-
The Door of all the sheep
Who love the way of life’
(6) ‘I am he that feedeth
The hungry ones with truth
I am he that feedteh
With precious word of life
Behold! All the powers
In Heaven and on earth,
Unto me belongeth,
Now and for ever more.’

NO (80) 8888

(1) JESUS, I love Thee with my heart,

And not by outward lips of praise
But with sincerity of heart,
In Thy Kingdom to own Thy grace.
(2) The bitterness of my sorrows
No more shall be know, since I hear
Thy yoke to lean of all Thy ways.
My King and Saviour, Thine I am.
(3) Tongues can’t express my love for Thee,
How Thou didst die for me on tree;
And yet, Thou counteth it but joy
To ransom a sinner like me.
(4) Jesus, Thou “Sun of righteousness”
Cometh with healing in Thy wings
Thy chosen ones on earth to bless
That in the kingdom they ‘ll rejoice.

NO (81) 8787

(1) NO word can tell what blest relief

I’ve found in Jesus, my LORD;
Nor ears had heard of such relief,
When we knew not Christ our Lord.

(2) Thanks be to Christ, our gracious one,

Who now comes in power to reign
With wondrous light to lead his own
To The promised bless-ed home.
(3) Not by worldly wisdom and might
Shall Thy peace and love be gained;
But by keeping Thy precious light,
Which in ages past was hid.
(4) Days of sorrows and of morning
Shall not in my heart be known,
Since in Thee my Lord, I obtain
Life and peace from Thy fountain.

NO (82) 9 9 9 4 Ref. 9 9 9 4 (9 9 9 4)

(1) YEARS I spent in vanity and pride,

Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me he died
On cal-vary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty,
At cal-vary.
(2) By GOD’S word at last my sin I learned;
Then I tremble at the law I’d spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
To cal-vary.
(3) Now I’ve given to Jesus everything
Now I gladly own Him as my king,
Now my redeemed soul can only sing
Of cal-vary.
(4) Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the might gulf that GOD did span
At cal-vary!

NO (83) 6 6 9 6 6 9 Ref. 4 6 7 6

(1) WHEN we word with Thy Lord,

In the light of His word,
What a glory He sheds on our way,
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey.
(2) Not a shadow can rise,
Not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away,
Not a doubt nor a fear,
Not a sigh nor a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.
(3) But we never can prove
The delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay,
For the favour He shows,
And the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.
(4) Then in fellowship sweet
In the light of His word,
What a glory He shads on our way;
What He say we will do,
Where He sends we will go-
Never fear, only trust and obey

NO (84) 9 10 9 9 Ref. 9 9 9 9

(1) BLESSED assurance, Jesus is mine!

Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of Salvation, purchase of GOD,
Born of His spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.
(2) Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of heaven now burst on my sight;
Angles descending, bring from above,
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
(3) Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Saviour am happy and blest;
Watching and praying looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

NO (85) 6464

(1) TODAY the Saviour calls;

Ye wanderers come;
Oh, ye benighted souls,
Why longer roam?
(2) Today the Saviour calls;
Oh, listen now!
Within the sacred walls!
To Jesus bow.
(3) Today the Saviour calls;
For refuge fly;
The storm of justice falls,
And death is nigh.
(4) The spirit calls today;
Yield to His power,
Oh, grieve Him not away!
“Tis mercy’s hour.
NO (86) 8 7 8 7 Ref. 5 5 8 5

(1) ALL to Jesus I surrender,

All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.
I surrender all’
I surrender all.
All to Thee my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
(2) All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Bless me, Jesus, bless me now.
(3) All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Saviour, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.
(4) All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

NO (87) Part 1. 6 6 8 6

(1) SOLDIERS of Christ a-rise,

And put your a-mour on,
Strong in the strength which GOD sup-plies
Through His e-ter-nal Son.
(2) Strong in the LORD of Hosts,
And in His migh-ty power
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts
Is more than conque-ror.
(3) Stand in His great might
With all His estrength endued
And take, to arm you for the fight,
The pa-no-ply of God.
(4) That hav-ing all things done
And all your con-flicts past
You may overcome through Christ a-lone,
And stand en-tire at last.
(5) Leave no un-guard-ed place,
No weak-ness of the soul;
Take every vir-tue, every grace
And for-ti-fy the whole.
(6) From strength to strength go on,
Wres-tle and fight and pray;
Tread all the powers of dark-ness down,
And win the well-fought day.

NO (87) Part 11 (6 6 8 6 D)

(1) SOLDIERS of Christ a-rise,

And put your ar-mour on,
Strong in the strength which GOD sup-plies
Through His e-ter-nal Son;
Strong in the LORD of Hosts,
And His migh-ty power
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts,
Is more than conque-ror.
(2) Stand then in His great might,
With all His strength endued
And take, to arm you for the fight,
The pa-no-ply of GOD;
That hav-ing all things done
And all your con-flicts past,
Ye may overcome through Christ a-lone
And stand en-tire at last.
(3) Leave no un-guard-ed place
No weak-ness of the soul;
Take every vir-tue, every grace
And for-ti-fy the whole;
From strength to strength go on,
Wres-tle and fight and pray;
Tread all the powers of dark-ness down,
And win the well-fought day, Amen.
NO (88) 10 9 10 9 Ref. 10 9 9 9

(1) WALKING in sunlight, all of my journey;

Over the mountains, through the deep vale;
Jesus has said “I’ll never forsake thee,”
Promise divine that never can fail.
Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight,
Flooding my soul with glory divine;
Hallelujah, I am rejoicing,
Singing His praises, Jesus is mine.
(2) Shadow around me, shadow above me,
Never conceal my Saviour and guide;
He is the light, in Him is no darkness;
Ever I’m walking close to His side.
(3) In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing,
Pressing my way to things from above
Singing His praises gladly I’m walking,
Walking in sunlight, sunlight of love.
NO (89) 8787D

(1) WHAT a friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and grieve to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to GOD in prayer,
O what a peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to GOD in prayer.
(2) Have we trails and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged?
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
(3) Are we weak and heavy-laden
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge-
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Do Thy friends despise, and forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
In His arm He’ll take and shield thee
Thou wilt find a solace there.
NO (90) 8888

(1) WHEN I survey the tree of shame

On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And contempt on all my pride.
(2) Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my Lord;
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to His blood.
(4) See, from His head, His hand, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down;
Did ever such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
(5) Where the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
NO (91) 8686

(1) HOW sweet thy name of Jesus sounds

In a believer’s ear
It soothes his sorrows heals his wounds
And drives away his fear.
(2) It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
“Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary rest.
(3) Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,
My shield and hand hiding place,
My never failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace.
(4) Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend,
My prophet, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring..

NO (92) 8 7 8 7 Ref. 7 7 7 6

(1) THE Great physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the droping heart to cheer,
Oh, hear the voice of Jesus!
Sweetest note in seraph song,
Sweetest name on mortal tongue,
Sweetest carol ever sung;
Jesus blessed Jesus!
(2) All glory to the risen Lamb!
I now believe in Jesus;
I love the blessed Saviour’s name,
I love the name of Jesus.
(3) His name dispels my guilt and fear,
No other name but Jesus!
Oh, how my soul delights to hear,
The precious name of Jesus,
(4) Come, brethren, help me sing His praise,
Oh, praise the name of Jesus!
Come, sisters all your voices rise,
Oh, bless the name of Jesus.
(5) The children too, both great and small,
Who love the name of Jesus,
May now accept the gracious call
To love and work for Jesus.

NO (93) 666666
(1) “I gave my life for thee;
My precious blood I shed
That thou might’st ransom’d be
And quicken ‘d from the dead,
I gave my live for thee;
What hast thou given for me?
(2) “I suffered much for thee-
More than the tongue can tell,
Of bitterest agony
To rescue me from hell
I suffered much for thee;
What canst thou bear for me
(3) “And I have brought to thee;
Down from my home above,
Salvation full and free,
My pardon and My love;
Great gifts I brought to thee;
What hast thou brought to Me?”

NO (94) 8686

(1) HARK, the glad sound the Saviour comes!

The Saviour promised long;
Let every heart exult with joy,
And every voice be song!
(2) He comes, The prisoner release,
In satan’s bondage held;
The gates of brass before Him burst,
The iron fetters yield.
(3) He comes! The broken hearts to bind,
The bleeding souls to cure;
And with the treasure of His grace
To enrich the weak souls.

NO (95) 888888

(1) RISEN Jesus, our redeemer,

Who shed his blood to save mankind,
Adorned with immortality.
Hath thou come now invisibly
To rule the world in equity
And they who seek Thee will rejoice.
(2) For our sins were Thou slain on tree,
To ransom us from sin and death.
Though by Adam’s disobedience,
Came death upon human creatures,
Yet, but Thy obedience we’ll Live
Through faith in Thee our Redeemer.
(3) Risen Saviour, our Counselor,
Who at GOD’S right hand now reigneth
In Thy kingdom for ever more.
Lord, with Thy mighty hand save us
From all thy fowler’s pestilence,
And make him flee at Thy presence.

NO (96) 8787

(1) BEHOLD, our faithful Saviour comes

Unseen with clouds descending!
With His glorious wings of healing,
Making whole the sinful ones.
(2) Now He is bidding every mind
And saying “May I come in”?
“Yea Lord”! says the repentant ones,
Who trust in His precious word.
(3) May all our Redeemer’s merits,
May His sufferings and pains,
Be our delight, that we may grow
As true Christians of our race.
(4) Lord, give to every thankful mind
Thy rich promises of grace;
And in their hearts, may peace be found
Free from sorrow and grief’s.

NO (97) 8787

(1) LORD, as prisoners we had waited

For the coming of the Light
Veils of wretchedness and sorrows
Spread across our sinful eyes,
Now Thy glorious light appearing,
Fills our weary hearts with joy;
Thus dispelling signs of sorrows,
By the gospel of Thy truth.
(2) LORD, Thy presence fills us with joy
Of the light “the word of life”
In Thy gracious Kingdom on earth-
The desire of mankind;
Fulfilling ages prophecies
Of Thy coming reign on earth,
Though unseen Thy body with us
Yet, signs of Thy reign are seen.
(3) When Thy kingdom shall fill the earth
In thy glorious reign of peace;
Then no more shall wailing be heard
‘mongst the kindred of the earth;
But signs of peaceful rest and joy,
Lots of freedom everywhere,
Shall be known on that Salem shore-
The land with beauties around.

NO (98) 8 7 8 7 Ref. 6 7 6 7

(1) CHRIST is reigning, let the nations

From their evil ways repent,
Let this glorious gospel of Christ
Spread to the nations afar.
Christ has come! Christ has come!
Christ now comes to reign in peace
Christ the King! Now has come!
Christ has come to reign in peace.
(2) Long the nations have been wandering
Far from Christ and peace and light
Through the gospel message of Christ
Shall they come to Him our King.
(3) With this joyful hope of Jesus,
Let His kingdom news be spread;
Spread it forth with joy so glorious
To the nations far and wide.

NO (99) 8888

(1) CHRIST now reigns all the world around,

His gospel far and wide doth spread;
This kingdom news brings life and mirth
With hope of bless-edness on earth.
(2) We give our thanks to Him and vow
To spread this gospel everywhere
With word sublime of our Saviour,
Till strife and war shall be no more.
(3) Many kings and princes behold;
Prisoners leap with redemption songs
Of graceful tunes of praise to GOD,
Whose kingdom grow with glorious throng.
(4) To Him our LORD we now be long!
“Hallelujah” arise our song,
The earth shall kiss prosperity;
And poverty shall vanquished be.

NO (100) 8888

(1) JESUS our gracious King and Friend,

Revive us Lord our ways to mend,
And as thou now has come to reign,
Teach us Lord Thy way to maintain.
(2) Thy Kingdom O Christ cannot fail
To give peace to those who love Thee,
The power of satan can’t prevail
Over the peace that thou doth give.
(3) Rejoice, the Lord has come to reign
To save all those who trust in Him!
Strengthen our faith O Lord of grace
That we eternal life obtain.

NO (101) 8686

(1) JOY to the world! The Lord is come!

Let all rejoice and sing!
He comes to calm his virgin bride,
Her triumph soon to bring.
(2) Lift up your heads, ye fainting souls!
The signs long promised read;
Messiah’s chariot onward rolls;
He soon the world will lead.
(3) Joy to the world! The Lord doth reign!
Let men their songs employ;
While field and wood, and hill and plain,
Repeat a sounding joy.
(4) Glad tidings of great joy to all
Through this blest gospel flow;
A sweet relief from every ill
And rest from all our woes.
(5) Joy to the world! The Lord is come!
O earth receive thy king!
Let every heart prepare him room,
And grateful tribute bring.

NO (102) 8 7 8 7 Ref. 6 7

(1) CHRIST is come! Now let creation

From her groans and travail cease;
Let the glorious proclamation
Hope restore and faith increase
Christ is come! Christ is come;
Christ, the blessed Prince of peace.
(2) Earth can yet but read the story
Of his cross and dying pain;
But shall soon behold his glory;
For he cometh now to reign.
(3) Long thy exiles have been pining,
Far from rest and home and thee;
But in heavenly vesture shining
Soon they shall thy glory see.
(5) With this bless-ed hope before us,
Let no harp remain unstrung;
Let the mighty ransomed chorus
Onward roll from tongue to tongue.

NO (103) 7777

(1) CHRIST my refuse and defender,

Hide me in thy court blow,
Where satan cannot harm me,
As thy light around me shines.
(2) Fill me with thy joy divine,
Fill me with thy light to shine;
Let my heart rejoice forever,
Christ my gracious Defender.
(3) Good gifts are all from my Lord-
My me-dia-tor, and my friend
I will now live by his word,
Trusting ever in his reward.
(4) O send thy spirit divine
In all my thoughts now to shine;
Guiding me to thy will,
More and more till life I gain.

NO (104) 7777D

(1) CHRIST my “rock” and Advocate”,

Let me ever trust in thee,
Though enemies may abide,
And dangers my ways betide,
Protect me bless-ed Jesus,
Thro’ the various changing scene.
Save, O save me my Saviour!
Till I reach the Golden shore.

(2) On Thee, my Lord, I now stand:

In thy my strength is renewed:
From Thee doth flow stream of life,
O thou dispenser of life!
Feed, O feed me “word of life”,
Ever present gracious Lord!
Teach me, teach me, “word of GOD”
Thou “Son of bless-ed GOD”!
(3) Jesus Christ my gracious one,
May my sin be forgiven me;
And, may my deeds be pleasing
In thy sight O Christ the King!
If in diverse temptations,
I do not heed satan’s way,
Blessed I will be in that day,
When a prize of life I’ll gain.

NO (105) 777

(1) CHRIST the light bless-ed Saviour;

Risen Lord, our counselor;
Shew thy light in all we care.
(2) Christ thy dayspring from above;
Lord, fill our hearts with thy love;
And ill thoughts from us remove.
(3) For thy pains on thy tree we share;
For thy true service we care,
Christ our bless-ed redeemer.
(4) As we part from the gathering,
Bid us home with thy blessing;
Christ the light-O gracious King!

NO (106) 8886

(1) HOPE of ages, Jesus dear!

Star of our hope, dear redeemer!
O! JEHOVAH’S Tabernacle
Hear us, on thee we call.
(2) Now we do bear thy yoke with joy:
Now we do hear thy loving voice,
Calling us to Salvation way.
Hear us, on thee we call.
(3) Jesus our King and Saviour dear;
Thou on the tree was slain for us,
Shedding thy blood to ransom us.
Hear us, on thee we call.
(4) Unto thee we will make our vows;
And pay same with contrite spirit,
And with sacrifices of praise.
Hear us, on thee we call.

NO (107) 7 6 7 6 Ref. 6 6 7 6

(1) CHRIST Jesus my redeemer,

Precious is thy fountain
Of healing water of life,
Free to all who seek thee.
Jesus Christ, my Saviour,
Fount of living water
Quench my thirty soul, O Lord,
With thy living water.
(2) Jesus Christ, my loving friend,
Send thy spirit divine,
May faith in thee increase,
Always trusting in thee.
(3) Lead me to thy blissful shore-
Land of peace for ever,
Full of beauties all around
Glorifying my Lord.

NO (108) PART 1 6565

(1) KEEP us safe, Lord this day,

Guide us from ill thoughts
Leave us not in sor-rows;
Fill our hearts with joy.
(2) Keep us and leave us not,
Lest we fall in sins;
Though sin-ful we have been,
Re-deem us O Christ.
(3) Lead us Lord by thy hand
As pilgrims of hope,
In our joy-ful jour-ney
To the pro-mised land.
(4) We beseech thee, O Lord
Keep us in Thy care;
Free from all woes and grief
Thine to be forever.

NO (108) PART 11 7775

(1) KEEP us Lord safely this day,

Help and guide us from ill thoughts,
O leave us not in sorrows;
Fill our hearts with joy.
(2) Keep us Lord and leave us not,
Lest we fall in temptations.
Though sinful hath been our ways,
Redeem us O Christ.
(3) Kindly lead us by thy hands
As pilgrims of hope in Christ,
In our joyful pilgrimage,
To the promised land.
(4) We beseech thee Lord of lords
Keep us in thy care always;
Free from all woes and from grief
Thine to be forever.

NO (109) 8 8 8 8 Ref. 6 8 6 8

(1) KING of righteousness gracious Lord,

Send us thy blessings from thy throne.
Gladly we’ ll live in thee our Lord,
And ever trust in thee alone.
What a joy in our Lord! 2x.
What a joy in our Lord we have……….!
What a joy in thy Lord! 2x.
Since we live by His bounteous grace.
(2) How sincere a Saviour art Thou!
How good are thy judgment how sure-
And now to Thee our Lord we vow
Thy works to do for ever more.
(3) The blind, the deaf, the lamb shall leap,
Now with joy of thy righteous reign;
For in thee, our Lord, they shall reap
The goodness of thy promised rain.
(4) Our burdens on Thee we will cast,
As pilgrims in a desert land;
For as a star of hope thou art
To guide homeward pilgrimage.
(5) Make our hearts thy habitation.
Grant, we pray Thee, that we should be
Good patterns of thy glorious works,
That gentiles Thy glory may see.

NO (110) 10 10 10

(1) LORD Jesus, now Thy Holy name we praise;

We assemble here for thy precious word;
We’ve come with unshaken hearts Thee to praise;
With purity of hearts flowing with joy.
(2) Grant we pray Thee, Thy bountiful wisdom
Thy spirit guiding us to Thy Kingdom
Grant us O Lord, Thy peace and love divine;
That our thoughts be renewed in Thee to shine.
(3) Grant us Thy mercy, Oh Christ our Saviour.
Refresh us with Thy precious word of life,
O Jesus-our Wonderful Counselor,
The “Horn of Salvation” the prince of life.
NO (111) 8686

(1) LORD Jesus-“ Sun of Righteousness”!

In Thee we’ve found an endless peace,
Jesus-wisdom of GOD.
(2) Let Thy light illuminate us,
And to make us now shine
Gloriously in Thy works divine
As marvel to the foes.
(3) Christ our Advocate-Word of GOD!
Good shepherd, guide us Lord!
Thou captain of our Salvation,
Now grant us redemption.
(4) With joy of Thy present revealed
As Thy remnant may we
Work in unity Lord for Thee
To the shame of the foes.

NO (112) 6666

(1) LORD, knit our hearts with love,

Knit them lovely to be,
That we will live in love,
With faith unfeigned in Thee.
(2) Lord knit our home with peace,
knit them peaceful to be,
Dwell in our home and bless
Us Thy own by Thy grace.
(3) O Christ, bless-ed wisdom!
Give us Thy gracious word,
And knit our heartS to love
Wisdom better than gold.
NO (113) 8888

(1) O leave me not gracious Jesus;

Lord incline thy ear to my cries
And make straight all crooked ways
To serve Thee with clean thoughts forever.
(2) May I at thy throne of justice
Find sweet solace by thy precepts
To make me more to keep thy ways
As worthy candidate of Christ.
(3) O teach me Lord thy way of life,
That by Thy grace I may be found
To be a worthy citizen
Of the beautiful promised land.
(4) May my humble supplications,
Be acceptable Lord, to Thee,
That thou may guard and guide my thoughts,
To think of Thy glories always.

NO (114) Part 1 8 7 8 7 Ref: 6 7 6 7

(1) THY truth to seek and know of Thee,

Thy love to have friendly thoughts,
Thy power to conquer worldly lusts-
These, my Lord, I need from Thee.
Guide me, Lord, in Thy way,
Lest I wander far away
Bless me, Lord, forever,
To conquer sin with Thy power.
(2) When once I wandererd far from Thee,
When in devilish deed I roved,
I knew not Thou loveth me, Lord,
Till Thy truth hath made me free.
(3) Thou ransomer Jesus my Lord,
Redeemer of the sinner
Who love to be faithful Christians;
Help me Lord, to keep Thy word.
(4) Jesus, Thou leadeth in the way
Of righteousness, truth and life,
And the midst of paths of judgment,
And blesseth them that love Thee.

NO (114) Part 11 8 7 8 7 Ref: 6 7 6 7

(1) THY truth to seek and know of Thee

Thy love to have friendly thoughts
Thy power to conquer worldly lusts-
These, my Lord, I need from thee.
Refrain: Guide me, Lord, in thy way
Lest I wander far away
Bless me, Lord, forever,
Till Thy truth hath made me
To con-quer sin with Thy power.
(2) When once I wandered far from Thee
When in devilish deed I roved,
I knew not Thou loveth me, Lord,
Till Thy truth hath made me free.
(3) Thou ransomer Jesus my Lord,
Redeemer of the sinners
Who love to be faithful Christians;
Help me Lord, to keep Thy word.
(4) Jesus Thou lead-eth in the way
Of righteous-ness, truth and life
And the midst of path of judgment,
And blesseth them that love Thee.

NO (115) 6 6 6 6 Ref: 7 6 7 5 (music 6 4 6 4 Ref: 7 6 7 4)

(1) I love Thee O my Lord;

And need Thee every hour
To face all my labour
With peace from Thine abode.
I love Thee and I need Thee,
Jesus my Redeemer!
My wonderful defender!
Jesus I need Thee!
(2) In sorrow or in pain,
Jesus I will need Thee,
My Lord, to comfort me,
Let me not trust in vain.
(3) When ever temptation come,
Lord, I love to need Thee,
For, when thou art near me,
The foe will never overcome.
(4) Lord I love to need Thee,
To fill me will Thy peace,
To guide me never cease,
Through sky, or land, or sea.
(5) Thy presence is my joy,
Lord in distress or grief,
O’ bring me swift relief,
May I Thy peace enjoy.

(6) At night or in the day,

Lord, I love to need Thee,
From satan’s snares to flee,
I always tread Thy way.

NO (116) Part 1 8787D

(1) OH! In my heart I do rejoice

Praising Jesus my Saviour,
Marching on to the golden shore,
Where my rest is ever sure.
O! in my heart I do rejoice
With sweet songs of joy and praise
O! In my heart I do rejoice
Praising Christ for ever-more
(2) Yes, daily now, I do rejoice,
Casting all my cares on Christ;
Ever trusting in his word of light
That brings ev-er-last-ing joy.
(3) Though trials and temptations come
Yet on Christ my hope is built;
Ever trusting in His precious write,
That I may be free from guilt.
NO (116) Part 11 8888D

(1) OH! In my heart I do rejoice

Praising Jesus Christ my Saviour;
Marching on to the golden shore,
Wherein my rest is ever sure.
Oh! In my heart I do rejoice
With cheerful songs of joy and praise
Oh! In my heart I do rejoice
Praising Jesus for ever more.
(2) Yes, daily now I do rejoice
Casting all my cares on Jesus;
Ever trusting in His word of light
That brings eternal joy and peace.
(3) Though tr-ials and temp-ta-tions come,
Yet on Jesus my hope is built,
Ever trusting in His precious write,
So that I may free from guilt.
NO (117) 6565D

(1) MY Lord, I trust in Thee

Trusting every hour,
For thou will protect me
In perilous hour
Jesus Christ my Saviour
Thou my star of hope
Guide me loving Saviour
To eternity.
(2) Lord Jesus, I love Thee-
Love Thee with my heart.
For Thou didst die for me
On cal-vary’s mount,
There Thou didst shed Thy blood
To free me from sins,
Words are full in my heart
To shew forth Thy praise.
(3) Jesus I do seek thee
For Thy precious word
Daily I thirst for Thee,
Dispenser of life,
Into Thy kingdom, Lord,
For refuge I flee
Lord Jesus, I’ve sought Thee,
O, favour me Lord.

NO (118) 7777

(1) I am Thine, and Thou art mine;

Most beloved and gracious Christ;
Thou hast taught me I should know-
‘I am Thine and Thou art mine’.
(2) O my blessed Saviour Christ
And be-lov-ed Redeemer!
What an unceasing joy that
I have found grace in Thy sight.
(3) Unsearchable is Thy love,
More than scenes of worldly love!
May I know Thy ways to love,
With Thy true spirit of love.
(4) Loved with Thy infinite Love,
Blessed with wisdom from above,
Thy way of truth makes me wise,
To pursue the promised prize.
(5) Christ, I’m Thine for ever Thine!
Gifts of thanks to Thee I bring
In thy kingdom I will sing
‘I am Thine and Thou art mine.’

NO (119) 8888

(1) My heart is fixed on Christ alone-

My friend and my me-dia-tor.
His truth I will spread from shore to shore
And magnify to all His name.
(2) My tongue His righteousness declares,
And his wonderful love to me,
Not faithless praise by lips to him,
But Christian deeds of faithfulness.
(3) Lord make my heart to understand
Thy wisdom justice with courage.
O Lord, my Rock and my Refuge,
Speak, and Thee I will understand.
NO (120) 7777

(1) WITH a Christ-like heart of love,

With a merry heart in truth.
Day by day we live to love,
All to serve our Lord with faith.
(2) Christ teach us Thy way to go,
And Thy foot-prints to follow;
Guiding us to love Thee more,
For Thy presence is our joy.
(3) All is lost if we love not,
The wisdom of GOD to know:
All is gain if we love not
Thy ways of sin to follow.
(4) Now the love of our Saviour
With his people here is found;
And a Christ-like heart in truth.
Makes us flee from sinful lusts.
(5) Nowhere would wisdom be found:
Nowhere would justice be had;
Except in kingdom of Christ
The de-si-re of mankind.

NO (121) 8 8 8 8 Ref: 8.8

(1) SHAMELESS I am, my Lord to own

And to declare his righteousness
His disciple I am by grace,
Now calling sinners home to Him.
Shameless I am, my to own
And His righteous cause to declare.
(2) And though persecution may come
Yet, this I know by faith I’ll live,
Holding fast his doctrines of live.
Till on the blissful shore I will reach.
(3) Though strait and narrow is the gate,
Though friends and kinsmen will despise,
Though enemies may try to hate,
By faith in GOD I’ll win the prize.
NO (122) Part 1 8 7 8 7 Ref: 8 7

(1) WALKING with Jesus I rejoice,

For no peril can harm me.
Satan may try but he will fail
Since my hope is built in Christ.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Oh! What a loving Saviour.
(2) On Christ Jesus the Rock I stand:
And the foe I will not dread.
Come what may!- I will speak the word,
That they who hear might repent.
(3) Saviour of my life Christ Jesus;
I’ve no other light but thee;
Guide me, guide me Lord, I pray Thee,
In Thy kingdom of glory.
NO (122) Part 11 7 7 7 7 Ref: 4 7 8

(1) WALKING with Christ I rejoice,

For no peril can harm me,
Satan will try but will fail
Since my hope is built on Christ.
Oh! What a loving Saviour
Guide me, bless me Lord, I pray Thee.
(2) On Jesus the Rock I stand:
And the foe I will not dread.
Come what may!- I’ll speak the word,
That they who hear might repent.
(3) Saviour of my life- Jesus;
I’ve no other light but Thee;
O guide me Lord, I pray Thee,
In Thy kingdom of glory.
NO (123) 7777

(1) LORD, through grace I’m in the mount,

Praising Thee with joyful heart,
GOD of mercy, Savior dear,
As I live Thy word I’ll hear.
(2) Remember me, LORD, for good,
Blessing me with godly works.
(3) Though the world may hate or shun,
Yet, I’ll glory in Thy name.
(4) Wholesome rest and perfect peace,
Nobody can give but Thee.
(5) LORD, through thy grace I shall dwell,
In Thy kingdom ever more.
NO (124) 8888D

(1) BLEST’S the hour we gather in Christ,

For then our inmost hearts rejoice.
Blest’s the day we conquer trials,
Ever with Jesus now to be.
It is not good brethren for us
To trust carnal things and glory;
But ever to trust in Christ Jesus,
With spiritual thoughts for his love.
(2) ‘Follow me I will give Thee rest
In yonder bank the promised home’-
The whispering voice I heard from Christ,
Who loved me dearly as his own.
Here in his Holy mount of peace,
Will I give my daily service,
With an unfeigned love for Jesus-
My ever present truest friend.
(3) When our bewildered days shall cease,
When in GOD’S earthly paradise,
We shall dwell with smiling faces,
As faithful ‘Jonadabs’ by grace,
Then shall flee ignorance and sins.
No more wailing, no more sorrows,
No more errors, and no more pains,
Above all, freed from hands of death.
NO (125) 8888

(1) NOW in my ears I always hear,

The master’s voice calling me over,
Yonder bank where he with give me
The prize of life, He keeps for me.
(2) Like sweet scent from a glorious home,
My heart receive the wondrous name
Of Christ, calling me to over bank,
For prize of life, He keeps for me.
(3) Though compassed by satan’s distress,
While on journey to yonder bank;
Yet, Jesus- whom I daily thank,
Will be my hope and righteousness.
(4) When in yonder bank I’ll live,
When satan shall have been destroyed,
The earth my paradise shall be,
Where I’ll receive the prize of life.
NO (126) 878747

(1) O! Friends and homes we’ve forsaken,

While they hate GOD’S word to learn.
To GOD we’ve come, His truth to learn,
As life and peace we will gain.
Bless us O GOD!
Loving father gracious LORD.
(2) LORD- the fountain of Salvation!
When fond ones fail thou helpeth.
When our trust in the world faileth,
Thou art our consolation.
O gracious LORD!
Be thou ever more our help.
(3) LORD, we will trust in Thee with faith
In this world the vale of death,
Where foes abide, thou saveth us.
And fill us with joyful songs.
Our Defender!
Save us with thy mighty arm.
(4) O LORD, bless us, we Thy children,
O bless us with Thy wisdom!
While we gather here to praise Thee,
May we remember Thy name.
Loving Father!
Bless us O LORD, Thine we are.
NO (127) 8886

(1) WHEN satan doth beset Thy ways,

And compass Thee with fears always,
The voice of Christ will comfort Thee.
Trust me, “Be not afraid.”
(2) When trouble still is raging fast,
When friends and mates will out thee cast,
Christ will call thee with joy and say-
Trust me “Be not afraid.”
(3) When thou waited in bondage,
And within thy hearts sorrows stage,
The voice of hope with come from Christ-
Trust me “Be not afraid.”
(4) Trust me and be not ye weary,
Trust and find rest in my decree,
When temptations beset thy way,
Trust me “Be not afraid.”
NO (128) 64646664

(1) PILGRIMS of hope in Christ,

Never be sad.
Though thy way may be far,
Never weary.
For Christ our star of hope,
Shall lead us safely home,
To the kingdom of GOD,
The hope of man.
(2) Though fierce may be thy foes,
Be not afraid.
Though troubles may abound,
Be not afraid.
Not fearing satan’s snares
Though danger may affright,
Yet trusting in Jesus,
Ye shall conquer.
(3) Though temptations may come,
Hold fast thy faith.
Trusting in Jesus power
Ye shall conquer.
Though enemies may be,
And trails may abound
If thou be faithful still,
Ye shall be saved.
NO (129) 8 7 8 7 Ref: 8 7 7 7 7

(1) COURAGE brethren! And do not faint,

Though satan thy path may face,
There is GOD’S light to guide thy peace,
Since GOD’S will you choose to do.
Though the way be far and narrow,
And the foes may try to hurt,
March on bravely, heroes of Christ,
Since GOD’S will you choose to do.
Be courageous, brethren in Christ.
Thou to live in Christ is gain.
Be courageous in the LORD,
Trusting in His wondrous power,
Thou to live in Christ is gain.
(2) Falsehood and filthy art forsake,
Godless ways and lusts deny,
With hope and faith un-wa-ver-ing
Since God’s will you choose to do.
Though friends will hate and will Thee shun,
And parents will thee deny,
But murmur not, look unto Christ
Since God’s will you choose to do.
NO (130) 6 6 6 6 Ref: 8 8

(1) SOUND thy gospel message-

“GOD’S kingdom now has come”
May hope of peace be heard
In all the world around.
The hope of mankind now has come,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord King.
(2) Our Lord’s second presence
Brings glad news to the world
“Salvation now is free
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(3) Satan and all his flock,
Shall fall and no more rise
All they the dust shall leak,
Who shall the truth oppose.
NO (131) 8787D

(1) HAIL JEHOVAH and Jesus Christ!

Hail them in appointed time.
GOD through Christ, now has been revealed
By His gospel preached aright
Christ now reigns with sure redemption:
He’s caption of Salvation’
To set the sinner free from sin,
And their darkness turned to light.
(2) In the kingdom of Christ our king,
With branches all over the world
The ‘sheep’ of GOD are now gathering
For sure mercies of the LORD
And’ His kingdom is increasing
In GOD’S strength and riches sure
Sheep of GOD in peace abiding
While the godless dwell in war.
(3) While the tides of times are changing
And satan with anger be,
Still our heart in Christ rejoicing
Ever in His kingdom be.
Now in peaceful jubilation
For boundless blessing in sight
Must we hail JEHOVAH and Christ
Ever more their own to be.
NO (132) 76757675

(1) WORK, for the night is coming,

Work, through the morning hours;
Work while the dew is sparkling
Work mid’ springing flowers;
Work, when the day grows brighter,
Work in the glowing sun;
Work for the night is coming,
When man’s work is done.
(2) Work, for the night is coming,
Work through the sunny noon;
Fill brightest hour with labour,
Rest come sure and soon;
Give every flying minute,
Something to keep in store;
Work, for the night is coming,
When men work no more.
(3) Work, for the night is coming,
Under the sunset skies;
While their bright tints are glowing,
Work, for daylight flies;
Work, till the last beam fadeth,
Fadeth to shine no more;
Work, while the night is darkening,
When man’s work is over.
NO (133) 11 11 11 11 Ref: 9 9 9 11

(1) WHEN upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,

When you are discouraged thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what GOD hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
(2) Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.
(3) When you look at others with their land and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you his wealth untold:
Count your many blessings wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your perfect home.
(4) SO, amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, GOD is over all;
Count your blessings, angel will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.
NO (134) 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 4 Ref: 4 4 6 4

(1) I was sinking deep in sin,

Far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within,
Sinking to rise no more;
But the master of the sea
Heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me,
Now safe am I.
All: Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
Parts: Even me! Even me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me.
(2) All my heart to him I give,
Ever to him I’ll cling,
In His bless-ed presence sing;
Ever His praises sing;
Love so mighty and so true
Merits my soul’s best songs,
Faithful, loving service too,
To him belongs.
(3) Souls in danger, look above,
Jesus completely saves;
He will lift you by his love
Out of the angry waves;
He’s the master of the sea,
Billows his will obey;
He your Savour wants to be,
Be saved today.
NO (135) 10 10

(1) PEACE! Perfect peace! In this dark world of sin?

The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
(2) Peace! Perfect peace! By thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.
(3) Peace! Perfect peace! With sorrows surging round?
On Jesus bosom naught but calm is found.
(4) Peace! Perfect peace! With loved ones far away?
In Jesus keeping we are safe and they.
(5) Peace! Perfect peace! Our future all unknown?
Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.
(6) Peace! Perfect peace! Death shadowing us and ours?
Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.
(7) It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease?
And Jesus in his reign brings perfect peace.
NO (136) 8686

(1) TEACHABLE are the meek in Christ

Who tread his way of light;
Bearing the banner of his grace-
“Salvation to mankind.”
(2) Oh! bless-ed are the poor in heart,
For theirs GOD’S Kingdom is:
Faithfully will they be in peace
With Christ, the ‘word of light.’
(3) Bless-ed are they who hungereth
And thirst for righteous course;
They shall be filled with word of GOD
And learn of him our Lord.
(4) Oh! Bless-ed are the merciful;
Mercy shall they obtain.
And bless-ed are the pure in heart,
For they the LORD shall see.
(5) Bless-ed are the makers of peace;
Children of GOD they’re called.
Blest are they who suffer for Christ,
For GOD’S Kingdom is theirs.
(6) Bless-ed are ye when men hate thee,
For the sake of the LORD,
Be glad, rejoice exceedingly,
For prize of life is yours.
NO (137) 7676D
(1) ONE Church, one faith, O! one hope,
Built on sure foundation-
Jesus Christ our redeemer-
Our mighty defender,
He came for our redemption,
That we might live in hope,
He chose His ‘nointed Christians
Guiding to GOD our ways.
(2) One Church, one faith, one nation,
Peculiar to the world.
One hope, one sure foundation
Of Israel of the LORD,
Built on Jesus, mighty God-
The Rock of Salvation,
His Church anointed Christians-
One-forty-four thousand.
(3) One Church, one new creation,
The chosen of our LORD,
Bringing now GOD’S Salvation
To faithful ones of GOD
“As a grain of mustard seed”
She grows a mighty tree
With branches in every race,
Sheltering “eagles” of GOD.
(4) One Church, one redemption prize,
Thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who brings freedom to mankind,
Who loves to know his word
To him be glory and praise,
Who eternally reigns
In power, in justice for all
Till GOD be all in all.
NO (138) 8 6 8 6 Ref: 6 6 8 10

(1) THERE is a way that leads to life,

Where Christians love to go,
Narrow and pleasant is the way
The way of truth and life.
The way of truth and life;
There Christians love to go
Christ is the way, the truth, and life
“The Author and finisher of our faith.”
(2) It leads straight to the promised land
For faithful ones in Christ,
Who love to do the will of GOD,
And heed his word of truth.
(3) The way of truth, and life and rest
Has unfailing comfort
Full of wisdom, and full of grace
From GOD the KING of Kings.
NO (139) 9 9 9 9 Ref: 6 9 6 9

(1) THERE is a land of life without end

Where righteousness and freedom shall be
Will you be there in that glorious land?
Than be faithful in the work of GOD.
In that land full of grace,
We shall dwell as faithful ones of GOD,
Oh! In that promised land,
We shall live in robes of righteousness.
(2) Christ our Ransomer bids us repent:
He’s now calling for you and for me,
To dwell with him in that land of rest,
Where the faithful ones in Him shall live.
(3) There for a thousand years Christ shall reign
Building glorious earth-the “paradise”
In the “Resurrection Day” will rise,
The just and the unjust ones from grave.
(4) Righteous ones shall have eternal life,
As princes and princesses they’ll live,
Unjust ones from the grave shall be judged
And punished according to their sins.
(5) Oh! When the thousand years are ended,
Satan shall from the grave be loosened
To see the glorious earth- “paradise”
He’ll not repent but try to deceive.
(6) But from Heaven the anger of GOD
Will completely destroy him forever,
Christ shall hand over the kingdom to GOD,
And JEHOVAH shall be all in all.
NO (140) 8787D

(1) FAR away in mountain Zion,

Are be-lov-ed saints of GOD;
Rejoicing and reigning with Christ,
Who is crowned to reign forever,
The angels sing, “Hallelujah!”
Hailing JEHOVAH and Christ.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Christ now reigns eternally.
(2) Now, the saints and angels of GOD
Rejoice in mountain Zion
All the meek in Christ our Saviour,
Rejoice on the earth below,
LORD, how glorious is thy kingdom,
In heaven and earth below!
Perfect peace and wisdom abound,
For thy favoured ones O LORD.
(3) ‘Ancient worthies’ who now do sleep,
Will live on that glorious land;
By faith they foreknew its glories,
Though unseen with human eyes.
Since they died with hope of living,
Ever more in its glories,
They shall arise and reign in peace.
With faithful Christians on earth.
NO (141) (Drawn from Rev. 7:9-10) 11 11 9 6 6 Ref: 10 13 8 6

(1) “AFTER this I beheld a great multitude

Which no man could number of all nations
Before the throne of the Lamb they stood
And with a loud voice cried-
“Salvation to our GOD.
Cloth-ed with white robes and palms in their hands!
These are they which came out of the great tribulation
And have washed their robes, made them white.
In the blood of the Lamb.
NO (142) CALL TO SERVICE 7 6 8 6 7 6 7 6 Ref: 6 6 8 6

(1) A song of hope, we’ll sing, Lord,

As the days pass away,
And kingdom news brings brightest ‘ray’
To elects of the KING.
Serve GOD with a willing heart;
Spend for the LORD thy days,
Though friends and kin-dred may depart,
Yet GOD won’t for sake thee.
O sing the song of hope!
O sing the song with joy!
Now serve the LORD, O serve with hope
To gain a“prize of life”.
(2) A mo-ment Ye godless ones!
Hear the gospel of Christ!
Repent! Lest ye be found astray
From GOD’S pro-tecting hand.
Join JEHOVAH’S glorious band,
Lest by the “sword” ye fail;
And lose thy life for ever
‘For GOD has spoken it.’

(3) In faith, in thanks and prai-ses;

Hold fast with hope thy love,
Ne-ver yield-ing to god-less ways,
That leads to des-truc-tion.
Let’s spread abroad the good news,
Of JEHOVAH and Christ,
That they who hear may re-joice-
Sing-ing the song of hope.
NO (143) 8686

(1) AWAKE, arise ye youth of Christ!

Shew forth your Saviour praise,
The hour has come for us to raise
The wondrous works of Christ.
(2) Jesus our Saviour now has come-
His faithful ones to lead.
We dwell with strength in him indeed,
Our ill ways to reform.
(3) With a loving voice He calls thee
Now in His reign to join,
His strength will ever bear thee on
Aren’t you His own to be.
(4) Are you willing His work to do?
Then gird your amour on,
And labour till the task is done,
For thine shall be His “dew.”
(5) Christ in thy name we do rejoice,
For joy of our victory
Over counterfeit prophets who flee
As they hear Thy great voice.

(6) O gracious GOD, whatever we bring

As thanks giving this day;
May they be good for Thee-our “way”
Thou art our Lord and King.
NO (144) 878787

(1) MANY thirsty one are seeking,

Seeking for the Kingdom news;
And they are all weary waiting
For the militant Christian band:
Many thirsty ones are seeking,
seeking for the Kingdom news.
(2) For earth’s numerous sinful lures,
Shall we bow and fail to go?
For worldly abiding pleasures,
Shall we err to please the foe?
Never, brethren yield to satan:
‘rise and gird your amour on.’
(3) O! nations and kindred of men,
Now hear of Christ’s peaceful reign;
Joyfully are they responding,
Thirsty ones to Christ bein’ won.
O, joyfully! O, joyfully!
With the truth GOD’S two edged sword.
(4) Hear the militant Christian voices,
Sounding the kingdom tidings-
The glad news of freedom to all:
For lost souls returning home.
Kingdom tidings, kingdom tidings-
healing balm to suffering souls.
NO (145) 8686

(1) REJOICE, children of GOD by faith,

Give thanks and praise the LORD.
Your voices lift with glorious sound,
The KING of kings to praise.
(2) Now rejoice ye children of grace,
That His kingdom has come.
In His mount of holiness live
And love to do His will.
(3) Proclaim our Saviour’s reign to all,
Tread where his feet have trod.
As children of our heavenly KING,
Let’s serve and Him adore.
NO (146) 6686

(1) AS kings and governors,

Shall reign the sons of GOD,
Who publish good tidings of peace,
And Salvation of GOD.
(2) With cheerful voices sweet
In unison of praise.
We declare the kingdom tidings
That ‘Christ has come to reign’!
(3) Not caring, not fearing,
The fowler’s flaming darts,
We publish with boldness and truth
While the foe flee with shame.
(4) Precepts upon precepts
Here and there a little,
We search GOD’S word from page to page,
From Bible-book divine.
(5) As people of the saints,
Gather we on GOD’S mount
From day to day to do service
And praise the king of kings.
NO (147) 6 6 6 6 D Ref: 6 6 6 8
(1) Let us work, O brethren!
Ye people of the LORD!
The good works of our GOD
That give peace to the mind:
And as faithful children
Bought by Christ’s precious blood,
Let us do the good works
Of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let us work, let us hope!
Let us sing, and rejoice!
Let us work, in the LORD!
Till we all reach the promised land.
(2) Remember now the LORD
In the days of thy youth
And to do with thy strength
The good works of the Lord
O! without fainting heart,
While evil days come not,
And without mum’ring voice,
Let us work and rejoice.
(3) Brethren, with joyful hearts
And faithfulness in GOD
And Jesus prince of peace,
Let us work and rejoice
For Christ has come to reign,
Vanquishing the cohort
Of godless ones the foes,
And blessing us His own.
(4) Let us work, let us hope!
Minding not satan snares
But trusting in the LORD,
Till the labour is over
Then on that freedom shore,
We shall be with the LORD,
For our reward is sure
Eternal life and rest
NO (148) 8888

(1) MAN! Whatever thy thoughts may be,

Oh! Forget not JEHOVAH GOD!
For He hath out of dust formed thee,
In His own likeness and image.
(2) Man! Amend thy ways in the LORD,
Believing the word of life.
For thou, in the days long gone by
Was without JEHOVAH our GOD.
(3) Now as the world is full of woe,
Oh! Without GOD what hope has man?
Our hope is Christ the “Son of man,”
And His glorious kingdom on earth.
(4) “Kiss the son, lest angry He ‘ll be”
And ye soon perish from the way
His kingdom He has promised thee
Where life abundant is forever.
NO (149) 8686

(1) COME to Jesus ye weary ones!

And He shall give thee rest.
And implicit faith in Him
Ye shall not run in vain.
(2) Come, freely come, ye fainting ones;
Jesus shall give thee life!
Drink of the life giving water,
Which Christ alone provides.
(3) Come to Jesus ye slumbering ones!
Awake with songs of praise!
Sing it with hope and endless joy
To Christ our Redeemer.
(4) Prayerfully and thankfully,
To Jesus Christ come ye
Now His redeeming grace to seek
Which none other can give.
NO (150) 777777

(1) MAN of GOD! O flee from sin!

Follow after righteous course;
Lay hold on eternal life
With faith and with godliness,
O! fight the good fight of faith,
Whereunto thou now art called.
(2) Professing the love of Christ
With patience and endurance,
Lay up a good foundation;
That thou may lay hold on life
Everlasting by GOD’s grace,
On the shore of Salvation.
(3) Think not of the worldly lust:
Think not of its temp’ral joy
They may seem a gloss-y way.
Yet, to destruction they lead
Man of GOD! O f lee from sin!
And walk in Christ way of life.
NO (151) 8888

(1) BRETHREN, there’s bright and glorious place-

A bless-ed home of joy and peace,
The just in Christ from all the race,
Shall dwell in perfect love and peace.
(2) From all nations of earth they come,
To gather round the son to kiss,
On that bright shore free from life’s storm,
There’s joy in perfect love and peace.
(3) That bless-ed home the joyous earth
Shall live the faithful ones in peace,
They’ll sing aloud with faith and mirth
Ever in perfect love and peace.
NO (152) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 8 8

(1) “I was glad to me when they said,

Let us go to the house of GOD;
Our feet within the gates shall stand-
Bless-ed city Jerusalem”
I was glad when to me they said;
Let us go to the house of GOD”
(2) Thither, all the kindred shall go;
That seek to know JEHOVAH GOD,
Sure the ‘Israel’ of GOD shall be,
Giving thanks and praises to GOD.
(3) Pray for peace of Jerusalem-
The mount of GOD- land of Salem.
May they that love her now prosper,
With riches divine from above.
(4) LORD, in abundance may blessings,
Be showered from Thy glorious throne.
May peace and prosperity be,
In Thy gates New Jerusalem.
NO (153) 8 8 8 8 Ref: 8 8 8 8

(1) ONCE from our GOD we wandered far,

We were without His love and care.
Thanks be to Christ who redeemed us,
Calling us to beautiful shore.
O Salem land, the land of joy,
The bless-ed shore my glorious love;
Here will my praise to GOD abound
On that beautiful Salem land.
(2) O happy days when truth we heard!
For satan’s chains were then loosened
Thro’ GOD’S anointed Saints on earth,
Calling us to beautiful shore .
(3) O! wondrous grace from GOD above,
Thro’ Christ our redeemer and friend,
Who died for us on cal-vary,
Redeeming with His precious blood.

NO (154) 846846
(1) WHEN earthly sorrows are vanquished,
O LORD our strength!
In signs of love and peace,
Our joy and rest and love and hope,
Radiant with smiles
In new Jerusalem.
(2) Signs of wretchedness, signs of war
Shall be no more
In New Jerusalem.
Heaven and earth shall kiss with joy
The peace of GOD
In promised blissful shore.
(3) Then wolf and leopard and wild beasts,
No more shall harm
In New Jerusalem.
Babe and lion shall dwell in peace,
With each other
In New Jerusalem.
(4) They shall not hurt nor destroy
In Holy mount-
The Kingdom of our GOD
Then no more sorrow shall be heard,
No more bondage
But freedom everywhere.
(5) And there in New Jerusalem!
Shall be no death
Amongst the ones redeemed
Thro’ “great day of tribulation”,
But ‘ternal life
In New Jerusalem.
(6) O bless-ed New Jerusalem!
My glorious home!
And ever shinning shore!
I love to think of thee, my home,
My rest, my joy;
O New Jerusalem.
NO (155) 10 4 10 4 10 10

(1) LEAD me to thy Holy mountain; O Lord,

I love to say
Where no sorrow nor grief is found within
But peace and joy.
Lead me, O my Lord, into Thy Kingdom
Where I shall find rest in Jesus alone.
(2) Lead me, O lead me my Saviour and King
In thee I trust.
LORD, to the New Jerusalem of joy
Where I shall dwell,
To praise JEHOVAH, with a joyful heart,
In Salem Land, great city of our GOD.
(3) My Saviour, I shall live in Thy glory
Thee to behold.
Oh! In the New Jerusalem of joy
The paradise.
Where life abundant, truth and peace abound,
Lead me, lead me my Saviour Christ Jesus.
NO (156) 8787

(1) FATHER while our eyes are weeping

Over the spoils that death has won,
We would at this solemn meeting,
Calmly say, “Thy will be done.”
(2) Though cast down, we’re not forsaken;
Though afflicted, not alone:
Thou didst give, and thou hast taken;
Bless-ed LORD, “Thy will be done.”
(3) Though today we’re fill with mourning,
Mercy still on the throne;
With Thy smiles of love returning,
We can sing, “Thy will be done.”
(4) By the hands the boon was given,
Thou hast taken but Thine own,
LORD of earth, and GOD of heaven
Evermore, “Thy will be done.”
NO (157) 7777

(1) BLESSED Bible, precious word!

Born must sacred from the LORD;
Glory to His name be given
For this choicest gift from heaven.
(2) ‘Tis a ray of purest light,
Beaming through the depths of night;
Brighter than ten thousand gems
Of the costliest di-a-dems.
(3) ‘Tis a fountain pouring forth
Streams of life to gladden earth;
Whence eternal blessing flow,
Antidote for human woe.
(4) ‘Tis a mine, aye, deeper, too,
Than can mortal ever go;
Search we may for many years,
Still some new, rich gem appears.
NO (158) 6646664

(1) A song of love we sing

In tune that GOD is love,
Fill us with joy,
Now with unshaken hearts
And doubts and error flee,
In GOD’S Kingdom we dwell
Faithfully in Him.
(2) In sweetest voice of praise
Proclaiming GOD is love,
His name we raise,
Always too wonderful,
So precious and peaceful,
Marvelous in our eyes
Are all his ways.
(3) Ours to tell of His love;
Ours to shew forth His praise,
In joy or grief.
No worldly thought of ours,
But godly thoughts in thee,
Could make us free indeed,
O GOD of love!
(4) Keep us thou GOD of love
Help us in Thy Kingdon
To be Thine own.
Bless us with Thy wisdom,
And with Thy love divine,
Help us to be Thine own,
O GOD of love
NO (159) 8583

(1) IN Thy tabernacle O LORD!

Who shall dwell therein?
It’s he that walketh uprightly
In the LORD.
(2) He that speaketh truth in his heart,
And backbiteth not;
Nor do evil to his neighbor
In the LORD.
(3) He that worketh in righteousness,
In the mount of GOD;
And that honoureth them that fear
In the LORD.
(4) He that sweareth to his own hurt,
And he changeth not;
That giveth not to us’ry,
In the LORD.
NO (160) 9898

(1) “SING a joyful song to JEHOVAH,

Ye people on the land and seas!
From day to day serve him forever,
And in His court sing with gladness.
(2) “Know ye also the LORD is gracious;
He made us and not we ourselves;
And we are the sheep of His pastures,
With thanksgivings enter His gates.”
(3) “The LORD is good, His grace He giveth,
Through Christ, to His people with faith,
And His mercy is everlasting,
His truth for ever more liveth.
(4) “O sing aloud to GOD our Saviour’
Sing a joyful song unto Him!
Be ye thankful unto Him, brethren,
And bless Him that giveth us strength.”
(5) “Ye ministers of His by favour,
That serve in His kingdom always;
Ye people that worship in His courts,
Sing, joyful song to GOD for ever.
NO (161) 7777

(1) FATHER, may we do Thy will”

Thy loving-kindness we feel,
And Thy precepts we fulfil;
We pray Thee, Father, hear us.
(2) Christ the way, the truth and life,
Teach us Lord, to live aright,
Knowing Thee, is life in sight;
We pray Thee, Father, hear us.
(3) Jesus give us Thy wisdom,
That we‘ll dwell in Thy kingdom,
In peace, and to have freedom;
We pray Thee, Father, hear us.
NO (162) 8888

(1) AS pilgrim in a sinful world

On pilgrimage to “ paradise,”
May “Onward march” be our watchword,
Rem’bering the fall of Lot’s wife.
(2) And though as strangers we sojourn,
Here in this wicked world of sin,
Yet we shall if we trust in GOD,
Find sweet rest in the promise land.
(3) When once in godless state we roved,
Sin and grief prevailed over our will
Our heart were fill with sinful will
And knew not then God’s loving will.
(4) Thanks! For our Lord’s second presence,
Which His precious truth has revealed.
What joyful news this brings to us,
Who love to the will of GOD.
(5) May His Spirit within us shine,
As in the Holy mount we dwell,
May we sing from His Book Divine-
‘LORD for evermore we are Thine’!
NO (163) Part 1 10 4 10 4 10 10

(1) TEACH me the gospel of Jesus

I love to hear
How He would re-deem me from sins,
I love to know,
When from sins I flee,
Happy I am;
For life I’ll gain
Teach me His ways.
(2) Oh! Words of life in His kingdom,
I love to hear,
Oh! Let me hear how He loves me
And died for me,
Words of Salvation,
Deeds full of faith,
Now bring redemption,
And peace to all.
(3) Hear Him ye beloved brethren,
Faithful in Him,
Casting all your cares upon Him,
He cares for Thee,
Words full of wisdom
Teach us O LORD!
And send Thy Spirit
To dwell in us.
NO (163) Part 11 10 4 10 4 10 10

(1) TEACH me the gos-pel of Je-sus my king,

I love to hear,
Oh, how He would redeem me from my sins
I love to know,
When from sins I flee, how happy I am;
For life I’ll gain, to know Thy ways, O Lord.
(2) Oh! Words of life in His Holy kingdom,
I love to hear,
Oh! Let me hear how He loves me His child,
And died for me.
Words of Salvation, deeds full of faith,
Bring redemption, truth and peace to all men.
(3) Hear Him ye beloved brethren in the Lord,
Faithful in Him.
Casting all your cares upon Him, Jesus,
He cares for Thee,
Words full of wisdom, teach us, teach us Lord!
Send Thy Spirit, to dwell in us always.
NO (164) 8787

(1) SWEET is the home where love doth reign,

And inspires the heart to love
The truth of Jesus from above-
Who died to save us from sin.
(2) And if our homes be lacking love;
If our deeds be far from love;
If our thoughts be without Christ’s love,
Satan seeks therein to dwell.
(3) O! Where the love of Jesus reigns,
In the homes where he abides,
And where few in truth dwell in Him
Satan will tremble and fear.
NO (165) 6686

(1) GOD made man from the dust,

And gave Him breath of life;
And man became a living soul-
A wonderful creature.
(2) Brethren, all living souls,
Are indeed mortal souls;
And none can deliver himself,
From the hands of the grave.
(3) For the wages of sin,
I death and vanity;
Eternal life is gift of GOD
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(4) The nobles and the kings,
Prince and princesses
Shall have their portion in the gave
With the poor and oppressed.
(5) “Soul the souls are mine”,
Saith GOD our creator.
“For soul that sinneth it shall die”
Small and great, rich and poor.
(6) On resurrection day
All the dead shall arise,
Unjust for judgment just for life,
Saith JEHOVAH of host.
NO(166) 878787

(1) AH! Could we count GOD’S bounteous gifts,

Which he bestowed upon us?
Could we say of his bounteous grace
For His ransomed ones in Christ?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
What a bountiful favour!
(2) Songs of thanks to GOD be rendered,
for His precious gift of life.
Onward Christians and onward spread now
The Kingdom Gospel to all.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Let our songs to GOD arise.
(3) O! When that glorious day shall come
Righteousness shall kiss the earth.
No more nor death shall ever be;
But peace and life everywhere.
Hallelujah Hallelujah!
O, Wonderful bless-ed day!

NO (167) (Draw from 1 cor. 13 etc) 777777

(1) IF with tongues of men we speak,

Or like the angels we speak,
And we have not charity,
We’ve become a sounding brass,
Or a tinkling cymbal’s noise,
Or like empty vessel’s sound.
(2) Though we’ve gifts of prophecies,
Though we’ve understanding of hearts,
Of God’s knowledge and mysteries,
And we have not charity,
We are nothing but vanity
And an empty vessel’s of sound.
(3) And though with faith we remove,
All impossibilities,
And though our good we bestow,
To the poor and needy ones,
And we have not charity,
It profiteth us nothing.
(4) Though cha-ri-ty suf-fereth long,
It is kind with-out en-vy;
And it vaunt-eth not it-self,
Nor doth it puff up it-self;
Doth not be-have un-seem-ly,
And it think-eth not e-vil.
(5) Though there be tongues, but shall fail,
Whether there be prophecies,
Charity excelleth all,
Charity never faileth,
Charity ne-ver vanquisheth;
But rejoiceth in truth.
(6) Now a-bid-eth faith and hope,
And ch-a-ri-ty; yet of these,
The great-est is cha-ri-ty,
Cha-ri-ty e-di-feth,
And cha-ri-ty for-giv-eth,
‘Tis the end of all laws.
(7) Brethren let’s have charity,
Fervently amongst ourselves;
For cha-ri-ty co-ve-reth,
All multitude of sins.
And be ye therefore sober.
For end of all things is near.
NO (168) 7 7 7 7 Ref. 4 7 7 7

(1) LORD, give us Thy willing ones

Thy precious rich promises.
May we in truth always be,
Fitting vessels for Thy praise.
Ref Good LORD, bless us,
Give us Thy Spirit of peace,
While we delight in Thy ways,
To glorify THEE always.
(3) LORD, bless us in Thy kingdom,
Which has grown as “mustard seed”
And will soon spread over the world,
After, “great tribulation”.
(4) Bless all rulers in THEE, LORD,
Guide aright O LORD, their ways,
May we be subject to them
In good works and faithfulness.
Grant us O LORD our requests,
That we use them to Thy praise,
LORD, in Thy kingdom always.

NO (169) 7 7 7 7 7 7 (Drawn from Job 28:12-21,23,28 etc)

(1) WHERE could wisdom now be found?
And place of understanding?
Seeing ‘tis hidden from men,
Who seek not the Lord our King
Only GOD knoweth the way
Since ‘tis found only in Him.
(2) Depth of wisdom is in GOD,
May always our heart be found
Full of the wisdom from Him,
Who’s wisdom perisheth not,
But is full of knowledge true
Of Salvation of mankind.
(3) The exchange of it can’t be
With precious gold and jewels,
Nor glorious coral and pearls,
Because the price of wisdom
Is above all rubies,
Therefore seek wisdom and live.
(4) Not the wisdom of the world;
Nor its understanding too,
For it beareth war and strife,
Since ‘tis foolishness to God,
Enter not its gate thereof,
But seek the wisdom of God.
(5) Behold, the fear of the LORD,
That is to have His wisdom;
And to flee from evil ways
Is to have understanding,
That thou will gain life and peace
In the kingdom of our LORD.
NO (170) 8888

(1) THERE is a book I love to read,

Where life and peace of God are found,
There’s word of joy, the word of God
Which will sweeten a bitter heart.
(2) The poor and meek but rich in Christ
Find this book a treasure of light,
From page to page its precious words,
Make glad the heart that once was sad.
(3) This book doth shine from age to age
And shinning through the darkest age,
A writ divine for all the sage;
The Holy Bible precious Gift.
(4) The Bible, word of God contains;
The human race ever it maintains,
To those who though its pages run,
Will find comfort and peace there from.
NO (171) 5 6 9 6 5 9 Ref; 9 9 11 9

(1) SING the song of victory!

Sing the song of joy!
With wonderful thoughts of love and peace
With Jesus our Saviour-
Mighty prince of peace
Ruling in the mist of enemies.
Hallelujah! what a mighty prince,
Ruling now in power and love and peace,
Sing the song of victory, Sing it over again,
Heralding the kingdom tidings free.
(2) Sing the song of wisdom
Of our living GOD,
‘Tis the music of the youths in Christ,
Bearing forth the anthem-
‘There is joy today,’
Tell the joyous tidings of the truth.
(3) Marching victoriously,
To the battle front,
With the word of GOD, the two-edged sword,
Swing it forth with glory!
Swing it forth with joy!
Piercing through the hearts of sinful men.
(4) Welcome from the battle,
Of the LORD of Hosts,
Where the godless flee with shamefulness
Sing the song of victory!
Sing it over again!
Proclaiming the victory of the LORD.
NO (172) 7 7 7 7 7 7,

(1) LET’S a song of freedom sing,

Brethren in this freedom Day;
And with cheerful voices sing,
Of freedom through Christ our King,
For you and me he was born
In October Freedom day.
(2) Herald loud the freedom song,
Promised from the ages long,
By Holy prophets of God.
Written in His Holy word.
Sing, O sing ye favoured ones,
That have know Christ precious ways.
(3) What a joyful Freedom Day,
When we come to remember,
The birth of our Saviour Christ!
Then, the angels sang with joy,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace be to men of goodwill.
(4) Ever present, ever kind,
Jesus son of Bless-ed GOD!
For our freedom thou was born
And the glory of mankind,
Who in Thy freedom do trust
Bless, o bless us, Christ our Lord.
NO (173) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 6 7 8 7

(1) ON that glorious, ‘October Night’,

Hundreds of years ago
Was born the Saviour of the world,
Who brought freedom to mankind.
Hark! Angelic voice say-
Good tidings of peace to all;
For in Bethlehem was born Christ,
Who brought freedom to mankind.
(2) On that peaceful and silent night,
Shepherds their flock were keeping,
Then came an angel robed in light
With tidings of joy to all.
(3) Glory to God in the highest,
Peace be to men of good will,
Who will hear words of Saviour
Jesus the King of Salem.
(4) For unto us a child was born;
To us a son was given,
Bearing tidings of Salvation,
“Emmanuel” God is with us.
(5) The ‘Freedomites are rejoicing;
Kingdomites voices array;
Singing the songs of Salvation,
Freedom and of peace to all.
NO (174) 8 6 8 6 Ref; 8 6 8 4

(1) DEPTH of love in God we have found,

With admirable joy,
That Jesus birth to save mankind
Make glad our hearts each day.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Be glad from day to day
That Jesus birth to save mankind
Fills us with joy.
(2) In that night of His royal birth,
The angel anthems swell-
“Glory to God in the highest,
Peace to men of goodwill”.
(3) His portion were not earthly crowns
Nor earthly thrones His choice,
Though he was born in shepherds’ inn
Yet He is King of Kings.
(4) The truth of this was never heard;
This joy was never known,
Our hearts were filled with sorrows then,
When in darkness we trod.
NO (175) 8686

(1) While shepherds watched the flock by night,

All seated on the ground;
The angel of the Lord came down,
And glory shone around.
(2) “Fear not” said he for mighty dread,
Had seized their trouble mind,-
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
To you and all mankind.
(3) “To you, in David’s town, this day,
Is born of David line
The Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord;
And this shall be the sign:
(4) “The heavenly babe you there shall find,
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swathing bands,
And in a manger laid”
(5) Thus speak the seraph and forthwith
Appeared a shining throng,
Of angels, praising God, who thus
Addressed their joyful song:
(6) “All glory be to God on high!
And to the earth be peace!
Good-will hence forth from heaven to men
Begin, and never cease!”
NO (176) 8787

(1) AS the world around is sleeping’

In the calm and silent night;
While the shepherds watch were keeping,
Come an angel robed in light.
(2) “Lo; to you I bring good tidings,
Words of peace to all your race;
For in Bethlehem abiding
Now is born the prince of Grace.”
(3) “H ark! Heavens host take up the story,
Praising God over Bethlehem plain;
“Glory in the highest, glory!
Peace on earth goodwill to men.”
(4) We would join the glorious story,
Swell the angels ‘lofty strain,
Glory in the highest glory;
Worthy is the Lamb once slain.
NO (177) 8 5 6 6 8 5 Ref; 1 1 6 1 3 9 4

(1) IN the feast of tabernacles

Of the LORD of Hosts
With thanks we do rejoice
As the happy Christians
We celebrates the Feast of feast.
In the feast of tabernacles of the LORD,
Their are blessings from GOD,
Let us go to the feast of tabernacles with thanks,
And rejoice as youths of Jesus band,
To praise the LORD.
(2) He that thirsts for the “word of life”,
The liv-ing wat-er,
Of the LORD our creat-or,
Let him come to the feast
Of Ta-ber-na-cles
And take free-ly the “water of life”.
(3) Many nations and kindreds from
Every tongue and clime,
In the feast shall rejoice
With their vows and off-rings,
O with one accord,
To celebrate the Feast of feasts.
NO (178) 8 7 9 4 9 3 9 4 Ref; 9 6 7 7

(1) THIS is the Feast of Rejoicing,

That brings peace to all our race
I heard a great voice out of heaven,
Saying, saying,
“Behold the tabernacle of GOD,
Is with men!”
I heard a great voice out of heaven,
Saying, saying.
“Behold the Tabernacle of GOD!
And He with dwell with men;
And they shall be His people;
God Himself shall be their GOD.”
(2) Sing! The Tabernacle of God!
Christ the “Horn of Salvation,”
Now bringeth deliverance to mankind;
Now to mankind;
His kingdom full of glory on earth,
Now brings praise,
And life everlasting to mankind
Who dwell therein.
(3) Behold the sheep of Jehovah,
Celebrating the great feast,
The Feast that brings peace to God’s people;
To God’s people,
Grant us Thy blessings O JEHOVAH!
Thy blessings,
In Jesus Christ Thy Tabernacle
Shall life be found.

NO (179) 9448879
(1) IN bless-ed Feast of Tabernacles,
O, there is joy!
And there is peace,
For those who love the LORD of Hosts
And there is hope; hallelujah,
Then bring forth your off’rings true
In the great Feast of Tabernacles.

(2) Now in the Feast of Tabernacles,

There is blessings-
O blessing true!
And the wisdom of God of peace,
And to celebrants shall be
Honour, love and riches true,
From Jesus Christ the Tabernacles.
NO (180) 64646664

(1) HERE we’ve come together

The Lord praise,
In His kingdom forever
His name to bless,
Jesus our dearest friend!
To---Thee we’ll sing praises,
In—Thy kingdom on earth
Thy “Holy hill”.
(2) Lord there are fulfillments
Of Thy promise
To gether together
Thy chosen ones,
Thy name to glorify,
And—bring our offerings too,
To--- do your ser-vi-ces
Here in Thy mount.
NO (181) 8686

(1) GOD of peace to lovers of truth,

May Thy peace reign with us;
And may Thy wonderful wisdom
Guild Thy remnant on earth.
(2) Not by faith alone without works,
Not by works lest we boast;
But faith with works to do Thy will,
In Thy mount, gives us life.
(3) A place to dwell in Thy kingdom
In our meditation
We have no hope in satan’s world,
Where strife and woe abound.
(4) As we from this assembly go,
Grant us Thy divine peace;
That we, believers of Thy truth,
Speak of Thy wondrous grace.
NO (182) 878787

(1) LORD dismiss us with Thy blessing,

Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each, Thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace,
O refresh us, o refresh us,
Traveling through this wilderness.
(2) Thanks we give, and adoration,
For the gospel’s joyful sound;
May the fruit of Thy Salvation
In our hearts and lives abound;
May Thy presence, may Thy presence,
With us evermore be found.
NO (183) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 8 8 8 8

(1) LORD, may we go with Thy blessings,

From this Thy Holy assembly,
Pardon all our faults, that may be,
And bless us LORD with gift of life.
LORD, may Thy blessings be with us,
And fill our hearts with love and peace
LORD, may Thy precious give of life,
Now be our joy for ever more.
(2) LORD, as we leave this gathering,
All to our different homes and works,
May we abide in truth always,
And praising Thee at every hour.
(3) May thou be with us as we go,
Guarding us from all satan’s snares,
When home we reach, we will thank Thee,
LORD, who guildeth us safely home.
(4) Hail JEHOVAH and Jesus Christ!
Hail them with joy and loving hearts!
Hail them O Hail them as we go,
Brethren, again till we will meet.

NO (184) Part 1 8888

(1) GLORY to GOD in the highest;
Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord;
Glory and praises ever sing,
Hail JEHOVAH and Christ the King!
NO (184) Part 11 8888

(2) O! Praise GOD for His precious word;

And thank Him for our daily bread!
Which He graciously to us give,
Who praise Him and to His son cleave.

NO (185) Part 1 6686

(1) HAIL JEHOVAH and Christ!
From whom all blessings flow;
Give praise and thanks and faithfully grow,
In wisdom of our Christ.
NO (185) Part 11 6686
(2) LORD, dismiss us in peace,
Now that we’ve heard Thy voice,
And as we leave we will rejoice-
“Thy truth our anchor is”

NO (186) 86866
(1) THE grace and love of Jesus Christ,
And peace from GOD our LORD,
Be with us as we now do leave,
To our different abode,
That we in truth abide.
NO (187) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 7

(1) ARISE! Ye youths ye sons of light!

Chase the foes, with strength in Christ,
Gird Thy amour that’s the decree
Till the godless people flee.
Oh! Arise ye mighty nation!
And rejoice ye mighty nation,
For the victory is the LORD’S
Bearing forth the truth with gladness,
As the soldiers of Jesus!
As the soldiers of Jesus!
As the soldiers of Jesus,
Bearing forth the truth with gladness,
For the victory is the LORD’S.
(2) Wake! Arise! and spread the gospel,
Over the world till all is well!
Shew forth the victory of the LORD,
Treading where our master trod.
(3) Let’s trust in GOD and do the right;
And speak the truth without fight,
Speaking it with strength in the LORD,
Hoping for His sure reward.

(1) THERE is freedom for all

In the kingdom of our GOD,
O! Praise JEHOVAH our GOD and KING,
For chosen Gideon Urhobo
In the beauty of His Holiness.
We thank Thee, LORD, we thank Thee LORD
For this good privilege,
We praise Thee, LORD, we thank Thee LORD
For all our joy and peace.
Oh! Onward we shall march with joy,
For there is freedom for all;
For in the name of Jesus Christ.
We shall conquer as we go,
There is victory
In the blessed kingdom of our GOD
There is freedom!
There is victory and there is freedom
In the kingdom of our LORD and KING!
We thank Thee LORD!
We praise Thee JEHOVAH GOD,
For our victory through Thy Holy name,
There is freedom
There is freedom
There is victory
There is victory
There is joy and peace and rest
In the blessed kingdom of GOD-
The desire of mankind.

GOD’S Kingdom on earth has come,
Thy kingdom of peace and of joy and rest
We thank Thee JEHOVAH GOD-
For chosen Gideon Urhobo
For the kingdom of GOD is the hope of mankin
That brings victory and freedom to mankind
Hallelujah! Praise ye the LORD,
For victory over all our foes.
We praise Thee, LORD, our GOD and KING,
For all our joy and peace,
We thank Thee, LORD, we thank Thee, LORD,
For our victory over all our foes.

NO (189) 11 10 11 10 Ref; 10 8 10 8
(1) O LORD my GOD, when I’m in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour GOD, to Thee
How great thou art, how great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour GOD, to Thee,
How great thou art, how great thou art!
(2) When through the woods and forest glades I wander
I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.
(3) And when I think, that GOD, His son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce not take it in,
That on the tree my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.

NO (190) 8787
(1) ALL ye nations, come let’s worship,
JEHOVAH and Christ Jesus,
In the feast of Tabernacles;
Which brings joy and peace to all.
(2) Let us celebrate rejoice
With one accord in the Lord,
In His great Feast of ingathering;
To keep the precepts of GOD.
(3) What shall we render O brethren;
In the LORD’S great Feast of Feasts
Let us do His will, willingly,
Pay our vows and offerings too.
(4) We ask for Thy care, JEHOVAH,
In Christ the Tabernacle;
Guild us each year to keep the Feast,
This we pray in Jesus Name.
(5) Praise and thanks we give to Thee, LORD;
For all mercies through Thy Son,
Give us the precious “rain” Master,
Now and after this great Feast.

NO (191) 8686
(1) IN the Tabernacles of God,
I’ll dwell in joy and peace;
And His Son Jesus Christ.
(2) O! the Tabernacle of God,
Now dwells amongst our race,
Rejoice, God’s children now on earth;
In His Tabernacle.
(3) As for me and my house we’ll serve,
Thee LORD with all hearts,
To know Thy kindness by Thy grace,
In THEE O LORD we trust.
(4) Glory to JEHOVAH our God,
Glory to Christ Jesus,
Glory to his Anointed ones,
Who reign for ever more.

NO (192) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 8 8 8 8
(1) WELCOME, brethren in Christ Jesus;
To this Feast of Tabernacles,
Ordained for all in this last days,
By God for our blessings and peace.
Praise, Thanks and honour, O MOST HIGH!
For keeping us safe in Thy care,
To celebrate the Feast of Feasts,
Each year in joy and happiness.
(2) Rejoice now brethren and be glad,
Sharing each o-thers love in Christ,
In this great Feast of GOD our LORD;
Full of freedom and GOD’S blessings.
(3) We’ll fill Thy court with songs and praise,
That’ll make our hearts re-joice in Thee,
That we might have Thy pr e-cious “rain”,
From year to year in hap-pi-ness.
(4) Bre-thren in Christ! Are ye pre-pared,
To have the prec-ious “rain” from God?
Then pay all off’rings and your vows,
Doin His work faith-fu-ly in truth.

NO (193) 10 7 10 7 Ref; 10 7 10 9

(1) PRAISE ye the LORD, Amen, praise ye the LORD!

Praise the LORD of Hosts, “I AM”
The cre-a-tor of Jesus and mankind,
Praise Him, praise Him, He’s the LORD.
Refrain; O! praise His name, my dear brethren in Christ;
In this great Feast of the LORD.
Let’s celebrate the Feast with one accord,
The Feast that brings joy and peace to all.
(2) Behold! the Tabernacle of the LORD,
Is our Savour, Christ Jesus,
Is now dwelling amongst our race on earth,
To show us the way of life.
(3) Come now and drink from GOD’S living water,
Flowing from Jesus, the Christ!
Taste and drink it and ye shall then be free,
Free from grief, sorrow and death.

NO (194) 10 10 10 10 Ref; 9 8 9 7

(1) IN the Feast of Tabernacles of God,

There are blessings from JEHOVAH and Christ,
Come now, let’s celebrate in this great Feast,
Singing, “Hosanna” in jubilation.
Keep us O LORD, for in Thee we trust;
To Thee O LORD, our vows we renew,
For Thy goodness and all Thy mercies,
We give Thee thanks and pra-ises.
(2) Oh! Ye nations and kindreds of the earth;
Sing, shout, rejoice for we’re in happy days;
Let’s praise with Holy thoughts of GOD’S kingdom;
Christ the true and perfect Tabernacle.
(3) We happy celebrants come before Thee;
Accept our vows and our offerings we bring
Give us understanding of the great word;
For Salvation belongeth unto Thee.
(4) Happy brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Are ye prepared to have the precious “rain”?
If “yes” then give all your heart to the Lord,
Fill His Tabernacle with praise and thanks.

NO (195) 10 10 10 10 Ref; 9 8 9 7

(1) I am so glad that our father in Heaven,

Tells of His love in the book He has given;
Wonderful things in the Bible I see;
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.
I am so glad, that Jesus loves me
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me
I am so glad, that Jesus loves me
Jesus loves even me.
(2) Though I forget Him, and wonder away,
Still He doth love me whenever I stray;
Back to His dear loving arms do I flee,
When I remember that Jesus loves me.
(3) O if there’s only one song I can sing,
When in His beauty I see the great King,
This shall my song in eternity be,
O what a wonder that Jesus loves me.
(4) If one should ask of me; How can I tell,
Glory to Jesus I know very well;
God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
Constantly witnessing, Jesus loves me.

NO (196) 11 10 11 10 Ref; 6 6 10 11 10

(1) JEHOVAH GOD of grace, we come before Thee,

To celebrate the Teast of Christ Jesus;
That brings deliverance and peace to God‘s people
Ordained by Thee for all in this last days.
Grant us peace, joy and hope,
In our Saviour, Jesus
The only true perfect Tabernacle,
Send us the precious “rain” through Thy Son Jesus
From year to year in peace and happiness
(2) Help us O God of grace, now that we’ve known Thee,
Guard thou our ways our though our tongues and hearts
That we Thy kindness and mercies, Lord enjoy
Each time we celebrate the Feast of Christ.
(3) With thanks we do rejoice as happy Christians,
With one accord in Christ praising Thee, Lord;
To keep Thy laws, and pay our vows and offerings
In the LORD’S great Feast of Tabernacles.
(4) How lovely are Thy Tabernacles O Lord;
Our heart longeth and yea even cleaveth,
To praise Thee Lord and keep Thy testimonies,
In perfect peace and love for ever more.

NO (197) 11 11 11 8 11 11 11 9

(1) WHAT shall I render unto Thee LORD, my GOD

For Thy great benefits toward me your child
I will pay my tithe and all my vows to Thee
And offer all my thanksgiving
I will pay in the presence of my people
Gathered in the courts
The great house of the LORD
I will keep Thy laws and serve Thee with my heart
Pour on me Thy blessings Thou promised.
NO (198) 8686

(1) AMAZING grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see.
(2) The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

NO (199) 7 7 7 7 Ref; 7 5 7 7 7 7

(1) “THO’ your sins be as scarlet, ]

They shall be as white as snow, ]
“Tho’ they be red like crimson,
They shall be as wool
“Tho’ your sins be as scarlet,
“Tho’ your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow,
They shall be as white as snow.
(2) Hear the voice that entreats you; ]
Oh return ye unto GOD,
He is of great compassion,
And of wondrous love
Hear the voice that entreats you,
Hear the voice that entreats you,
OH return ye unto GOD
OH return ye unto GOD.
(3) He’ll for give your transgressions, ]
And remember them no more, ]
Look unto me, ye people”
Saith the Lord your GOD
He’ll for give your transgressions
He’ll for give your transgressions
And remember them no more
And remember them no more.

NO (200) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 7 8 7

(1) I will sing of my re-deem-er,

And His won-drous love to me,
On the cruel tree He su-ffer-ed,
From the curse to set me free.
All; Sing, oh sing….of my re-deem-er……
Parts; Sing oh sing, of my redeemer! Sing oh sing of my red’mer
All; With His blood….. He pur-chased me! ……
Parts; With His blood (He purchase me) He purchase me!
He purchase me!
All; On the tree ……. He sealed my par-don,……..
Parts; On the tree He sealed my par-don, On the tree He
Sealed my par-don,
All; Paid the debt ………. And made me free ……..
Parts; Paid the debt and made me free, and made me free (
And made me free)
(2) I will tell the wondrous story,
How my lost estate He saved,
With His boundless love and mercy,
He the ransom freely gave.
(3) I will praise my dear re-deem-er,
His triumphant power I’ll tell;
How the vic-to-ry He giv-eth
O-ver sin, and death, and hell.
(4) I will sing of my redeemer,
And His wondrous love for me;
He from death to life hath brought me,
His grace de-vine, full and free.

NO (201) 8 5 8 5 Ref; 4 5 8 5

(1) PASS me not, Oh gentle Saviour,

Hear my humble cry,
While on others Thou art calling
Do not pass me by.
Saviour, Saviour,
Hear my humble cry,
While on others Thou art calling
Do not pass me by.
(2) Hear me at Thy throne of mercy
Send a sweet relief;
While I bow in deep contrition,
Help my unbelief.
(3) Trusting only in Thy power,
As I seek Thy face;
Heal my wounded, broken spirit,
Save me by Thy grace.
(4) Thou Father of all my comfort,
Savior of my life;
Whom have I on earth beside Thee
Whom in Heaven but Thee.

NO (202) 6666

(1) FATHER in thy mercy,

Hear our heart de-si-re,
Keep us Lord, protect us,
From satan’s temptations.

(2) Let thy presence Father,

Be our light and our guide;
In our weakness, keep us,
At thy side in safety.
(3) In sorrow, in danger,
In loneliness, in grief;
Lord, in thy love look down,
Comfort us in distress.
(4) The joy of Salvation,
Be our strength and our stay,
May we love and worship,
Daily, Lord in Thy truth.
(5) Father let Thy teaching,
Sanctify our lives now;
Send Thy grace, peace and joy,
That we may conquer strife.
Bless us, save and guide us,
To reach the promised land.

NO (203) 10 10 10 7 REF; 7 7 10 7

(1) WITH my Saviour ever near to guide me,

I am safe whatever may be tide me,
From the storm and tempest, He will hide me,
In the hollow of His hand.
All; In the hollow….. of His hand…..
Parts; In the hollow in the hollow of His hand
All; In the hollow ….. of His hand…….
Parts; In the hollow in the hollow of His hand
I am safe whatever may be tide me,
In the hollow of His hand.
(2) In His arms of love He doth enfold me,
Words of peace His voice divine hath told me,
I am safe for God Himself doth hold me,
In the hollow of His hand.
(3) He will guide my soul and leave me never,
From His love no power on earth shall sever,
And I know He’ll keep me now and ever,
In the hollow of His hand.

NO (204) 11 8 11 9 Ref; 7 7 11 9

(1) AFTER this I beheld a great multitude;

No man could count of all nations
Stood before the throne and before the great Lamb
All in white robes and palms in their hands.
All; Salvation……….unto our God……….
Parts; Salvation unto our God, to our God,
All; Who sitteth upon the throne,
All; Salvation unto our God and to the Lamb
All; They all sang praising to God and the Lamb,
(2) All the angels stood round about the Lord’s throne;
With the elders and the four beasts,
They all fall before the throne on their faces,
To worship JEHOVAH and the Lamb.
(3) All said, Amen, blessings, glory and wisdom,
Thanksgiving honour, power and might
Be unto our God forever and ever,
Singing rejoicing, praising the Lord.
(4) Lo! Who are these which are arrayed in white robes,
From whence they came with these garments,
These, all came out from the great tribulation,
And have watched their robes and made them white.
In the blood……… of the great Lamb………
In the blood of the great Lamb, the great Lamb
He has cleansed and made them free
They shall serve Him day night in His temple
And JEHOVAH GOD shall be with them.

NO (205) 8 7 8 8 Ref; 8 7 8 8

(1) REJOICE Saint Gideon Urhobo,

In Zion, city of God,
Yes! Rejoice, Oh thou man of God,
That here on earth, your true light shines.
All; Yes rejoice………..O servant of God
Parts; Yes rejoice
All; That your name………… is remembered
Parts; That your name
All; Day and night by those who love you
All; Just like those Saints who live above…………..
Parts; (live above)
(2) Yes you’re like a star in God’s throne
Clad in a robe pure and white,
Wearing the victor’s crown of gold;
Singing new anthems of Zion.
(3) Thou upheld your Saviour honour
Fighting on till life ended;
Preaching the truth of the gospel
As an Anointed man of God.
(4) O ye Christian men and women,
Glorify the Lord and raise,
Hymns of adoration and praise,
To honour Christ in His Saint true.

NO (206) 8583

(1) JESUS my Shepherd I love Thee,

I will follow Thee;
Thou saved me Lord, from sin and death,
On the tree.
(2) There’s no love like that of Jesus,
Never, ever fades,
It is precious, it is boundless;
Pure and free.
(3) Happy I am happy I am,
To be loved by Christ,
I will ever follow my King;
Jesus Christ.
(4) I will sing of Christ and His love,
‘Cause I know it’s true,
He saves those that call and trust Him,
In the truth.
(5) If I’ll follow in truth and love,
Nothing I will lack,
Abundantly, He will provide,
All my need.
(6) I will follow CHRIST my Saviour,
Follow every day,
That I may gain my Salvation;
On this earth.

NO (207) 7773

(1) JESUS, joy of loving hearts,

Be a friend to me each day,
Take my hand and ever keep me
Close to Thee.
(2) My Lord, I’m a little child,
Weak and apt to stray from Thee,
Watch and guide me, gentle Lamb
Day by day.
(3) Teach me how to grow in Thee,
Daily upward into grace,
Live Thyself within my heart,
This I pray.

(4) Step by step, lead me onward,

Into Thy Kingdom of joy,
Let me always serve Thee Lord,
In Thy truth.
(5) Never leave nor forsake me,
Ever be my friend indeed,
Guide me safely, I need Thee
Till the end.
(6) Christ is my portion forever,
His glory I will pursue;
In wisdom, strength, love and joy,
For ever.

NO (208) 7 6 8 6 7 6 7 6 Ref; 6 6 8 6
(1) JE-HO-VAH, God Almighty,
Cre-a-tor of Heaven and earth,
Our soul rejoice and praise Thee, LORD,
Fa-ther of all man-kind,
Who is like un-to Thee, LORD?
Most Ho-ly and Rev-erend,
All the good gifts around us;
Are sent by Thee, O LORD.
We’ll sing of Thy good-ness,
O LORD from day to day,
We thank Thee, LORD, O thank Thee, LORD;
For all …. Thy love.
(2) JEHOVAH God we’ve found Thee,
Make us your sheep forever,
Cleanse us and make our faith more strong;
To stay with Thee in truth,
Glory to Christ our Saviour,
Who death to save our souls,
To bring us near-er to Thee,
For safe-ty and refuse.
(3) FA-THER of justice and love,
To Thee we come with thanks
Thy word has brought us to Thy light,
What a blessing we’ve found,
Help us to reap Thy goodness;
All good things come from Thee
We pledge all our life to Thy care,
Perfect are all Thy ways.
(4) O GOD of love and mer-cy,
JE-HO-VAH great I AM.
All might and majesty belong;
To Thee “Ancient of days”
Cre-a-tor of Christ Jesus,
Who made all things to bear,
Give us triumph over sin,
To reach the blissful shore.

NO (209) 6686

(1) REVIVE me now O Lord,

That I no longer roam
But cling to Thee and do Thy will,
In Thy mount forever.
(2) Revive me now O Lord,
Let my soul thirst for Thee
Pardon my guilt and make me pure,
To serve Thee and be blessed.
(3) Revive me now O Lord
And do my soul redeem
From satan’s darts and all his works
I beseech Thee, O Lord.
(4) Revive me now O Lord
That I walk close to Thee
And hate satan and all his works
And worship only Thee.
(5) Revive me now O Lord
Give me refreshing showers
The glory shall be all Thine own
The blessings, Lord be mine.

NO (210) 12 12 12 12

I thank Thee AL-MIGHTY as I pay my tithe now,

Give me faith to continue, that I may not rob Thee,
Help me LORD, and save me from sa-tan’s temptations,
Open your win-dows and pour out Thy ble-ssings on me.
NO (211) 10 7 10 7 Ref; 9 7 10 7

(1) OH! Servant of God Saint G M Urhobo

Wise and strong and meek you were,
Thy glorious warfare you fought and you won
And now you are crowned at last.
All; We all re joice Oh! servant of God
Parts; Re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; As a courageous soldier
All; We all re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; As you reign with Christ above.
(2) True remnant of God, you have done sov well,
Your teaching we still hole firm
Our hearts leap for joy, when we hear and learn,
The good news through you from God.
All; We all re joice Oh! Servant of God
Parts; Re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; For the true doctrines you preached
All; We all re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; The good news of Salvation.
(3) You are now crowned on high as a Priest and King,
Arrayed in white spotless robe
And redeemed from earth to reign with the Lamb
Singing praises day and night.
All; We all re- joice Oh! Servant of God
Parts; Re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; As you see the Savour’s face
All; We all re-joice re-joice Oh! Servant of God
All; You now reign forever and ever.

NO (212) 10 7 10 7 Ref; 9 7 10 7

(1) JEHOVAH is love, let us all unite,

And His name always to praise
For Jesus Christ our redeemer has come
Let us all rejoice and sing.
All; Let us re- joice JEHOVAH is love
Parts; Re-joice re re- joice JEHOVAH is love
All; Come with praise and thanksgiving
All; Let us rejoice rejoice, always praise His name
All; And re-joice that GOD is love.
(2) Let us all unite, His true word to raise,
And His Holy Name to praise,
Without sorrow and pain in His blessings,
Let us all re-joice and sing.
(3) God’s wisdom is good, is so good and dear,
More precious than the rubies.
By His great wisdom perfect things are made,
Let us re-joice and sing.
(4) My brethren in Christ, come to God with joy,
Come to Him with cheerful heart,
For His blessings shall never ever fade,
Let us all re-joice sing.

NO (213) 8686D

(1) BRE-THREN awake, no longer sleep,

Shew forth your praise with thanks,
Let your thro works all be know,
To raise the word of God.
All; Let’s show our faith……….our works and deeds…
Parts Let’s show our faith our works and deeds
All; The hour has…… come…… be….. strong…….
Parts; The hour has come be strong, the hour has come be strong
All; The time is short the day is near
Parts; The time is short the day is near
All; Faint not brethren we’ll win
Parts; Faint not brethren we’ll win, faint not brethren we’ll win.
(2) Lord of the harvest has since come,
His love, His voice we know,
Let words of truth abide in us,
Each hour we live on earth.
(3) Oh! Help us Lord, each time we pray,
To do Thy will with faith;
May our light shine that men may know
And bless your Holy Name.

NO (214) 8 10 9

(1) JE-HO-VAH GOD, to Thee we pray,

Con-si-der now O LORD;
Our heart de-sires, in-cline Thine ear,
To bless us as we pray.
(2) A-bide with us O LORD of grace,
We need Thy pre-sence LORD;
Each day we live to do Thy with;
Grant us strength peace and joy.
(3) We ask through Christ, Thine H-oly Son,
Through whom we shall be saved;
e-ter-nally; lead us LORD,
That we may dwell in Thee.
(4) Stand by us LORD; our dai-ly guide,
Our thoughts and steps from sin,
To truth and life, help us we pray,
And bless us fore-ver. (A-men)

NO (215) 7985

(1) HAVE mercy---on me O LORD,

According to Thy loving kindness,
Wash me and cleans me--- from my--- sins,
This I pray-- O LORD.
(2) Purge me with--- Thy word each day,
Wash me I shall be whiter than snow
Hid Thy face from my--- sins O—LORD,
For Thy art--- my God.
(3) Give me a-- clean heart Oh God,
Renew a true spirit within me
Cast me not O Lord--- from Thy--- way---
This I pray O Lord.
(4) Give me joy--- of Salvation,
And strengthen me with Thy mighty hand
O lead me aright--- in Thy--- way---
Help me Lord--- I pray.

NO (216) 6686

(1) JEHOVAH God of grace,

There is none beside Thee
In Thee alone we shall be saved;
Through Christ Jesus Thy Son.
(2) Christ died at cal-vary;
To save us all from sin,
Let’s do God’s will each day we live,
For everlasting bliss.
(3) O Lord help us we pray,
From satan vicious arts,
Make us resist him always, Lord
That he may flee from us.
(4) Many are Thine lost sheep,
Make them all everywhere
Come before Thee to praise Thy name,
Through Christ our Redeemer.
NO (217) 6686

(1) LORD, in the strength of grace,

With a glad heart and love
Do consecrate myself to Thee
This day in Christ Jesus.
(2) Oh! JEHOVAH renew,
A right spirit in me
Radiate in me the light of grace,
And Thy laws to obey
(3) LORD, I’m entirely Thine;
Thou brought my soul in Christ,
That I may live forever more,
In Thee in peace and joy.
(4) LORD, I’ve made this promise
Hear thou my solemn vow
Take this pledge of mine; and seal it,
To serve Thee faithfully.
NO (218) 6 5 6 4 Ref; 7 9 11 11 3 3 7

(1) WE pray Thee, JEHOVAH,

Pro-tect and guide us
For in Thee LORD we trust;
And Christ Thy Son.
We pray Thee LORD JE-HO-VAH,
We pray Thee now, send us Thy bless-ings
To us all Thy child-ren on earth forever more
God of grace send us now Thy glo-rious mer-cy
Be our strength
Be our shield
That we a-bide in Thy way.
(2) To us who love Thee LORD;
Fa-ther of man-kind,
Pour on us Thy spi-rit
To see Thy light.
(3) Give us un-der-stand-ing
And faith to serve Thee
Hear our sup-pli-ca-tions;
(4) We do ad-ore Thee, LORD,
And learn of Thee, LORD,
For the blessed is the na-tion
Who trust in Thee.
(5) Show us mer-cy and love;
Lord, for Thy namesake
Let us not be a-shamed,
But bless us LORD.

NO (219) 6 5 6 4 Ref; 7 9 11 11 3 3 7

(1) THOUGH, sins may be-set me,

From my mo-ther’s womb,
For-give me, gra-cious Lord;
As I know Thee.
Don’t leave me a-lone, O LORD,
Be not far from me O JE-HO-VAH
Save me al-ways from sa-tan and his trou-bles
Through Christ Je-sus my Re-deem-er and my Friend
My great strength
My great shield
Hear my sup-pli-ca-tions, LORD.
(2) Sa-tan with dangerous snares,
May try to op-press
My faith in JE-HO-VAH
Will guide me through
(3) Weak and helpless I am;
Nothing I can do
But to trust, JE-HO-VAH,
For my safe-ty.
(4) LORD, make me vic-to-rious
o-ver temp-ta-tions
Through Jesus Christ Thy Son;
My re-deem-er.

NO (220) 7777D

(1) MY heart is fixed on Thee, Lord;

Thou Son of immortal God,
My shield, my Rock, priest and king,
Who for me died on cal-vary
Through anguish, sufferings and death,
To save me from sin and death
I’ll follow you all my life,
To preach your gospel in truth.
(2) Blessed are they who live for Thee;
My loving Saviour and king
No pleasure the world can give,
To satisfy my de-sire,
I will walk in Thy good light,
As a little child redeemed,
Bought by Thine own precious blood,
To proclaim you divine truth.
(3) Divine Renewer of hearts,
Blessings and glory you give;
Let Thy favour ever shine,
On me to obey your will”,
Make my faith grow more in strength,
Let Thy spirit work in me,
That I may earn Salvation.
NO (221) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 7 8 7

(1) GOD is here, and that to bless us,

With the spirit’s quickening power;
See, the cloud already blending,
Waits to drop the gateful shower.
Let it come O Lord, we pray Thee!
Let the shower of blessing fall;
We are waiting, we are waiting;
Oh revive (oh revive) the hearts of all!
(2) God is here! We feel His presence,
In this consecrated place;
But we need the soul refreshing,
Of His free, unbounded grace.
(3) God is here! Oh, then believing,
Bring to Him our one desire,
That His love may now be kindled,
Till its flame each heart inspire.
(4) Saviour grant the prayer we offer,
While in simple faith we bow;
From the windows of Thy mercy,
Pour us out a blessing now.
NO (222) 86867686

(1) Christ- Jesus, Sun of righteousness,

True light of all the world,
O—strengthen us that we may stand,
Firm and strong in Thee, Lord.
O fill us with Thy goodness,
Forgive our guilty past
For Thy grace on-ly can save us,
To Thee alone we flee.
(3) O—Lord, come and live within us
And never for sake us
O—keep us ever by Thy side,
Lead us all through our days,
Help us Lord to do Thy will,
Each moment of our life
Use us to spread Thy true gospel
Hence forth for evermore.
(3) Commend--Thy blessings from above
On your children on earth
Be—hold us with Father’s love
JEHOVAH, God of grace
Come, praise Him for He’s our strength
And His Salvation ours
Stand up and bless His glorious name
Hence forth for evermore.
NO (223) 8686

(1) JEHOVAH God-to Thee we come

Consider now- O Lord
Our heart desires, give Thine ear;
And bless us now, we pray.
(2) Abide with us-O Lord of grace,
We need Thy presence Lord
Each day we live, help us Father,
Grant us Thy peace and joy.
(3) We ask through Christ Thine Holy Son
Through whom we shall be saved
To righteousness, O Lord lead us
That may dwell in Thee.
(4) Be with us Lord and daily guide
Our thoughts and steps from sin
To truth of life, help us we pray
O merciful Father.
NO (224) 8 8 10 6

(1) What shall I render to my God

For His grace I receive each day
I’ll pay my vows before His people now
With joy and happiness.
(2) Accept this gift of mine, O Lord
A sacrifice of praise to Thee
Help me and guide my faith to con-ti-une
I ask in Jesus name.
(3) I’ll pay tithe and vows to Thee
And keep Thy laws with all my heart
And wait for Thy blessings, promised blessings
Through Christ Jesus Thy Son.
NO (225) 11 8 11 8 Ref; 5 5 5 6 3 6 3

(1) REJOICE in the LORD! Oh! Let His mercy cheer;

All ye who love Christ, the Saviour,
Redeemed by His blood, we should never fear man
Since Jesus Christ is on our side.
All; If God be for us, if God be for us, if God be for us,
Parts; If God be for us if God be for us
All; Who can be against us? who? who? who?
Parts; Who? Wh? Who can be against us
All; Who can be against us, against us,
(2) Be strong in the LORD! rejoicing in His might,
Be loyal and true day by day;
When evils assail, resist it in the Lord,
Jesus will be our strength and stay.
(3) Confides in His word-His promises so sure;
In Christ there is grace and succor
Satan may oppress, O never be afraid,
His device shall always fail.
(4) Abide in the LORD, secured in His control
‘Tis life everlasting in Him;
To pluck from His hand weakest, trembling soul,
It never, ever can be done.
NO (226) 65657565

(1) YIELD not to temp-ta-tions,

It’s sinful to do
Re-sis-tance you should have;
To flee sa-tan’s snares,
With an un-wavering faith fight,
Trust-ing in Je-sus power
Our Sa-viour.
(2) Oh! Never be dis-mayed,
O thou child of God
Hold on Strong to thy faith
To con-quer sa-tan
Fight till the battle be over
Trust-ing Christ
Fight till thou shall be saved
(3) Em-brace the truth and live
Put it in your heart,
To flee from sin-ful lusts
Hold firm-ly the truth,
As temp-ta-tions of the world
May as sail
Be faith-ful and be just,
To the end.

NO (227) 888444
(1) HEAR now, ye na-tions of the earth,
Christ King of kings has been en-throned
O come, O come, rejoice and sing
Sing His pra-ises,
Sing His pra-ises,
(2) Je-sus our Lord is now reign-ing
In the mist of His enemies,
Sing, for the vic-to-ry is the Lord’s;
Hail His vic-to-ry
Hail His vic-to-ry
(3) Peace-ful free-dom, joy-ful free-dom,
In the King-dom of our Lord God
The de-si-re of all na-tions,
The de-si-re,
The de-si-re,
Of all na-tions.
(4) O sing, O sing of free-dom now
Praise ye the Lord, ye fa-voured ones,
For ye have known Christ’s pre-cious ways,
Praise ye the Lord,
Praise ye the Lord,
Ye fa-voured ones.
(5) Blessed Je-sus! Loving Sa-viour
Wonder-ful Prince, and King of kings
Au-thor of peace, of joy and life,
Bless-ed Je-sus,
Bless-ed Je-sus,
Lov-ing Sa-viour.
NO (228) 8 8 8 6 Ref; 8 8 8 6

(1) JE-HO-VAH my de-si-re is,

That thou shouldst guide me in The courts,
All Thy pre-cert I love to keep-
Grant me Thy grace and peace.
Jesus my Saviour and my king;
Thy love is so true and so dear
Now that I’ve heard and learnt of Thee
I’ll al-ways praise Thy name.
(2) My Lord God, may Thy gracious word,
Be always my guide and my strength
I will e-ver trust in Thy word-
When ever temp-ta-tions come.
(3) Before I heard and learnt of Thee
I had no hope nor god on earth
Now I give glory to my Lord-
Who freed me to be saved.
NO (229) 10 10

(1) PRAY always pray, ye children of the Lord

Within thine heart, utter all the de-si-res
(2) Pray always pray, Thine soul sincere desires
Pray with all faith, Jehovah will hear thee,
(3) Pray always pray, amid the world turmoil
Prayer keeps the soul, at rest and hope for joy.
(4) Pray always pray, ye children of Lord,
Pray never case, though satan may oppress.
(5) pray always pray, ye children of the Lord
Watch and pray, when none but God is near.
(6) Pray always pray, ye children of the Lord,
Prayer is the key, through Jesus our Saviour.
NO (230) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 6 6 6 6 7

(1) GOD’S trumpet wake the slumbering world

Let the world receive this good news
That shall make man be truly free,
Free from all sins and free from death.
Grant us Thy grace and peace
Grant us joy and wisdom
Grant us courage and strength
That we fail not Thee LORD
Help us LORD to preach this message.
(2) God of gods and God of glory
Send us Thy power, O LORD we pray,
Set our feet on lofty places,
Gird our lives, LORD, that they may be.
(3) Lead us LORD, in your righteousness
Guide us strong LORD; to hold Thy truth,
Give us faith that shines bright and clear,
That when in danger we’ll not fear.
(4) Almighty Jehovah our God
Help us through LORD; this evil world
Let the search for Thy Salvation
Be our glory for evermore.

NO (231) 6565

(1) JESUS! Is amongst us,

In His mighty power
Let this time of worship
Be a hallowed hour.
(2) Send Thy Holy Spirit
Into ever heart
Bid all fear and sorrows
From each heart depart
(3) Let us feel Thy power,
As we praise Thy name
Guide and guard us Jesus
In all that we so.
(4) Make our lukewarm heart glow
In Thy way O Lord
Be our light O Jesus
As we worship Thee.
(5) GOD of grace and mercy
Fill Thy church with love
Let us praise Thee in love
As we hear Thy word.
(6) All we have, we offer,
To Thee Lord of grace
Accept our thanksgiving
Save us from evil.
(7) When we seek Thy face, Lord
Hear, forgive and save,
Be with us from hence, Lord,
Till we reach the shore.

NO (232) 64646664

(1) PUR-ER in heart, O GOD,

Help me to be;
As my life now I give,
Who-ly to Thee,
Keep Thou my ways, O LORD;
Guide me with love and care,
Pur-er in heart, O GOD,
Help me to be.
(2) Pur-er in heart, O GOD
Help me to be;
Teach me to do your will,
Most lov-ing-ly;
Be Thou my friend and guide,
Let me a-bide in Thee;
Pur-er in heart, O GOD
Help me to be.
(3) Pur-er in heart, O GOD,
Help me to be;
Un-til my work is done,
With-out blem-ish,
Help me from secrete sins,
Rule Thou my heart with-in,
Pur-er in heart,O GOD,
Help me to be.

NO (233) 11 10 11 10 Ref; 6 6 10 11 10

(1) HELP me, O GOD, the God of my Salvation,

I have no hope no refuge but Thee,
Help me to make this perfect consecration
In life or death, Thine ever more to be.
Help me, O God of grace;
Help me, O God of grace
I have no hope, no refuge but in Thee
Help me to make this perfect consecration
In life or death, Thine ever more to be.
(2) Help me, O God, to keep my plague unbroken,
Gaud Thou my ways, my thoughts, my tongue and heart,
Help me to trust the word which Thou has spoken,
That from Thy paths my feet may never depart.
(3) Help me, O God, when down, temptations press me;
Oh! lift me up to the shame of my foes,
Help me, O God, when anxious cares distress me,
To look on Thee for calmness and bright hope.
(4) Help me, O God, of Thy strength to sustain me,
Thine, thine the power by which alone I live,
Help me each day to bear the yoke with meekness
Until I shall receive the promised prize.

NO (234) 7676D

(1) LORD Jesus, I have promised,

To save Thee to the end,
be Thou for ever near me,
My master and my friend;
I shall not fear the battle,
Since Thou art by my side
Nor wonder from the path-way,
Since Thou will be my guide.
(2) Lord Jesus, Thou had promised,
To all who follow Thee,
That where Thou art in glory,
They shall also rejoice
Give me grace to follow Thee,
My master and my friend;
As I’ve promised to abide;
In your Holy Mountain.
(3) Lord, let me feel Thee near me,
In all my works for Thee;
Shield my soul from sin and death;
Though foes may be near me
Be around and protect me;
My life I con-se-crate-
To Thee forever and ever more;
So let it be, A-men.

NO (235) 11 11 11 11 Ref; 11 11

(1) YES! I will not wander, gracious Lord from Thee,

I will follow wholly, with true loyalty;
Every sin I’ll forsake; from my in-most heart;
All thoughts I’ve surrendered, to Thy grand control.
I will follow Jesus, follow all the day;
Walking in His foot-steps, closely all the way.
(2) Teach me by Thy Spirit, Your Holy gospel,
How best I can serve you, and obey Thee, Lord;
Thy light is my wisdom, Thy blood my treasure,
Thy word is all my trust, my hope and my life.

(3) To Thy most Holy Hill, I have given myself,

Oh! fill me now, LORD, with; Thy infinite love
To proclaim your gospel, all the world around,
Salvation full and free, through Christ our Saviour.

NO (236) 8888

(1) I bind unto myself today,

The strong names of the Higher powers
JEHOVAH, Father of mankind;
And Jesus Christ the Redeemer,
I bind this day to me forever
Christ the power and Wisdom of God
Who suffered on mount cal-vary;
To die just for my Salvation.
(2) I bind unto myself today,
The power of God to hold and lead;
His eye to watch, His might to stay;
His ear to hearken to my needs;
The wisdom of my God to teach,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
Spirit of God to give my speech,
His heavenly hosts to be my guard.
(3) JEHOVAH, my GOD be with me,
Jesus Christ my Lord be with me,
All my talents, gifts and graces,
In to the blessed hands I lay;
Let me declare Thy wondrous works;
Round the world with Thy power and love
Till I receive the promised prize;
In your great Kingdom on this earth.
(4) Enlarge, inflame and fill my heart;
With boundless charity divine;
Send your Spirit to direct me;
To live ever and ever in the light,
Great Father, bless my humble vow,
As Thy work makes my heart rejoice,
I’ll lift my hands, I’ll raise my voice,
To worship Thee till my rest comes.

NO (237) 8683225

(1) I’M trust-ing Thee Lord, Christ Jesus,

Trusting Thee for full Sal-va-tion,
Great and free,
And free, and free
So great, free and pure.
(2) I’m trusting Thee Lord for par-don
I bow be-fore Thy feet
For Thy grace and ten-der mer-cies
Trust-ing now
In Thee, in Thee,
Trust-ing now in Thee.
(3) I’m trust-ing Thee Lord for cleans-ing
Me from my sins to live
Trust-ing Thee to make me pur-er,
By Thy world,
Pur-er pur-er
Pur-er by Thy word.
(4) I’m trust-ing Thee Lord, for Thy power,
That can nev-er fail me
Words which Thou Thy-self shalt give me
Must pre-vail,
Pre-vail, pre-vail
The words must per-vail.
(5) I’m trust-ing Thee Lord, to guide me
From satan’s ev-il darts,
Protect me and sup-ply my needs
Lord dai-ly
Dai-ly dai-ly
Dai-ly, Lord, I pray.

NO (238) 6565D

(1) JE-HO-VAH the cre-a-tor of Hea-ven and earth

Thou art great, Imor-tal and in-vi-si-ble;
Most bless-ed, most glo-rious, AN-CIENT OF DAYS,
Al-mi-gh-ty vic-to-rious, Thy great name we praise.
(2) Thou giv-est out life to all, both great and small;
To man-kind, Thy in-fi-nite at-tri-butes gave
To blos-som and flou-rish as leaves on the tree,
But sa-tan, the de-vil came and in-ter-fer ‘ed.
(3) Thou man fall from Thy grace; but nought change-th Thee,
Be-fore Thy throne O LORD, our sins we con-fess;
Thy par-don, grace and love to us LORD ex-tend,
For this LORD; Thou sent Christ to re-deem our souls.
(4) Great Fa-ther of glory, Fa-ther of man-kind,
With glad-ness we’ll wor-ship and give Thee pra-ises
Help us LORD, to serve Thee and Christ for-ever
In glo-ry, hon-our and peace in Thine King-dom.

NO (239) 8683225
(1) ALL hail Thy power of Jesus Name
All nations of the earth
To Him all majesty ascribe
Oh! praise Him!
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise Him, Lord of all.
(2) At Jesus Name all knee shall bow
Of things in Heaven and earth,
That all may know that Christ is King,
Of glory
Glory, glory,
He’s King of glory.
(3) Christ is the way, the Truth and life,
He’s come to reign in peace,
Repent from sin and follow,
The Savior,
Savior, Savior
Repent he has come.
(4) Oh let all hearts rejoice forever,
He’s come in power to reign,
To loose those in satan’s bondage,
To free life,
Free life, free life,
From satan’s bondage.
(5) Lord, free us with Thy word of truth
Let it find place within
Bless thou the truth in us dear Lord
That we’ll gain,
We’ll gain, we’ll gain,
Gain thy Salvation.
(6) Good gifts are all from Thee, O Lord,
Fill us with love divine,
Restore our hope, increase our faith,
To serve Thee,
Serve Thee, serve Thee
In joy and in peace.

NO (240) 8787D

(1) PRAISE the LORD, all child-ren of God

Praise Him in truth and in love
Praise Him with thy hands and voi-ces,
For so good His love di-vine.
Let us praise Him, all ye peo-ple
Great and perfect are His ways
All God’s children praise ye the LORD,
Confessing all His goodness.
(2) With count-less gifts on us bes-towed;
We thank Thee for love divine
Joyfully, LORD we adore Thee
God of glory, God of love.
(3) We Thine child-ren look up to Thee,
Centre of unbroken love
Teach us how to love each other
Through Christ our Master and Friend.
(4) Mag-ni-fy the LORD, ye people,
Come, exalt His glorious Name,
When in distress to Him we’ll call,
He’ll rescue and save our souls.
(5) We shall sing, LORD, and march on-ward
Till we reach the Golden shore
Give us LORD, eternal gladness
Lift us to Thy joy divine.

NO (241) 12 11 12 11 Ref; 10 11 10 11

(1) SOWING in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,

Sowing in the noon tide, and the dew-y eve;
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in the sheaves!
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in the sheaves!
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
(2) Sowing in the sun shine, sowing in the shadows,
Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze;
By and by the harvest, and the labour ended,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
(3) Go then ever, weeping, sowing for the Master,
Tho’ the loss sustained our Spirit often grieves,
When our weeping is over, He’ll bid us welcome,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!

NO (242) 7337773
(1) THERE’S a guest who’s at the door-let……. Him in
Let the Savior in 2x
He has been there oft before- let…………... Him in,
Let the Savior in 2x
Let Him in, else He is gone, let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, Let………. Him,
Let the Savior in 2x.
(2) Open now to Him your heart, Let……… Him, in,
Let the Savior in,2x
If you wait He will depart, Let……….. Him, in,
Let the Savior in 2x,
He will keep you till the end, Let…….Him, in…..
Let the Savior in, 2x.
(3) Hear you now His loving voice, Let…….Him, in
Le the Savior in, 2x
Now, O now make Him your choice, Let…..Him, in
Let the Savior in 2x
He is standing at the door, joy to you He will restore,
And His Name you will adore, Let……Him, in
Let the Savior in, 2x.
(4) Now admit the Heavenly King, Let…..Him in
Let the Savior in, 2x
Into your heart O! dear friend, Let…….Him,
Let the Savior in, 2x
He will speak your sins forgiven, and when earth ties all
He’ll make you home here on earth, Let……Him in
Let the Savior in, 2x.

NO (243) 10 10 10 6 Ref; 6(8) 6(8) 10 6

(1) JE-SUS my Savior, to Beth-le-hem came,

Born in a man-ger to sor-row and shame;
O! it was wonderful blest be His name!
Seek-ing for me for me!
All; Seeking for me! for me,…….seeking for me! for me……
Parts; seeking for me! seeking for me! seeking for me!
Seeking for me!
All; Oh! it was wonderful blest be His name!
All; Seek-ing for me for me!
(2) Jesus my Savior, on cal-vary’s tree,
Paid the great prize, and my soul He set free;
Oh! it was wonderful, how could it be?
Dy-ing for me for me.
All; Dying for me! for me…….dying for me! for me……
Parts; Dying for me! Dying for me! Dying for me! Dying for me!
All; Oh! it was wonderful, how could it be?-
All; Dy-ing for me, for me!
(3) Jesus my Savior, the same as of old,
While I was wandering afar from the fold,
Gently and long did He plead with my soul,
Calling for me, for me!
All; Calling for me! for me……. Calling for me! for me,

Parts;Calling for me! Calling for me! Calling for me! Calling for me!
All; Gently and long did He plead for my soul,
All; Calling for me! For me!

NO (244) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 7 8 7

(1) WEARY wanderer, stop and listen,

Happy news we bring to Thee;
Jesus has prepared a banquet;
Come, and welcome thou shall be.
Make no longer vain excuses,
Jesus calls and calls thee now;
Come, for everything is ready;
Weary soul, why waitest thou?
(2) Are thy sins a heavy burden?
Come to God, confess them now;
He is willing to forgive thee;
Ask, receive, why waitest thou?
(3) On the loving arm of Jesus,
Wouldst thou learn, and trust Him now?
Let him cleanse thee at the fountain;
Come at once, why waitest thou?
(4) See the beauteous wedding garment;
In His hands He holds it now;
Haste oh haste, thee to the banquet;
Enter in, why waitest thou?


NO (245) PART 1 8686D

(1) LORD, who at Cana’s wedding feast,

Didst as a Guest appear,
Thou dearer far than earthly guest,
Vouchsafe Thy presence here
For Holy Thou indeed dost prove,
The marriage vow to be,
Proclaiming it a type of love,
Between the Church and Thee.
(2) This holy vow that man can make
The golden thread in life,
The bond that none may dear to brake,
That bindeth man and wife,
Which, blest by Thee, whatever betides,
No evil shall destroy,
Thro’ care and worm days each care divides,
And doubles every joy.
(3) On those who now before Thee come
O Lord Thy blessings pour,
That each may wake the others zeal,
To love Thee more and more,
Oh! grant them here in peace to live,
In purity and love,
In this world, receiving blessings,
Of everlasting life.

NO (245) Part 11 8686

(1) LORD, who at Cana’s wedding feast,

Didst as a Guest appear,
Thou dearer far than earthly guest,
Vouch-safe Thy presence here.
(2) For Holy Thou in-deed dost prove,
The marriage vow to be,
Proclaiming it a type of love
Between the Church and Thee.
(3) This Holy vow that man can make,
The golden thread in life,
The bond that none may dare to break,
The bindeth man and wife.
(4) Which blest by Thee, whatever be tides,
No evil shall destroy,
Thro’ worn days each care divides,
And doubles every joy.

NO (246) Part 1 7676D

(1) THE voice that roared over E-den,

That ear-liest wedding day,
Be pre-sent O JEHOVAH,
To join these Your children
As Thou givest Eve to Adam
A help meet at his side
as Thou didst bind two natures,
In Thine eternal bands.
(2) Be present O God of gods,
To bless them and guide them
As Thou for Christ, the bride groom,
This Thy couple dost seal
Oh, make Your face shine on them,
Let no ill power find place-
As they dwell in peace O LORD
Tread-ing Your path always

NO (246) Part 11 7676

(1) THE voice that roared over E-den

That ear-liest wedding day,
Be present O JEHOVAH
To join this Your children.
(2) As Thou givest Eve to Adam,
A help meet at his side,
As Thou didst bind two natures,
In Thy eternal bands.
(3) Be present O God of gods,
To bless them and guide them,
As Thou for Christ, the bride groom,
This Thy couple seal.
(4) Oh! make Your face shine on them
Let no ill power find place-
As they dwell in peace O LORD,
Tread-ing Your path always.

NO (247) 7676D
(1) O Father, all creating,
Whose wisdom, love and power,
First bound two lives together,
In E-den’s pri-mal hour,
To-day to these Thy children,
Thine ear-liest gifts renew
A home by Thee made happy
A love by Thee kept true.
(2) O Savior, Guest most bounteous
Of old in galilee,
Vouch-safe to Thy presence
With these who call on Thee,
Their store of earthly gladness
Kept free from sin and strife,
And teach them in the test-ing
To know the gift is thine.
(3) O, breathe on them from above,
Your Holy Spirit LORD;
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in the love,
Accept this hands in union,
Their hearts in trust and love,
Their life may own Thy guidance,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee.
(4) Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain,
Except Thou Savior, bless it;
All joy will turn to pain,
But naught can break the marriage,
Of hearts in Thee made one;
And love Thy Spirit hallows,
Is end-less love begun.

NO (248) 11 10 11 10

(1) O perfect love, all human thoughts transcending,

Lowly we come in prayer before Thy throne,
That theirs may be love which knows no ending,
Whom Thou for ever more dost join in one.
(2) O perfect life, be Thou their full assurance,
Of tender charity and steadfast faith,
Of patient hope and quiet, brave endurance,
With child-like trust that fears no pain nor death.
(3) Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow,
Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife,
And to life’s day the glorious unknow morrow,
That dawns upon eternal love and life.

NO (249) 12 10 12 10 11 10 Ref; 12 10

(1) PAISE Him! Praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer!

Sing O earth His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! Our Savior and King of glory;
Strength and honour give to His Holy name!
Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children,
In His arm He carries them all day long.
Praise him! Praise him! Tell of His excellent greatness
Praise him! Praise him! Ever in joyful song!
(2) Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer!
For our sins He suffered, and bled and died;
He’s our Rock, and our hope of eternal Salvation,
Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus our rose from the dead
Sound His praises, Jesus who bore our sorrows
Love unbounded wonderful deep and strong.
(3) Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer!
Heavenly portals, loud with hosannas sing
Jesus Savior reigneth forever and ever
Hail Him! Hail Him! Prophet and priest and King
Jesus rules now, over the world victorious
Power and glory unto the Lord be long.

NO (250) 9996D

(1) COME to the Savior, make no delay

His true gospel has shown us the way.
Here in our mid st He’s standing today
Tenderly saying “Come!”
Come, O come for pardon and mercies
When from sin all hearts are pure and free,
Come never delay, receive Him now
His grace his pure and free.
(2) All ye God’s children, hear now His voice!
Let every heart leap forth and rejoice;
And let us freely make Him our choice,
Do not delay, but come.
(3) Christ Jesus, the King is now with us;
O heed His blest com-mand and submit,
Hear His accents that tenderly say,
“Wont you, my children, Come?”

NO (251) 5 5 7 6 7 7 Ref; 6 9 5 7 9

(1) KING of kings, I’m Thine

What a bless-ed hope!
Trust-ing in the gracious words
Me to save from ill ways.
King of kings, O Lord of lords!
I am Thine, for-ever more.
I am Thine, O my LORD
My gra-cious KING JEHO-VAH of hosts
I am Thine, my LORD,
Trust-ing in Thy Name “I AM”
Thine my LORD, my KING my cre-a-tor.
(2) When Thy truth I heard,
I then leaped with joy;
That I now Thy presence see
For peace and last-ing life
In-to Thy King-dom I flee
Know-ing Thee for ‘ternal life.
Reign-eth over all
Thy at-tend-ing bless-ings fill
My heart with joy and peace
I am Thine, O LORD of hosts!
LORD, guide me till life I gain.

NO (252) By Bro. B.O. Tietie

(1) THEY that wait upon the LORD

They that wait, they that wait;
They that wait upon the LORD, shall renew, shall renew
their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as the eagles
They shall mount up with wings, and not be weary.
A Tempo;
And they shall not and they shall not and not be weary and
not be weary
And they shall not faint, they shall not faint,
They that wait upon the Lord
They that wait, they that wait,
They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew, shall renew their
NO (253) 8686

(1) O Blessed city of great joy

The new Jerusalem
How beautiful are Thou with peace
Great city! from above.
(2) Arise and shine, Thy light has come
O City of our God
Glorify now the Prince of Peace
Christ our Savior, and King.
(3) Oh! sing ye favoured ones on earth
The goodness of the Lord
Who died to save us from our sins
To stay in His City.
(4) Praise Him! Praise Him! For ever more
In this perfect City
Ye redeemed from the evil world
By our Lord’s mighty grace.
NO (254) 11 10 11 10 Ref; 9 11

(1) I’LL praise the Lord, for all His mercies on me,
He gives me strength, wisdom and power each day,
He leads, protects and guides me in His goodness
I’ll praise Him for His grace so rich and free.
I will not cease to praise Thee, my LORD,
And declare Thy mercies to the world around,
(2) I’ll praise Jesus though the world may shun His love
I can’t reject such friend, so kind and good,
Who keeps me safe, strong to enjoy His favours
I’ll praise Him for His grace so rich and free
(3) I’ll praise the Lord, JEHOVAH, GOD ALMIGHTY
Who created crea-ted Christ through whom He made all
l things,
Whom He sent down to die for me on the tree,
For my Salvation on mount cal-vary.
NO (255) 84848884

(1) THRO’ the love of God our Savior,

All will be well
Free and changless in His favour
All, must be well
Precious His the blood that healed us;
Perfect is the grace that sealed us;
Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us
All must be well.
(2) Though we pass through tribulations,
All will be well,
Ours is such a full Salvation,
All must be well
Happy still in God’s confiding;
Fruitful if in Christ abiding
Holy, through the Spirit guiding;
All must be well.
(3) We expect a bright tomorrow;
All will be well
Faith can sing through days of sorrows,
All must be well
On our Father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying
Or in living or in dying,
All must be well.
NO (256) 84848884

(1) THERE’S a City full of glory,

New paradise
Mortal eyes hath yet never seen
For faithful ones,
Filled with radiance brighter than sun,
StreetS of gold and streams of crystal,
Jesus reigns exalted Master,
In this City.
(2) All the ransomed, shall dwell therein,
Sweet music shall fill all the souls,
Through endless day,
Crowns of glory, palms of victory
Harps of gold triumphant anthems;
Hosanna and praises forever,
In this great Land.
(3) Won’t you like this God’s own City
Here on this earth?
Jesus earnestly invites us,
To repentance
Let’s now draw nearer and closer,
He will guide and cleanse all our sins
He’s now calling for you and me,
To dwell with Him.
(4) I will draw nearer and closer
To Thee my Lord.
The sight of Thy many blessings,
I see by faith.
Make this faith so strong and steady,
Give me grace to uphold my works;
That Thy face will shine on me Lord,
For ever more.
NO (257) 8888D8888

(1) HAIL JEHOVAH and Christ Jesus

Brethren Hail them in truth and love
The Tabernacle of the LORD,
Is the joy of our race on earth
Oh! what shall we bring to our Lord,
To do His will with hope of life
With an unwavering faith in Thee
Help us O LORD that this may be.
Great is the LORD who cares for us
Guide us O LORD, by Thy true word
Uphold our thoughts for ever more;
That we may live and praise Your Name.
(2) GOD is our shepherd this we know,
Sing praises of Him who was slain
The hour has come for us to raise
The glorious gospel of Jesus;
Let’s spread afar the Kingdom news
That those who hear may now rejoice—
O come, O come, ye weary ones
Taste of the living water free.
NO (258) 7676D

(1) WE praise Thee, LORD for this house

Built at Thine own command;
To all Thy willing children
That thou hast used O LORD,
Their strength and sacrifices
Are nothing without Thee,
May you increase and bless them
That Thy peace they’ll all see.
(2) As we gather to adore
And hearts in worship blend;
May truth reveal’s it’s power
And fervent prayers ascend,
O come and by Thy presence
Make this new house Thine own
That the young, old be strengthened
And all men learn Thy way.
(3) O Thou whose hand has brought us
Unto this joyful day,
Accept our glad thanksgiving,
And listen as we pray
Our yearning hearts Thou knowest,
We wait before Thy throne
With one accord to offer
And bless Thy Holy Name.
NO (259) 8686

(1) THOU, whose unmeasured temple stands,

Built over heaven and earth
Accept this house human hands
Have raised, O GOD, to Thee.
(2) May the love of Thy Son Jesus,
And Thy blessings O LORD,
Be with all those who’ll worship here
Always in Jesus Name.
(3) May they who err be guided here
To find the better way
May those who are grieved and in fear
Be strengthened as they pray.
(4) May faith grow firm, Thy love grow warm
And pure devotion rise
While all supplications made here
Thou Lord hear and attend.
NO (260) 8888

(1) BE with us gracious LORD, today,

This house we dedicate to Thee,
O hear Thy servants as we pray,
And let Thine ear attentive be!
(2) Within this house let Holy peace,
Joy, love and truth be always found;
May burdened hearts find sweet release
And souls with richest grace endued.
(3) When the gospel sound is heard, here
And fervent supplications made,
May hearts be quickened, move and stirred,
That souls be kindled into joy.
(4) Here, may dead souls be made to live,
Long parted friends restored to love,
And to the humble, O LORD, give,
Pardon and peace instead of fear.
(5) Make this new house Thine own, O LORD;
That Thy presence be felt always,
Be it, indeed, the house of God,
And that in truth the gate of life.
NO (261) 8686D

(1) O living Christ, Chief Corner stone

Of our Lord’s great temple
As we dedicate this new house,
Vouchsafe Thy presence here
That this house for Thine sake, O Lord,
Be pleased to bless, we pray,
In grateful service would we now,
Use this house for praises.

(2) Except the LORD buildeth the house,

Builders labour in vain,
We thank Thee LORD for using us;
To raise this house to Thee,
May those who thirst and seek for truth
Come and be set free, here
Grand us O LORD, Thy grace and peace,
As we serve doin’ Your will.
(3) All praises and prayers made here,
Be heard by Thee, O LORD,
May the teachings we shall learn here,
Guide us to Salvation,
As we humble adore Thee, LORD,
And Thy Son Christ Jesus,
May praises, glory and honour
Be now and ever more.

NO (262) 8888
(1) WE Christian children gather here,
Vow to be good and obedient;
Always to Thee and to our parents;
That our days on earth be prolonged.
(2) As we keep and obey, Thy will,
Let nothing push us from Thy way,
O LORD of hosts, may we abide
As good children of faith in Thee.
(3) Give us wisdom, knowledge and power,
As we grow Lord, to know Thee more,
Help us always and never leave us
Till we inherit Thy Kingdom.

NO (263) 6686D

(1) GOD of all creation,

Whose Name is JEHOVAH;
Help us your humble ones always;
To be good, kind and true.
(2) O Father of man kind,
Give Thy children knowledge,
To know Thy true Son, Christ Jesus,
The Redeemer and King.

NO (264) 8583
(1) JESUS friend of little children,
Be a friend to me
Take my hand and ever keep me,
Close to Thee.
(2) Jesus I am a little child,
Weak and apt to strong
Watch and guide me gentle Savior.
Day by day.
(3) Teach me how to grow in goodness
Upward in to grace,
Wis-er, strong-er, lov-ing to serve,
In Thy truth.
(4) Ne-ver leave me, nor forsake me
E-ver be my friend,
For I need Thee, through my journey,
To the end.

NO (265) 10 10 10 10

(1) JEHOVAH GOD, bless us your humble ones,

Help us O LORD, to learn and keep Thy way;
In truth and love to Thee, Father we pray,
Guide us humble ones into Thy Kingdom.
(2) Help and guide us LORD, to follow Thy path
Let us never stray from your precious way;
Till we journey through this perilous world,
Amen; may it be so in Jesus name.

NO (266) 8887

(1) O Lamb of God, teach us Thy steps,

To follow daily in Thy grace;
Learning to keep and do Thy will;
As humble ones in Thee, Lord.
(2) Bless and keep us O Mighty Father
To be good, kind and obedient,
Always to Thee, and our parents;
As humble ones in Thee, Lord.

NO (267) 8 5 8 5 Ref; 4 5 8 5

(1) HEAR my cry, O gentle Savior,

When I call on Thee
Give ear to my supplications;
For in Thee I trust.
Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry,
Let Thy mercy and Thy kindness
Be on me always.

(2) Have mercy and hear me Father

As I call always
Make Thy face to shine upon me,
For Thy mercies sake.
(3) Cleanse me, O LORD, from my errors,
And my secret faults;
Keep me back to stay far from sin
That my heart ’ll be pure.
(4) Teach me Thy way, O dear Father,
Lead me in Thy path;
Let me never be ashamed, LORD,
Be my strength and shield.
(5) Let me rejoice in Thy kindness,
Praising Thee in always;
Thou heard me when I was troubled,
Great is Thy goodness.

NO (268) 8 8 8 Ref; 4 4 4

(1) CHRIST Jesus died on Count Cal-vary

To save my soul and set me free;
I consecrate my life to Thee,
My life to Thee,
My life to Thee,
My gracious King.
(2) I lift my voice to praise Thee, Lord,
O Lamb of God, my Redeemer,
Let me ever be faithful Lord.
Be faithful Lord,
Be faithful Lord,
My gracious King.
(3) I believe Thee, O Lamb of God
That Thou didst die that I may live,
From now henceforth, I’ll trust in Thee.
I’ll trust in Thee,
I’ll trust in Thee,
My gracious King.
(4) I’ll trust in Thee and live in Thee,
My gracious, kind Redeemer,
I am so glad for Thy mercies.
I am so----- glad
I am so glad
For Thy mercies.

NO (269) 6 5 9 6 5 9 Chorus; 9 9 11 9

(1) AS a wondering bird,

Far ‘way from it’s nest;
I wandered once away from my Lord,
Now my Lord’s loving word,
Of truth bids me come,
To His kingdom of peace and of rest.
Welcome to me, loving words of Christ,
Glad some welcome, welcome from my Lord,
Oh! now like a child on His love I do rest
Find a refuse in His loving word.
(2) Now I’m glad in the truth
Safe in His great power
Of my Lord in His kingdom on earth,
In my heart there is joy,
For He cares for me,
Saving me by His great precious word.
(3) Now in Jesus I trust,
I fear not the foes,
Though around me may be wicked foes,
Yet I’ll look unto Christ,
My Rock and Defence,
Singing of the great joy in my heart.

NO (270) 7775

(1) GOD of pity, God of grace,

When we humbly seek Thy face,
Lo! From heaven, Thy mercy seat;
Hear, forgive and save.
(2) When we in Temple meet,
Spread our needs before Thy feet,
Pleading at Thy mercy seat;
Look from heaven and save.
(3) When Thy love our hearts shall fill,
And we long to do Thy will,
Turning to Thy Holy word,
LORD, accept and save.
(4) Should we wander from Thy fold,
And our love to Thee grow cold,
With a pitying eye behold,
LORD, forgive and save.
(5) Should father of death oppress,
Earthly care and want distress,
May our souls Thy peace possess;
Most high, hear and save.
(6) And whatever our cry may be,
When we lift our hearts to Thee,
From our burden set us free;
God, forgive and save.

NO (271) 10 10 10 6 Chorus 6 6 10 6

(1) NEW Jerusalem, a land of promise,

Kingdom of God, full of love and justice,
Wonderful land, full of beauties around;
Land of wisdom and joy.
Wonderful land of joy…………
Wonderful land of joy…
Wonderful land full of beauties around
Land of wisdom and joy.
(2) Ever shining home, promised land of God,
I love Thee, my glorious land of freedom,
Made for the ‘Israel’ of JEHOVAH GOD;
Land of wisdom and peace.
Glorious land of freedom………..
Glorious land of freedom……..
Made for the ‘Israel’ of Jehovah God,
Land of wisdom and peace.
(3) My heart is full of gladness everyday
Seeking to know the new Jerusalem
I shall never turn back from Thee O God
But to love Thee always.
Seeking to know this land….. seeking to know this land….
I shall never turn back from Thee O God
But to love Thee always.

NO (272) 8 9 5 5 8 Ref; 10 8 10 7

(1) TODAY, JEHOVAH bids us come,

To receive His pardon and mercy;
Through His Son Jesus
He brought down to die;
And ransom me from sin and death.
Yes I know only the blood of Jesus
That can wash my sins away
Though my sins, my sins may be as scarlet
He’ll make them as white as snow.
(2) He speaks and I hear His sweet voice,
To repentance and eternal life;
O GOD! To Thee, I must return and live,
For no other hope or joy I have.
(3) I give my heart all to Thee, LORD,
To Thine open arms for Salvation,
To live without fear thro’ eternity
In Thy glorious kingdom on earth.

NO (273) 14 14 11 8 (7 7 7 7 4 7 4 4)

PRAISE to the Lord, my Redeemer, Son of Jehovah God,
O my soul, praise him, for he is Thy health and Salvation;
Come, ye who hear, brothers and sisters, draw near,
Praise him in glad adoration
(2) Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth
Shelters Thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth;
Hast Thou not seen? All that is needful hath been
Granted in what had been ordained.

(3) Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee.
Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee
Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do
He who with love doth befriend thee.
(4) praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him,
All that hath life and breath come now with praises before him
Let the Amen, sound from his people again;
Again and again, adore Him.

NO (274) 75757575

(1) PRAISE the LORD, His glories show-

A-men praise the LORD
All ye favoured ones below
Praise the LORD A-men
Praise Him praise Him ever more-
A-men praise the LORD
All that hear and shear His love-
Praise the LORD, A-men.
(2) Praise the LORD His mercies trace-
A-men, praise the LORD,
Praise His providence and grace-
Praise the LORD, A-men
All that He for man hath done-
Praise the LORD A-men
All He sends us through His Son
A-men praise the LORD.
(3) Strings and voices, hands and hearts
Praise the LORD A-men
In His great praise hear your part-
A-men praise the LORD
All that breathe, your LORD adore-
Praise the LORD A-men
Praise Him, praise Him ever more-
A-men praise the LORD.
(4) All ye people hear on earth-
Praise the LORD A-men
Tell His wonders, sing His worth-
A-men praise the LORD
Age to age, and shore to shore-
A-men praise the LORD
Praise Him, praise Him ever more
A-men praise the LORD.

NO (275) 7575D
(1) SING to God a song of praise
And Christ who now reigns
All ye ransomed ones below
Sing now and rejoice
He lives forever to bestow
His blessings on us
Glo-ry and praises to Christ
To our King and sa-vior.
(2) Christians on this happy day
Praise the Lord Amen
Haste with joy your vows to pay
At the feet of Christ
Offer now your thanksgiving
To Christ who now reigns
Who is firstborn from dead
Heavenly throne with power.
(3) He now sits at God’s right hand
In Zion above
And now rules in equity
As King of Sa-lem
Therefore let us praise His Name
Joy fully with psalms
All powers now belongs to Him
Both in heaven and earth.
(4) Awake my heart with gladness-
To Christ my Savior
My heart is free know more fear-
I will praise Thee my Lord
Hail Him, praise Him, King of king
Praise the Lord of Host
Glo-ry and praises to Christ
Our king and Savior.
(5) Arise, children of the Lord
Rejoice and adore
Christ who reigns and rules in peace-
Sing now and rejoice
There is hope now and salvation
For those who trust Him
Sing Oh sing and bless His Name
Praise the Lord Amen.
NO (276) 6666


Creator of mankind
We bow and worship Thee
Forever and ever.

(2) Praise JEHOVAH our God

Great I AM, GOD of love
ALMIGHTY GOD, we praise

(3) Hail JEHOVAH our God

A friend of Abraham
Whom Logos appeared to
As King Melshizedek.

(4) Who’s King Melchizedek?

He is the prince of peace
Who can to earth as Christ
And redeemed us from sin.

(5) Praise God who reign above

Who keep His courts below
Whose robe is the great light
We sing loud of Thy grace.

(6) Holy, Holy, Holy

Merciful and mighty
All Thy works shall praise Thee
Forever and ever.

NO (277) 7474D

(1) SING the kingdom joyful news

Of Salvation
Joyful news so free to all
Through Christ Jesus
Let’s declare it far and wide
To all mankind
Joyful news so free to all
Through Christ Jesus.

(2) Ye prisoner of hope rejoice

Rejoice and sing,
Behold the presence of Christ
Shall set you free
Sing joyful songs to our King
Who died for Thee
Praise Him children of the earth
Christ has made it.

(3) All unite and sing with joy

Of Christ great love
Gracious love He’s sheared to all
On mount Cal-vary
Trust in Jesus and be free
From sin and death
Ye shall indeed all be saved
For ever more.

(4) Help us Lord to reach the land

Full of safety
Where no grief nor death abides
But peace and joy
Where love of Christ do abound
With joy around
How glorious this paradise
Tis’ forever.

NO (278) 666688

(1) REJOICE! Our Lord is King!

Adore the Prince of peace
Oh men give thanks and sing,
And praise Him evermore
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

(2) Jesus, the Savior reigns,

Who came to set us free,
Now takes His seat above;
Lift your heart, lift your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

(3) His Kingdom cannot fail;

He rules over earth and Heaven
The keys of death and hell
Are to our Christ been given
Lift up your heart, lift your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

(4) He sits at God’s right hand

Till all his foes submitted,
And bowed to His command,
And fell beneath His feet;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

(5) Rejoice in glorious hope

Jesus the King has come,
To take you to Himself
In His kingdom on earth,
Lift your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

NO (279) 11 11 11 11 (Drawn from Rev 7;9-11)

(1) AFTER this I beheld a great multitude

Which no man would number in all nations
Stood before the throne, and before the great Lamb
Clothed with white robes with palms in all their hands.

(2) They stood round the throne, and fell on their faces,
Cried with a loud voice “Salvation to our God”
Amen; blessing, glory, wisdom and honour
Power and might be unto our God for ever.

(3) Which and from whence are these arrayed with white robes?
All this came out of the great tribulation
And have washed their robes and made them pure and white
In the blood of the great Lamb who shall lead them.

(May be used as succeeding part (sequel) after Exhortation)

NO (280) 8886D

(1) FLEE into the kingdom of God!

Sing praises of Him who was slain,
Who shed His blood to redeem us
Oh sing His praise with thanks!

O give Christ Jesus all your heart!
Give Him your hands, brethren in Christ
He’s come to set His kingdom here
To make the captive free.

(2) Now sing praises to Christ our king,

Who reign eternally in power
Behold Him at your door knocking
To restore you, His joy.

(3) He’s come to dwell among sinners

To them free indeed in truth
And lead them to the promised land-
Where death no more abides.

(4) Rejoice, ye children of God by faith

Give thanks and praise to the Lord;
Who’s come to take you to Himself
In His kingdom on earth.
NO (281) 11 11 11 11

(1) THE foundation of our Lord God standeth sure

What our Lord God hath planted, it standeth sure
The foundation of our God standeth ssure forever
It bring peace to all the faithful ones of God.

(2) Our God’s “Mountain” has come to stay forever

‘Cause it is a “Stronghold” that can’t be removed
Formed by JEHOVAH GOD thro’ his ‘nointed saints
The foundation of God standeth forever.

(3) Soon this wicked profane world shall pass away

But the kingdom of our God, it standeth sure
Christ the chief corner stone reigneth sure forever
He has come to reign and guide His faithful ones.

(4) When this wicked evil world is passed away

Satan and his angles shall have been destroyed
We shall enter into the joy of our Lord
What a joyful moment of peace and gladness.

(5) What a glorious hope we’ve found in Jesus Christ

O brethren, let us now rejoice for ever
For now Salvation standeth sure forever
Glory be to God and His Son Jesus.
NO (282) 10 10 10 9 Ref; 8 10

(1) JESUS my Savior, is all things to me

Oh! what a wonderful Savior is He!
Guiding, protecting over life’s trouble sea,
Mighty, Deliverer Jesus for me!

Jesus for me! Jesus for me!
All the time, everywhere, Jesus for me.

(2) Jesus in sickness, and Jesus in health

Jesus in poverty, comfort or wealth,
Sunshine or tempest, whatever it be,
He is my safety, Jesus for me!

(3) He is my Refuse, my Rock and my Tower,

He is my Fortress, my strength and my power
Life everlasting, my Savior is He
Blessed Redeemer, Jesus for me!

(4) He is my Prophet, my priest and my King;

He is my bread of life, fountain and spring;
Bright sun of righteousness, my Star of Hope;
Horn of Salvation, Jesus for me!

(5) Jesus in sorrow, in joy or in pain;

Jesus my treasure, in loss or in gain;
Constant companion wherever I may be,
Living or dying, Jesus for me!
NO (283) 8888D

(1) HOW sweet it is to dwell in Christ,

For those who love to learn the truth,
Brethren we’ve come to love His ways
To dwell in Christ the Prince of Peace.

What a life we have in Jesus
To dwell in Him the Prince of Peace
The councilor the glorious Prince
Who forever and ever reigns.

(2) There is a home of Perfect love

Where Christ everlastingly dwells;
For those who love to dwell in Him
Shall fine eternal rest in Him.

(3) The Kingdom of our God has come

To make us free and to bless us,
And now Jesus our Savior reigns
In the Kingdom of God of Peace.

(4) When we shall reach the Promised land,

There we shall dwell in perfect peace
The peace that none beside our God,
Can give those survive by grace.
NO (284) Part 1 8 7 8 7

(1) COURAGE, brethren! And do not faint,

Though satan Thy path may face
There is God light to guide thy pace
Since God’s will you choose to do.

(2) Though the way be far and narrow,

And the foe may try to hurt,
March on bravely Heroes of Christ,
Since God’s will you choose to do.

(3) Falsehood and filthy acts forsake

Godless ways and lusts deny,
Have hope and don’t waver in faith
Since God’s will you choose to do.

(4) Though friends will hate and will thee shun,

And parents will thee deny,
Murmur not but look unto Christ;
Since God’s will you choose to do

(5) Be courageous, brethren in Christ,

Trusting in His wondrous power
March us bravely, as heroes of Christ
For to live in Christ is gain.
NO (284) Part 11 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 7 8 7

(1) COURAGEOUS, brethren! And do not faint

Though satan the path may face
There God’s light to guide thy pace
Since God’s will you choose to do.

Be courageous brethren in Christ
Trusting in His wondrous power
March on bravely, heroes of Christ
For to live in Christ is gain.

(2) Though the way be far and narrow

And the foe may try to hurt
March on bravely, heroes of Christ
Since God’s will you choose to do.

(3) Falsehood and filthy acts forsake

Godless ways and lusts deny
Have hope and don’t waver in faith
Since God’s will you choose to do.

(4) Though friends will hate and will thee shun

And parents will thee deny
Murmur not, but look unto Christ
Since God’s will you choose to do.

NO (284) Part 111 8 7 8 7 Ref; 8 7 8 7

(1) COURAGEOUS, brethren! And do not faint
Though satan the path may face
There light to guide thy path
Since God’s will you choose to do
Though the way be far and narrow
And the foe may try to hurt
March on bravely, heroes of Christ
Since God’s will you choose to do.

Be courageous brethren in Christ
Trusting in His wondrous power
March on bravely, heroes of Christ
For to live in Christ is gain.

(2) Falsehood and filthy acts forsake

Godless ways and lusts deny
Have hope and don’t waver in faith
Since God’s will you choose to do
Though friends will hate and will shun thee
And parents will thee deny
Murmur not, but look unto Christ
Since God’s will you choose to do.

NO (285) 6 6 8 8 6 6 Ref; 6 8 8 8

(1) I must have Christ with me

For I can’t walk alone
I must feel His presence near me
Feel His arms around me thrown
My soul shall fear no ill
My soul shall fear no ill.

I’ll go where He sends me
I will not, I will not murmur
His footsteps I will follow, still
I’ll go where ever He leads me.

(2) I must have Christ with me

My faith Lord isn’t so strong
Thou can whisper words of comfort
That no other man’s voice can speak
My soul shall fear no ill
My soul shall fear no ill.

(3) I must have Christ with me

In on-ward march of life
Thro’ the tempest and the sunshine
Thro’ the battle and through the strife
My soul shall fear no ill
My soul shall fear no ill.

(4) I must have Christ with me

To guide me on my way
To reach the new Jerusalem
To reach the new Jerusalem
And thus adore His name
With thanks and all praises.

Then shall my soul rejoice
Rejoice as a favoured Christian
Who’ve pass through the battle and strife
To praise Jesus Christ all day long.
NO (286) 8 8 8 Ref; 8 4

(1) LORD, fill us with Thy Spirit power

That we may live in Thy true love,
Serving Thee Lord, aright always.

This we ask Lord
This we ask Lord
In Jesus name.

(2) Lord, cleanse our heart from every sin

And let Thy love so dwell within
That Thou may use Thy lips to win.

(3) As we for others intercede,

Lord, let Thy power be felt indeed
That all be freed from satan’s hold.

(4) On all Thine children lay Thy hand

That each may live as Thou hast planned,
To spread the gospel message ‘round.

(5) The prayers that we’ve offered, Lord,

In faith according to Thy word,
We thank Thee, Father Thou hast heard.

Lord we thank Thee
Lord we thank Thee
Father of grace.


NO (287) 86767676

(1) THERE’s is friend for little children

Whose name is Jesus Christ
A friend that never changes,
Whose love will never die;
Unlike our friends by nature,
Who changes with changing years,
This friend is always worthy
Thy precious name he bears.
(2) There’s a song for little children
A song about Jesus
Our Savior and Redeemer
Who died to save our souls
All around Him is pleasure
In Christ is Salvation
Oh come, dear little children
That all may be your own.
(3) There’s a house for little children
In God’s kingdom on earth
Where Jesus reigns in glory
A home of peace and joy
No paradise is like it
Nor can with it compare
For everyone is happy
Singing to praise the Lord.
(4) There’s is a prize for little children
In New Jerusalem
And all who look to Jesus
Shall have it by and by
A prize of brightest glory
Which He shall sure bestow
On all who love righteousness
And walk with Him in peace.

NO (288) 8686

(1) GOD make my life a little light

Within the world to glow
A little flame that burneth bright
Wherever I may go.

(2) God make my life a little flower

That gives sweet smell to all,
Content to bloom now and always
Although the peace be small.

(3) God make my life a little song

That comforteth the sad
That helpeth others to be strong
And makes the singer be glad.

(4) God make my life a little “staff”

Where on the weak may rest
So, that what health and strength I have
May serve my neighbors rest.

(5) God make my life a little hymn

Of tenderness of praise
Of faith that never waxeth dim
In all His wondrous ways.

NO (289) 7 7 7 7 Ref; 5 5 5 6
(1) JESUS loves me! this I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong,
Yes Jesus loves me 3x
The Bible tells me so.
(2) Jesus loves me! He who died,
To redeem my soul from death;
He has washed my sins way
To enter His kingdom here.
(3) Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way;
I shall loves Him all my life
Cause He loves me this I know.
(4) In assurance I’ll find rest
Trusting Him I’m ever blest;
Satan can harm me no more
When I prove that Christ is mine.

NO (290) 868688

(1) AROUND the throne in God’s kingdom

Thousands of children stand;
Children whose sins are all forgiven
A holy happy band.
Singing! Glory, glory, glory!
Singing! Glory, glory, glory!

(2) What brought them to this paradise?

A home so bright and fair
Where all is peace and joy and love;
‘Cause they trust in Christ.

(3) Jesus the Savior shed His blood

To wash away their sins;
Bath’d in that pure and precious blood
Behold them white and clean.

(4) On earth they sought the Savior’s grace,

On earth they love His name;
So now they see His blessed face,
And stand before the Lamb.

NO (291) 11 11 11 12

(1) WE are little children, very young indeed,

But the Savior promise each of us may plead.

If we seek Him early, if we come today,
We can be His little friends, He has said we may.
(2) Little friends of Jesus, what a happy thought!
What a precious promise in the Bible taught!

(3) Little friend of Jesus, walking by His side,

With arm around us every step to guide.

(4) We must love dearly with constant love,

To see Christ Jesus in God’s kingdom on earth.

NO (292) 8888

(1) THE name of Jesus is so sweet

I love its music to repeat;
It may my joy full and complete
The precious name of Jesus Christ.

(2) I love the name of Him whose heart

Know’s all my griefs and bears apart;
Who bids all anxious fears depart-
I love the name of Jesus Christ.

(3) That name I fondly love to hear,

It never fails my heart to cheer,
It music dries the falling tears
Exalt the name of Jesus Christ.

(4) No word of man can ever tell

How sweet the name I love so well
Oh, let His praise ever be!
Oh, praise the name of Jesus Christ.

NO (293) 8888

(1) HOW good is our Lord Jesus Christ,

The faithful unchangeable friend;
Whose love is as great as His power,
Came down my lost soul to redeem.

(2) ‘Tis Jesus the first and the last,

My Savior and redeemer;
I will praise and worship Thee always
Son of JEHOVAH for ever.
(3) Thou great shepherd of God’s children
The joy and desire of my heart
For closer communion I pray,
Oh Lord to reside where Thou art.

(4) Thy love for a sinners who’ve shown,

Thy passion and death on the tree;
Now, my life, my all I have given
To praise and worship Thee always.

(5) Thy mountain I want to abide,

And never a moment depart,
The salem land of pure delight
Where peace, joy and love reign always.

NO (294) 8787

(1) COURAGE, brethren! Do not stumble

Though the path be dark as night
There’s a star to guide the humble;
Trust in God, and do the right.

(2) If the road be rough and dreary,

And its end far out of sight;
Foot it bravery! Strong or weary
Trust in God, and do the right.
(3) Trust no lovely forms of passion,
Friends may look like angles bright;
Trust no prince, nor sons of men;
Trust in God, and do the right.

(4) Some will hate thee, some will love thee,

Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above Thee;
Trust in God, and do the right.

NO (295) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 6 8 8 8 6 8

(1) GOD shall keep us and shall lead us,

O what a joy to trace His course!
When we shall be gathered brethren,
In His kingdom as God’s children.

What a joy, what a love!
Love, rest and joy and peaceful home!
JEHOVAH GOD shall wipe away;
Wipe away all tears from our eyes,
What a joy, what a love,
When we shall be gathered brethren.
(2) Happy brethren in Christ Jesus
What a grace to dwell in God’s light!
With thankfulness, faith and joy and love
Praising JEHOVAH and Jesus.

(3) If our hearts delight in the LORD,

Let us praise Him with one accord
Whenever we gather brethren
Give God your hearts; Give God your hands!

(4) To GOD’S children, is Salvation

O, what a joy to God’s nation!
JEHOVAH GOD, deliver us;
In our journey to golden shore.

NO (296) 9 8 9 6 Ref; 9 9 9 6

(1) GIVE thanks and praises to ALMIGHTY

Give thanks and praise our Redeemer, King,
Christ Jesus, Prince of Peace.

For the beauty of God’s Holiness
For the beauty of His Holy word
Give thanks and praise to the Higher Powers
I AM and Christ Jesus.

(2) Our Redeemer Jesus is on earth

To judge the world with equity
Where two or three are gathered in truth
There’s is hope of life and peace.

There’s hope of life and peace, rest and joy
From JEHOVAH through His only Son
Give thanks and praises to Higher Powers
I AM and Christ Jesus.

(3) This message to this evil world

Where there’s no hope of life and peace,
Nor the truth of JEHOVAH GOD
And His Son Christ Jesus.

Had JEHOVAH not left unto us
A small remnant of the Anointed saints
Lo! We should have then been destroyed
Hail! Them in truth and love.

(4) Christ is the way, the truth and the life

In righteousness, He hast come down;
To judge this evil world of their deeds;
And gather all His Own.

Welcome! Jesus Rock of Salvation
To gather Thy chosen ones by grace,
Into Thy kingdom for ever more
Where they shall be with Thee.
NO (297) 9 7 9 7 Ref; 8 4 4 7

(1) SING forth and praise JEHOVAH, our GOD

For the victory is the LORD’S
Brothers and sisters in Christ be glad;
For the victory is the LORD’S.

Yes for the victory is the LORD’S
Rejoice and praise
Rejoice and praise the LORD GOD.

(2) Give thanks and praise to JEHOVAH, our GOD,

For our victory over our foes
Make known GOD’S victory to the nations
Of all people far and near.

And warm them all to be godly
And fear the LORD
And Christ Jesus
And fear the LORD and Christ.

(3) Now sing and renew thy vows to them

And proclaim their victory
Sing now with strength to renew thy vows,
In their service with great faith.

Hail JEHOVAH and Christ Jesus
For our victory
Over the foes
For our victory over the foes.

NO (298) 8888

(1) SING to the Lord a joyful song,

Lift up your hearts, your voices raises;
To His gracious gift belong,
To Him our song of love and praise.

(2) For life and love, for rest and food,

For daily help, and mighty care,
Sing to the Lord, for He is good,
And praise His name, for He’s our God.

(3) For strength to those who on Him wait

His truth to prove, His will to do,
Praise ye our God, for He is great,
Trust in His name, for He is true.

(4) For joys untold, that from above,

Cheer those who love His sweet employ
Sing to our God, for He is love,
Exalt His name, for it is joy.
(5) For He is Lord of heaven and earth,
Whom angles serve and saints adore,
Who came down to redeem us all,
To whom be praise for ever more.

NO (299) 11 11 11 11

(1) IN everything you do or say, put God first;

Though each new day brings strong trails, put God first
JEHOVAH GOD seeth everything you do,
As you run swift life’s race, to the promised land.

(2) Put God first, tis He alone can hold you fast
He alone can guide your feet till storm are past;
And lead you safely to paradise at last;
Where love, peace, joy and rest doth reign forever.

(3) When you are tempted to do wrong, put God first;

If sinful men around you throng, put God first;
It never pays the right to stray from His way,
Though satan is vexed seeking whom to devour.

(4) When sorrows wind blow around you, put God first;
When in afflictions and suffering, put God first;
Never give up the battle, hard though it may be;
Put your trust in the Lord, He is ever near.
NO (300) 8888

(1) WHEN trouble assail, seek Jesus;

And dangers frighten, seek Jesus;

Let no fear change your trusting soul
‘Casue when Christ pilots, all is well.

(2) When friends should all fail, seek Jesus;

And all foes unite, seek Jesus;

(3) When in affliction, seek Jesus;

When all hopes are lost, seek Jesus;

(4) When heavy laden, seek Jesus;

And in temptations, seek Jesus;

(5) A place of refuge? seek Jesus;

Salvation your hope? seek Jesus;
NO (301) 10 7 10 7 Ref; 9 7 11 7

(1) MARVELOUS and great, O LORD are Thy works

Glorious is Thy heavenly throne
Perfect are Thy ways, ALMIGHTY FATHER
All the saints shall praise Thy name.

They shall praise Thee all the world around;
Spreading the gospel of truth,
How marvelous and great, is Thy love, O LORD,
All the earth shall praise Thy name

(2) Thy justice and love is to man bestowed;

To all those who love Thy ways
Those who love Thy ways, in truth are favoured
Blessing are they all enjoy.

Forever more, forever more is peace
In Thy kingdom of our God,
They shall praise Thee, praise Thee ALMIGHTY FATHER
In Thy kingdom here on earth.

(3) Heaven is Thy throne, and earth Thy footstool

Holy temples Thou dwelleth
Thy Holy temples are Thy anointed ones;
You have chosen from the earth.

To preach the truth, and spread to all
To all nations of the earth
We honour and esteem Thy wisdom and power
We declare Thy wondrous works.

NO (302) 11 10 11 10 Ref; 6 6 10 11 10
(1) GREAT is Thy faithful, O GOD my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not Thy compassion, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou for ever with be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have need for Thy hand doth provide me;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!
(2) Jehovah, ALMIGHTY GOD over land and sea
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join
with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
(3) Thy love O JEHOVAH is freely given
Thro’ Christ Jesus Thy only begotten Son,
Thine heart O Lord is kind beyond measure;
How my sin, Though red like crimson was cleansed
(4) I cannot doubt O LORD Thy tender mercy,
In all my life you’ve not left me alone;
Feed me, feed me my LORD, with the living bread,
I know Thou’ll provide me till end of time.
(5) Everyday Christ Jesus Himself is near me,
With special mercy and care for each hour;
All my needs, all my wants he would take care off,
Take my life, let it be, my Re-deem-er.
(6) Day after day, and with each pass-ing mo-ments
You gave me strength to meet all my tra-ils,
I trust in Thee my Lord in Thine bestowment;
I have no casue for doubt or a-ny fear.
(7) My strong Sal-va-tion is Sun of Righ-teous-ness
There is no foe or ter-ror I will fear
Thou art my light and help in tri-bu-la-tion;
Lord give me peace and joy, Father of all.
(8) I will not be dis-mayed whatever beside me,
JEHOVAH and Christ will take care of me,
They will hide me and give me grace of glory;
In God’s kingdom on earth fore-ver more.
NO (303) Part 1 10 9 10 9 Ref; 4 8 4 9

(1) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

A home where God’s word is loved an taught,
A home where the LORD’s will is sought and made,
A home crowned with happiness and peace.

Give Thine children
A Christian home of peace and joy
Give Thine children
A home where God’s will is loved and taught.

(2) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

Home where the Father is true and strong
A home that is free from the blight of wrong
Home that is joyous with songs of love.

(3) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

Home where the mother is queenly quest,
Striving to show others Thy way is best,
Home where the LORD is an honoured quest.

(4) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

Home where children will be led to know
JEHOVAH the creator of good things
And His Son Christ Jesus the Savior.
NO (303) Part 11 11 9 11 9 Ref; 3 3 9 11 9

(1) O LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

A home where God’s word is loved and taught,
A home where the LORD’s will is sought and is made,
A home crowned with happiness and peace.

Give to Thine …….children Lord
A home where God’s word is loved and taught
Lord give Thine children a home of peace and joy
A home crowned with happiness and peace.

(2) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

A home where the Father is true and strong
A home that is free from the blight and wrong
Home that is joyous with peace of love.

(3) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

Home where the mother is queenly quest,
Striving to show others Thy way is best
Home where the LORD is an honoured quest.

(4) LORD, give Thine children a pure Christian home!

Home where children with be led to know
JEHOVAH, the creator of good thngs
And His Son Christ Jesus the Savior.
NO (304) 10 6 10 6 REF; 9 8 10 6

(1) THER’S not a friend like the lov-ing Jesus,

No, not one! No, not one!
None else can heal all our souls’ diseases
No, not one! No, not one!
Jesus knows all about our struggles,
He will guide till the day is done;
There’s not a friend like the lov-ing Jesus
No, not one! No, not one!
(2) No friend like Him is so high and Holy
No, not one! No, not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly
No, not one! No, not one!
(3) There’s not an hour that His is not near us
No, not one! No, not one!
No night so dark but His love can cheer us,
No, not one! No, not one!
(4) Was ever a gift like the Savior given?
No, not one! No, not one!
Who else can give rest to all the righteous?
No, not one! No, not one!
NO (305) 8 8 8 8 Ref; 8 8 8

(1) MY hope is built on nothing else

Then Jesus and His righteous way
I dare not trust the worldly way
But only lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
(2) When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
(3) His oath, His covenant of blood,
Support me in the whelming flood,
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and strength.
(4) When God’s kingdom on earth shall be
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness and love
Faultless to stand before the throne.
NO (306) Part 1 10 10 10 6

(1) MY beloved and dear brother in Christ,

Lay down in death till resurrection day,
When Christ shall raise thee to eternal life,
In His kingdom on earth.

(2) Though calm in slumber as an infant’s sleep;

In is perfect rest, secure and deep
Till we will meet on resurrection day,
In God’s kingdom on earth.

(3) My dear brother, who from His labours rest,

Who by his faith, before the world confessed,
Thy name, O Je-su, raise him by the grace,
In Thy kingdom on earth.

(4) Thou art His Rock, His fortress, and His might,
Thou, Lord, His captain in His well-fought fight
Re-ward Him Jesu, with the prize of life,
In Thy kingdom on earth.

(5) May those he left behind be all faithful,

To serve Thee as he did to live in Christ
Help us O Jesu, to struggle and be;
In Thy kingdom on earth.

(6) We thank thee Lord, for our brother in Christ,

In righteousness we knew he served thee Lord ,
Proclaiming thy true gospel to the world
With courage and with might.

NO (306) Part 11 10 10 10 6
(1) SLEEP on beloved, dear brother in Christ,
Lay down thy head till resurrection day
When Christ shall raise thee to His glorious side
In His kingdom, here on this earth.

(2) Though calm in thy slumber as an infant’s sleep;

Thine is a perfect rest, secure and deep-
Till we will meet on resurrection day
In Thy kingdom of God, on earth.

(3) For dear brother, who from his labours rest,

Who by his faith, before the world confessed
Thy name O Jesu, raise him by thy grace,
In thy kingdom, here on earth.

(4) Thou art his Rock, his fortress, and his might,
Thou, Lord, his captain in his well-fought fight
Reward him Jesu, with prize of life
In thy kingdom, here on earth.

(5) May those he left behind be all faithful

To serve Thee as he did to live in Christ
Help us O Jesu, to struggle and be;
In Thy kingdom, here on earth.

(6) We thank Thee Lord, for our brother in Christ,

In righteousness we knew He served Thee Lord,
Proclaiming Thy true gospel to the world,
With all courage and with all might.

NO (307) 8888
(1) A-SLEEP in Jesus! Blessed sleep!
From which none ever wake to weep
A calm and deep sleep undisturbed
Unbroken by the last of foes.

(2) A-sleep in Jesus! Oh, how sweet!

To be for such a slumber meet!
With Holy confident to sing,
That death hath lost its venomed sting.

(3) A-sleep in Jesus! Peaceful rest!

Whose waking is supremely blest;
No fear, no woe, shall dim the hour,
That manifest the Savior’s power.

(4) A-sleep in Jesus! Oh, for me

May such a beautiful refuge be!
Securely shall my body lie
Until the resurrection day.

NO (308) 8787D

(1) WE shall sleep, but for ever,

There will be a glorious dawn!
We shall meet to part no never
On the resurrection day!
From the deepest caves of ocean,
From the desert and the plain
From the valley and the mountain
Countless throng shall raise again

(2) We shall sleep, but not forever

In the lone and silent grave
Blessed be the Lord that taketh
Blessed be the Lord that gave
In the bright eternal city
Death can never, never come!
In his paradise here on earth
Where we pray to be in joy.

(3) One by one let’s come Jesus,

As we heed his gentle voice,
Let’s continue his way with faith,
And live in him if we die
For we shall sleep, not forever
There will be a glorious dawn!
We shall meet to part no never
On the resurrection day.

NO (309) 8888

(1) IT is a thing most wonderful,

Almost too wonderful to be
That God’s own Son should come heaven,
And die to save a child like me.

(2) And yet I know that it is true;

He chose a poor and humble lot
And wept, and toiled, and mourned and died,
For love of those who loved him not.

(3) I can not tell how he could love,

A child so weak and full of sin;
His love must be most wonderful
If he would die, my love to win.

(4) It is most wonderful to know

His love for me so free and sure
But ‘tis more wonderful to see
My love for him so faint and poor.

(5) And yet I want to love Thee Lord;

Oh! light the flame within my heart
And I will love Thee more and more,
Until I see Thee as thou art.

NO (310) 6684

(1) RISE in Thy strength of God

And face life’s uphill way
The step which other feet have trod
You tread today
(2) Press onward and upward still,
To win your way at last
With better hope and stronger will
Than in the past.

(3) Life’s works more nobly wrought,

Life’s race more bravely run
Life’s daily conflict faced and fought,
Than in the past.

NO (311) 10 10 10 10

(1) ABIDE with me, fast falls the eventide;

The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide;
When other helpers fails, and comfort flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
(2) Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O thou who changest not, abide with me.

(3) I need the presence every passing hour;

What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
Who like thyself my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

(4) I fear no foe with thee at and to care

His have to weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death sting? Where grave, the victory?
I triumph still, if thou abide with me.

(5) Keep thou thy light before my closing eyes;

Shine through thy gloom, and hold me to thyself
Guide me O Lord, while earth’s rain shadow flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

NO (312) 8 7 9 7 8 6 10 7 Ref; 10 3 9 1 1 1 9 1 9 9 6 9 4

(1) MASTER the tempest is raging!

The billows are tossing high!
The sky is over shadowed with blackness,
No shelter or help is nigh;
“Carest Thou not that we perish?
How canst thou lie asleep
When each moment of madly is threatening,
A grave in the angry deep?
“The wind and the waves shall obey my will,
Peace……….be still……………….
Whether the wrath o storm-tossed sea,
Or demon, or men, or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies,
The master of ocean, and earth and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey my will;
Peace be still! Peace be still!
They all shall sweetly obey my will;
Peace, peace, be still.

(2) Master, with anguish of spirit,

I bow in my grief today;
The depth of my sad heart are troubled,
Oh, wake and save, I pray!
Torrent of sin and of anguish,
Sweep over my sinking soul;
And I perish! I perish! Dear Master
Oh, hasten, and take control.

(3) Master, the terror is over,

The elements sweetly rest;
Earth’s sun in the calm is mirrored
Help me oh Lord, help me soul;
Linger, O blessed redeemer
Leave alone no more;
And with joy I shall make the blest harbor,
And rest on the blissful shore.
NO (313) 7 7 10 7 7 10 Ref; 7 11 7 7 10

(1) THE name of Christ is so sweet,

His song I do love to sing
‘Cause it makes my joy so full and complete,
I love Christ who knows my heart;
All my griefs and bears apart-
He bids all my anxious fears to depart.

Christ Jesus……. How sweet thy name………
Part Christ Jesus……. Precious name
Thou who came down to set me free from sin;
Parts; from my sins
All ye people praise His name, because He’s the same always
Thou art worthy to be praised forever (O my Lord)

(2) His name I love to hear always,

Never fails my heart to cheer,
It’s music makes so glad and complete
Word of men can never tell,
How sweet I love His name well-
Let His praises ever swell praise His name.

(3) Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,

Sing, my soul and praise the Lord-King of kings,
Thou great guardian of my soul,
Be near me now to serve Thee-
Till I gain the prize of life-through the Lamb.

(4) Now revive Thy work O Lord,

By Thy power and Thy word
So that Thy truth may be known all around
Give me wisdom and grace;
To uphold Thy precious work-
That I your child may be saved for ever.


(1) THIS is God’s kingdom mission,

Standing on Jesus Thy Rock,
Founded by God through St Gideon Urhobo
The Anointed Saint of God,
Who preached good tiding of God’s kingdom free to all;
Let’s proclaim His wondrous works,
To the world remotest part,
Hail JEHOVAH and Christ!
Unto them salvation belongs,
God’s kingdom mission has come to stay
Come and join God’s kingdom mission.

NO (315) 9 9 9 9 7 7 Ref; 10 10 9 8

(1) O LORD my God, I want to thine

Come and live my heard evermore
Cast out all evils and make me whole;
Wash me Lord, oh, wash me Lord,
To become as white as snow.

O LORD, I want to be perfectly whole
As Thou live in my heard evermore;
Wash me and I shall be white as snow,
White as snow, white as snow, as snow

(2) Let nothing unholy be in me,

Extract all stains, lusts and fear in me
I thank Thee Lord for this blest cleansing
With Thine own precious blood on the tree,
Extract all stains, lusts and fear
Let nothing unholy stay.

(3) LORD, look down from Thy throne in Heaven

Help me to make a true sacrifice;
I give up myself and all I know
To make me become as white as snow
Wash me Lord, oh, wash me Lord
To become as white as snow.

(4) LORD, Thou see-st I patiently wait,

Create now within me a new heart;
To those who sought Thee, Thou have mercy,
May Thy mercy lead and see me through,
Wash me to be white as snow.

NO (316) 8 7 8 7 Ref; 6 7 8 7

(1) HERE in Thy name we are gathered

Come and revive us O Lord!
Send us Thy showers of blessing;
Thou heard declare in Thy word.

O JEHOVAH hear us!
Graciously hear us, we pray,
Pour from Thy wisdom upon us
Showers of blessings today.

(2) O that the showers of blessing,

Now on your soul may descend!
While at the footstool of mercy
Pleading Thy promise we bend.

(3) There shall be showers of blessing

Promise that never can fail;
Thou wilt regard our petition
Surely our faith will prevail

(4) Showers of blessing, we need them,

Showers of blessing from Thee
Showers of blessing, O grant them!
Thine all the glory shall be.

NO (317) 77676D

(1) MY song shall be of Jesus,

His mercy crown my days
He fills cup will blessings
And tune my heart to praise;
My song shall be of Jesus,
The precious Lamb of God,
Who gave Himself my ransom,
And bought me with His blood.

(2) My song shall be of Jesus,

When setting at His feet
I shall call to mind His goodness,
In mediation sweet;
My song shall be of Jesus,
Whatever ill betide;
I’ll sing the grace that saves me,
And keeps me at His side.

(3) My song shall be of Jesus

While pressing on my way,
To reach the blissful region
Of pure and perfect day
And when my soul shall enter
The gate of His kingdom
A song of praise to Jesus
I’ll sing forever there.

NO (318) 11 11 11 9 Ref; 4 12 4 10

(1) STANDING on the promises of Christ our King,

Thro’ e-ter-nal a-ges His praises ring;
Glory in the highest I will shout and sing
Standing on the promises of God.

Stand………ing….. stand……ing,
Parts Standing on the promises of God my Father
Stand………ing stand……….ing,
Parts I’m standing on the promises of God.

(2) Standing on the promises that cannot fail,

When the howling storm of doubt and fear assail,
By the living word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

(3) Standing on the promises I now can see,

Perfect, present, cleansing of the blood for me,
Standing in the liberty when Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God.

NO (319) 9999D

(1) IS there anyone who can help us,

One who understand our heart desires
When the thorn of pierced them hard,
Who can sympathies when in great grief,
Who in His love gives blessings we need,
When satan’s afflictions have pressed us?
We need a friend to help us survive,
That friend is Jesus, blessed Savior.

(2) Is there anyone that can help us,

Who can give sinner a bright hope,
When his heart is burdened down with pain,
Who can afford a perfect release?
The best friend to have, is the Savior,
When the cares of life upon you roll?
Christ Jesus will heal your wounded heart,
And will give Thee peace, strength and His grace.

(3) Is there anyone who can help us,

When the end is drawing near each day,
Who will now light the way before us;
And take us safely over the tide?
With Jesus, the way, the truth, and life,
We don’t ever need to shrink and fear;
Jesus our Savior strength and shield
We shall praise forever and ever.

NO (320) 7 4 8 7 4 9 Ref; 7 7 7 4 9

(1) I’VE a message from the Lord,

The message unto you I’ll give;
‘Tis recorded in His word
It is only that you look and live.

(2) I’ve a message full of love

A message O my friend, for you;
‘Tis a message from above,
Jesus said it, and I know ‘tis true.

(3) Life is offered unto you,

Eternal life your soul shall have;
If you’ll only look to Him,


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