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Test English

2 Lessons 5–8
Name    Date 
for Life

Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.

1 Sorry we’re late. We got  (a lost  b last  c lose)  in the town centre.

2 ‘Is that his car?’ ‘No, it’s  (a of her  b hers  c her).’

3 Where  (a you were  b was you  c were you)  at 4 p.m.?

4 I  (a had to  b had  c have)  go to hospital last week.

5 Is dinner ready yet? We’re getting  (a light  b changed  c hungry).

6 ‘Did you like the music?’ ‘No,  (a I didn’t like  b not  c I didn’t).’

7 ‘(a Whose  b What’s  c Who’s)  keys are these?’ ‘They’re Alice’s’.

8 (a Has he to  b Does he have to  c Have he to)  shout all the time?

9 What time do you usually  (a get  b getting  c got)  home?

10 ‘Why do  (a have you to  b you have to  c you have)  walk so fast?’ ‘You’re too slow!’

11 Who  (a this book  b does this book  c this book does)  belong to?

12 ‘Were the children on time for school?’ ‘Yes,  (a were  b they weren’t  c they were).’

13 Why  (a he left  b did he leave  c he did leave)  work early today?

14 The pink mobile phone’s  (a Deena’s  b of Deena  c Deenas).

15 John got  (a shouted  b smiled  c annoyed)  with his children.

16 How old were you when you  (a got married  b marry  c get married)?

17 Mario and Tina’s house is a lot bigger than  (a our  b us  c ours).

18 I  (a spilt  b knocked  c cried)  coffee on our new sofa yesterday.

19 (a Pedro he was  b Were Pedro  c Was Pedro)  late this morning?

20 (a It’s getting  b It gets  c Gets)  dark early in winter. I prefer the summer.

✓ mark out of 20

2 © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

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